Are We Watching Failure Theater? Because Team Trump’s Actions Don’t Make Any Sense.


Maybe Giuliani, Murtaugh, Stepien, etc. have some different, better course of action planned that I cannot begin to guess at, but otherwise what’s happening (or not happening) isn’t making any sense.

Let’s be honest; everyone knew from the onset that no judge is going to set aside the results, or delay the certification of the election, and no state legislature is going to send a different slate of electors without incontrovertible evidence of election fraud in sufficient volume to change the outcome.

One would think the Trump legal team would therefore prioritize the pursuit of that evidence, and try and secure court orders to state and local authorities to provide full access to *everything* (documents, records, the ballots themselves) so that the Trump Campaign can conduct a full in-depth audit of the vote and forensic examinations of ballots in the suspect counties in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.

I am not in the loop on what the Trump team’s strategy is, but I have yet to see any filings in any state making such a request. At the very least we should be seeing requests for court orders to impound the records, documents, machines, and ballots. Instead, we’ve seen Trump suffering predictable defeat after defeat from lawyers aiming for the impossible. You cannot expect a judge to order a remedy, especially one like setting aside election results, based on a criminal allegation you cannot readily prove in court.

What bothers me even more is the lack of any evidence of the logistical ramp-up to carry out audits across multiple states that we should be seeing now. I’ve not seen anything like the level of recruitment and mobilization of equipment and manpower that will be needed to carry out the sort of investigation that can prove the election was stolen (or not).

It’s already been almost two weeks since the election and the clock is ticking. The only way this can be done within the timeline is by a massive mobilization of volunteers, crowdsourcing, data analytics, and forensic analysis on an industrial scale.

So where is the call for volunteers, for data and forensics experts, software testers, investigators, and auditors? Where are the logistics pros to orchestrate this operation?

The Trump Campaign is right now supposed to be recruiting folks like RedState’s Scott Hounsell*, data analysts and statisticians, to help identify locales with statistical anomalies and other red flags – e.g. 95% turnout, incredible vote swings, impossible margins – for investigation.

Please read Hounsell’s analyses of the results in GA, WI, MI and PA.

Once so directed, investigators can do the document tracing and investigate and verify the audit trails. Who took custody of this ballot box? Who delivered it? How many people voted in the precinct? How many ballots were inside when it left the precinct? Where’s the voters’ register? Who received the ballot box at the counting center? When? How many ballots arrived at the counting center? etc.

Volunteers can be coordinated to methodically verify addresses (physically and otherwise) and check information against public records, identify potential signature mismatches, with separate verification teams and AI/ML applications to validate the data.

Volunteers in their thousands can also be deputized by the campaign to physically sort out ballots and identify the suspicious, e.g. ballots with only the Presidential race marked. These (and others) can then be subjected to extra scrutiny by forensic teams.

Out of the President’s 70 million voters, there are certainly more than enough who know something about ink forensics and the use of spectrophotometers and other forensic equipment. Thousands of people using the exact same pen brand in the exact same color in the exact same patterns across multiple jurisdictions with different races, particularly when it comes to absentee ballots, is incontrovertible evidence of fraud.

I also expect that the President’s 70 million supporters include computer forensics experts and software analysts who will only be too happy to examine the tabulating machines’ logs and validate the software.

In other words, this should be a coordinated endeavor involving a massive number of people, akin to a military operation. Even without Big Tech, with Parler, MeWe, Signal, etc. and 70 million passionate supporters from all walks of life, there is a no lack of avenues for coordination, manpower or expertise.

Given the deadlines, and the fact that even the very best logistics experts know you must respect the one most unforgiving resource, time, the lawyers need to start convincing some judges (Justices, preferably) that this is an accounting/audit problem; red flags mean we get to take an in-depth look at the books, it serves the public’s interest, and it can be done within the necessary deadlines. Most helpful would be securing the support of the Republican leaders in charge of the affected State Legislatures (GA, MI, PA, and WI) as amici for their petition.

The best time for this, mounting up the resources for the audits and filing the necessary suits, was last week. The next best time is *now*, and the very moment Alito, Kavanaugh and Thomas are able to receive petitions in their chambers.

Again, maybe there’s a better plan that we’re not privy to and I’m wrong, and we’re not seeing failure theater.

But bitter experience and Occam’s Razor suggests otherwise.

I just hope I’m wrong.

Published in Elections
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There are 299 comments.

