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  1. Fred Cole Inactive
    Fred Cole

    Doctor Robert: So don’t tell me there’s no voter fraud.

    I didn’t say there was no fraud. I said massive fraud on the scale being hinted at leaves evidence.

    But what you describe isn’t fraud per se. There’s know way to know from how you related the tale whether those people were casting fraudulent votes or not.

    • #61
  2. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Fred Cole:

    MJBubba: Fred, do you not feel the slightest sense of relief that we do not have a ‘President-elect Hillary’

    No. Because it means we have President-elect Trump. That’s a thing to mourn, not celebrate.

    There were potential benefits to a Clinton presidency. One of them being that one major party would at least pretend to care about limited government.

    The Republicans had plenty of opportunity to pretend to care about limited government during the Obama administration. They blew it. Perhaps they were too busy trying to purge those of their own who actually did care about limited government. But now that Trump has been elected, the Democrats care about limited government out of one side of their mouths.  We could consider that to be progress.

    • #62
  3. Fred Cole Inactive
    Fred Cole

    The Reticulator: The Republicans had plenty of opportunity to pretend to care about limited government during the Obama administration. They blew it.

    It wasn’t all bad. They forced Obama to sign onto budget caps. That at least slowed budget growth.

    • #63
  4. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Fred Cole:

    The Reticulator: The Republicans had plenty of opportunity to pretend to care about limited government during the Obama administration. They blew it.

    It wasn’t all bad. They forced Obama to sign onto budget caps. That at least slowed budget growth.

    After making his trillion dollar stimulus a permanent thing and keeping quiet while he expanded the regulatory, administrative state.  At least now they are talking about resisting some of Trump’s spending ideas. That is progress.

    • #64
  5. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    Quake Voter:

    That decisionmaking might be more likely if some our smarter brethren on the intellectual right would get over their butt hurt, stop indulging in their NeverAlwaysTrump strawman preening and prepare to make some helpful critiques.

    That’s only possible if the other side is open to critique. Instead what I’ve seen so far is that any and all criticism is dismissed as, “butthurt NeverTrump strawmen” and ignored.

    • #65
  6. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus


    Look, voter fraud is a thing of the past. Sure it existed in the days of Tammany Hall, the Pendergast machine in Kansas City, or the Daleys in Chicago, biut politicians are just more honest now. They have more integrity.

    And don’t worry about the fact that in this last election many precincts in Detroit reported more votes cast than voters in the precinct.

    Just a silly mistake, nothing to get worked up about.

    Why does everyone jump straight from, “Voter fraud didn’t turn the election,” to, “There is no voter fraud?” Talk about strawmen…

    • #66
  7. Fred Cole Inactive
    Fred Cole

    Doctor Robert: Caring about limited government doesn’t matter a whit if a totalitarian is in charge of your country.

    That’s a touch hyperbolic, isn’t it?

    • #67
  8. Quake Voter Inactive
    Quake Voter

    Umbra Fractus:

    Quake Voter:

    That decisionmaking might be more likely if some our smarter brethren on the intellectual right would get over their butt hurt, stop indulging in their NeverAlwaysTrump strawman preening and prepare to make some helpful critiques.

    That’s only possible if the other side is open to critique. Instead what I’ve seen so far is that any and all criticism is dismissed as, “butthurt NeverTrump strawmen” and ignored.

    Umbra, could you please point me to some longish form criticism of Trump cabinet appointments or policy directions from former Never Trumpers?

    Problem is you spent six months making risible “Judge Judy appointment,” “Schumer Administration” and catastrophic GOP collapse jeremiads and really can’t, as yet, admit that Trump is forming a cabinet more conservative than Reagan’s and will soon announce a SCOTUS pick that makes O’Connor look like Kagan.

    Goldberg’s NeverAlwaysTrump preening this weekend in NR is the poster piece for this butthurt NeverTrump nonsense.  Still so painfully concerned with the opinion of his frenemies in the DC opinion jobbing market.

    All I see is the weekly hissy fitting when, for example, Trump tweets in support of ill-judged legislation against flag burning which 90% of Congressional Republicans supported 10 years ago.  Or when Trump takes advantage of a corporate tax program used aggressively by Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence for 12 years and the corporatist catcalls start.

    Trump will either be as conservative as his cabinet and win over understandably cautious but fair critics or pursue a foolish Schwarzenegerism and lose conservatives.

    NeverTrumpers become NeverAlwaysTrumpers are irrelevant posturers sadly.


    • #68
  9. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Fred Cole:

    Doctor Robert: Caring about limited government doesn’t matter a whit if a totalitarian is in charge of your country.

    That’s a touch hyperbolic, isn’t it?


