If Math Is White Supremacy, Civilization Is Finished


Two plus two equals four. No controversy there, right? Because in this universe, which happens to be governed by immutable laws of physics, which are expressed through unalterable mathematics, two plus two must always equal four, there’s only one right answer. And no one could possibly quibble with that, right?

Wrong! Reality-denying leftists insist that two plus two is deviously misleading and adds up to a whole lot more than four, if it even adds up to that. It’s all part of the larger equation of – and you know what’s coming – the dastardly, ubiquitous, never-ending, all-encompassing . . . drum roll, please . . . white supremacy!

It’s that invisible, incorporeal, and malevolent something-or-other that only leftists and race hustlers can detect in present-day America, but which according to them permeates everything, including math and probably right down to the subatomic quarks, neutrinos, and hadrons that constitute the fundamental particles of matter itself.

If you’re waiting for the woke insanity to burn itself out, you best not be too optimistic. There is no bottom in sight. And in line with the current woke spirit of the age, the left has now come for math and the state of Oregon, to no one’s particular surprise (after all, it spawned Antifa), is totally onboard with that. The Oregon Department of Education, in an e-mail, recently “suggested” that teachers take a course called “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction.” Here are a few choice excerpts from that e-mail:

“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false . . . Upholding the idea that there are always right or wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.”

“White supremacy culture infiltrates math classrooms in everyday teacher actions.”

The course itself has numerous helpful suggestions, such as:

“Identify and challenge the ways that math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist and racist views.”

“Expose students to examples of people who have used math as resistance. Provide learning opportunities that use math as resistance.”

Huh?! Did this drivel come out of Mao’s Red China? Will every first-grade arithmetic class in Oregon now become a Maoist “struggle session?” And how long before these “suggestions” become mandatory? The stupidity is unfathomable and the damage it does will be real. For instance . . .

Let’s say you’re a young black kid who has the misfortune of living in the People’s Republic of Oregon. And let’s say you have a dream of becoming an aerospace engineer or maybe even an astronaut. In order to achieve that laudable goal, you’re going to need to learn a ton of math. But then one day in class you are informed by your “teacher” that math is white supremacy. What are you going to do then? You’re just a kid, you don’t know anything about leftist politics. You’re not armed with the knowledge that would enable you to call this out for the garbage that it is. So what do you do?

Being obviously ambitious, will you find a way to rise above this destructive ideology and go on to achieve your goals? Or . . . will your dreams be destroyed by this ideology because you get convinced that going for it would make you a shill for the white power structure and so instead, you become a revolution-fomenting BLMer who seeks to destroy rather than create?

It’s anybody’s call, but one thing’s for sure. That any American school would allow itself to be poisoned by this sick ideology that contends that math is white supremacy is unconscionable. If actual white supremacy was even one-thousandth the significance that the left claims, blacks would still be picking cotton on plantations and serving mint juleps to their “massa.” Instead, though, here in the real world, they can do and achieve anything they want, including becoming president (and now vice-president*), without even the slightest opposition based on their race. (*See debate on whether or not Kamala Harris is really black – or black enough.)

In reality, there has never been more support, promotion, and encouragement for “people of color” from every institution (government, education, media, corporate, sports, medical, legal, etc., ad infinitum) in the history of mankind! But according to the left – which, by the way, happens to control all our institutions – white supremacy permeates everything, including math.

Is there a building somewhere, some kind of headquarters at least the size of the pentagon, where thousands of dyspeptic leftists sit around and try to come up with creative ways to slap a “white supremacy” label on virtually everything under the sun, now including math? It doesn’t help when misguided, secular humanist billionaires like Bill Gates donate their wealth – in his case, one million dollars – to such unfathomable idiocy. Talk about money down a rat hole! It’s his worst waste of money since Windows Vista and potentially far more destructive, but being a moral idiot, he actually thinks what he’s doing is virtuous.

