How Many Polar Bears Can Dance on the Tip of an Iceberg?


Photo Credit: Alan D. Wilson, October 2007, Polar Bears (Cubs), Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is acting as the face for the Justice Democrats’ Green New Deal, Dianne Feinstein is confronted by terror-stricken children and their indoctrination handlers, women in first world countries are declaring that they will forgo child-bearing in the face of impending environmental collapse, Mayor DeBlasio is mandating “Meatless Monday” menus in NYC public schools in order to combat Climate Change… Wherever you turn, the Left have whipped up their Eco-Marxist rhetoric to an absolute froth. And I, for one, have had enough.

Admittedly, the Global Warming / Climate Change sham has been stuck in my craw since 2008 when I read the 2006 Monnet and Gleason paper “Observations of mortality associated with extended open-water swimming by polar bears in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea.” This is the paper that Al Gore was most likely citing in his 2006 traveling eco-apocalypse road show “An Inconvenient Truth” when he claimed that, “a new scientific study shows that, for the first time, they’re finding polar bears that have actually drowned…” On reading the Monnett and Gleason paper, even as a layperson, I found the study’s methodology, and therefore Gore’s conclusions on the study, to be highly suspect:

  • what the study claimed were polar bears were sighted during flights intended to track Bowhead Whale migration; flights made at an altitude five times higher than flights intended to monitor polar bear population, an altitude which the study itself admits made difficult the spotting and identification of what it claimed were polar bears
  • no mention in the study was made that the suspected polar bear carcasses were ever retrieved and necropsied to determine their actual identities and causes of death
  • the study concludes that the suspected polar bears had drowned, not from long distance swimming due to melting ice coverage, but rather from a storm at sea just days before

Since reading that paper, I have tracked how the absolute hoax of Global Warming / Climate Change (from here referred to as GW/CC for brevity) has progressed: from junk science in which consensus equals evidence, correlation equals causation, and pleas for funding equal articles in peer-reviewed journals; to open Lysenkoism in which the U.N. now dictates what findings are official, the 2016 Democratic platform calls for the prosecution of “deniers,” and Obama’s Organizing for America maintains a totalitarian-level-creepy, searchable, online database of such “deniers” who currently serve in Congress; to what it now has eventually become: a de facto religion.

Admittedly, I know of few better ways to trigger Leftists than to inform them that they are practicing a religion. They, for the most part, profess atheism. However, I believe that they do so not because they’ve actually thought out the issue, I believe that most of them are, in fact, not actual atheists, but nihilists (another discussion for another day), but because, to them, atheism is what “enlightened people” profess. And, to Leftists, to point out that they are practicing a religion is to slander them as unenlightened, flyover bumpkins.

But the Leftists should remember, and won’t, that patterns of religion are present in every culture that the world has seen. Because of this, some have argued that the need for a belief in a higher power/order is hardcoded into the human psyche. If this is true, then the suppression of this drive would most likely manifest as certainly and as toxically as would the suppression of any other human drive – and, like these others, it would most likely manifest without the suppressor ever realizing that it is happening.

Regardless, patterns are patterns, any Leftist triggering notwithstanding; and there are a whole lot of patterns that come bundled with what is passed off as science in the GW/CC scam. Patterns of practices and beliefs that are not only found in other religions but that, in fact, define them.

Some might acknowledge these patterns and then argue that they are irrelevant, but I disagree. These patterns are what now drive the Left’s arguments, such as they are. Some might argue that the science, such as it is, could be extracted from and liberated of these patterns, but I also disagree. That polar bear has long left the iceberg.

So, what are these patterns that are now inextricably bundled with GW/CC’s purported science?

