Pat Sajak at the Center of a Twitstorm


SajakI’ve always thought that Twitter has two functions: (1) as a quick & easy forum for companies or public figures, and (2) as something akin to a comedy convention: a place to shoot off your funniest one-liner in less than 140 characters. I only go there for the hilarity, and one of the funniest Tweeters is Ricochet’s own Pat Sajak. Unfortunately, some very self-serious internet dwellers are taking one of His recent tweets very seriously.


Yeah … because the rational response is obviously to take this as an absolutely literal statement of what Pat believes. Now he’s  a “trending” topic on my Facebook feed, which shows a list of articles written by hurt, offended, wounded liberals calling names, demanding apologies, etc., etc. We’ve seen this show before.

The saddest part of this debacle and the ensuing liberal rage storm? This article from Mashable listing 16 Hilarious Reactions to Pat Sajak’s Nutty Climate Change Tweet. Seriously – these are hilarious? 





If that’s what passes for humor among liberals, I thank God I’m a conservative.

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  1. Basil Fawlty Member
    Basil Fawlty

    How many trees or electrons had to die because of the extraneous comma in the last sentence of the petition?

    • #31
  2. Crow's Nest Inactive
    Crow's Nest

    Sajak vs. Manbearpig!

    • #32
  3. ctlaw Coolidge

    Sajak presumably has serious F-you money. He might as well risk needing it while he still has the mental agility to put up a good fight.

    He should start tag teaming with Steyn.

    Pat, Please do not back down even a bit. Once the Left smells weakness, they pour it on.

    • #33
  4. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    The best part is, as I understand it, the Global Warming was tangential to the point Pat was trying to make anyway. He was satirising the left’s leading off with insult and intimidation rather than trying to make a logical argument and resorting to insults out of desperation (and preferably not at all.)

    As with most attempts to do this, the left are all too happy to cluelessly prove us right.

    • #34
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