Statistical Analysis Suggests 2020 Election May Not Have Been the Cleanest and Fairest in History


John Lott is a highly respected academic; an economist with an extensive background in statistical analysis.  In a peer-reviewed study, he has uncovered statistical evidence of upwards of 300,000 “excess votes” for Joe Biden in battleground states. In particular, in states that radically changed their absentee ballot laws in 2020 and were targeted by Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 million activist effort.

New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.

“But” defenders of Brandon will argue. “Courts have already reviewed the 2020 elections and found no evidence of cheating.” That’s not quite what happened, though.

Courts have rejected challenges to the 2020 presidential vote, generally citing the lack of evidence that any alleged fraud would have altered the outcome in a particular state. The Republican plaintiffs argued that since their observers couldn’t watch the vote counts or were prevented from seeing other evidence, they couldn’t provide such proof without investigations backed by subpoena power. Still, while some judges have agreed that irregularities occurred in 2020, they weren’t willing to grant discovery in the absence of evidence that fraud could reverse the election results. Republicans thus faced a Catch-22 situation.

So, it’s not that courts found no evidence of fraud, it’s that courts refused to allow anybody to look for evidence of fraud. The position of the courts was, “You can only look for fraud after you’ve proven that it happened.”

So, Lott’s analysis focused on three factors: Disparities in absentee ballot counts between adjacent voting precincts (there were almost none in 2016, and there were a hell of a lot of them in 2020); disparities in provisional ballot counts between adjacent precincts; and artificially large voter turnouts.

Republican-leaning swing state counties had higher turnouts relative to the 2016 election. Democratic-leaning counties had lower turnouts, except for the Democratic counties with alleged vote fraud, which had very high turnouts.

In other words, the very same counties targeted by Zuckerbucks.

Lott makes it clear that his point isn’t to overturn the election, but rather provide evidence of a broken system that needs to be fixed.

The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.

Published in Elections
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There are 64 comments.

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  1. Dr. Bastiat Member
    Dr. Bastiat

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    What I do hope we can do is put lie to the fiction that the 2020 election was entirely above board.    They cheated and got away with it. 

    • #31
  2. Vince Guerra Inactive
    Vince Guerra

    Taras (View Comment):

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots.  They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example.  A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    They can. The Dems created voters out of thin air by manipulation of the voter rolls then created ballots for them to match. It’s just one of the many ways the electronic fraud was perpetrated. We had 25,000 new voters in my state in the 2020 election…during the lockdown…during the summer of Covid…yet somehow the population didn’t increase by 25,000 people. In Alaska we’d notice that kind of thing. It didn’t happen, but the votes were counted. 

    • #32
  3. Raxxalan Member

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    What I do hope we can do is put lie to the fiction that the 2020 election was entirely above board. They cheated and got away with it.

    Unfortunately true.

    • #33
  4. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Probably figured the Second Amendment was a sufficient safeguard against vote fraud, and if it wasn’t, the people deserved what they got.

    The founders thought that Senators should be chosen by state legislatures and the president should be chosen by an electoral college.   They knew democracy was bad and the voters were just as easy to corrupt as the ballot box.

    • #34
  5. Nanocelt TheContrarian Member
    Nanocelt TheContrarian

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Richard Easton (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    Unfortunately you can’t unring this particular bell. There is no mechanism for it Constitutionally at this time and no way to definitely prove it anymore.

    Even with the second amendment there is very little that can be done to fix elections with court battles. In this day and age, a well-crafted lawsuit can take years to resolve, if ever. Not cheating in elections is the only answer, I would think. And this takes an overwhelmingly honest electorate.

    I’m worried about the election officials who participated in the fraud, and the many Republican officeholders who were complacent about Trump being defeated.

    Yes. and I worried about all the sweet moms and grandmoms who have counted ballots for 30 years and for whom cheating is second nature.

    In our precinct in suburban/rural Georgia,  it seems to be college students driving up in vans plastered with Antifa and BLM stickers, probably hired by Soros dark money, or Zuckerbucks, who are doing the ballot counting. Prior to election day even, for the drop box ballots, which is illegal, as are drop boxes. At least that was the case for the 2020 election in Georgia in which ballot drop boxes were used anyway, signature verification was discarded by (illegal) consent decree agreed to illegally by a Republican Sec. of State, and ballots whose chain of custody was broken were illegally processed pre election day, and the video surveillance tapes of which drop boxes in Fulton County have disappeared. 

    So you need no longer worry about the cheating proclivities of the moms and grandmoms–they are no longer the ballot counters–at least in Georgia. Problem solved. 