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  1. Django Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hang On (View Comment):

    Valiuth (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    May we assume that where you came from, no one, not even the richest or most powerful, could have the benefit of legal representation of a lawyer of the unparalleled excellence of Sidney Powell, who has outlined multiple instances of computer manipulation of votes in favor of your apparently favored candidate?

    And it is statements like this why I call you fools and malign your intelligence or honesty because clearly one is deficient. There has been no demonstration of computer manipulation of votes. All I’ve seen from you people is references to changes in reported vote totals. These changes are caused by vote counting officials updating their results. When errors are made in the inputs they are corrected with later inputs that occur in batches causing a skipping effect if one is tracking the data in real time. If Mr. Powell really had the evidence you impute to him and he pretends to have when communicating to the MAGA idiots he would have presented it in court and a judge would have ordered a halt of the count.

    It is precisely that I do love my adopted country that I find her infested with such credulous fools enslaved to the rhetoric of man who has done nothing but bring shame and dishonor to her name infuriating. She will be far better off once Trump and his followers are removed from power.

    Then please just go away. Form your own party.

    Speaking for myself, the Republican Party is my party. It was subject to a hostile takeover by Trump. But Trump has self-immolated. In 64 days, Trump will become only the third elected President in a century to be rejected by the voters. America and the Republican Party will move on, with Trump being branded as a Failure and a Loser.

    The worse is yet to come. The State of New York and the District Attorney in Manhattan are both busy with criminal indictments. Soon Trump will be branded as a Criminal.

    It gets worse. There are lawsuits by a couple of women who raped and/or molested by Trump, who he then defamed. Those cases will go to trial. Trump’s volitional acts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Trump has personally guaranteed hundreds of millions in loans. His properties are being scorned by the public who want nothing of the Trump name. Soon Trump will be branded as a Broke Deadbeat.

    Trump is overweight. He doesn’t exercise. Soon he will be a Dead Failure, Loser, Criminal, Broke Deadbeat.

    It must be a heavy burden carrying that much hate. It can’t be good for you. 

    • #91

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    If you vote for the (D) then you are not a Republican, you are a (D).

    Really not a very complicated formulation.

    • #92
  3. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    And we are called Conservatives.  You know, the limited government, fiscal discipline, Rule of Law, Constitutional Conservatives.

    • #93
  4. Django Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    And we are called Conservatives. You know, the limited government, fiscal discipline, Rule of Law, Constitutional Conservatives.

    I guess  I wasn’t paying attention when Biden and Harris espoused those principles. 

    • #94
  5. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    And we are called Conservatives. You know, the limited government, fiscal discipline, Rule of Law, Constitutional Conservatives.

    I guess I wasn’t paying attention when Biden and Harris espoused those principles.

    Well Trump sure as heck wasn’t.  The natural home for Conservatives is the Republican Party.  In 27 days, the Electoral College will vote.  And in 64 days, Trump will no longer be President.  

    • #95
  6. Hang On Member
    Hang On

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hang On (View Comment):

    Valiuth (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    May we assume that where you came from, no one, not even the richest or most powerful, could have the benefit of legal representation of a lawyer of the unparalleled excellence of Sidney Powell, who has outlined multiple instances of computer manipulation of votes in favor of your apparently favored candidate?

    And it is statements like this why I call you fools and malign your intelligence or honesty because clearly one is deficient. There has been no demonstration of computer manipulation of votes. All I’ve seen from you people is references to changes in reported vote totals. These changes are caused by vote counting officials updating their results. When errors are made in the inputs they are corrected with later inputs that occur in batches causing a skipping effect if one is tracking the data in real time. If Mr. Powell really had the evidence you impute to him and he pretends to have when communicating to the MAGA idiots he would have presented it in court and a judge would have ordered a halt of the count.

    It is precisely that I do love my adopted country that I find her infested with such credulous fools enslaved to the rhetoric of man who has done nothing but bring shame and dishonor to her name infuriating. She will be far better off once Trump and his followers are removed from power.

    Then please just go away. Form your own party.

    Speaking for myself, the Republican Party is my party. It was subject to a hostile takeover by Trump. But Trump has self-immolated. In 64 days, Trump will become only the third elected President in a century to be rejected by the voters. America and the Republican Party will move on, with Trump being branded as a Failure and a Loser.

