How Do We Get More People to Get the Vaccine?


I am watching (I have not finished, I wanted to get my thoughts down right away…stupid memory) the latest episode of Good Fellows from the Hoover Institution. They are talking about the new wave of COVID-19 cases and vaccine hesitancy. John Cochrane implied that we need to have more businesses say they require vaccination, which I totally disagree with. Then when asked how they would get more people to take the vaccine H.R. McMaster said to tell them it’s not for them it’s for others, again I disagree with this. Niall Ferguson then says that people are vaccinated against the vaccine, and we need to do a better job of mocking the anti-vax memes and propaganda … yes, please!

Just to be clear, I and my husband, just got through a breakthrough case (probably Delta) after we were fully vaxxed in April. I get a flu shot every year and have been mocking anti-vaxxer’s for years. With that said, I am surrounded by friends and family that have no interest in getting the COVID vaccine and I don’t blame them.

We were told masks don’t work, but found out that was a ploy to stop people from using up the supply of N95s, then we were told that masks work, but to date have not seen any supporting data, but then that we need two (or was it three?) masks, but just mask up because it works. This whole pandemic and the CDC and other government health agencies have been used as political pawns for a year and a half. We were told to lock down for 15 days that turned into months for some, we were given curfews as if the virus was worse at night, I could go on and on with the mandates that had zero basis in data, all while the ones making the orders had different rules like Pelosi and her hair, and Newsom and his dinner … again, on and on with examples.

Right now, they are telling pregnant women to get an injection that is only nine months old, with no possible way to have data on the effects on the unborn. There is name-calling and virtue signaling from the left as usual, so how much of this virus is just that? We need more data from non-government-controlled sources (because obviously each admin can use the CDC  for politics). The only way for people to get information is the internet. And this morning, we find out that our government is going to start recommending booster shots after 8 months because … get this … the vaccine is not effective at keeping your antibodies up!

John Cochran was spot on, in his answer to what we need to do to get people to vaccinate, more data. But it cant come from the government. I have a CDC poster that says “Be sure your mask cover[s] your nose and mouth to keep you from getting and spreading COVID-19” as if a mask will keep you from getting or spreading the virus!

Guilting and shunning people that chose not to vax is going to prove hesitant people right; it’s all a political ploy to get them to conform. The more our trusted sources like the Good Fellows say that the unvaxxed need to be shunned by not being allowed to have a life, or guilted by saying you are killing granny, the more people we are losing to this fight.

We need data, real data — do masks do anything against the virus? What are the numbers of children dying (we can see CDC data on this and the numbers are crazy low; they are at more risk from the flu), so why are we implementing children wearing masks when even during a very bad flu season masks were never an option.

Stop treating us like children, stop all the political games, just the facts and use the facts to mock the false information. Bring the false information to the front, including stupid CDC lies, and mock it.

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There are 104 comments.

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  1. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Nohaaj (View Comment):

    Doctor Robert (View Comment):
    Sounds like the vaccine worked perfectly for you.

    This is the point where I scream and shake my fist at the computer screen. Her post clearly stated that both poked and non-poked people in her household had identical low impact symptoms. As I understand, most people without poke, have low impact symptoms. How can you, good doctor, claim the vax worked perfectly or reduced the severity of the symptoms? There is no possible control experiment to validate that claim.


    I wondered why, under the circumstances, @sheilap was a vaccine advocate. If the vaccine was looking to be ineffective (at least in her family) and reportedly caused a reduction in antibody immunity, what are the positives to consider? 

    • #31
  2. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Did anyone?

    • #32
  3. Mark Alexander Inactive
    Mark Alexander

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Did anyone?

    My wife and I did not get a flu shot in the last 25 years. And we have not had the flu.

    That’s a good empirical case for us that we have a strong natural immunity, and it’s not worth the risk of damaging our immune systems with an experimental mRNA vaccine that is now using us all for 3rd stage trials.

    Since some doctors report an increase in cases of uterine cancer, among other increases (not enough yet to prove a causal connection), my wife and I are happy to remain in the control group.

    • #33
  4. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Did anyone?

    I got one last December, the first time I ever agreed to get one. Is a new one out now? Not sure if I’ll get it this time.

    • #34
  5. Mark Alexander Inactive
    Mark Alexander

    Sometimes I think Bill Gates and the rest look like the Aschen, but that’s just a fantasy, right? Right? Our betters would never consider doing what the Aschen did.

