Are They Doing This to Us on Purpose?


The globalist left has made its agenda clear. They don’t want us living in comfortable suburban homes, they want us to live in densely packed industrial rabbit warrens like New York and Hong Kong; in 500-square-foot apartments decorated in IKEA furniture. They don’t want us driving cars, they want us dependent on government-run mass transit, operated by unionized government employees, according to government-set schedules. They do not want us to eat meat, they want us to eat soy and bugs. And we are to be continuously monitored by the government for compliance with policy edicts.

Coincidentally or not, due to Biden and Democratic Party policies, the price of homes has skyrocketed and inflation-driven increases in mortgage rates are making them unaffordable (unless you’re a giant hedge fund bent on buying houses and converting them into rental stock because government policies encourage that sort of thing). The price of used cars and gasoline has likewise skyrocketed. Likewise meat of all kinds. Which has led Glenn Reynolds to ask whether the Democrats are inflicting these policies deliberately in order to get the desired result and Dan Greenfield to answer, “Hells yeah, they’re doing it on purpose.”

Reynolds: “$1 out of every $6 that people earn has been lost to inflation in a single year. Or to put it another way, 80 minutes’ earnings out of every eight-hour day have been eaten up. This is predictable, of course. Team Biden took an already bloated federal budget and supersized it with spending last year, printing money hand-over-fist to fund a massive array of pork-filled programs, many if not most of which guided billions of dollars into the pockets of Democratic Party supporters.

So does the Biden administration actually want to see middle-class Americans reduced to poverty and privation? Or is it just too stupid to foresee the obvious consequences of its own actions? At this point, I’m not even sure which is worse.”

But on the plus side, Biden’s tweets have been very not-mean. Usually.

Greenfield. “Inflation isn’t an unintentional accident either. The Left spends like drunken sailors to feed its agenda, but also because spending is an innate good in the Cloward-Piven sense. Devalue money and you wipe out the middle class. Then you can reboot the economy on new terms.

Biden wasted trillions of dollars and is busy blaming “corporate greed” for high prices.

Meanwhile, inflation is doing what it’s meant to do, wiping out savings, and triggering retaliatory interest rate hikes to “cool down” the economy. The middle class ends up poorer and more vulnerable, government dependency rises and social mobility falls. Socialism starts looking better every day. That’s how it worked in the twentieth century and still works today.”

“But Victor, you stallion,” you say. “These policies are driving Biden’s party to electoral disaster. Why would they choose political suicide in service of this unpopular agenda.” Well, thank you, I am a stallion. As for the consequences, is it possible that Democrats don’t think the electoral consequences matter? Have they concluded the game is so rigged in their favor — long-term — that losing a midterm election to a Republican Party profoundly incapable of changing the national trajectory (even if they wanted to) is just a temporary setback; a mere speedbump on the road to our glorious future of us owning nothing and them being happy?

Published in Economics
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There are 40 comments.

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  1. Judge Mental Member
    Judge Mental

    Victor Tango Kilo:

    “But Victor, you stallion,” you say. “These policies are driving Biden’s party to electoral disaster. Why would they choose political suicide in service of this unpopular agenda.” Well, thank you, I am a stallion. As for the consequences, is it possible that Democrats don’t think the electoral consequences matter? Have they concluded the game is so rigged in their favor — long-term — that losing a mid-term election to a Republican Party profoundly incapable of changing the national trajectory (even if they wanted to) is just a temporary setback; a mere speedbump on the road to our glorious future of us owning nothing and them being happy?

    They got ObamaCare in exchange for 40 moderate House members.  Seats that they won back with less moderate candidates.

    • #1
  2. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Europe is colonizing America.    

    • #2
  3. Mad Gerald Coolidge
    Mad Gerald

    Sleepy Joe doesn’t care how much we suffer through the “incredible transition” he has foisted on us.  He knows he doesn’t have much time left and he has a legacy to establish.

    My 403b has made an “incredible transition” by losing 25% year to date.