    The worse is yet to come. The State of New York and the District Attorney in Manhattan are both busy with criminal indictments. Soon Trump will be branded as a Criminal.

    It gets worse. There are lawsuits by a couple of women who raped and/or molested by Trump, who he then defamed. Those cases will go to trial. Trump’s volitional acts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Trump has personally guaranteed hundreds of millions in loans. His properties are being scorned by the public who want nothing of the Trump name. Soon Trump will be branded as a Broke Deadbeat.

    Trump is overweight. He doesn’t exercise. Soon he will be a Dead Failure, Loser, Criminal, Broke Deadbeat.

    More examples of your fantasy dreamworld. It must be something inside that head of yours.

    Some immolation. Got more votes than any other Republican has. And until Trump decides what he’s going to do, the 2024 GOP field will be frozen. But you still haven’t figured that out because, well, you ain’t all that much.

    • #96
  7. Hang On Member
    Hang On

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    What, the CCP agent, pro-Biden wing of the Republican Party?

    • #97
  8. HeavyWater Inactive

    If the GOP nominates Trump for president in 2024, why would we think the election outcome would end up any different?  

    This 2020 election cycle has demonstrated that Trump is easy kill for the Left.  Trump’s toast.

    • #98
  9. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Hang On (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hang On (View Comment):

    Valiuth (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    May we assume that where you came from, no one, not even the richest or most powerful, could have the benefit of legal representation of a lawyer of the unparalleled excellence of Sidney Powell, who has outlined multiple instances of computer manipulation of votes in favor of your apparently favored candidate?

    And it is statements like this why I call you fools and malign your intelligence or honesty because clearly one is deficient. There has been no demonstration of computer manipulation of votes. All I’ve seen from you people is references to changes in reported vote totals. These changes are caused by vote counting officials updating their results. When errors are made in the inputs they are corrected with later inputs that occur in batches causing a skipping effect if one is tracking the data in real time. If Mr. Powell really had the evidence you impute to him and he pretends to have when communicating to the MAGA idiots he would have presented it in court and a judge would have ordered a halt of the count.

    It is precisely that I do love my adopted country that I find her infested with such credulous fools enslaved to the rhetoric of man who has done nothing but bring shame and dishonor to her name infuriating. She will be far better off once Trump and his followers are removed from power.

    Then please just go away. Form your own party.

    Speaking for myself, the Republican Party is my party. It was subject to a hostile takeover by Trump. But Trump has self-immolated. In 64 days, Trump will become only the third elected President in a century to be rejected by the voters. America and the Republican Party will move on, with Trump being branded as a Failure and a Loser.

    The worse is yet to come. The State of New York and the District Attorney in Manhattan are both busy with criminal indictments. Soon Trump will be branded as a Criminal.

    It gets worse. There are lawsuits by a couple of women who raped and/or molested by Trump, who he then defamed. Those cases will go to trial. Trump’s volitional acts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Trump has personally guaranteed hundreds of millions in loans. His properties are being scorned by the public who want nothing of the Trump name. Soon Trump will be branded as a Broke Deadbeat.

    Trump is overweight. He doesn’t exercise. Soon he will be a Dead Failure, Loser, Criminal, Broke Deadbeat.

    More examples of your fantasy dreamworld. It must be something inside that head of yours.

    Some immolation. Got more votes than any other Republican has. And until Trump decides what he’s going to do, the 2024 GOP field will be frozen. But you still haven’t figured that out because, well, you ain’t all that much.

    Trump’s stock is declining every day.  It will take a huge fall in 27 days on December 14:2020 when the Electoral College votes.  It will take a huge fall in 64 days on January 20, 2021 when Biden is inaugurated.

    Trump’s stock will further decline if he is convicted in New York.  The trial will be on TV, and Trump will be subject to the Rules of Evidence and cross-examination if he chooses to testify.  

    Trump’s stock will further decline if the women win their defamation lawsuits against him.  The trials will be on TV and unlike a criminal case, Trump cannot refuse to testify.  

    Trump’s stock will continue to decline if he is forced to declare bankruptcy, not for a subsidiary company, but personally.

    • #99
  10. Django Member

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    If the GOP nominates Trump for president in 2024, why would we think the election outcome would end up any different?

    This 2020 election cycle has demonstrated that Trump is easy kill for the Left. Trump’s toast.

