Origins of Covid


When you have to sue the government to get them to share legally available information, it almost always means they know more than they want you to know. Whatever the origins of Covid, policymakers have behaved from the outset of the pandemic in ways that can only be described as curious. Their frequently irrational behavior, and contradictory pronouncements, have spawned any number of theories as to why they have flailed the way they have.

One thought I have had is that the folks at the CDC have behaved in ways someone would if they were afraid that this virus might not act like a naturally occurring virus. It isn’t as if we haven’t had coronaviruses in the world before. And we generally know the course a viral outbreak takes through a population. Sure, maybe this one has a marginally higher mortality rate for certain segments of the population. But some of the behavior of policymakers has suggested their behavior is born out of a concern, not just for mortality, but for the possibility that the entire pandemic course with this one could somehow be…different.

Such puzzling behavior has prompted all manner of attempts to explain their inconsistent, and often ridiculous, policy prescriptions. Hanlon’s razor is always – always – the most likely explanation: Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. Or perhaps the popular explanation on the right, that the bureaucrats are power-mad, is correct. Perhaps some combination of stupidity and a lust for power offers the magic decoder ring.  Embrace the healing power of and.

The delusional view on the left, that the government is a benevolent caretaker of the citizenry and only wants what’s best for us, should have died as the last planes left Afghanistan, abandoning the remaining American citizens to their fate. But they’ll be telling us again that we should trust our well-being to the government before the week is out. They’re incapable of learning from experience. (The determination of the poobahs of social media to decorate the posts of their users with ubiquitous assurances of the probity of the government’s pronouncements on Covid is a case in point.)

The fact that the federal government routinely demonstrates its indifference to the welfare of American citizens doesn’t, however, really explain the epidemic of bureaucratic bumbling and burbling.

I’ve been long haunted by the thought that we should at least consider whether the wacky behavior of the bureaucrats might suggest that some of them suspect something, and have been haphazardly reacting out of fear that the virus could behave in ways for which there is no natural precedent.

Just wondering.

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There are 76 comments.

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  1. James Lileks Contributor
    James Lileks

    Spin (View Comment):

    I am perfectly fine with Hanlon’s Razor here.  We had been trying to create a virus for many years for the purposes of having a vaccine that would help prevent or mitigate some form of naturally occurring pandemic.  And it got out of hand.  

    Seconded. But add the Red Army with a different agenda, perhaps wanting to fine-tune the research to create a pathway for easy weaponization. Because they too had a lot of bureaucrats with a somewhat less altruistic objective. We got between the sheets with these people because the Western-facing scientists were probably interested in pure science and international collaboration. Any doubts could be waved away by reading a Paul Krugman column about how good they were with trains.

    • #31
  2. Vince Guerra Inactive
    Vince Guerra

    James Lileks (View Comment):
    Any doubts could be waved away by reading a Paul Krugman column about how good they were with trains.

    Does anyone still read Paul Krugman columns? Or is he’s like the Weird Al of writers; still around but Lord knows how or why?

    • #32
  3. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Nohaaj (View Comment):

    Keith Lowery: I’ve been long haunted by the thought that we should at least consider whether the wacky behavior of the bureaucrats might suggest that some of them suspect something, and have been haphazardly reacting out of fear that the virus could behave in ways for which there is no natural precedent.

    I have had almost exactly the same thought process, especially at the global national level. Countries across the globe have enacted these incredibly over reaching lockdowns, and mask mandates based upon what we should presume to be deep, detailed knowledge of what we are dealing with. But, then I realize if this knowledge existed, surely one of these leaders would regard his population with enough respect, that he would share that knowledge. Surely one of them, somewhere. Nope, nada.

    You merely need to look at the actions of governors and mayors to realize they have no knowledge, nor regard for their constituents, as they mandate covid active patients must be admitted to nursing home and assisted living facilities, then subsequently mandate that all children must wear masks in school. No logic, no reasoning, only reactionary power mongers, dictating what we plebes can and can not do, not for our safety, or out of concern for our health, but for them to wield power.

    One national leader did take an action reflecting his intelligent decision that his citizenry deserved his leadership and not his selling them out with regard to COVID.