    • #3
  4. Stina Member

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    Europe is colonizing America.

    The entire world is colonizing America.

    • #4
  5. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    Victor Tango Kilo: “But Victor, you stallion,” you say.

    I . . . wouldn’t put it quite like that.

    • #5
  6. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    Victor Tango Kilo: As for the consequences, is it possible that Democrats don’t think the electoral consequences matter? Have they concluded the game is so rigged in their favor — long-term — that losing a mid-term election to a Republican Party profoundly incapable of changing the national trajectory (even if they wanted to) is just a temporary setback; a mere speedbump on the road to our glorious future of us owning nothing and them being happy?

    I know this was a rhetorical question, but the answer is yes.

    And yes, they’re doing it deliberately. How else to explain that, in response to rising gas prices, the Biden administration keeps shutting down more and more oil production? 

    The old saying never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity,” is true: once you’ve determined that they’re not stupid, the malice becomes apparent.

    • #6
  7. Raxxalan Member

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo: As for the consequences, is it possible that Democrats don’t think the electoral consequences matter? Have they concluded the game is so rigged in their favor — long-term — that losing a mid-term election to a Republican Party profoundly incapable of changing the national trajectory (even if they wanted to) is just a temporary setback; a mere speedbump on the road to our glorious future of us owning nothing and them being happy?

    I know this was a rhetorical question, but the answer is yes.

    And yes, they’re doing it deliberately. How else to explain that, in response to rising gas prices, the Biden administration keeps shutting down more and more oil production?

    The old saying never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity,” is true: once you’ve determined that they’re not stupid, the malice becomes apparent.

    Embrace the power of and.  They are doing this on purpose and it profoundly stupid.  It isn’t entirely intentional as in their actual intention is not necessarily to make the middle class poorer.  It is just that their priorities, Green energy, “sustainability”, expand government jobs and regulation are having predictable second order effects.  Plus many of them believe that the middle class is a bunch of racist white supremacists, so we are guilty of sin and must be punished.  The reason it isn’t exactly a planned conspiracy is they seek to exempt themselves and their friends from the consequences of their policy.  While some at the very top can managed that the vast majority of them are going to get whacked with the same 2×4 as we “deplorables” are. 

    • #7
  8. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    Embrace the power of and.  They are doing this on purpose and it profoundly stupid.  It isn’t entirely intentional as in their actual intention is not necessarily to make the middle class poorer.  It is just that their priorities, Green energy, “sustainability”, expand government jobs and regulation are having predictable second order effects.

    The policy is stupid, but they’re not stupid. I think their actual intention is to make the middle class poorer. All the better to destroy the economy and create dependency.

    Remember, the ultimate goal of these globalist oligarchs (for that is who they are) is that we all live in dense urban areas, travel only in public transport, eat bug paste and own nothing. It’s about control. They’re evil, and clever. Do not underestimate them. Assume this is all being done on purpose and act accordingly. (Which is to say, they must be destroyed. Every last one of them.)

    • #8
  9. Ontheleftcoast Inactive

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):
    They’re evil, and clever.

    And many of them work very hard.

    • #9
  10. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Mad Gerald (View Comment):

    Sleepy Joe doesn’t care how much we suffer through the “incredible transition” he has foisted on us. He knows he doesn’t have much time left and he has a legacy to establish.

    My 403b has made an “incredible transition” by losing 25% year to date.

    Buy the dip!!

    • #10
  11. Raxxalan Member

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):
    Embrace the power of and. They are doing this on purpose and it profoundly stupid. It isn’t entirely intentional as in their actual intention is not necessarily to make the middle class poorer. It is just that their priorities, Green energy, “sustainability”, expand government jobs and regulation are having predictable second order effects.

    The policy is stupid, but they’re not stupid. I think their actual intention is to make the middle class poorer. All the better to destroy the economy and create dependency.