  1. The Garden: As stated in their labels, Global Warming is Anthropogenic, and, in its newer iteration with a trendier product name, Climate Change is man-made. The claim is that human activity is to blame for destroying the Earth. But this “Earth,” pre-man, is not the actual one of a violently dynamic ecosphere, but rather an imagined Earth that exists in a state of Platonic perfection against which any change can only be viewed as corruption. As such, at the very core of the belief of GW/CC is an Eden myth.
  2. The Fall: Every good Eden myth needs a Fall of Man storyline. And, playing the role of the Snake and the Apple, what has destroyed this particular Eden are industrialization, fossil fuels, overpopulation, factory farming, and capitalism.
  3. The Doom: The myth continues with GW/CC’s very own impending Apocalypse. The world of man will end and man will be the cause. However, the world will not end in fire or ice, but both – the seas will rise due to out of control warming which melts the world’s ice.
  4. The Kingdom: The myth concludes with the vague promise of an Eco-Marxist utopia – an ethereal future paradise for the eco-obedient and eco-pious. But only if correct action to prevent The Doom is taken right now.
  5. The Seer: A little known or advertised fact about Vice-President Al Gore is that he started, but did not finish, graduate studies at Vanderbilt University. And while one might reasonably assume that those studies were in law, political science, or even environmental science, that assumption would be incorrect. Gore pursued Divinity Studies. Later, he would gain worldwide fame by making apocalyptic, ten year (and wildly incorrect) predictions about The Doom. There is a word for a person steeped in the study of the divine who then also makes well-known predictions. That word is “prophet.”
  6. The Beatified: The book “Silent Spring” was written in 1962 by Rachel Carson. Its 50th-anniversary reprinting is subtitled “The Classic that Launched the Environmental Movement.” GW/CC is the Lysenkoization of this same movement, and Rachel Carson is often referred to as this movement’s “patron saint.” In fact, the influential Canadian author Margaret Atwood, most well known for her book “The Handmaid’s Tale,” published another book in 2009, “The Year of the Flood,” in which Rachel Carson is portrayed, quite literally, as a saint.
  7. The Books: Most religions have one or more revered collections of scripture, and GW/CC is no different. Its two major texts are the Book of the Prophet, “An Inconvenient Truth,” and the Book of the Saint, “Silent Spring.”
  8. The Doctrine: GW/CC has tenets which, like all religions, must be taken on faith. Tenets such as GW/CC is science even when it makes patently unscientific claims such as consensus is evidence and correlation is causation. Tenets such as the GW/CC Eden was real, man has destroyed it, The Doom is imminent, and the last incorrect 10-year prediction about The Doom is to be wiped from memory because the current 12-year prediction about The Doom is far too dire. Tenets such as Science itself can be “settled,” that is to say, can become GW/CC doctrine never to be questioned, ultimately because GW/CC scientists are infallible.
  9. The Infallible: Scientists which promote The Doctrine are granted the assumption of Infallibility. These Infallible can proclaim the patently unscientific claims of The Doctrine and their infallibility then circularly reinforces those claims as scientific. And, since these scientists are considered infallible, their pronouncements can just be accepted on faith with no need for the common Devout GW/CC follower to actually read their papers or examine their claims. In fact, claims of fudged data and improper peer review are to be dismissed outright. After all, there can be no valid counter-claim of Argumentum ad Verecundiam if the expert that was appealed to in the first place is, in fact, infallible.
  10. The Council: The U.N. has for years through its IPCC GW/CC report determined what science is “official,” and which scientists are “credible.” In doing so, it anoints both “official” science as Doctrine and “credible” scientist as Infallible. The obvious conflict that the UN would be the immediate power beneficiary of any global law or tax based upon GW/CC is, of course, to be ignored as an affront to The Doctrine. As such, the U.N. acts as the GW/CC Ecumenical Council.
  11. The Curia: Any large organization must eventually be managed by a bureaucracy, including a religion. And bureaucracies are necessarily, but not necessarily malevolently, political. Bureaucracies of a religion promote a specific doctrine on a departmental or regional level, not on a local or parish level. As such, any politician, from a member of a town council, to a mayor of a city, even to a member of Congress who promotes the GW/CC Doctrine is, in fact, acting as a de facto member of the GW/CC Curia.
  12. The Evangels: Every religion has its radical sect which interprets its doctrine more literally than figuratively. The urgency engendered by their interpretation often drives them to evangelistic proselytizing. GW/CC also has its evangels, those who not only believe that The Doom is imminent, but is happening right this very second. These evangels are often in positions which command some societal respect, most notably our children’s teachers, our university professors, and our more radical politicians. In fact, the confrontation between Senator Dianne Feinstein and the children prompted by the Sunrise Movement to confront her – children who were stricken with terror over The Doom by this movement – can best be understood as a member of the GW/CC Curia trying to hold in check a radical faction of GW/CC Evangelicals.
  13. The Devout: Any who believe that The Doctrine and all of its attendant baggage actually constitutes science; that any scientist is infallible who reinforces their belief that they are members of the “enlightened tribe;” that Eden existed, The Doom is imminent, and the “heretic tribe” is to blame. In short, any who have bought into the GW/CC sham.
  14. 03/16/19 Screen Grab of the OFA Climate Change Denier Online Database