    I am meaning the President of Belarus, who refused the offer from WEF or World Bank for 960 million dollars, in exchange for this president to fully agree his citizens would be masked up, locked down, and experience serious vax mandates, and he  said one emphatic “No!”

    He then went public with the offer and his response.

    But I can’t help but think the integrity he demonstrated. It does not require a lot of imagination to consider the type of slush fund this president could have set up for his and his family’s benefit.

    Instead, he immediately became a target for American media outlets. The fact that the Belarus president treated a journalist who was CIA as being CIA and had a jet turn around to deliver that “journalist” into Belarus government  custody.  Apparently the Belarus president had learned something from President Viktor Yanukovich, of the Ukraine, who did not take appropriate actions against “journalists” and then ended up being ousted in a coup, a coup aided and abetted by US Vice President Biden and the State Department, in part for the benefit of Burisma, an energy company intent on having access to Ukraine’s  vast shale oil resources. (At the time, Hunter Biden was on the Board of Directors at Burisma.)


    • #33
  4. Spin Inactive

    Gumby Mark (R-Meth Lab of Demo… (View Comment):

    At this point the burden is on the Chinese government to prove the virus did not escape from the Wuhan lab. With the original SARS virus in 2002 they were able to find the animal source within a couple of months. If it was “natural” we would know by now. In fact, the government is no longer even going through the motions to “find” a natural source and is now claiming Covid originated in the U.S. military lab at Fort Dietrich.

    In early 2020 we were told the Wuhan lab was established after SARS and in that city because it was near the origin point of those types of coronaviruses and that the original Covid cases occurred in conjunction with a wet market. All of that was inaccurate (or lies, if you prefer). The Wuhan lab was established pre-SARS and is hundreds of miles away from the natural source of the viruses which are brought to the lab for study. And the first cases were not linked with the wet market, instead occurring near the lab.

    I do not think it was a bioengineered weapon deliberately released by China and have seen scant evidence of that.

    mega dittos.  Though I do think the US Government has a responsibility to help get to that answer.  

    • #34
  5. Spin Inactive

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):
    but it is a deliberately created, bioengineered weapon

    Speculation at best.  

    • #35
  6. Spin Inactive

    Gumby Mark (R-Meth Lab of Demo… (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    he says that in Trinidad, during the year between April 2020 and April 2021, 145 people died of covid. April 6, 2021 they started mass immunizations, and from April to August 30 2021, there have been 1,022 deaths from covid.

    I would like to see the data on this. Does his video have any references?

    Trinidad got off to a slow start with vaccinations and only 15% of the population was vaccinated by the end of June. And just a few days ago its Prime Minister expressed his disappointment with the slow uptake of vaccines by the population. Moreover, most of the vaccine is the Sinopharm variety of dubious quality.

    The Covid surge in Trinidad began in April and peaked in June as you can see from these charts.

    The Delta wave has hit a number of countries that had previously been relatively unaffected by Covid and have lower vaccination rates, particularly in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia where countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar are having the U.S. equivalent of 1,000 to 3,000 deaths a day.

    What you are saying is what I suspected.  That while Flicker’s comment (which he attributes to the video he mentioned) may lay out an accurate timeline, they suggest a cause that is not accurate.  The causes of death in Trinidad are a combination of low vaccine uptake and the delta variant.  Which is consistent really everywhere.  Most deaths are unvaccinated.  

    • #36
  7. Spin Inactive

    Doctor Robert (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):
    I am perfectly fine with Hanlon’s Razor here. We had been trying to create a virus for many years for the purposes of having a vaccine that would help prevent or mitigate some form of naturally occurring pandemic. And it got out of hand.

    Come on, Spin, you’re doing your name. “We had been trying to create a virus with greater binding to human lung tissue, with greater lethality, with a novel RNA structure that is not seen elsewhere in nature, and still pin in on the bats…”. C’mon. It’s like the story of Churchill and the fancy lady haggling over a price. Once you say or write the words, “We had been trying to create a virus for many years”, you are admitting it is bio warfare.



