Biden Promotes Transgenderism in SOTU Speech


You didn’t miss it buried in the lies and misinformation about the state of the country, did you? Or maybe you heard his support and promotion of transgenderism and figured it’s too late to do anything about it. Or maybe, like me, your outrage was lit up again, as the President continues to work to destroy the fiber of our country.

Regardless of your reaction to Biden’s speech, his active promotion of transgenderism and everything it entails is a disgrace:

‘The onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans and their families is wrong,’ he insisted.

He continued by promising to support the medical conversion of children into ‘transgender’ people: ‘As I said last year, especially to our younger transgender Americans, I will always have your back as your president, so you can be yourself and reach your God-given potential.

That’s right. The President of the United States is promoting the disfiguring of children, drug abuse (puberty blockers), and the pressuring our children into becoming transgendered. The effects of many of these treatments are irreversible. Biden’s mentioning G-d’s name in this context is an abomination.

Even Sweden has begun to realize the errors of its ways:

   … Sweden is ending its long-standing policy of allowing children and teenagers to undergo sex-related treatment:

The new guidelines are set to replace a prior 2015 guideline that recommended the use of puberty blockers for children as being ‘safe and secure,’ broadcaster SVT reports.

According to the health board, the risks of hormone treatments outweigh the benefits stating, ‘Pending… a research study, our assessment is that the treatments can be given in exceptional cases.’

We shouldn’t be surprised that people on both sides of the aisle are finally rejecting the transgender agenda:

By more than a 3-to-1 margin, Americans oppose a key educational policy of the transgender movement. Sixty-eight percent (68%) believe schools and teachers should not be allowed to counsel students on their sexual and gender identities without parental knowledge or consent. Only 19% believe schools should be allowed to engage in such counseling without parental consent.

Ben Shapiro spoke out against Biden’s positions and comments in a way that should speak to many of us:

‘America deserves a president who sides with parents rather than corrupt teachers’ unions that shut down schools and mask toddlers and indoctrinate kids into the perverse lies of gender theory and the overt bigotry of critical race theory,’ said Shapiro.

‘At least Joe Biden has brought transgenderism and diversity, equity and inclusion to the Defense Department,’ he added. ‘Don’t you feel safer already?’

How will we explain the degeneration of our country and the destruction of their lives to our children?

[photo courtesy of Sharon McCutcheon at]

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There are 78 comments.

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  1. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):
    Trans certainly promotes wrecking parent/child relationships. Parents are often not told. And if they are, they resist.

    Local controversy that’s fueling our school board elections: teachers here were all at some inservice workshop last week where they were instructed that “parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.”

    At least three people running for school board election are challenging this. The current school board members have decided that calling their opponents “racist” will help.

    The battle lines have been drawn.

    Outrageous! Drew, please let me/us know how this turns out. Are elections coming up soon? They have to earn the right to “know their identities”?? How about the fact that they gave birth to them or raised them. G-r-r-r-r-r-………

    • #61
  2. DrewInWisconsin, Oik Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Oik

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oik (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):
    Trans certainly promotes wrecking parent/child relationships. Parents are often not told. And if they are, they resist.

    Local controversy that’s fueling our school board elections: teachers here were all at some inservice workshop last week where they were instructed that “parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.”

    At least three people running for school board election are challenging this. The current school board members have decided that calling their opponents “racist” will help.

    The battle lines have been drawn.

    Outrageous! Drew, please let me/us know how this turns out. Are elections coming up soon? They have to earn the right to “know their identities”?? How about the fact that they gave birth to them or raised them. G-r-r-r-r-r-………

    Yes, the argument is that this sets a precedent for schools keeping all kinds of secrets from parents. What else happens at school that parents are not told about?

    But if you object, you’re racist/transphobic I guess.

    • #62
  3. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Member
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    I have the impression that I view the trans thing differently than most of you.

    I view it as the latest logical step in a long progression of rejection of, and attack upon, traditional morality and traditional sex roles.  Feminism (including moral acceptance of extramarital sex and abortion) and homosexuality are the earlier steps.

    The ideological arguments that supported these feminist and pro-homosexuality views seem to be exactly the same as those that support the trans agenda.

    • #63
  4. DrewInWisconsin, Oik Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Oik

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):

    I have the impression that I view the trans thing differently than most of you.

    I view it as the latest logical step in a long progression of rejection of, and attack upon, traditional morality and traditional sex roles.

    I think we’re all in agreement with that.

    • #64
  5. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Kephalithos (View Comment):

    I Walton (View Comment): I simply do not understand who drives the insanity and why?

    Who drives the insanity? A coalition of pathological narcissists and hyper-agreeable doormat-people. The narcissists make demands, and the doormat-people, for whom “being mean” is the greatest of all sins, are happy to oblige.

    This drives me nut–because you’re right! Is there no one on the left who will stand up to truth, integrity, values? Is there no one who doesn’t worry about cancel culture and speaks out against injustice??