    Aschen vaccine


    A powerful anti-aging drug available to Earth citizens in an alternate future timeline, as well as a cure for a pandemic on the Aschen world of Volia several years before. In both cases, the vaccine intentionally causes an enormous amount of the population to become sterile in order to rapidly decrease the birthrate on a world within the Aschen Confederation. Almost a decade after the introduction of the drug about 91% of the population is unable to procreate.

    The Aschen patiently wait perhaps twenty years for the vaccine to sweep into the genome of the entire race. Eventually there are so few individuals left that the advanced culture can effectively conquer the world, terraforming the planet so it is suitable for farming. In the process they often raise the remaining population themselves, brainwashing them into forgetting the past and providing maintenance to the farm land.

    • #35
  6. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Did anyone?

    I got one last December, the first time I ever agreed to get one. Is a new one out now? Not sure if I’ll get it this time.

    I might never get another one since my trust level is now approaching zero. The flu vaccine might have been just fine in all these past years but I cannot trust that to be the case going forward because I don’t know that these experimental vaccines won’t be used.

    • #36
  7. EJHill Podcaster

    The Reticulator: The 41 percent (or some such number) is for the Delta variant, isn’t it?  Why would people say, “we don’t know” when we do know? 

    Do we? The only way we know that someone has the Delta vs any other strain is to do genomic sequencing on the virus. As of February the US had conducted sequencing on 96,000 individuals out of 27M known to have had Covid in this country. Your local drug store is not sending out your swab to be sequenced. 

    The UK, on the other hand, had sequenced 210,000 cases, or roughly 43% of the sequencing worldwide. These are not certainties. These are guesses, many times fueled by the desire to scare the bejeebers out of you. 

    • #37
  8. Sheila Inactive

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):


    I wondered why, under the circumstances, @ sheilap was a vaccine advocate. If the vaccine was looking to be ineffective (at least in her family) and reportedly caused a reduction in antibody immunity, what are the positives to consider?

    I wouldn’t call myself and advocate of anything other than personal choice, I do believe that the vaccine is our best shot at getting through this with the least amount of death. I do believe that some people, that would benefit from the vaccine, are holding out, and that is their choice. But I would like it to be an informed choice, and not based on some crazy conspiracy theory, or fear. I also realize that my family’s experience is anecdotal, and I would like more data on the whole dang thing.

    • #38
  9. Sheila Inactive

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Did anyone?

    I skipped it last year as there wasn’t much going around, and I hated going into the the doctors office with all the fear and hysteria. I do plan on getting it this year, I typically get mine in November. I had a doc tell me years ago that by Nov they had a good grasp on the years strain.

    • #39
  10. Hammer, The (Ryan M) Inactive
    Hammer, The (Ryan M)

    How about we just stop trying to “persuade” people to get a vaccine at all? It is of no benefit to anyone but the user, and natural immunity is far better- so all those “cases” right now are effectively being “vaccinated.”

    Leave people the hell alone. Mockery from ignorant fools only convinces the hesitant that they are right to be hesitant. And they are.

    • #40
  11. Nohaaj Coolidge

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    I didn’t get a flu shot this year. Did anyone?

    I got one last December, the first time I ever agreed to get one. Is a new one out now? Not sure if I’ll get it this time.

    I might never get another one since my trust level is now approaching zero. The flu vaccine might have been just fine in all these past years but I cannot trust that to be the case going forward because I don’t know that these experimental vaccines won’t be used.

    I have never received a flu vaccine, almost did, but never got around to it, and like @markalexander have either never gotten the flu, or, did and symptoms were so mild as to not be bothersome.  That said, I know a young pharmacist whose specialty is developing typical Asian flu vaxes, (not covid mRNA)  and he almost convinced me to get one a couple of years back, but I never did… I did just recently get a shingles vax.  The prospect of getting shingles scares me much more than getting covid.  (which I also believe I likely had in the Spring of 2020 – before testing was widely available.) 

    • #41
  12. MWD B612 "Dawg" Member
    MWD B612 "Dawg"

    If I were in charge, I’d get the government out of the messaging altogether. Contract it to a reputable marketing firm and tie their pay to increased percentages of the vaccinated. Money talks, bs walks.

    • #42
  13. Annefy Member

    Hammer, The (Ryan M) (View Comment):

    How about we just stop trying to “persuade” people to get a vaccine at all? It is of no benefit to anyone but the user, and natural immunity is far better- so all those “cases” right now are effectively being “vaccinated.”

    Leave people the hell alone. Mockery from ignorant fools only convinces the hesitant that they are right to be hesitant. And they are.

    Leave people the hell alone is good advice. And advice I wish people would take. 