Here’s a question for Bill Gates and the entire pantheon of woke, race-obsessed do-gooders: If math is white supremacy, why do Asians excel at it, outperforming the alleged white supremacists who allegedly use it to keep nonwhites down? And furthermore, why couldn’t black people do the same?

To change one word in an expression coined by James Carville back in 1992, “It’s the culture, stupid.” As we all know, Asians have a culture that places a high value on academic achievement. Any other culture that wants to do the same, can. The only remaining question is, why don’t some cultures? But that’s for those cultures to answer. One thing is certain. Screaming “white supremacy” over every nonwhite failure, including math scores, will only keep them mired in failure for that much longer.

Look, do you want anything to work, your cell phone, your GPS, your car, your microwave oven, your computer, your television, your electric toothbrush, anything at all? Then you better not be down with woke math which doesn’t require “right” answers. Do you want airplanes to fall out of the sky, bridges to collapse, power plants to blow up? Then join Bill Gates in his twisted campaign against math and against sanity itself. And then stand back and watch countries like China mop up the floor with us. In fact, it would be shocking if China were not secretly funding woke programs on all fronts. In espionage lingo that’s called “subversion” and it’s made all the easier when the country you want to subvert is subverting itself like there’s no tomorrow.

If the left’s war against math and science and reality itself keeps up, we’re going to end up back in some kind of state of pre-civilization. Would that finally make them happy? Not likely. I can just hear them now:

Fire discovered, then wielded as a weapon by white supremacists!

Dawn of agriculture leading to the enslavement of people of color!

Domestication of animals gives unfair advantage to whites!

Invention of the wheel used to roll over the rights of BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color)!

Invention of the abacus exploits divide between technological haves and have-nots!

As long as there is a political and/or cultural left that has a significant degree of power, sanity cannot prevail in any area of life. Math is no exception.

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There are 39 comments.

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  1. kedavis Coolidge

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    The same people who scream “Science” during the whole covid-19 lockdown are against math

    They are only against the science that has icky things like numbers in it. Numbers don’t care how you feel. They only get in the way.

    So much of science is largely about numbers, especially when it comes to immunology etc.

    But over the last 12 months, we are figuring out that whose numbers are important as well.

    I am hearing that in Great Britain, some new way of testing has come about. It is referred to as a LTC, or LRT, or something, based on its acronym. If we had had that test available last year rather than the PCR, much of the hysteria would have been muted to a much less crazy level.

    That would have been the case just if the media had been less outrageous, because they were trying to blame Trump for everything. And I don’t know if a better test would have made that much of a difference, considering their agenda. Just like, even if there was no test at all, everything would be jim-dandy now just because they have Biden.

    Do you really think that countries across the globe were all pretending that the virus was a big deal, just to make Donald Trump look bad? Countries in Europe and Asia crippled their own economies, not out of genuine fear of a plague, but because they thought this will make Trump look foolish? It seems to me there was world-wide near-panic over bird flu, SARS, or whatever contagious diseases came out when Barack Obama was president. The media both here and abroad is eager to exaggerate bad news, but not everything is about Donald Trump.

    Trump was just for here.  As you say, the media like to push bad news for their own reasons.  Here it was Trump, in England maybe Boris Johnson…  who knows?

    • #31
  2. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    The same people who scream “Science” during the whole covid-19 lockdown are against math

    They are only against the science that has icky things like numbers in it. Numbers don’t care how you feel. They only get in the way.

    So much of science is largely about numbers, especially when it comes to immunology etc.

    But over the last 12 months, we are figuring out that whose numbers are important as well.

    I am hearing that in Great Britain, some new way of testing has come about. It is referred to as a LTC, or LRT, or something, based on its acronym. If we had had that test available last year rather than the PCR, much of the hysteria would have been muted to a much less crazy level.

    That would have been the case just if the media had been less outrageous, because they were trying to blame Trump for everything. And I don’t know if a better test would have made that much of a difference, considering their agenda. Just like, even if there was no test at all, everything would be jim-dandy now just because they have Biden.