    Remember, the ultimate goal of these globalist oligarchs (for that is who they are) is that we all live in dense urban areas, travel only in public transport, eat bug paste and own nothing. It’s about control. They’re evil, and clever. Do not underestimate them. Assume this is all being done on purpose and act accordingly. (Which is to say, they must be destroyed. Every last one of them.)

    We’ll have to agree to disagree.  I think they are stupid.  I think they are what Dan Bongino calls stupid smart people.   I don’t think they have a good feel for understanding 2nd order effects.  I don’t think they have a complete appreciation for what they are doing.  I agree that they have an agenda which is not good and will cause this I just don’t know if I buy that it is a conspiracy to achieve this particular thing.

    That having been said I agree with your assessment that globalist oligarchs are a menace and need to be dealt with appropriately.  It doesn’t matter if what they are doing is result malfeasance or misfeasance they need to be stopped either way. 

    • #11
  12. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    One big problem, of course, is that these are Acela Corridor-dwellers, and they have no idea how most of the country lives. “Of course everyone can travel by commuter train; I do it all the time! Of course nobody needs a personal vehicle; I’ve never owned one!  Of course nobody needs baby formula; there aren’t any babies! At least, not in my gated community.”

    They don’t see the effects of their own policies and they certainly don’t feel them.

    So one way to change things is to make sure they feel pain and understand that it’s a direct result of their policies.

    But I doubt that would have that much of an effect. They still think of themselves as better than us.

    By the way, I’m talking about people in BOTH parties, so nobody better give me the “Republicans are going to save us!” line again. The midterms won’t change the trajectory of this country. Down to the abyss we go.

    • #12
  13. David Foster Member
    David Foster

    Mad Gerald (View Comment):
    He knows he doesn’t have much time left and he has a legacy to establish.

    He is certainly obsessed with his ‘legacy’…he actually had a meeting with a group of historians to find out what programs he needed to push to get favorably featured in the history group.

    In Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, some German soldiers are discussing the reasons for the war, which they agree is doing no good for anyone…including the Kaiser…”he’s got everything he needs anyway.”

    To which one soldier responds: “No, you can’t say that, up to now he hadn’t had a war.  All top-grade emperors need at least one war, otherwise they don’t get famous. Have a look in your school history books.”

    I was first reminded of this passage by Putin’s Ukraine invasion, to which I think it certainly applies.  But it also applies to Biden’s legacy-driven depredations.


    • #13
  14. Doctor Robert Member
    Doctor Robert

    Of course it is deliberate.  It is part of a deliberate wrecking of traditional America which began in January 1993 and continued unabated (with a minor relaxing of tempo in 2001-2009) until January 2017, when it was seriously slowed by Mr Trump, resuming in January 2021 with increased ferocity.

    The Left wants to ruin America, to make us all socialists.  If you doubt me, see for yourself.  Find me one counterexample in the policies or appointments of any national Dem politician since 1993.  Just one example of a Dem pol doing something that was clearly pro-American, which was meant to give Americans greater safety, prosperity and/or status in the world.  Find two, and I’ll buy you lunch.

    The Left is not our opposition.  The Left is our enemies, and we need to treat them as such.

    Some of us have been screaming about this for 29 years. 

    (I’m still waiting for those examples.)

    • #14
  15. Stad Coolidge

    Victor Tango Kilo: “But Victor, you stallion,” you say.

    I stick with shorter words like “stud.”  It helps reduce spelling errors . . .

    • #15
  16. BillJackson Inactive

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):
    They don’t see the effects of their own policies and they certainly don’t feel them.

    You beat me to it. Look no farther than Jen Psaki mocking someone for caring about a treadmill they ordered not showing up: She doesn’t care. She already has her treadmill.  And if she doesn’t, she knows someone who can get her one on the sly, so there’s no problem. 

    That they are so brazen and arrogant about it makes me hope that eventually they’re headed for a mighty fall, but I don’t know. 