    I have had it up to my back teeth with the inconsistencies and hypocrisies. I have nieces and nephews, and a son, who will not be returning to college in the fall because of the vaccine mandate. And one of them had 100% online classes. 

    These same young people watched and heard BLM get a pass from officials. I’d be surprised if they ever believe another word.

    Not like that’s a bad thing …

    • #43
  14. Annefy Member

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):

    If I were in charge, I’d get the government out of the messaging altogether. Contract it to a reputable marketing firm and tie their pay to increased percentages of the vaccinated. Money talks, bs walks.

    Yes – and I’d consider those efforts just like I do the constant and unrelenting pharma commercials. Suspicion and eye rolls.

    I’m pretty sure that those who would be influenced by such an attempt have already gotten the shot. 

    • #44
  15. DrewInWisconsin, Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Oaf

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):
    If I were in charge, I’d get the government out of the messaging altogether. Contract it to a reputable marketing firm and tie their pay to increased percentages of the vaccinated.

    Except this is who the government contracts with.

    • #45
  16. Annefy Member

    DrewInWisconsin, Oaf (View Comment):

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):
    If I were in charge, I’d get the government out of the messaging altogether. Contract it to a reputable marketing firm and tie their pay to increased percentages of the vaccinated.

    Except this is who the government contracts with.

    like I said – anyone who would be influenced by such BS has already gotten the shot.

    • #46
  17. Stina Member

    I saw Operation Warp Speed as a means to increase options, not push everyone into a single option.

    Trump was trying to advocate for many different treatments while also getting a vaccine available. It was the right thing for a governing agent to do.

    That doesn’t change my burden, as a consumer, for exercising discernment. In fact, lower regulations should INCREASE my burden. That is the entire foundation of libertarian/conservative small government, low regulation philosophy – free markets allowing consumers to choose requires discernment.

    However, that philosophy also requires liability controls. If an unregulated business brings a faulty product to market, they should be liable for the damage it causes. This vaccine not only lacks government regulations (a good thing), it also lacks liability (not a good thing).

    For that, I absolutely have a burden of discernment.

    Trump only lowered bureaucratic red tape. He did not ensure Gates is a perfect angel or that the hearts of Pfizer ceos are perfectly good. He just did what he could to increase OUR treatment options.

    So I can approve of OWS and ALSO be skeptical of THIS particular vaccine without being stupid or inconsistent.

    • #47
  18. DrewInWisconsin, Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Oaf

    Annefy (View Comment):

    like I said – anyone who would be influenced by such BS has already gotten the shot.

    I can’t remember who made the comment, but it was something like “I’ve already had the vaccine, but this guy makes me want to have it sucked back outta me.”

    • #48
  19. MWD B612 "Dawg" Member
    MWD B612 "Dawg"

    DrewInWisconsin, Oaf (View Comment):

    MWD B612 "Dawg" (View Comment):
    If I were in charge, I’d get the government out of the messaging altogether. Contract it to a reputable marketing firm and tie their pay to increased percentages of the vaccinated.

    Except this is who the government contracts with.

    I did say “reputable marketing firm.” 

    • #49
  20. James Salerno Inactive
    James Salerno

    The vaccine has had the largest marketing campaign in history, promoted by the government, the legacy media, Hollywood, social media and more. The message is out there. Anyone refusing at this stage isn’t going to be changing their mind.

    • #50
  21. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    EJHill (View Comment):

    The Reticulator: The 41 percent (or some such number) is for the Delta variant, isn’t it? Why would people say, “we don’t know” when we do know?

    Do we? The only way we know that someone has the Delta vs any other strain is to do genomic sequencing on the virus. As of February the US had conducted sequencing on 96,000 individuals out of 27M known to have had Covid in this country. Your local drug store is not sending out your swab to be sequenced.

    The UK, on the other hand, had sequenced 210,000 cases, or roughly 43% of the sequencing worldwide. These are not certainties. These are guesses, many times fueled by the desire to scare the bejeebers out of you.

    Those are pretty big samples. I base my opinion of the bad motives of the ruling classes on smaller samples than that.  

    • #51
  22. Jim McConnell Member
    Jim McConnell

    Nohaaj (View Comment):

    Mrs Nohaaj teaches at the local community college. Yesterday she attended an 8 hour training on the rules which are newly implemented for on-campus learning. (fortunately, she has excelled in on-line curriculums, so all her classes are exclusively zoom courses). Some of the rules: Masks are required 100%. students are not allowed to lower a mask in a classroom setting for anything (including taking a drink of water or coffee, etc) If a student or teacher needs to take a sip during class sessions, they must step outside the classroom to do so. Violators must be reported to safety enforcement officers. People who do not enforce rules, must also be reported to safety officers. Only approved masks can be worn. Enforcement and reporting of non approved masks follows the same guidelines. Punishments include expulsion and loss of employment.