    • #37
  8. Spin Inactive

    James Lileks (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    I am perfectly fine with Hanlon’s Razor here. We had been trying to create a virus for many years for the purposes of having a vaccine that would help prevent or mitigate some form of naturally occurring pandemic. And it got out of hand.

    Seconded. But add the Red Army with a different agenda, perhaps wanting to fine-tune the research to create a pathway for easy weaponization. Because they too had a lot of bureaucrats with a somewhat less altruistic objective. We got between the sheets with these people because the Western-facing scientists were probably interested in pure science and international collaboration. Any doubts could be waved away by reading a Paul Krugman column about how good they were with trains.

    • #38
  9. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    We funded a line of research (in a country that regards us as their major adversary!!) that only an idiot would not recognize as having bioweapon implications.  Because China has no plaintiffs’ attorneys, no rule of law, and (like us) no independent news media, they routinely fail to address safety and environmental issues which is how a bad bug got released on their own people and the world.

    The people nominally tasked with investigating the bug’s origins were actually tasked with cutting off any investigation that would point out that (a) Fauci et al lied about the extent and timing of US involvement in the research that produced the bug because (b) that would likely harm the political prospects of the party more sympathetic to government careerists and (c) encourage and empower further inquiries into government roles and actions in other agencies.

    The sheer brazenness of actually trying to sell the idea that we just don’t know and thus a virus with some seriously improbable components maybe could have just popped out of some bat poop dropped in a wet market is amazing.  

    The American administrative state is now in its Skynet phase–it has become self-aware and is declaring war on the people.

    • #39
  10. Ida Claire Member
    Ida Claire

    I have no trust in the data. First they conflate died with COVID and died from COVID. Now they claim you died “unvaccinated “ if you’ve had the shot, but died before the two week waiting period was up. 
    They cherry pick stats to create maximum fear, ignore studies that go against their preferred policy prescriptions, and abruptly approve an experimental vaccine before any long term studies could be completed (Oh, and since approval it has been shown to not work as well as thought.) They keep asking us to believe them and not our lying eyes. I can’t do that because they lied too many times

    So, I turn to my natural observations – I know more people that have died from deaths of despair than from COVID. I do know a handful of people that have gotten it including a few vaccinated people  It doesn’t sound fun, but it also doesn’t sound like we should have upended our way of life either. 
    Obviously it came from the wuhan lab. Perhaps that is why they are promoting these extraordinary policies.  But if they are really concerned with anything other than a power grab, they should make a clean breast of it and level with us.  It’s the only way to regain trust  




    • #40
  11. Arahant Member

    Ida Claire (View Comment):
    It’s the only way to regain trust

    I’m not sure there is any way to regain trust at this point. Burn down all those organizations and fire every employee and bar them from ever working for government again.

    • #41
  12. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Arahant (View Comment):

    Ida Claire (View Comment):
    It’s the only way to regain trust

    I’m not sure there is any way to regain trust at this point. Burn down all those organizations and fire every employee and bar them from ever working for government again.

    You left out the part about salting the earth beneath the ashes.

    • #42
  13. Flicker Coolidge

    Spin (View Comment):

    Gumby Mark (R-Meth Lab of Demo… (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    he says that in Trinidad, during the year between April 2020 and April 2021, 145 people died of covid. April 6, 2021 they started mass immunizations, and from April to August 30 2021, there have been 1,022 deaths from covid.

    I would like to see the data on this. Does his video have any references?

    Trinidad got off to a slow start with vaccinations and only 15% of the population was vaccinated by the end of June. And just a few days ago its Prime Minister expressed his disappointment with the slow uptake of vaccines by the population. Moreover, most of the vaccine is the Sinopharm variety of dubious quality.

    The Covid surge in Trinidad began in April and peaked in June as you can see from these charts.

    The Delta wave has hit a number of countries that had previously been relatively unaffected by Covid and have lower vaccination rates, particularly in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia where countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar are having the U.S. equivalent of 1,000 to 3,000 deaths a day.

    What you are saying is what I suspected. That while Flicker’s comment (which he attributes to the video he mentioned) may lay out an accurate timeline, they suggest a cause that is not accurate. The causes of death in Trinidad are a combination of low vaccine uptake and the delta variant. Which is consistent really everywhere. Most deaths are unvaccinated.