    Depends a lot on the intervening four years. I’m reasonably certain Biden won’t be the candidate in 2024, so a Harris vs. Trump ticket would be interesting. Of course if the GOPe re-emerges and the candidate is someone such as Kasich, Rubio, Hogan, Mittens, I’ll put my money on the Demo-rats in 2024. I’m an outlier because I still don’t understand the fascination with Haley, and as much as I like Cruz I don’t think he is electable. 

    • #100
  11. J Climacus Member
    J Climacus

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    If the GOP nominates Trump for president in 2024, why would we think the election outcome would end up any different?

    This 2020 election cycle has demonstrated that Trump is easy kill for the Left. Trump’s toast.

    Trump isn’t the future of the Republican Party. He’s a disruptor who showed how out of touch mainstream Republicanism is from the rank and file of the Party. He’s like the bad boy your daughter dates just to punish you. The question will be if the mainstream Republicans take the lesson seriously, or think that with Trump gone all the problems that lead to him are gone as well. They aren’t, they’ve only gotten worse. If the Republican Establishment goes back to its old ways, they may not face Trump again in 2024, but they will face some sort of Trump-like candidate. 

    • #101
  12. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hang On (View Comment):

    Valiuth (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    May we assume that where you came from, no one, not even the richest or most powerful, could have the benefit of legal representation of a lawyer of the unparalleled excellence of Sidney Powell, who has outlined multiple instances of computer manipulation of votes in favor of your apparently favored candidate?

    And it is statements like this why I call you fools and malign your intelligence or honesty because clearly one is deficient. There has been no demonstration of computer manipulation of votes. All I’ve seen from you people is references to changes in reported vote totals. These changes are caused by vote counting officials updating their results. When errors are made in the inputs they are corrected with later inputs that occur in batches causing a skipping effect if one is tracking the data in real time. If Mr. Powell really had the evidence you impute to him and he pretends to have when communicating to the MAGA idiots he would have presented it in court and a judge would have ordered a halt of the count.

    It is precisely that I do love my adopted country that I find her infested with such credulous fools enslaved to the rhetoric of man who has done nothing but bring shame and dishonor to her name infuriating. She will be far better off once Trump and his followers are removed from power.

    Then please just go away. Form your own party.

    Speaking for myself, the Republican Party is my party. It was subject to a hostile takeover by Trump. But Trump has self-immolated. In 64 days, Trump will become only the third elected President in a century to be rejected by the voters. America and the Republican Party will move on, with Trump being branded as a Failure and a Loser.

    The worse is yet to come. The State of New York and the District Attorney in Manhattan are both busy with criminal indictments. Soon Trump will be branded as a Criminal.

    It gets worse. There are lawsuits by a couple of women who raped and/or molested by Trump, who he then defamed. Those cases will go to trial. Trump’s volitional acts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Trump has personally guaranteed hundreds of millions in loans. His properties are being scorned by the public who want nothing of the Trump name. Soon Trump will be branded as a Broke Deadbeat.

    Trump is overweight. He doesn’t exercise. Soon he will be a Dead Failure, Loser, Criminal, Broke Deadbeat.

    It is not your party. Thrn70 million voters whom you despise are the Republican party.

    But, Gary, it is clear you are fine with political, political prosecutions.  That is because you don’t believe in proper processes,  but only forci g your will on others. Thst is not the legacy of Reagan. It is thr legacy of Stalin. 

    You fit right in.

    • #102
  13. Django Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    And we are called Conservatives. You know, the limited government, fiscal discipline, Rule of Law, Constitutional Conservatives.

    I guess I wasn’t paying attention when Biden and Harris espoused those principles.

    Well Trump sure as heck wasn’t. The natural home for Conservatives is the Republican Party. In 27 days, the Electoral College will vote. And in 64 days, Trump will no longer be President.

    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected. 

    • #103
  14. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    It is funny. Gary thinks attacks by partisans and faux conservatives will cause Trump supporters to turn. LOL


    • #104
  15. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    And we are called Conservatives. You know, the limited government, fiscal discipline, Rule of Law, Constitutional Conservatives.

    I guess I wasn’t paying attention when Biden and Harris espoused those principles.

    Well Trump sure as heck wasn’t. The natural home for Conservatives is the Republican Party. In 27 days, the Electoral College will vote. And in 64 days, Trump will no longer be President.

    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency.  Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    • #105
  16. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    It is funny. Gary thinks attacks by partisans and faux conservatives will cause Trump supporters to turn. LOL

    The Republican Party won down-ballot in 2020.  Remove Trump, and we win back the Presidency.