    The Heretics: Any who believe that whatever science might have initially been going on in the area of GW/CC has become irreversibly corrupted by GW/CC factions who want it to be true: especially by the U.N. who stands to benefit by finally being recognized as a de jure global government, and by compromised scientists who enjoy their reputation of infallibility and the seemingly non-stop flow of taxpayer funding for their one-sided research. Members of the GW/CC Infallibles, Curia, and Evangelicals have vilified these skeptics as “deniers” – an intentional attempt to conflate them with modern neo-NAZI groups who deny the NAZI’s attempted extermination of the Jews.

  15. The Crimes: There are two sins in the religion of GW/CC: one mortal and one venial. The mortal sin is that of heresy, in which the accused will be smeared as reprehensible beyond redemption. The venial sin is that of producing a carbon footprint. And since it is impossible for a human being to exist without producing a carbon footprint, this sin can be regarded as GW/CC’s original sin. Most importantly, it should be noted that this venial, original sin is referred to by the followers of GW/CC themselves – their own very term – as “carbon sin.”
  16. The Loophole: In the GW/CC religion, a member of the devout can mitigate the ruinous effect of their existence hastening The Doom by purchasing “carbon credits” which are meant to offset the original sin of their carbon footprint. In other religions, this exchange of money for pardon is considered a corrupt practice and is known as the sale of indulgences.
  17. The Acts: Most religions have a set of defined acts which are intended to be outward signs of belonging to that community of faith. Some religions call these “sacraments.” The sacraments of GW/CC, of which there are many, perform a dual purpose: not just that of virtue signaling a belonging but also that of earning redemption by helping to prevent The Doom. The sacraments are defined by the Infallibles, the Council, the Curia, or even the Devout themselves and are subject to change according to the whim of any. A very incomplete list of GW/CC sacraments include: recycling, composting, driving a hybrid car, avoiding air travel (not applicable to the Infallibles or the Curia), using mass transportation (also not applicable to the Infallibles or the Curia), using CFL light bulbs, using plastic shopping bags, not using plastic shopping bags, not using plastic straws, etc.
  18. The Table: While sacraments are specific and fairly unique to religion, there is one Act that is common to most: dietary restrictions. Judaism has Kosher laws. Islam has Halal. Catholics abstain from meat on Lenten Fridays. GW/CC also promotes dietary restrictions both as an act of signaling a belonging and an act to help prevent The Doom. The restrictions can run from a fairly non-inconvenient abstaining from beef to full-blown veganism. The severity of the restriction both depends upon and signals the level of devotion of the follower.
  19. The Feast: All religions have their holidays (holy days) including GW/CC. The one holiday observed by the GW/CC Devout is The Feast of V.I. Lenin, more commonly known as Earth Day (the first Earth Day was held on the 100th birthday of V.I. Lenin). Earth Day is an international holiday where all the causes and concerns of the Environmental Movement, including GW/CC, are promoted to the public.

Eden, the Fall, Apocalypse, Paradise, Prophets, Saints, Scriptures, Doctrine, Infallibles, Ecumenical Council, Curia, Evangels, Believers, Infidels, Heresy, Original Sin, Sale of Indulgences, Sacraments, Redemption, Dietary Restrictions, Holidays…

So, to the triggered Leftist who believes that they’ve just been slandered and who is now indignantly protesting that they are far too enlightened to ever practice a religion, I have to ask, “You sure ’bout that?” Because, the way that I see it is: If it stalks like a polar bear, mauls seals like a polar bear, and defecates on the ice like a polar bear, then it’s probably a polar bear (Monnett and Gleason might want to take note here).