    I don’t believe this.  The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    • #43
  14. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Gumby Mark (R-Meth Lab of Demo… (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    he says that in Trinidad, during the year between April 2020 and April 2021, 145 people died of covid. April 6, 2021 they started mass immunizations, and from April to August 30 2021, there have been 1,022 deaths from covid.

    I would like to see the data on this. Does his video have any references?

    Trinidad got off to a slow start with vaccinations and only 15% of the population was vaccinated by the end of June. And just a few days ago its Prime Minister expressed his disappointment with the slow uptake of vaccines by the population. Moreover, most of the vaccine is the Sinopharm variety of dubious quality.

    The Covid surge in Trinidad began in April and peaked in June as you can see from these charts.

    The Delta wave has hit a number of countries that had previously been relatively unaffected by Covid and have lower vaccination rates, particularly in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia where countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar are having the U.S. equivalent of 1,000 to 3,000 deaths a day.

    What you are saying is what I suspected. That while Flicker’s comment (which he attributes to the video he mentioned) may lay out an accurate timeline, they suggest a cause that is not accurate. The causes of death in Trinidad are a combination of low vaccine uptake and the delta variant. Which is consistent really everywhere. Most deaths are unvaccinated.

    I don’t believe this. The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    I think the extra transmissibility of Delta may be overstated.  And its lethality understated–probably closer than we think to Alpha on both counts.

    Comparisons are tough because in developed western countries (a) it hit earlier (b) took out a large chunk of the most vulnerable earlier followed by (c) large-scale vaccinations. 

    Then factor in that rates and timing of testing vary:  The US tests 25X more per million than Myanmar (currently hit hard) and that the west started large-scale testing much earlier than the third world.  I suspect COVID killed a hell of lot more people around the world last year than was reported even if we could discount deaths “with COVID” lumped in with deaths “from COVID” in some places.  So we are seeing a genuine increase in cases and deaths in poorer countries even though the IFR in developed countries has fallen dramatically (almost certainly the result of vaccines). Timing, the extent of past exposures, vaccines, latitude and demographics make it hard to do apples-to-apples judgments in real time.

    • #44
  15. Flicker Coolidge

    Old Bathos (View Comment):

    I think the extra transmissibility of Delta may be overstated.  And its lethality understated–probably closer than we think to Alpha on both counts.

    Comparisons are tough because in developed western countries (a) it hit earlier (b) took out a large chunk of the most vulnerable earlier followed by (c) large-scale vaccinations.

    Then factor in that rates and timing of testing vary:  The US tests 25X more per million than Myanmar (currently hit hard) and that the west started large-scale testing much earlier than the third world.  I suspect COVID killed a hell of lot more people around the world last year than was reported even if we could discount deaths “with COVID” lumped in with deaths “from COVID” in some places.  So we are seeing a genuine increase in cases and deaths in poorer countries even though the IFR in developed countries has fallen dramatically (almost certainly the result of vaccines). Timing, the extent of past exposures, vaccines, latitude and demographics make it hard to do apples-to-apples judgments in real time.

    Well, Trinidad is not exactly a poor country, and it’s not mismanaged as is Myanmar.  It is by far the largest and richest country in the Caribbean.  And I’m fairly certain it’s the best educated.  Roughly speaking I’d say it is and has been far better than for example Venezuela before Chavez.

    I think the extra transmissibility of Delta may be overstated.  And its lethality understated–probably closer than we think to Alpha on both counts.

    I’m not sure I agree with either of these points either.  I’ve read in more than one place that it is more transmissible and milder, just as variants tend to progress.

    • #45
  16. Spin Inactive

    Flicker (View Comment):
    The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    It’s clearly more transmissible, but it’s not clear to me that it is less lethal.   

    I mean, it very much IS clear that any variant of COVID is milder for breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, versus unvaccaniated.  

    • #46
  17. Spin Inactive

    Ida Claire (View Comment):
    Oh, and since approval it has been shown to not work as well as thought.