    • #35
  6. Flicker Coolidge

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    So in other words, there’s a new report that reiterates the same data that we provided two years ago documenting the fraud that we proved two years ago that’s been denied and ignored for two years and is and will continue to be ignored.

    Several people have documented this stuff all along.

    Also, why is the intention not to overturn the 2020 election? They cheated, it’s been proven they cheated. Since when to we let criminals keep the goods they stole?

    The point is to do it rigorously in hopes of being more persuasive.

    The only option we have for overturning the election is impeachment. While having Trump get in via being elected Speaker of the House would be absolutely legendary, I do not think that is remotely likely.

    I think state legislatures can invalidate any ostensibly dishonest state election.

    • #36
  7. Django Member

    Flicker (View Comment):

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    So in other words, there’s a new report that reiterates the same data that we provided two years ago documenting the fraud that we proved two years ago that’s been denied and ignored for two years and is and will continue to be ignored.

    Several people have documented this stuff all along.

    Also, why is the intention not to overturn the 2020 election? They cheated, it’s been proven they cheated. Since when to we let criminals keep the goods they stole?

    The point is to do it rigorously in hopes of being more persuasive.

    The only option we have for overturning the election is impeachment. While having Trump get in via being elected Speaker of the House would be absolutely legendary, I do not think that is remotely likely.

    I think state legislatures can invalidate any ostensibly dishonest state election.

    If they have the balls. The PA legislature didn’t. 

    • #37
  8. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    What I do hope we can do is put lie to the fiction that the 2020 election was entirely above board. They cheated and got away with it.

    Unfortunately true.

    People do tend to commit to their choices, whether it’s the type of car they buy or the political tale they buy.  

    • #38
  9. Taras Coolidge

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example.

    They actually do in certain areas.

    A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    2020 says otherwise.


    What does 2016 say?  And 2004, and 2000, etc.

    • #39
  10. Taras Coolidge

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example. A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    They can. The Dems created voters out of thin air by manipulation of the voter rolls then created ballots for them to match. It’s just one of the many ways the electronic fraud was perpetrated. We had 25,000 new voters in my state in the 2020 election…during the lockdown…during the summer of Covid…yet somehow the population didn’t increase by 25,000 people. In Alaska we’d notice that kind of thing. It didn’t happen, but the votes were counted.

    A.  Do those 25,000 newly registered voters actually exist?

    B.  If so, whom do they say they voted for?

    • #40
  11. Taras Coolidge

    Django (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    So in other words, there’s a new report that reiterates the same data that we provided two years ago documenting the fraud that we proved two years ago that’s been denied and ignored for two years and is and will continue to be ignored.

    Several people have documented this stuff all along.

    Also, why is the intention not to overturn the 2020 election? They cheated, it’s been proven they cheated. Since when to we let criminals keep the goods they stole?

    The point is to do it rigorously in hopes of being more persuasive.

    The only option we have for overturning the election is impeachment. While having Trump get in via being elected Speaker of the House would be absolutely legendary, I do not think that is remotely likely.

    I think state legislatures can invalidate any ostensibly dishonest state election.

    If they have the balls. The PA legislature didn’t.

    And not after they already validated it …

    • #41
  12. Judge Mental Member
    Judge Mental

    Taras (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    So in other words, there’s a new report that reiterates the same data that we provided two years ago documenting the fraud that we proved two years ago that’s been denied and ignored for two years and is and will continue to be ignored.

    Several people have documented this stuff all along.

    Also, why is the intention not to overturn the 2020 election? They cheated, it’s been proven they cheated. Since when to we let criminals keep the goods they stole?

    The point is to do it rigorously in hopes of being more persuasive.

    The only option we have for overturning the election is impeachment. While having Trump get in via being elected Speaker of the House would be absolutely legendary, I do not think that is remotely likely.

    I think state legislatures can invalidate any ostensibly dishonest state election.

    If they have the balls. The PA legislature didn’t.

    And not after they already validated it …

    The special counsel in Wisconsin recommended the legislature decertify their results.  Haven’t heard anything since.

    • #42
  13. Taras Coolidge

    Think like a Social Justice Warrior:

    Blacks were denied the vote for centuries.

    Therefore, candidates supported by blacks today should be elected even if they lost the overall vote.

    Therefore, whatever cheating is necessary to attain that result is not only ethically permissible but required.

    • #43
  14. Vince Guerra Inactive
    Vince Guerra

    Taras (View Comment):

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example. A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    They can. The Dems created voters out of thin air by manipulation of the voter rolls then created ballots for them to match. It’s just one of the many ways the electronic fraud was perpetrated. We had 25,000 new voters in my state in the 2020 election…during the lockdown…during the summer of Covid…yet somehow the population didn’t increase by 25,000 people. In Alaska we’d notice that kind of thing. It didn’t happen, but the votes were counted.

