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On this episode of Take Back Our Schools, Andrew and Beth speak with author and anti-woke activist, James Lindsay, known on Twitter as @ConceptualJames. James shares his views on how America’s education system was overtaken by revolutionary ideologies based in Marxism and how these ideologies, including critical race theory and queer theory, are manifested in the classroom. We discuss how parents can recognize this transformation of their children’s schools and what can be done to reclaim our country’s education system and reverse the woke takeover of our institutions.
James Lindsay is the founder of New Discourses and the author of several books, including Cynical Theories, Race Marxism and most recently, The Marxification of Education. A former mathematician, James is the leading authority on the ideological foundations of the woke movement.
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Government schools are child abuse.
Wow , that was depressing , everywhere we look they have us surrounded.
Because we swallow the lie that ‘education’ = ‘government education’ and willing drive our children into the pens, hoping against experience we can convince the guards to see things our way…
Public education, at least since the late 19th/early 20th century Progressive era, has always had a leftist, totalitarian bent. The purpose of state education was to serve a state agenda, with any actual learning being an afterthought. An early indication of this was the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. Although pop culture would have you think it was about drinking fountains and lunch counters, those were really just symbolic of the absurdity and moral bankruptcy of segregation. The real motivation of the civil rights movement was education, specifically access to a good one. The Jim Crow South was ahead of the curve in weaponizing schools, K-12 as well as universities, against their own citizens.
The solution is not “fixing” public education, but abolishing it. We should go back to sending children to private K-12 schools; religious parochial, secular for -profit, etc. Colleges and universities should be barred from public funding, with state schools spun off as non-profits with a public charter and land grant. We might offer publicly funded scholarships for the poor, but that is all we should tolerate, if even that.
True, but we have no choice but to fight.
Hegseth’s book is definitely worth reading. Hopefully we’ll have him as a guest soon.
Right. Some things we can do: listen to the podcast, send others the link to the podcast, and go on ITunes and leave a 5 -star review to attract attention to it. Young parents are busy and so t have time to read books but they can listen during their commutes or while doing chores.