    That’s right.  Instead of ~90% efficacy we are down to in some cases, high 80s.  Which is why I tell everyone “it doesn’t work as well as thought.”  Wait, no.  I don’t tell folks that…

    • #47
  18. Flicker Coolidge

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    It’s clearly more transmissible, but it’s not clear to me that it is less lethal.

    I mean, it very much IS clear that any variant of COVID is milder for breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, versus unvaccaniated.

    Well, I’ve heard differently.  I’ve heard that covid following vaccination is worse that covid alone.

    • #48
  19. Spin Inactive

    Ida Claire (View Comment):

    I have no trust in the data….So, I turn to my natural observations…

    A recipe for “believe what you wanna…”

    I don’t know a soul who has died from “despair” since lock down, but I don’t suggest that no one has. 

    I DO know a couple who’ve died from COVID.  And I know far too many people now who have had very tough times with COVID.  And I know quite a number who have contracted the disease with minor to no symptoms.  

    The thing is real.  It actually kills people, especially old people, people with compromised immune systems, and fat middle aged people like me.  The vaccines work.  They are a marvel of modern medicine and we should thank the lord every day for them, and frankly we should be thanking Trump for them.

    None of that is to suggest our government hasn’t been simply wretched on messaging.  They certainly have.  But that doesn’t mean the thing isn’t real.  


    • #49
  20. Spin Inactive

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    It’s clearly more transmissible, but it’s not clear to me that it is less lethal.

    I mean, it very much IS clear that any variant of COVID is milder for breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, versus unvaccaniated.

    Well, I’ve heard differently. I’ve heard that covid following vaccination is worse that covid alone.

    That’s simply not true.  That doesn’t mean that there isn’t somewhere out there who was vaccinated who had a horrible case of COVID.  There are.  But the numbers are small.  More people are hospitalized unvaccinated that the other way ’round.  Most of the anti-vax stuff is simply nonsense.   

    • #50
  21. Bob Thompson Member
    Bob Thompson

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    It’s clearly more transmissible, but it’s not clear to me that it is less lethal.

    I mean, it very much IS clear that any variant of COVID is milder for breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, versus unvaccaniated.

    I would certainly hope this is true since it is presented to the public this way. What we know little about is side effect beyond those that appear soon after the shot. Some I have heard about are troubling. Lethality and transmission might be hard to measure because city folks and country folks live quite differently day-to-day.

    • #51
  22. Flicker Coolidge

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    It’s clearly more transmissible, but it’s not clear to me that it is less lethal.

    I mean, it very much IS clear that any variant of COVID is milder for breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, versus unvaccaniated.

    Well, I’ve heard differently. I’ve heard that covid following vaccination is worse that covid alone.

    That’s simply not true. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t somewhere out there who was vaccinated who had a horrible case of COVID. There are. But the numbers are small. More people are hospitalized unvaccinated that the other way ’round. Most of the anti-vax stuff is simply nonsense.

    Well, now you see you’re conflating anti-vax with anti-covid vaccine.  Two different things.  And two different points of view.  And doctors themselves who are pro-Vax are anti-covid vaccine.

    • #52
  23. Spin Inactive

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    The delta variant is more transmissible but less lethal.

    It’s clearly more transmissible, but it’s not clear to me that it is less lethal.

    I mean, it very much IS clear that any variant of COVID is milder for breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, versus unvaccaniated.

    Well, I’ve heard differently. I’ve heard that covid following vaccination is worse that covid alone.

    That’s simply not true. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t somewhere out there who was vaccinated who had a horrible case of COVID. There are. But the numbers are small. More people are hospitalized unvaccinated that the other way ’round. Most of the anti-vax stuff is simply nonsense.

    Well, now you see you’re conflating anti-vax with anti-covid vaccine. Two different things. And two different points of view. And doctors themselves who are pro-Vax are anti-covid vaccine.

    In todays climate, “Anti-vaxx” means anti-covid vaccine.  So when I used it earlier, I meant anti-covid vaccine.  So we are clear.

    I heard a statistic on ZDogg yesterday (or perhaps it was the day before):  96% of doctors are vaccinated.  So forget what the CDC tell us.  Forget what Fauci tells us.  We know we can’t trust them.  What do the doctors tell us?  They tell us the vaccines are safe and efficacious.  