    A. Do those 25,000 newly registered voters actually exist?

    B. If so, whom do they say they voted for?

    A) No way to tell because our voter rolls are frequently adjusted, and have been several times since the election. Messed up you say? Yup.

    B) Eventually Trump, but remember how it took AK until after PA and WI certified for Biden before we finally did? It was likely because they were holding AK as a potential field goal option with our 3 electoral votes. Once that was no longer necessary it was all about ballot measure 2 (ranked choice voting), which passed by the slimmest of margins and “coincidentally” got significantly more votes than the no-voted ballot measure 1 numbering, wait for it… 25,635 votes.

    • #44
  15. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    They were right.  Stopping the investigation and analyses destroyed my faith in the electoral system.  

    • #45
  16. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example. A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    Love how Trump was responsible for losing a stolen election he was not even in.  

    • #46
  17. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Probably figured the Second Amendment was a sufficient safeguard against vote fraud, and if it wasn’t, the people deserved what they got.

    The founders thought that Senators should be chosen by state legislatures and the president should be chosen by an electoral college. They knew democracy was bad and the voters were just as easy to corrupt as the ballot box.

    Yes, hard to blame the founder for getting wrong when we do not use their system

    • #47
  18. DrewInWisconsin, Oik! Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Oik!

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example.

    They actually do in certain areas.

    A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    2020 says otherwise.

    What does 2016 say? And 2004, and 2000, etc.

    2016 says that the Democrats were unprepared, and didn’t steal big enough. They didn’t make that mistake in 2020, and will never make that mistake again.

    • #48
  19. Raxxalan Member

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    What I do hope we can do is put lie to the fiction that the 2020 election was entirely above board. They cheated and got away with it.

    Unfortunately true.

    People do tend to commit to their choices, whether it’s the type of car they buy or the political tale they buy.

    Until they don’t.  Biden may become such a disaster that they people prefer the stolen election narrative.  I suspect in another year a lot of people who voted for him won’t admit it willing.

    • #49
  20. OccupantCDN Coolidge

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    Until they don’t.  Biden may become such a disaster that they people prefer the stolen election narrative.  I suspect in another year a lot of people who voted for him won’t admit it willing.

    That’s very true. In the 1960 election Illinois was a near 50/50 between Nixon and Kennedy. Years later pollsters couldn’t find the Nixon voters – and that would be far less embarrassing than being a Biden voter.

    • #50
  21. Taras Coolidge

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example.

    They actually do in certain areas.

    A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    2020 says otherwise.

    What does 2016 say? And 2004, and 2000, etc.

    2016 says that the Democrats were unprepared, and didn’t steal big enough. They didn’t make that mistake in 2020, and will never make that mistake again.

    Yet they were unprepared in 2004, and 2000, and 1988.

    I think it’s likelier that the echo chamber the Democrats live in will convince them of their overwhelming popularity on future occasions.

    You’re quite right, though, in that America is a Republican country with a Democratic media.  If the media engages in a full court press, it’s really tough for the Republican candidate to win. Note that this is not require voter fraud, just controlling the information that voters get.

    In 2004, the Democratic media successfully suppressed the information provided by the Swift Boat Veterans; but the Veterans were able to buy TV ads in swing states, and the TV stations feared to block them because of FCC regulation.  In 2020, by contrast, the unregulated social media were able to block the Biden corruption story.

    • #51
  22. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Probably figured the Second Amendment was a sufficient safeguard against vote fraud, and if it wasn’t, the people deserved what they got.

    The founders thought that Senators should be chosen by state legislatures and the president should be chosen by an electoral college. They knew democracy was bad and the voters were just as easy to corrupt as the ballot box.

    Yes, hard to blame the founder for getting wrong when we do not use their system

    Does anybody have a good resource on why we changed the election system from the original one to the current system?  I am curious why it was changed and if the reasons they changed it were true.   Any good books on it?

    • #52
  23. Django Member

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Probably figured the Second Amendment was a sufficient safeguard against vote fraud, and if it wasn’t, the people deserved what they got.

    The founders thought that Senators should be chosen by state legislatures and the president should be chosen by an electoral college. They knew democracy was bad and the voters were just as easy to corrupt as the ballot box.

    Yes, hard to blame the founder for getting wrong when we do not use their system

    Does anybody have a good resource on why we changed the election system from the original one to the current system? I am curious why it was changed and if the reasons they changed it were true. Any good books on it?