    Do you really think that countries across the globe were all pretending that the virus was a big deal, just to make Donald Trump look bad? Countries in Europe and Asia crippled their own economies, not out of genuine fear of a plague, but because they thought this will make Trump look foolish? It seems to me there was world-wide near-panic over bird flu, SARS, or whatever contagious diseases came out when Barack Obama was president. The media both here and abroad is eager to exaggerate bad news, but not everything is about Donald Trump.

    Yes Europeans allowed their officials to hamstring their societies, but I am unclear where that happened in Asia. Maybe for an initial month or two, but overall what nation was crippled?

    When we entered this “State of Fear” our nation was number one economically. Now that honor falls to China.

    It is my understanding that Vietnam has had few COVID deaths. The over the counter malarial remedy is available there, as well as aspirin. That is about it.

    • #32
  3. kedavis Coolidge

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    The same people who scream “Science” during the whole covid-19 lockdown are against math

    They are only against the science that has icky things like numbers in it. Numbers don’t care how you feel. They only get in the way.

    So much of science is largely about numbers, especially when it comes to immunology etc.

    But over the last 12 months, we are figuring out that whose numbers are important as well.

    I am hearing that in Great Britain, some new way of testing has come about. It is referred to as a LTC, or LRT, or something, based on its acronym. If we had had that test available last year rather than the PCR, much of the hysteria would have been muted to a much less crazy level.

    That would have been the case just if the media had been less outrageous, because they were trying to blame Trump for everything. And I don’t know if a better test would have made that much of a difference, considering their agenda. Just like, even if there was no test at all, everything would be jim-dandy now just because they have Biden.

    Do you really think that countries across the globe were all pretending that the virus was a big deal, just to make Donald Trump look bad? Countries in Europe and Asia crippled their own economies, not out of genuine fear of a plague, but because they thought this will make Trump look foolish? It seems to me there was world-wide near-panic over bird flu, SARS, or whatever contagious diseases came out when Barack Obama was president. The media both here and abroad is eager to exaggerate bad news, but not everything is about Donald Trump.

    Yes Europeans allowed their officials to hamstring their societies, but I am unclear where that happened in Asia. Maybe for an initial month or two, but overall what nation was crippled?

    When we entered this “State of Fear” our nation was number one economically. Now that honor falls to China.

    It is my understanding that Vietnam has had few COVID deaths. The over the counter malarial remedy is available there, as well as aspirin. That is about it.

    There could be other aspects too, including genetics, culture, previous exposure to SARS…

    • #33
  4. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    kedavis (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    The same people who scream “Science” during the whole covid-19 lockdown are against math

    They are only against the science that has icky things like numbers in it. Numbers don’t care how you feel. They only get in the way.

    So much of science is largely about numbers, especially when it comes to immunology etc.

    But over the last 12 months, we are figuring out that whose numbers are important as well.

    I am hearing that in Great Britain, some new way of testing has come about. It is referred to as a LTC, or LRT, or something, based on its acronym. If we had had that test available last year rather than the PCR, much of the hysteria would have been muted to a much less crazy level.

    That would have been the case just if the media had been less outrageous, because they were trying to blame Trump for everything. And I don’t know if a better test would have made that much of a difference, considering their agenda. Just like, even if there was no test at all, everything would be jim-dandy now just because they have Biden.

    Do you really think that countries across the globe were all pretending that the virus was a big deal, just to make Donald Trump look bad? Countries in Europe and Asia crippled their own economies, not out of genuine fear of a plague, but because they thought this will make Trump look foolish? It seems to me there was world-wide near-panic over bird flu, SARS, or whatever contagious diseases came out when Barack Obama was president. The media both here and abroad is eager to exaggerate bad news, but not everything is about Donald Trump.

    Yes Europeans allowed their officials to hamstring their societies, but I am unclear where that happened in Asia. Maybe for an initial month or two, but overall what nation was crippled?


