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Is there a “shortcut to greatness” and what courage is needed for the future to ensure a prosperous America?
Dive into the profound topic of statesmanship and its timeless significance in an exclusive interview with John Burtka on “The Kevin Roberts Show.” In this enlightening discussion, President and CEO of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, John A. Burtka, unveils timeless lessons from his latest book, “Gateway to Statesmanship.” Join the conversation as he explores the core of statesmanship, drawing inspiration from historical luminaries like Xenophon, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Erasmus, Niccolo Machiavelli, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and more.
Explore how this anthology goes beyond politics, offering a holistic study of the human experience in thought and action. “Gateway to Statesmanship” isn’t just a compilation of writings; it’s a journey through ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and modern scholarship, providing profound insights into the choices that guide lives and shape character.
John A. Burtka IV is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. He graduated from Hillsdale College with degrees in French and Christian Studies and earned a graduate degree in theology from La Faculté Jean Calvin in Aix-en-Provence, France. He has been a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute and has participated in academic fellowships at Washington College and the Trinity Forum.
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