    • #69
  10. JimGoneWild Coolidge

    I’m surprised with seeing: Mississippi Island, Alabama Island and, in Utah, Salt Lake. Can anyone explain those?

    • #70
  11. Freesmith Member


    Don’t hold your breath. You’ll see the apology for the “Judge Judy to the Supreme Court” jeremiads right after the mainstream conservatives apologize for losing the working-class Democrats that Ronald Reagan won for them in 1980 and 1984.

    You know, the voters that they let become the Democrats’ “Blue Wall,” while they chased after the Hispanic and entrepreneur vote.

    • #71
  12. Johnny Dubya Inactive
    Johnny Dubya

    JimGoneWild:I’m surprised with seeing: Mississippi Island, Alabama Island and, in Utah, Salt Lake. Can anyone explain those?

    Salt Lake City may be in Utah, but it’s still a city, and it went for Rodham.

    The Mississippi/Alabama swaths have a high African-American population.

    • #72
  13. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    The Reticulator:

    Fred Cole:

    The Reticulator: The Republicans had plenty of opportunity to pretend to care about limited government during the Obama administration. They blew it.

    It wasn’t all bad. They forced Obama to sign onto budget caps. That at least slowed budget growth.

    After making his trillion dollar stimulus a permanent thing and keeping quiet while he expanded the regulatory, administrative state. At least now they are talking about resisting some of Trump’s spending ideas. That is progress.

    And if that was good enough for you under the Obama regime, It’s hard to see why you’re so worked up about Trump.

    • #73
  14. Isaac Smith Member
    Isaac Smith

    The Reticulator: The Republicans had plenty of opportunity to pretend to care about limited government during the Obama administration. They blew it. Perhaps they were too busy trying to purge those of their own who actually did care about limited government. But now that Trump has been elected, the Democrats care about limited government out of one side of their mouths. We could consider that to be progress.

    Heck, Republicans had an even better opportunity to care about limited government during the Bush Administration.

    • #74
  15. billy Inactive

    Umbra Fractus:


    Look, voter fraud is a thing of the past. Sure it existed in the days of Tammany Hall, the Pendergast machine in Kansas City, or the Daleys in Chicago, biut politicians are just more honest now. They have more integrity.

    And don’t worry about the fact that in this last election many precincts in Detroit reported more votes cast than voters in the precinct.

    Just a silly mistake, nothing to get worked up about.

    Why does everyone jump straight from, “Voter fraud didn’t turn the election,” to, “There is no voter fraud?” Talk about strawmen…

    So we’ve gone from Mr. Cole’s, “There is no evidence of voter fraud. It’s all a paranoid myth ginned up by alt-right nativists” to Umbra’s,”Sure voter fraud occurs, but it doesn’t influence the outcome of any election.”

    Progress I guess.

    • #75
  16. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    billy:So we’ve gone from Mr. Cole’s, “There is no evidence of voter fraud. It’s all a paranoid myth ginned up by alt-right nativists” to Umbra’s,”Sure voter fraud occurs, but it doesn’t influence the outcome of any election.”


    When did Fred say this? As far as I can tell, he’s saying the same thing I am; If you want to claim that Trump would have won the popular vote if not for illegal voters, then you’d better be able to back it up with something more substantial than, “Everybody knows it happens.”

    • #76
  17. Freesmith Member

    Here’s some more progress:

    Even San Francisco is learning to love immigration restrictionism. (As if the opposite was ever more than a pose.)

    Ben Carson – How about a lot of Section 8 housing and refugee centers in Martha’s  Vineyard and East Hampton?

    • #77
  18. Fred Cole Inactive
    Fred Cole

    The Reticulator: And if that was good enough for you under the Obama regime, It’s hard to see why you’re so worked up about Trump.

    Because I don’t seem them having any restraint.  There aren’t any checks any more. Congressmen are already lining up to lick Trump’s boots.

    • #78
  19. Franco Member

    Fred Cole:

    The Reticulator: And if that was good enough for you under the Obama regime, It’s hard to see why you’re so worked up about Trump.

    Because I don’t seem them having any restraint. There aren’t any checks any more. Congressmen are already lining up to lick Trump’s boots.

    How terrifying it must be for you. My sympathies.

    • #79
  20. Marley's Ghost Coolidge
    Marley's Ghost

    Fred Cole:Funny, that archipelago looks a lot like this one:


    That’s a population density map.

    Looks like Clinton won the places that are full people and Trump won places with fewer people.

    What is interesting to note Fred is that Trumpland has much that is yellow to red.  The Clinton islands are mostly green.  She has control of them but there are still substantial minorities of people who don’t want what the Progressive Left is selling.