    • #16
  17. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    They believe they can steal the next two elections and we don’t know whether they can or not.  They stole the last one and most Republicans with power went along with it.  Now, in addition to the mainstream media and government everywhere, they control the  presidency. and have tighter more unambiguous control of the media.  We’re hoping that a billionaire who makes bundles with  electric car subsidies can create some balance.     Do they really face major risks in the next two elections?   We keep acting as if we lived in a place where fair elections were the norm.   Who is planning to do what should that old assumption prove false.

    • #17
  18. namlliT noD Member
    namlliT noD

    Victor Tango Kilo: Which has led Glenn Reynolds to ask whether the Democrats are inflicting these policies deliberately in order to get the desired result and Dan Greenfield to answer, “Hells yeah, they’re doing it on purpose.”

    Doesn’t make sense, does it?

    BUT if the party and politicians are being paid by enemy nations to take the US down a notch, then all of the actions we have been seeing are completely consistent.

    • #18
  19. Doctor Robert Member
    Doctor Robert

    namlliT noD (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo: Which has led Glenn Reynolds to ask whether the Democrats are inflicting these policies deliberately in order to get the desired result and Dan Greenfield to answer, “Hells yeah, they’re doing it on purpose.”

    Doesn’t make sense, does it?

    BUT if the party and politicians are being paid by enemy nations to take the US down a notch, then all of the actions we have been seeing are completely consistent.

    They don’t need to be paid by enemy nations, although some are (Clinton, Biden). They believe, and they profit from the changes.

    • #19
  20. Cassandro Coolidge

    Doctor Robert (View Comment):

    namlliT noD (View Comment):

    Victor Tango Kilo: Which has led Glenn Reynolds to ask whether the Democrats are inflicting these policies deliberately in order to get the desired result and Dan Greenfield to answer, “Hells yeah, they’re doing it on purpose.”

    Doesn’t make sense, does it?

    BUT if the party and politicians are being paid by enemy nations to take the US down a notch, then all of the actions we have been seeing are completely consistent.

    They don’t need to be paid by enemy nations, although some are (Clinton, Biden). They believe, and they profit from the changes.

    The Clintons and Beidens may not care to take down the US, but they are confederates of those who do, and who will help them get rich if they do.

    • #20
  21. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    That having been said I agree with your assessment that globalist oligarchs are a menace and need to be dealt with appropriately.  It doesn’t matter if what they are doing is result malfeasance or misfeasance they need to be stopped either way. 

    @raxxalan  What is the appropriate action needed to be taken to stop the globalist oligarchs?

    • #21
  22. Rightfromthestart Coolidge

    There are many good points being made here, our government is not on our side , it hates us and wants to ‘fundamentally transform’ us. Most normals don’t think about the government much, it is a bother to us, the other side thinks about it constantly 24/7/365, it is their life , they never rest. They simultaneously put forth a tsunami of lies about us being white supremecists, and all the other phobes, and while we’re trying to defend ourselves from that they put forth a tsunami of rules, regulations and damaging policies leaving us fighting on multiple fronts at once. In one day a week or so back they put forth the Misinformation Board, sent VA resources to help the southern invaders and banned incandescent bulbs and that was before they sent baby formula to the invaders and shut down more oil leases and at the same time were still fighting the ‘queering’ of small children in schools and pornography in high schools. Meanwhile we have the people held uncharged for a year and a half for trespassing, the woke military and raging  inflation and gas prices. Why aren’t congressional Republicans screaming continuously, why are they so ineffective? 