    It is my understanding Vietnam has had few COVID deaths. The over the counter malarial remedy is available there, as well as aspirin. SNIP

    There could be other aspects too, including genetics, culture, previous exposure to SARS…

    Previous exposure to SARS might have been an important factor.

    On the other hand, HCQ protocol is an actual remedy – and if Vietnam allows it over the counter, while patients here were not only were forbidden to have it, we were also, as of Oct 9th 2020, made to wait our possible COVID infection out, and not be treated until we were in the hospital per the NIH or CDC instructions, I’d have to say this:

    It basically boils down to our society being run and controlled by Big Pharma. While Vietnam, at least in this medical respect, has health officials who use common sense.

    • #34
  5. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    DonG (2+2=5. Say it!) (View Comment):

    We’re #25!!

    PISA 2018 Worldwide Ranking - average score of math, science and reading

    Appalling. Not surprising, but still damn appalling.

    • #35
  6. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    It is bizarre. Why on earth would you not want to teach real math to people. If they struggle to learn, find better ways to teach them, don’t throw out the subject.

    Math is actually a situation in which most children must struggle to learn.

    Except for idiot savants, no one is born knowing that 9 X 7 = 63. That is why for generations, kids sat at the dining room table after the dinner dishes were cleared and coached each other using flash cards.

    I never enjoyed memorization of the tables. But I can’t think of any other method for learning those answers.

    People with dual degrees in medicine and psychology have learned over the last 30 years that learning in such a manner actually wires the brain in important ways. That wiring allows those young humans who  then possess such brain wiring the ability to reason using logic.

    I don’t think this is at all lost on the leaders of The New Left. It might be a point quite lost on the Liberal Snowflakes who are willing to offer up anything necessary to bring about the glorious new paradise for students and workers, wher e no one must or ever will exert any real effort.

    But the leaders behind this stamping out of math education  know that a math-less society makes people extremely easy to control.

    Consider the numbers of the latest “Covid Relief legislation”:

    • #36
  7. kedavis Coolidge

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    It is bizarre. Why on earth would you not want to teach real math to people. If they struggle to learn, find better ways to teach them, don’t throw out the subject.

    Math is actually a situation in which most children must struggle to learn.

    Except for idiot savants, no one is born knowing that 9 X 7 = 63. That is why for generations, kids sat at the dining room table after the dinner dishes were cleared and coached each other using flash cards.

    I never enjoyed memorization of the tables. But I can’t think of any other method for learning those answers.

    People with dual degrees in medicine and psychology have learned over the last 30 years that learning in such a manner actually wires the brain in important ways. That wiring allows those young humans who then possess such brain wiring the ability to reason using logic.

    I don’t think this is at all lost on the leaders of The New Left. It might be a point quite lost on the Liberal Snowflakes who are willing to offer up anything necessary to bring about the glorious new paradise for students and workers, wher e no one must or ever will exert any real effort.

    But the leaders behind this stamping out of math education know that a math-less society makes people extremely easy to control.

    Consider the numbers of the latest “Covid Relief legislation”:


    Unless the current leaders expect to live forever, they should be figuring (is that math again?) that people will need to know math to take over in the future.

    • #37
  8. Seawriter Contributor

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Unless the current leaders expect to live forever, they should be figuring (is that math again?) that people will need to know math to take over in the future.

    The current leaders basically think that when they die, so does the world, so why care about what happens afterwards.

    • #38
  9. Raxxalan Member

    Seawriter (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Unless the current leaders expect to live forever, they should be figuring (is that math again?) that people will need to know math to take over in the future.

    The current leaders basically think that when they die, so does the world, so why care about what happens afterwards.

    That is the problem when you basically have a materialist philosophy which prioritizes feelings over facts.  It is extremely hard to have a long range vision of anything.   Reason it turns out is necessary for foresight.

    • #39
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