    • #80
  21. Doctor Robert Member
    Doctor Robert

    Fred Cole:

    Doctor Robert: Caring about limited government doesn’t matter a whit if a totalitarian is in charge of your country.

    That’s a touch hyperbolic, isn’t it?

    Not at all.  Ask Nakoula Bassely Nakoula.  Ask Dinesh d’Souza.  Ask the former bond-holders of GM.

    • #81
  22. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Fred Cole:

    MJBubba: Fred, do you not feel the slightest sense of relief that we do not have a ‘President-elect Hillary’

    No. Because it means we have President-elect Trump. That’s a thing to mourn, not celebrate.

    There were potential benefits to a Clinton presidency. One of them being that one major party would at least pretend to care about limited government.

    Which party?  The one that doubled the national debt in 8 years and added more bureaucracy and government employees on the payroll and less in the private sector, added another giant, bloated, complicated non-working “benefit” called Obamacare – which Clinton promised to continue?  It wasn’t the Russians, it was the last eight years that resulted in Trump.  There are way too many things to list as to how our great country has been compromised by O and the Progressives.  What specific benefits did you see with a Hillary win?

    • #82
  23. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Fred Cole:

    The Reticulator: And if that was good enough for you under the Obama regime, It’s hard to see why you’re so worked up about Trump.

    Because I don’t seem them having any restraint. There aren’t any checks any more. Congressmen are already lining up to lick Trump’s boots.

    We had checks and it made no difference to the current president that did not respect the Constitution, the will of the people or the rule of law.

    • #83
  24. Fred Cole Inactive
    Fred Cole

    Front Seat Cat: What specific benefits did you see with a Hillary win?

    That one major party would at least pretend to care about limited government.

    Instead we have a big government Republican president and a Congress ready to rubber stamp his asinine policies.

    • #84
  25. Z in MT Member
    Z in MT


    Z in MT: What is your suggestion on how to fundamentally change this political geography?

    1. Allow California to secede based on a county-by-county vote, allowing counties with greater than a 50% vote in favor of remaining in the US retained and the counties with greater than 50% in favor of secession leaving.


    Mexico deeded California to the US in 1848. We could just deed it back…

    • #85
  26. Z in MT Member
    Z in MT

    Fred Cole:

    Front Seat Cat: What specific benefits did you see with a Hillary win?

    That one major party would at least pretend to care about limited government.

    Instead we have a big government Republican president and a Congress ready to rubber stamp his asinine policies.


    I wrote in SMOD on my ballot, so I understand a little where you are coming from. However, it seems to be that your disgust with Trump is blinding you. Except for a couple picks, Trump is appointing a very limited government cabinet. Pruitt at EPA, Pudzer at Labor, Perry at Energy, and Mulvaney for OMB alone might be worth the price of admission.

    • #86
  27. SecondBite Member

    While I appreciate the pleasures of internecine bloodletting as much as anyone, I have a question that leads another direction.

    Does anyone else remember “Country A” and “Country B” from Herman Kahn’s “On Thermonuclear  War”?  Countries A and B were distinct subsets of the United States.  In the election maps shown (and the population map), Trump won Country B and Clinton won Country A.  One of Kahn’s theses was that while Country B could rebuild Country A if A had been destroyed by war, the reverse was not true.  Given that Country A was the most likely to be targeted in a thermonuclear war, he thought that meant that there was a chance of survival- at least I think that was what he inferred.  It has been a long time since I read the book.  Back when I lived and worked in a more rural environment, the ignorance of urban populations as to the degree of their dependence on factors entirely beyond their control shocked me whenever we visited urban areas, particularly the San Francisco Bay area.  I didn’t think much of Trump as a candidate and I really don’t expect much of him as President- though he seems to be off to a splendid start-  but maybe it is time to end the civil war in Country B and to to start sending reality based missionaries into Country A.  Country A is far too precious a resource to be written off.

    • #87
  28. Freesmith Member



    • #88
  29. TKC1101 Member

    Fred Cole:Yeah. Obviously Donald Trump lost the popular vote because of 20 million illegals voting for him in California, and not because he’s the most unpopular major party candidate in history.

    I mean obviously millions of people voted for him illegally in California. Look at all the evidence.

    Fred, you throw up a silly ass map showing ‘where the real population’ lies and imply that is somehow an argument. I find it amusing when all I do is the same thing showing where the illegal population lies and you have your normal freakout about implication.

    Your inconsistency is bordering on parody.  Oh wait, we have no borders, so I think your inconsistency snuck across in the night.

    • #89
  30. Arjay Member

    Z in MT:Mexico deeded California to the US in 1848. We could just deed it back…

    I think we have the beginning of  a plan here!


    • #90
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