    My wife was born in Germany, and became a US citizen about 8 years ago. Her observation: This is just like the Nazis, they want us all to be Brown shirts, reporting on our fellow citizens.

    This is all effed up.

    Where does your wife teach? In the Peoples Republic of North Korea?





    • #52
  23. Stina Member

    James Salerno (View Comment):

    The vaccine has had the largest marketing campaign in history, promoted by the government, the legacy media, Hollywood, social media and more. The message is out there. Anyone refusing at this stage isn’t going to be changing their mind.

    Well at least not with doubling down on the same style of messaging.

    • #53
  24. Jim McConnell Member
    Jim McConnell

    Stina (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):
    Those running the CDC are bureaucrats first and medical professionals a long second. The first rule of bureaucracy is never admit a mistake.

    This, a thousand times this. Just got an earful about how trying to cover up mistakes to avoid embarrassment is one of the surest paths to corruption.

    Yes. Just ask Gov Cuomo!

    • #54
  25. Stina Member

    Jim McConnell (View Comment):

    Stina (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):
    Those running the CDC are bureaucrats first and medical professionals a long second. The first rule of bureaucracy is never admit a mistake.

    This, a thousand times this. Just got an earful about how trying to cover up mistakes to avoid embarrassment is one of the surest paths to corruption.

    Yes. Just ask Gov Cuomo!

    A family member was sharing how she was discovering massive policy failures that were then buried – some people were not arrested or tried, but rather “disappeared” – in order to avoid the embarrassment of failed policy and procedure. She was creating headaches for the higher-ups and their response was to attempt to push her out and destroy her credibility. She retired first.

    When I hear that some conspiracies are just to big to be real because someone would have squealed, I scoff at how naive they can be.

    • #55
  26. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Here’s the problem, although vaccines work, those advocating their use have the scientific credibility of Trofim Lysenko. That they are insisting and demanding vaccine mandates doubles the mistrust of the vaccine hesitant. Additionally, many vaccine advocates deny that actually having had Covid provides protection from future exposure. It offers, in fact, superior protection. (I have not heard of breakthrough infections among those who have had Covid. It could be they did contract a second case but it was so mild they mistook it for allergies. Certainly I haven’t been bothered by Delta and don’t expect to be bothered by Lambda.)

    Through in utterly worthless mask mandates. Masks as being required provide zero protection against Covid. They only work if you:

    a. Wear an N95 mask.
    b. Ensure it is properly fitted.
    c. Wash your hands before placing the mask on you face.
    d. Do not touch or adjust the mask while it is on your face.
    e. Replace it every two hours.

    Anyone who has taken an OSHA course on masks knows this. (Among them my son, a pipeline engineer. Everyone in his office is ignoring mask-wearing requirements because they have taken those courses know masks don’t stop the spread of Covid – and that wearing masks harms your health.

    This is the fable of the boy who cried wolf. The CDC has put out so much misinformation (and flat out lies), that those already skeptical ignore the warning there is a wolf even when the wolf appears.

    The first step in getting the vaccine-hesitant would be for the CDC to admit their past errors as a step to restore trust. That ain’t happening. Those running the CDC are bureaucrats first and medical professionals a long second. The first rule of bureaucracy is never admit a mistake.


    one of my issues with this whole thing is how empty headed my medical friends have become.  People that worked in medicine and understood the how and why of masks before COVID.  Now with COVID and government declarations have completely forgotten their lifetime of understanding and are parroting the new understanding with force quoting FaceBook and YouTube authorities.  It has really made me more cynical about the whole medical profession than I was before.  

    • #56
  27. Unsk Member

    Point One: The CDC, FDA and NIH have lied about COVID from the very beginning, so why should we believe them now?

    The NIH under Dr Fauci had a hand in it’s creation, and trained the Bat Lady to insert the Strike Proten into a Coronavirus at the University of North Carolina. That is a fact.  If these agencies were genuinely interested in protecting the public they would have identified the origin of the virus in January of 2020 and identified treatments then,  because they absolutely knew what it was because they helped to make it.  And there is no doubt about that. One of protein sequences in COVID  has never been found in nature but have been found in many of the Wuhan BioLab creations,  so they had to know what it was.  