    • #106
  17. Hang On Member
    Hang On

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Trump’s stock is declining every day. It will take a huge fall in 27 days on December 14:2020 when the Electoral College votes. It will take a huge fall in 64 days on January 20, 2021 when Biden is inaugurated.

    Trump’s stock will further decline if he is convicted in New York. The trial will be on TV, and Trump will be subject to the Rules of Evidence and cross-examination if he chooses to testify.

    Trump’s stock will further decline if the women win their defamation lawsuits against him. The trials will be on TV and unlike a criminal case, Trump cannot refuse to testify.

    Trump’s stock will continue to decline if he is forced to declare bankruptcy, not for a subsidiary company, but personally.

    Sounds like a fantasy world. You really should get help.

    • #107
  18. Django Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    MichaelKennedy (View Comment):

    It is interesting to see the NeverTrumpers pull off their masks and show us who they really are. Thank you, Gary.

    Yes. We are called Republicans.

    And we are called Conservatives. You know, the limited government, fiscal discipline, Rule of Law, Constitutional Conservatives.

    I guess I wasn’t paying attention when Biden and Harris espoused those principles.

    Well Trump sure as heck wasn’t. The natural home for Conservatives is the Republican Party. In 27 days, the Electoral College will vote. And in 64 days, Trump will no longer be President.

    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Whistling past the graveyard, I believe. @jclimacus nailed it comment #101. The problems that brought Trump have not gone away. I don’t think the GOPe is smart enough to realize that. 

    • #108
  19. HeavyWater Inactive

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment) 


    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.  

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020.  We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.


    • #109
  20. HeavyWater Inactive

    J Climacus (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    If the GOP nominates Trump for president in 2024, why would we think the election outcome would end up any different?

    This 2020 election cycle has demonstrated that Trump is easy kill for the Left. Trump’s toast.

    Trump isn’t the future of the Republican Party. He’s a disruptor who showed how out of touch mainstream Republicanism is from the rank and file of the Party. He’s like the bad boy your daughter dates just to punish you. The question will be if the mainstream Republicans take the lesson seriously, or think that with Trump gone all the problems that lead to him are gone as well. They aren’t, they’ve only gotten worse. If the Republican Establishment goes back to its old ways, they may not face Trump again in 2024, but they will face some sort of Trump-like candidate.

    The Republican Establishment did well in the 2020 election.  It’s Trump who was given the boot.


    • #110
  21. cdor Member

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    cdor (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    “Having spent most of my life at the Bar,”

    You lawyers sure have a way with words. Unfortunately and maddeningly, where were the Republican lawyers for the last six months? RNC Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, diddled while the Democrats everywhere were using the pandemic to create systematic voter fraud. 100 million mostly unauditable mail-in ballots were cast in this election. That is easily triple the number normally cast. We all watched while the Democrats went State by State and corrupted any ability to verify/audit the results. I pray that a miracle happens with Sydney Powell and her investigation into the digital voting machines, but in other situations, the damage is done, the evidence is destroyed, and the truth cannot be clawed back.

    Maybe Trump was too incompetent to hire election law attorneys before November 3rd.

    There really is nothing uglier than a sore winner.

    • #111
  22. J Climacus Member
    J Climacus

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)

    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.

    Something like 93% of the Republicans voting, voted for Trump. And despite all the celebrating, Republicans lost the Congressional elections. Democrats will still control the House and we may end up losing the Senate as well.  They just didn’t lose the House elections as bad as they did in 2020.

    How many of those Republicans will stick around if the Party goes back to its pre-Trump ways of ignoring immigration and pandering to rich donors? I won’t.

    • #112
  23. Django Member

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)


    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.


    It seems as if we don’t live in the same universe. Trump got more support from minorities than any Republican since 1960 and those down-ticket candidates didn’t, to my knowledge, oppose Trump’s policies. So I don’t know how you can blame the “Trumpist wing”. 

    • #113
  24. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    cdor (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    cdor (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    “Having spent most of my life at the Bar,”

    You lawyers sure have a way with words. Unfortunately and maddeningly, where were the Republican lawyers for the last six months? RNC Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, diddled while the Democrats everywhere were using the pandemic to create systematic voter fraud. 100 million mostly unauditable mail-in ballots were cast in this election. That is easily triple the number normally cast. We all watched while the Democrats went State by State and corrupted any ability to verify/audit the results. I pray that a miracle happens with Sydney Powell and her investigation into the digital voting machines, but in other situations, the damage is done, the evidence is destroyed, and the truth cannot be clawed back.