    • #22
  23. Cassandro Coolidge

    Rightfromthestart (View Comment):

    There are many good points being made here, our government is not on our side , it hates us and wants to ‘fundamentally transform’ us. Most normals don’t think about the government much, it is a bother to us, the other side thinks about it constantly 24/7/365, it is their life , they never rest. They simultaneously put forth a tsunami of lies about us being white supremecists, and all the other phobes, and while we’re trying to defend ourselves from that they put forth a tsunami of rules, regulations and damaging policies leaving us fighting on multiple fronts at once. In one day a week or so back they put forth the Misinformation Board, sent VA resources to help the southern invaders and banned incandescent bulbs and that was before they sent baby formula to the invaders and shut down more oil leases and at the same time were still fighting the ‘queering’ of small children in schools and pornography in high schools. Meanwhile we have the people held uncharged for a year and a half for trespassing, the woke military and raging inflation and gas prices. Why aren’t congressional Republicans screaming continuously, why are they so ineffective?

    Government service a franchise business, like Amway or Avon.

    • #23
  24. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    Rightfromthestart (View Comment):
    Meanwhile we have the people held uncharged for a year and a half for trespassing, the woke military and raging  inflation and gas prices. Why aren’t congressional Republicans screaming continuously, why are they so ineffective? 

    Because, like Democrats, they are also enemies of the people.

    They’re in it for themselves, not to serve the citizens.

    To be fair, some Republicans are trying to point out these issues, but the GOPe is working very hard to silence them and remove them from committees.

    It’s time for a new party. It’s time for a new government.

    • #24
  25. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    That having been said I agree with your assessment that globalist oligarchs are a menace and need to be dealt with appropriately. It doesn’t matter if what they are doing is result malfeasance or misfeasance they need to be stopped either way.

    @ raxxalan What is the appropriate action needed to be taken to stop the globalist oligarchs?

    Drop a nuke on Davos?

    • #25
  26. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    That having been said I agree with your assessment that globalist oligarchs are a menace and need to be dealt with appropriately. It doesn’t matter if what they are doing is result malfeasance or misfeasance they need to be stopped either way.

    @ raxxalan What is the appropriate action needed to be taken to stop the globalist oligarchs?

    Drop a nuke on Davos?

    It would be neat if we could at least muster a significant counter-threat against them since they are threatening all the common people and it appears executing on those threats.

    • #26
  27. Cassandro Coolidge

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    That having been said I agree with your assessment that globalist oligarchs are a menace and need to be dealt with appropriately. It doesn’t matter if what they are doing is result malfeasance or misfeasance they need to be stopped either way.

    @ raxxalan What is the appropriate action needed to be taken to stop the globalist oligarchs?

    Drop a nuke on Davos?

    It would be neat if we could at least muster a significant counter-threat against them since they are threatening all the common people and it appears executing on those threats.

    I could see dropping a blue whale or two on Davos when they’re all convened under the great tent for dinner.  Would that be wrong?

    • #27
  28. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Just notice the number of discrete actions by governments that either kill people or cause conditions that make surviving more costly.

    Killing people:

    Covid pandemic


    Government malfeasance in health regulation

    War in Ukraine

    Allowances for increasing crime

    Abortion up to the moment of birth


    Making living more costly:


    Product shortages led by fossil fuel shortages

    I’m sure there are many more items but if you notice these things can be avoided by the rich and those in power.

    • #28
  29. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Bob Thompson (View Comment):

    Raxxalan (View Comment):

    That having been said I agree with your assessment that globalist oligarchs are a menace and need to be dealt with appropriately. It doesn’t matter if what they are doing is result malfeasance or misfeasance they need to be stopped either way.

    @ raxxalan What is the appropriate action needed to be taken to stop the globalist oligarchs?

    Drop a nuke on Davos?

    did you read this @drewinwisconsin?

    Save the World: Nuke Davos

    • #29
  30. Cassandro Coolidge

    A barn at Forsman Farms caught fire in the middle of the night.  Forsman Farms is one of the nation’s largest egg producers and provides more than three million eggs (per day? per week?).

    Anyway, it’s estimated that 200,000 chickens were killed in this one barn alone.

    Good laying breeds produce on 1 egg per chicken day.  200,000 chickens would produce 1.4 million eggs per week. That’s a good bit of eggs lost.

    I take it that this fire was another random mishap at our nation’s top food production and processing plants.

    • #30
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