And to the members of the GW/CC Curia, whether they are acting in the United States Congress or acting more locally: I have had enough. I am here and now affirming my Constitutional Right enumerated in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. As such, I will honor no GW/CC treaty that you sign. I will obey no GW/CC law that you pass. I will pay no GW/CC tax that you levy. You are Constitutionally bound not to take any such action. And if you do so anyway, then it will be an unconstitutional act and I am free to not comply.

And, I will not comply.

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There are 50 comments.

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  1. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    Matt Balzer, Imperialist Claw (View Comment):
    Relevant, I think:

    Absolutely relevant. Outstanding find, Matt.

    • #31
  2. John Berg Member
    John Berg

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    You left out the Signs of the End Times. You have the Doom, but not The Signs of the End Times.

    Lots of good stuff in this post. Also, I’ll point out that I’m a fan of Rachel Carson. It’s for what she said and did, and not for what some of her opponents imagine she said and did. Some of her leftnik fans are just as bad, tho.

    So being a fan of Barry Goldwater means some leftniks smear me by association with some of his racist supporters, and being a fan of Rachel Carson means some rightniks smear me by association with some of her crackpot supporters. Such is life.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on Rachel Carson in a separate post.  

    • #32
  3. Phil Turmel Inactive
    Phil Turmel

    I’ve been an Heretic since 2003 or so, when I discovered Climate Audit.  I think I’m in good company.

    • #33
  4. Boss Mongo Member
    Boss Mongo

    Thank you, Mr. Poach.  As always, your work is as solid as it is edifying.  

    Rick Poach: The book “Silent Spring” was written in 1962 by Rachel Carson. Its 50th anniversary reprinting is subtitled “The Classic that Launched the Environmental Movement.”

    And the body count that this book has caused by curbing the use of DDT to combat malaria in Africa is probably in the tens of thousands.

    • #34
  5. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):
    Thank you, Mr. Poach.

    Thank you, Boss.

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):

    As always, your work is as solid as it is edifying.

    Awww, shucks.

    • #35
  6. Percival Thatcher

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):
    And the body count that this book has caused by curbing the use of DDT to combat malaria in Africa is probably in the tens of thousands.

    About 1 million per year, I should think.

    • #36
  7. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Percival (View Comment):

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):
    And the body count that this book has caused by curbing the use of DDT to combat malaria in Africa is probably in the tens of thousands.

    About 1 million per year, I should think.

    The malaria deaths in Africa proved that Rachel Carson was right. 

    • #37
  8. Boss Mongo Member
    Boss Mongo

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    The malaria deaths in Africa proved that Rachel Carson was right. 

    Not sure I’m getting the gist, here, @thereticulator

    • #38
  9. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    The malaria deaths in Africa proved that Rachel Carson was right.

    Not sure I’m getting the gist, here, @thereticulator

    She warned that indiscriminate, excessive use of DDT would result in resistance to DDT, and it did. It made DDT less effective in combating malaria, and malarial deaths went up. The whole story is more complicated than that, but that is part of it. 

    • #39
  10. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Back around the mid to late 90’s I remember seeing on one of the big global sites, Club of Rome or one of those, where I read in a paragraph the words, ” we have to create a crisis in which the world can rally around together, and that could be global warming.” I thought why do they have to create a crisis? I’ve never forgotten it.

    I believe it exists on some level, but is not man-made or at least not all. I don’t think its a bad thing to be good stewards of the earth, and find ways to modernize, clean it up, use more efficient energies, but penalizing and forcing entire countries to comply to a list is absurd.  Some countries do more because it’s the right thing to do, other abuse the earth and are not going to comply. You can’t control the sun or changes that have taken place over millions of years. But I’m tired of all or nothing stances and throwing politics into it, especially brainwashing, and not having families? Somebody will keep having kids…

    • #40
  11. Percival Thatcher

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    The malaria deaths in Africa proved that Rachel Carson was right.

    Not sure I’m getting the gist, here, @thereticulator

    She warned that indiscriminate, excessive use of DDT would result in resistance to DDT, and it did. It made DDT less effective in combating malaria, and malarial deaths went up. The whole story is more complicated than that, but that is part of it.

    No, unless you mean governmental resistance to it. We’ve largely stopped using it. I don’t think it can be produced legally any more. Even if (and it is a big, big if) DDT has the deleterious effects on birds that she believed it had, two bits worth of the stuff could treat the interior of homes for years.