    I haven’t read all of this yet, but it seems promising: 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators | National Archives

    • #53
  24. DrewInWisconsin, Oik! Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Oik!

    • #54
  25. Taras Coolidge

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example. A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    Love how Trump was responsible for losing a stolen election he was not even in.

    Trump held a rally for the Republican Senate candidates on December 5 in Georgia, prior to the run-off.  It’s likely his comments about the presidential election being stolen would have demoralized some of his supporters; as, indeed, some of the comments here strongly indicate.  “If the election is going to be stolen anyway, why bother voting.”

    • #55
  26. Vince Guerra Inactive
    Vince Guerra

    Taras (View Comment):

    Love how Trump was responsible for losing a stolen election he was not even in.

    Trump held a rally for the Republican Senate candidates on December 5 in Georgia, prior to the run-off.  It’s likely his comments about the presidential election being stolen would have demoralized some of his supporters; as, indeed, some of the comments here strongly indicate.  “If the election is going to be stolen anyway, why bother voting.”

    Doesn’t appear that it did, everyone turned out to vote, even all of the dead Georgians. 

    • #56
  27. Taras Coolidge

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    Love how Trump was responsible for losing a stolen election he was not even in.

    Trump held a rally for the Republican Senate candidates on December 5 in Georgia, prior to the run-off. It’s likely his comments about the presidential election being stolen would have demoralized some of his supporters; as, indeed, some of the comments here strongly indicate. “If the election is going to be stolen anyway, why bother voting.”

    Doesn’t appear that it did, everyone turned out to vote, even all of the dead Georgians.

    Over 752,000 Georgia voters who cast ballots in the presidential election didn’t show up again for the runoffs just two months later, according to a new analysis by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution of recently released voting records.

    More than half of the no-shows were white, and many lived in rural areas, constituencies that lean toward Republican candidates.”



    • #57
  28. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Taras (View Comment):

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example. A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    Love how Trump was responsible for losing a stolen election he was not even in.

    Trump held a rally for the Republican Senate candidates on December 5 in Georgia, prior to the run-off. It’s likely his comments about the presidential election being stolen would have demoralized some of his supporters; as, indeed, some of the comments here strongly indicate. “If the election is going to be stolen anyway, why bother voting.”

    So he was proved right.  The elections were stolen.  I suspect no matter what Trump said the Democrats would have had just enough votes to get their guys in.   It is how it works.  It is how they work.  You give Trump too much credit and your enemies not enough.  The GOP always does which is why they always lose in the end.  

    • #58
  29. Taras Coolidge

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik! (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):
    The founders didn’t allow for overturning an election, regardless of proof, if enough members of Congress decide they like the result.

    The founders probably thought anyone caught cheating to win an election would be so ashamed that they would do the right thing and resign. They had no idea how craven their country would become in 200 years.

    Or how stupid. TGP reported a while back that a GOP woman wanted to stop the investigations and analyses because it was destroying faith in the electoral system.

    That sounds so . . . Republican. “We mustn’t question the electoral results or people will end up thinking their votes don’t count!” But they don’t. So why vote? And they they blame us for not participating in electoral theater. Fix the process and maybe we’ll join in again. Until then, why should we bother playing your broken game?

    There are limits to the ability of the Democratic Party to generate fraudulent ballots. They can’t surpass a 100% “turnout”, for example. A large enough turnout of real voters can overcome them.

    Trump’s biggest failure was not to explain that very well to Georgia Senate voters.

    Love how Trump was responsible for losing a stolen election he was not even in.

    Trump held a rally for the Republican Senate candidates on December 5 in Georgia, prior to the run-off. It’s likely his comments about the presidential election being stolen would have demoralized some of his supporters; as, indeed, some of the comments here strongly indicate. “If the election is going to be stolen anyway, why bother voting.”

    So he was proved right. The elections were stolen. I suspect no matter what Trump said the Democrats would have had just enough votes to get their guys in. It is how it works. It is how they work. You give Trump too much credit and your enemies not enough. The GOP always does which is why they always lose in the end.

    See #57 — a self-fulfilling prophecy?

    The record shows that the GOP doesn’t “always lose in the end.”

    Note that, even with the media and social media making a maximum effort, Trump still made it close.

    Next time, the Trump campaign will pay attention when the Heritage Foundation’s vote fraud expert lets them know what they’re in for.

    • #59
  30. Vince Guerra Inactive
    Vince Guerra

    Taras (View Comment):
    The record shows that the GOP doesn’t “always lose in the end.”

    There are plenty of Deep State republicans. They win all the time, it’s America who loses. Remember Youngkin? Yeah, he’s pushing vaccines now. 

    • #60
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