    It’s about power, but whose?  China is the beneficiary, the teachers unions play a big domestic role and are clearly destructive and care not a whit for the country, but that’s not enough.  Soros plays a giant role but I don’t have a clue what his objectives are.  We must admit that much of the confusion and disaster was created by George Bush and the absurd policy of spreading liberal  Democracy controlled by the US  across the world.  We’re still paying for it and haven’t stoped talking about that game as if it weren’t disastrous.    Trump probably went too far to disestablish international institutions but was on the right path.  But who wants what now?  It’s not just fixing the stupid Democrats, we’re  moving toward a multipolar world which Biden resists because the Chinese own him, and isn’t running anything except that, but where do serious thinkers who know these places want us to go?     Trump was right we want Russia at worst neutral we don’t want him playing with the Chinese. 

    • #65
  6. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    I Walton (View Comment):
    It’s about power, but whose? 

    I Walton, everyone on the Left could be using their power to disrupt and destroy. All the people you mention–the teachers’ unions, Soros, the Greens, the Chinese and others–have moved us in that direction. First create chaos and destruction; then sweep up the mess and put their own rules in place. As awful and impossible as that sounds, it’s the only strategy that makes sense to me.

    • #66
  7. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    I Walton (View Comment):
    It’s about power, but whose?

    I Walton, everyone on the Left could be using their power to disrupt and destroy. All the people you mention–the teachers’ unions, Soros, the Greens, the Chinese and others–have moved us in that direction. First create chaos and destruction; then sweep up the mess and put their own rules in place. As awful and impossible as that sounds, it’s the only strategy that makes sense to me.

    Can’t disagree.

    • #67
  8. Caryn Thatcher

    I Walton (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    I Walton (View Comment):
    It’s about power, but whose?

    I Walton, everyone on the Left could be using their power to disrupt and destroy. All the people you mention–the teachers’ unions, Soros, the Greens, the Chinese and others–have moved us in that direction. First create chaos and destruction; then sweep up the mess and put their own rules in place. As awful and impossible as that sounds, it’s the only strategy that makes sense to me.

    Can’t disagree.

    Along with this, the latest Imprimis talks about “The Great Reset” and how it’s progressing.  Quite illuminating.  I highly recommend reading it.

    • #68
  9. Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot) Member
    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patriot)

    DrewInWisconsin, Oi! (View Comment):

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):

    I have the impression that I view the trans thing differently than most of you.

    I view it as the latest logical step in a long progression of rejection of, and attack upon, traditional morality and traditional sex roles.

    I think we’re all in agreement with that.

    Drew, it’s good not to be alone in this, but I think that there is quite a bit of disagreement.

    For some, it seem that only the trans thing is a bridge too far, and only as applied to children.  Different people seem to draw the line in different places.  I don’t have the impression that they think they are being inconsistent.  They just evaluate the various values and interests involved in a different way.

    • #69
  10. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Oi! (View Comment):

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):

    I have the impression that I view the trans thing differently than most of you.

    I view it as the latest logical step in a long progression of rejection of, and attack upon, traditional morality and traditional sex roles.

    I think we’re all in agreement with that.

    Drew, it’s good not to be alone in this, but I think that there is quite a bit of disagreement.

    For some, it seem that only the trans thing is a bridge too far, and only as applied to children. Different people seem to draw the line in different places. I don’t have the impression that they think they are being inconsistent. They just evaluate the various values and interests involved in a different way.

    I am one who believes that homosexuality and the gender identity movement are different in important ways. I am in favor of legal and tolerated homosexual conduct. I don’t care what anyone thinks about it, whether they approve or disapprove, whether they joke about it or not. I just want it to be legal and for homosexuals to be free to live their lives without the threat of abuse. Personally, I find effeminate men distasteful, whether they are gay or straight, and the whole homosexual movement tedious and self-obsessed. But I’ll defend the rights of homosexuals to live as they wish.

    The trans movement is 99.9% bunk, and it’s also bullying and oppressive. It leads to the corruption and mutilation of children, and demands that we all swear fealty to a ludicrous fiction. It’s anti-woman, anti-truth, anti-science, and fundamentally harmful.

    It’s also tiresome and stupid.

    • #70
  11. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    Jerry Giordano (Arizona Patrio… (View Comment):

    Drew, it’s good not to be alone in this, but I think that there is quite a bit of disagreement.

    For some, it seem that only the trans thing is a bridge too far, and only as applied to children.  Different people seem to draw the line in different places.  I don’t have the impression that they think they are being inconsistent.  They just evaluate the various values and interests involved in a different way.

    Jerry, this is one generalization that simply isn’t helpful. There are a myriad of beliefs about homosexuality and the trans community–for, against and  inbetween. You can share your conclusion, but a lot of us wouldn’t agree with it. Since you are such a fan of data, what statistics support your belief?

    • #71
  12. Caryn Thatcher

    Interesting article on the topic in the recent City Journal: Misguided Affirmations.  