    So I’ll amend what I said:  most of the anti-covid vaccine stuff is nonsense.  That isn’t to suggest that we shouldn’t ask questions, we should.  But nonetheless, the vast majority of us, particular us old sedentary types (and what are we at Ricochet if not old and sedentary)  (that’s a joke), should be getting the vaccine.  Unless our doctor has told us not to.  And most of our doctors will tell us very much to get vaccinated.  


    • #53
  24. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    According to Dr David Martin, there were over 70 patents issued by the US patent office relating to the creation of the novel COVID 19 SARS virus and/or its vaccines.

    Some date back to 1999 – 2003 era.

    Fauci and those in his inner circle had spent a lot of time working on this plandemic for decades.

    To what purpose? So is this a CDC scenario or something else?

    • #54
  25. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Flicker (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):

    Flicker (View Comment):
    he says that in Trinidad, during the year between April 2020 and April 2021, 145 people died of covid. April 6, 2021 they started mass immunizations, and from April to August 30 2021, there have been 1,022 deaths from covid.

    I would like to see the data on this. Does his video have any references?

    Not published.

    I’ve only watched so far maybe 30 minutes of the 6-hour video, and I don’t know when I’ll get finished. It might be easier for me to e-mail him if I can get his address.

    Added: Found his e-mail address, will inquire.

    Can you post in the lounge your opinion on this once you finish?

    • #55
  26. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    Gumby Mark (R-Meth Lab of Demo… (View Comment):
    I do not think it was a bioengineered weapon deliberately released by China and have seen scant evidence of that.

    I can’t say whether or not it was deliberately released (and neither can you), but it is a deliberately created, bioengineered weapon that has killed hundreds of thousands whether it was intended for that purpose or not – a fact that was lied about and covered up by just about everyone involved with it except for a few Chinese defectors. A lie that would still be covered up but for a FOIA release over a year later.


    If it was created in your opinion (and others) as a bio-weapon, it really is a moot point if it was accidentally released or not – some very dangerous demented people created something that would have been eventually released to do harm to the world at some point, if in fact, it was bio-engineered and did not emerge from nature – GADS!!!!

    • #56
  27. Spin Inactive

    Front Seat Cat (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    According to Dr David Martin, there were over 70 patents issued by the US patent office relating to the creation of the novel COVID 19 SARS virus and/or its vaccines.

    Some date back to 1999 – 2003 era.

    Fauci and those in his inner circle had spent a lot of time working on this plandemic for decades.

    To what purpose? So is this a CDC scenario or something else?

    Of course they filed patents for vaccines.  But vaccines for COVID-19, a disease discovered in 2019?  Or vaccines against various forms of SARS-CoV?  The latter.  As we’ve known for quite some time, they’d been looking for a vaccine against SARS since at least the early 2000s.

    • #57
  28. Vince Guerra Inactive
    Vince Guerra

    Spin (View Comment):
    The vaccines work.  They are a marvel of modern medicine and we should thank the lord every day for them, and frankly we should be thanking Trump for them.

    Tell that to all the people who’ve had their lives destroyed by them.


    • #58
  29. Spin Inactive

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    Spin (View Comment):
    The vaccines work. They are a marvel of modern medicine and we should thank the lord every day for them, and frankly we should be thanking Trump for them.

    Tell that to all the people who’ve had their lives destroyed by them.


    I’ll tell to anyone who will listen that the risks associated with COVID are far greater than the risks associated with the vaccines.  Again, 96% of doctors being fully vaccinated says something.  If I was an inside trader, I’d put my money where the insiders were putting their money.  In this case, it’s the doctors.

    That doesn’t mean there is nobody who will have a negative affect.  It just means the risk vs. reward clearly favors getting vaccinated over not getting vaccinated.  

    • #59
  30. Spin Inactive

    Vince Guerra (View Comment):

    I’ll see your link, and raise you another:

    So…again…most doctors say you should get the vaccine.  Most of the reasons not to get the vaccine, like this nonsense from Dr. Hoffe, are nonsense.  

    So, again “believe what you wanna”.  

    • #60
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