    • #41
  12. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Percival (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):
    The malaria deaths in Africa proved that Rachel Carson was right.

    Not sure I’m getting the gist, here, @thereticulator

    She warned that indiscriminate, excessive use of DDT would result in resistance to DDT, and it did. It made DDT less effective in combating malaria, and malarial deaths went up. The whole story is more complicated than that, but that is part of it.

    No, unless you mean governmental resistance to it. We’ve largely stopped using it. I don’t think it can be produced legally any more. Even if (and it is a big, big if) DDT has the deleterious effects on birds that she believed it had, two bits worth of the stuff could treat the interior of homes for years.

    I am talking about biological resistance – the sort of resistance that happens if you take your antibiotics carelessly. (Happened to me once, back in the 70s. I had to switch to a more expensive antibiotic, and then I was very careful to take it exactly as prescribed, because the next step would have been really expensive.) The 1972 ban on agricultural use of DDT in the U.S., and subsequent international measures to discourage production and use, did make DDT harder to get in Africa and India, but its production and use never ended. Its use has been increasing in recent years, but urbanization of the human populations has made the old methods of spraying less effective anyway. And it is used on the interiors of homes, and is often effective, but that’s not the kind of indiscriminate use that Rachel Carson warned against. Some African countries have other problems that make delivering the DDT and other pesticides to the right locations at the right times not so easy or reliable. 



    • #42
  13. Manny Coolidge

    Excellent!  Global warming is a hoax and garbage science. And it is a religion. I’ve argued this too but never as well as this post. Kudos. 

    • #43
  14. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Rick Poach: And to the members of the GW/CC Curia, whether they are acting in the United States Congress or acting more locally: I have had enough. I am here and now affirming my Constitutional Right enumerated in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

    We have an established religion in these United States. It’s leftism, and it dominates public education, universities, and all methods of disseminating “the word” — media of every type (social, news, entertainment…).

    And we now have a new messiah (just ask him) who’s going to save us from eco-perdition — Barack Obama in whiteface. 


    Preach it, Bobby!

    Excellent post. I’ll be joining you on the pyre.

    • #44
  15. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    Manny (View Comment):

    Thank you, Manny.

    • #45
  16. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):
    We have an established religion in these United States. It’s leftism

    I absolutely agree. And I believe that many similar arguments can be made. But it would be easier to start with GW/CC first because the similarities are so obvious.

    • #46
  17. Judge Mental Member
    Judge Mental

    Rick Poach (View Comment):

    Western Chauvinist (View Comment):
    We have an established religion in these United States. It’s leftism

    I absolutely agree. And I believe that many similar arguments can be made. But it would be easier to start with GW/CC first because the similarities are so obvious.

    I’ve long thought that there needs to be a way to force a definition of religion out of the Supreme Court.  And any such definition that covered all the major religions of the world, would also capture environmentalism, diversity/multi-culturalism, and half of the rest of their blather.

    Remove the quasi-religious aspect, and the school indoctrination, and the conversations on those subjects would get a lot more productive.

    • #47
  18. GLDIII Temporarily Essential Reagan
    GLDIII Temporarily Essential

    Percival (View Comment):

    Boss Mongo (View Comment):
    And the body count that this book has caused by curbing the use of DDT to combat malaria in Africa is probably in the tens of thousands.

    About 1 million per year, I should think.

    Given the way the left perceives the value of humans, I suspect they would view this as a feature not a bug.

    • #48
  19. unsk2 Member

    But Rick, Who’s da Pope?

    I’m a bloody Papist,  and I need  to follow with great rapture my infallible Pope ordained by Mother Gaia.

    Oh well. I’m sure the College of Climate Change Cardinals will  elect her in due time.  But I think, even before that,  the time has come for a new Inquisition with the thought to burn the millions of racist, climate change denying  heretics at the stake for their unspeakable crimes.  Oh, Wait! I think it has already begun!

    Oh Goodie! Praise be to Mother Gaia!

    • #49
  20. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    unsk2 (View Comment):
    But Rick, Who’s da Pope?

    Pope Francis has made clear that he is all-in on the faith of GW/CC.

    • #50
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