    Point Two: What is the point of having everyone vaccinated? As EJHill says:

    And nobody, outside of a few lonely voices like Jay Bhattacharya, wants to say the bloody obvious: It’s here to stay.

    The pro-vac people are saying we have to have everyone vaccinated or we will not be able to eradicate COVID. 

    Well , guess what?  We won’t be able to eradicate COVID.  Ever . We will have to learn to  deal with it and that means treatments.  The Noble Prize winning team that discovered Ivermectin came out with a study in early April of 2020 that said that in their trials, the vast majority of patients were cured by Ivermectin in 48 hours. There is also a rigorous multi-step treatment protocol on the internet. The FDA and the CDC will have none it.  Please tell me why?

    Point Three: Tens of thousands of people have died from the vaccines and hundreds of thousands  have been maimed with the likelihood of many more injured or killed.  So why would you expose yourself to  that risk?

    Earlier in the thread, several said “well COVID killed 558,000 Americans”.   But since the beginning of the year COVID deaths have dropped precipitously. Given the acute censorship of data, no one can reasonably and honestly say right now whether the vaccines or COVID is the bigger killer but, when I talk to doctors who treat the vaccine maimed all the time, it appears that the vaccines could be more dangerous to one’s long term health than COVID, because with early treatment of Ivermectin,   one’s chances are generally  excellent of recovery from COVID, whereas the same cannot be said for those who have been injured by the vaccines.  The vaccines create an artificial “strike protein” in your system which was loaded up by the Bat Lady and Dr Ralph Baric of the Fauci funded EcoHealth Alliance with the most dangerous diseases known to man. No one really knows how to treat these problems and no one can predict accurately what future problems these vaccines may cause.  It is known that among the  young- four times more people have died from the vaccines than COVID.

    • #57
  28. Hammer, The (Ryan M) Inactive
    Hammer, The (Ryan M)

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    Here’s the problem, although vaccines work, those advocating their use have the scientific credibility of Trofim Lysenko. That they are insisting and demanding vaccine mandates doubles the mistrust of the vaccine hesitant. Additionally, many vaccine advocates deny that actually having had Covid provides protection from future exposure. It offers, in fact, superior protection. (I have not heard of breakthrough infections among those who have had Covid. It could be they did contract a second case but it was so mild they mistook it for allergies. Certainly I haven’t been bothered by Delta and don’t expect to be bothered by Lambda.)

    Through in utterly worthless mask mandates. Masks as being required provide zero protection against Covid. They only work if you:

    a. Wear an N95 mask.
    b. Ensure it is properly fitted.
    c. Wash your hands before placing the mask on you face.
    d. Do not touch or adjust the mask while it is on your face.
    e. Replace it every two hours.

    Anyone who has taken an OSHA course on masks knows this. (Among them my son, a pipeline engineer. Everyone in his office is ignoring mask-wearing requirements because they have taken those courses know masks don’t stop the spread of Covid – and that wearing masks harms your health.

    This is the fable of the boy who cried wolf. The CDC has put out so much misinformation (and flat out lies), that those already skeptical ignore the warning there is a wolf even when the wolf appears.

    The first step in getting the vaccine-hesitant would be for the CDC to admit their past errors as a step to restore trust. That ain’t happening. Those running the CDC are bureaucrats first and medical professionals a long second. The first rule of bureaucracy is never admit a mistake.


    one of my issues with this whole thing is how empty headed my medical friends have become. People that worked in medicine and understood the how and why of masks before COVID. Now with COVID and government declarations have completely forgotten their lifetime of understanding and are parroting the new understanding with force quoting FaceBook and YouTube authorities. It has really made me more cynical about the whole medical profession than I was before.

    Exactly. And if you question anything, the only response is mockery. I’ve seen otherwise semi-intelligent people posting comments and memes that amount to nothing more than insult … Saying anyone who even questions the “official” wisdom is a crazy moron. 

    • #58
  29. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Unsk (View Comment):
    The pro-vac people are saying we have to have everyone vaccinated or we will not be able to eradicate COVID. 

    No, they aren’t saying that. I’m a pro-covid vaccine person, and I’m not even claiming we can or should attempt to eradicate covid.  

    • #59
  30. EDISONPARKS Member

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    Unsk (View Comment):
    The pro-vac people are saying we have to have everyone vaccinated or we will not be able to eradicate COVID.

    No, they aren’t saying that. I’m a pro-covid vaccine person, and I’m not even claiming we can or should attempt to eradicate covid.


    • #60
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