    Maybe Trump was too incompetent to hire election law attorneys before November 3rd.

    There really is nothing uglier than a sore winner.

    Actually a sore loser is worse.

    • #114
  25. Django Member

    J Climacus (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)

    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.

    Something like 93% of the Republicans voting, voted for Trump. And despite all the celebrating, Republicans lost the Congressional elections. Democrats will still control the House and we may end up losing the Senate as well. They just didn’t lose the House elections as bad as they did in 2020.

    How many of those Republicans will stick around if the Party goes back to its pre-Trump ways of ignoring immigration and pandering to rich donors? I won’t.

    Nor will I. 

    • #115
  26. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    J Climacus (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)

    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.

    Something like 93% of the Republicans voting, voted for Trump. And despite all the celebrating, Republicans lost the Congressional elections. Democrats will still control the House and we may end up losing the Senate as well. They just didn’t lose the House elections as bad as they did in 2020.

    We cut the margin in the House by half, winning two seats in Orange County, and winning back NM-2, OK-5 and SC-1 among others.

    How many of those Republicans will stick around if the Party goes back to its pre-Trump ways of ignoring immigration and pandering to rich donors? I won’t.

    There needs to be a unification between the two tribes in the Republican Party.  My only requirement is that neither Trump, nor his children can be the nominee.


    • #116
  27. HeavyWater Inactive

    Django (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)


    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.


    It seems as if we don’t live in the same universe. Trump got more support from minorities than any Republican since 1960 and those down-ticket candidates didn’t, to my knowledge, oppose Trump’s policies. So I don’t know how you can blame the “Trumpist wing”


    In the state of Maine, the voters re-elected Establishment Republican Susan Collins while those same voters rejected Donald Trump.  

    The lesson from the 2020 election might be that if you nominate a man who pays off porn stars, you won’t win the election, even if the Democrat is senile.  

    • #117
  28. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Django (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)


    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.


    It seems as if we don’t live in the same universe. Trump got more support from minorities than any Republican since 1960 and those down-ticket candidates didn’t, to my knowledge, oppose Trump’s policies. So I don’t know how you can blame the “Trumpist wing”.

    The voters supported Republican policies, they just didn’t support Trump.

    • #118
  29. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    cdor (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    cdor (View Comment):

    Jim George (View Comment):
    “Having spent most of my life at the Bar,”

    You lawyers sure have a way with words. Unfortunately and maddeningly, where were the Republican lawyers for the last six months? RNC Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, diddled while the Democrats everywhere were using the pandemic to create systematic voter fraud. 100 million mostly unauditable mail-in ballots were cast in this election. That is easily triple the number normally cast. We all watched while the Democrats went State by State and corrupted any ability to verify/audit the results. I pray that a miracle happens with Sydney Powell and her investigation into the digital voting machines, but in other situations, the damage is done, the evidence is destroyed, and the truth cannot be clawed back.

    Maybe Trump was too incompetent to hire election law attorneys before November 3rd.

    There really is nothing uglier than a sore winner.

    Actually a sore loser is worse.

    No. Not true. 

    • #119
  30. Django Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    HeavyWater (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment)


    Thanks to you and your ilk, Trump could be the last Republican elected.

    The Republican Party did well in the election, except for the Presidency. Remove Trump, and we have a winning message and coalition.

    Good point.

    The voters supported Republicans up and down the ballot while rejecting Trump.

    So, nominating Trump in 2024 is essentially handing the Left the White House for yet another 4 years.

    If bad enough that the Trumpist wing of the GOP handed the White House to the Left in 2020. We have to nominate a better candidate in 2024.


    It seems as if we don’t live in the same universe. Trump got more support from minorities than any Republican since 1960 and those down-ticket candidates didn’t, to my knowledge, oppose Trump’s policies. So I don’t know how you can blame the “Trumpist wing”.

    The voters supported Republican policies, they just didn’t support Trump.

    Apparently they — and you — vote by emotion where Trump is concerned. If you and they want to function at the level of 15-year-old high-school girls, there’s nothing I can say. And those policies were Trump’s policies, and “Republican” only by virtue of the fact that Trump was head of the party for four years. 

    • #120
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