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The State of the Union Address is Going to be Lit
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has invited President Trump to deliver his State of the Union address on March 4th. The event is sure to be raucous. Given all the revelations about fraud, waste, and abuse that Democrats refuse to address specifically, Trump will hopefully read out each example. Whether he pauses to shake his head or look directly at the Democrats and say, “Really?” or “Have you no shame?”…or “American taxpayers’ money to terrorists and terrorist affiliates? Really?” remains to be seen.
The Democrats are sure to heckle or stage a walkout…or perhaps all dress like handmaids. We do know that at least one Democrat congressman will dress like a woman. My suggestion would be that they all wear cones of shame around their necks…but that’s just me.
I just hope that Elon Musk is in the gallery and Trump calls on him to rise to the applause and cheers of Republicans in the chamber. I recommend the gladiatorial chant from, well, Gladiator: “Maximusk! Maximusk! Maximusk!