    • #72
  13. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Caryn (View Comment):

    Interesting article on the topic in the recent City Journal: Misguided Affirmations.

    Great article. Thank you, Caryn.

    • #73
  14. RushBabe49 Thatcher

    This NR article is disturbing, to say the least.


    Texas father hounded out of speech given on college campus.


    • #74
  15. The Scarecrow Thatcher
    The Scarecrow

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Skyler (View Comment):

    “No, we just want homosexuals to be in the military. Don’t ask about our private sex lives. It’s none of your business. Your fears that we want homosexuals to marry are extremist and based on nonsense.”

    “Besides, being homosexual is not a choice, it’s something you’re born with.”

    “No, we want the military to allow homosexuals to join up. Your fears that this will expand into the government paying for gender transition surgeries is absolutely hilarious you stupid people.”

    “By the way, being homosexual is a choice, it’s not something you’re born with.”

    “No, we just want homosexuals to be able to have civil unions. Your fears that this will. Expand to demands for marriage are extremist and based on nonsense. Your fears that we want transvestites to have special rights is downright silly. We are homosexual, not trannies, those people are gross, not like us.”

    “No, we just want transvestites and transsexuals to be protected. You should pay for them to transition. Your fears that we will want to groom children to endure irreversible surgeries to change gender is outrageous.”


    I remember so many of those conversations, Skyler, and now they are coming back to haunt us. It’s maddening.

    But when you point this out to them, they just say “La la la la la can’t heeeeer you . . . “

    • #75
  16. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    The Scarecrow (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    Skyler (View Comment):

    “No, we just want homosexuals to be in the military. Don’t ask about our private sex lives. It’s none of your business. Your fears that we want homosexuals to marry are extremist and based on nonsense.”

    “No, we just want transvestites and transsexuals to be protected. You should pay for them to transition. Your fears that we will want to groom children to endure irreversible surgeries to change gender is outrageous.”

    I remember so many of those conversations, Skyler, and now they are coming back to haunt us. It’s maddening.

    But when you point this out to them, they just say “La la la la la can’t heeeeer you . . . “

    Slippery slopes are real, and they’re something about which we have to be mindful. But here’s the thing, and I mean it sincerely.

    One can choose to trace back the current nonsense in various ways. Before the trans movement was the gay movement, before that the sexual revolution, before that feminism, before that the civil rights movement, before that the suffrage movement, before that the end of slavery — and all of it springing from the uniquely egalitarian and individual-rights philosophy embedded in our nation’s founding.

    There are a few links in that chain that I am unwilling to discard. I think it’s perfectly possible to give blacks and women the vote, to let each own property and live as first-class citizens, and to let homosexuals live openly homosexual lives, without insisting that we embrace the destructive nonsense of the trans movement, without making military preparedness a secondary consideration to identity, without pandering to every ersatz victim group, and without sliding into the dark abyss of fractal identitarian subdivision.

    That doesn’t mean that letting women vote wasn’t in fact a step down a slippery slope. It probably was. But it was, in my opinion, a morally necessary step, whatever I think of the political consequences. Similarly, I think it was a morally necessary step to let homosexuals live their lives unmolested.

    I don’t believe it is morally necessary, nor even appropriate, to demand that people pay lip service to something as idiotic as the modern trans movement, nor ask us to take it seriously, nor factor it into our military preparedness, etc. Unlike those other things, the trans movement is almost entirely fraudulent and almost entirely destructive.

    • #76
  17. Skyler Coolidge

    Henry Racette (View Comment):
    One can choose to trace back the current nonsense in various ways. Before the trans movement was the gay movement, before that the sexual revolution, before that feminism, before that the civil rights movement, before that the suffrage movement, before that the end of slavery — and all of it springing from the uniquely egalitarian and individual-rights philosophy embedded in our nation’s founding.

    Huh?  You have to do a lot of moral equivalence to come to that conclusion.  Freeing slaves does not have the same moral standing as emasculating children.

    • #77
  18. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Skyler (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):
    One can choose to trace back the current nonsense in various ways. Before the trans movement was the gay movement, before that the sexual revolution, before that feminism, before that the civil rights movement, before that the suffrage movement, before that the end of slavery — and all of it springing from the uniquely egalitarian and individual-rights philosophy embedded in our nation’s founding.

    Huh? You have to do a lot of moral equivalence to come to that conclusion. Freeing slaves does not have the same moral standing as emasculating children.

    If you read my comment carefully, you’ll discover that that is exactly the point I’m making: we may argue, and probably should argue, about which steps on that slippery slope were steps we should have taken, and which were not.

    We all agree that freeing the slaves was a good thing to do. Most of us here on Ricochet agree that the trans movement is a bad thing.

    I happen to think that allowing homosexuals to live without harassment is a good thing. Some here disagree, and might argue that it was a step on the road to the trans nonsense we experience today. And that may be true, but so, one might argue, was giving women the vote a step on that road, as was freeing the slaves, Civil Rights Act, etc.

    • #78
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