How Do I Sound?

One of these days, we’re going to do a politics free GLoP, but today is not that day. Our sympathies to those listeners who disagree with the GLoP-sters on the President. That said, they do acknowledge in this episode that they are aware of your comments and of your feelings and that they struggle with it (really!). The good news is that the political talk is relatively brief and you can fast-forward through it. They also cover the new Tom Hanks movie, Greyhound (it’s good!), bears, some thoughts about the great Dolly Parton, and why a certain movie about D-Day never got made.

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There are 82 comments.

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  1. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Is JPod becoming (or maybe has really always been) another decorum conservative, to where he feels so personally embarrassed by what he sees to be Trump behaving like an idiot, that President Biden’s lunacy – assuming he doesn’t just stay in the basement and others actually run things – is acceptable because at least Biden isn’t a Republican?

    That seems like a recipe for disaster.


    Yes, it’s always someone else’s fault.

    Trump created this choice all by himself with a seemingly endless amount of unforced errors. Just once, I’d love to hear you guys call for him to take responsibility for his own behavior.

    Many of us have said over and over again that Trump behaves like an idiot, and we wish he’d do better.

    We just don’t think it outweighs the policy, or makes Biden a viable alternative.

    • #61
  2. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti


    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    Many of us have said over and over again that Trump behaves like an idiot, and we wish he’d do better.

    We just don’t think it outweighs the policy, or makes Biden a viable alternative.

    And yet, when you hear a few podcasters say the same thing, it’s treated like some sort of betrayal.

    The larger point here is that Trump is responsible for Trump’s position in the polls, not the GLoP dudes. No one is basing their votes on what they hear on this show. But you sure wouldn’t know that based on the comments we regularly get for this show. 🤷‍♂️

    • #62
  3. Taras Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):
    Many of us have said over and over again that Trump behaves like an idiot, and we wish he’d do better.

    We just don’t think it outweighs the policy, or makes Biden a viable alternative.

    And yet, when you hear a few podcasters say the same thing, it’s treated like some sort of betrayal.

    The larger point here is that Trump is responsible for Trump’s position in the polls, not the GLoP dudes. No one is basing their votes on what they hear on this show. But you sure wouldn’t know that based on the comments we regularly get for this show. 🤷‍♂️

    I’d like to see Trump get a fair shake from the “GLoP dudes”.  

    For exanple, I recently called out Jonah for his fatuous and mistaken remarks about Trump’s cognitive test.  The trouble is, JPod and Rob should have called him out while the podcast was still being recorded.

    The prejudice of all three men against Trump is so strong that, if it’s negative, they will believe anything.

    • #63
  4. Taras Coolidge

    @blueyeti — Relentless attacks by the media are the reason for Trump’s standing in the polls.

    Like many conservatives, you’ve been “down so long it looks like up to you”.  

    Trump could dispose of Biden with one hand tied behind his back.  However, his opponent is not Biden, but Biden + ABC + CBS + NBC + CNN + MSNBC + the New York Times + the Washington Post …

    • #64
  5. kedavis Coolidge

    Taras (View Comment):

    @blueyeti — Relentless attacks by the media are the reason for Trump’s standing in the polls.

    Like many conservatives, you’ve been “down so long it looks like up to you”.

    Trump could dispose of Biden with one hand tied behind his back. However, his opponent is not Biden, but Biden + ABC + CBS + NBC + CNN + MSNBC + the New York Times + the Washington Post …

    + Jonah Goldberg + Bill Kristol + Rob Long + John Podhoretz + Blue Yeti…

    • #65
  6. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    Taras (View Comment):
    Relentless attacks by the media are the reason for Trump’s standing in the polls.

    Like I said, it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. The most powerful man on earth is also the planet’s biggest victim. 👍 

    • #66
  7. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    Taras (View Comment):
    Trump could dispose of Biden with one hand tied behind his back. However, his opponent is not Biden, but Biden + ABC + CBS + NBC + CNN + MSNBC + the New York Times + the Washington Post …

    All of those orgs hated Reagan and they hated W. more. Yet both won second terms. What’s different? 🤔

    • #67
  8. Taras Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):
    Trump could dispose of Biden with one hand tied behind his back. However, his opponent is not Biden, but Biden + ABC + CBS + NBC + CNN + MSNBC + the New York Times + the Washington Post …

    All of those orgs hated Reagan and they hated W. more. Yet both won second terms. What’s different? 🤔

    @blueyeti — Is it actually possible you haven’t noticed all these organizations have moved to the left?  Make that, leaped to the left?

    Once upon a time, these organizations were all run by moderate liberals who made at least a stab at even-handedness, even if that claim fully convinced no one but themselves.  You had people like Tim Russert and Ted Koppel and Sam Donaldson and David Brinkley.

    Today, as was dramatically illustrated by events at the New York Times, moderate liberals are an endangered species in the mainstream media, cringing and groveling before the “woke child mob”.

    But then, I suppose an anti-Trump “conservative” is blind by definition.


    • #68
  9. Taras Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):
    Relentless attacks by the media are the reason for Trump’s standing in the polls.

    Like I said, it’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. The most powerful man on earth is also the planet’s biggest victim. 👍

    You’re actually arguing the Trump hasn’t been subject to relentless attacks by the media?  Or, perhaps, the attacks have no effect on the public’s view of Trump?

    Have you spent the last four years in a cave?

    • #69
  10. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    Breaking: all of those orgs were on the left then and they are on the left now. And are you arguing that Reagan and Bush weren’t subject to relentless attacks by the media?

    And I think Trump’s OWN behavior is has a huge effect on the public’s view of Trump — because if Trump was more disciplined, the media wouldn’t have this stuff to report.  You seem unable to grasp that Trump gives the media so much of this stuff on his own.  But I don’t blame you — Trump doesn’t realize it either. 

    • #70
  11. Taras Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Breaking: all of those orgs were on the left then and they are on the left now. And are you arguing that Reagan and Bush weren’t subject to relentless attacks by the media?

    And I think Trump’s OWN behavior is has a huge effect on the public’s view of Trump — because if Trump was more disciplined, the media wouldn’t have this stuff to report. You seem unable to grasp that Trump gives the media so much of this stuff on his own. But I don’t blame you — Trump doesn’t realize it either.

    @blueyeti — The only explanation I can think of is that you’re too young to remember what the liberal media used to be like, compared to what the liberal media — if we can even call them that — are like today.

    But even if you are too young to remember, what kind of mental block did you deploy to prevent noticing what is been going on at the New York Times?  Sulzberger, an old style left-liberal, first defends the Tom Cotton op-ed, and then collapses, grovels to the woke mob, and fires his (old style left-liberal) opinion editor.  Is it even remotely sensible to speak of the New York Times as being “on the left then” during the 80s, and “on the left now”, as if that were the same thing?

    “If Trump was more disciplined, the media wouldn’t have this stuff to report.”  Not completely wrong, but remember: when a new Republican enters the arena, the first thought of the left-wing media is, “How do we destroy this one?”

    If he has a southern accent, he must be stupid. If he’s unattractive, he must be evil.  If he drinks too much water, he is obviously unqualified for higher office.  If she has a lot of kids, she must be a religious fanatic.

    In other words, if Trump were more disciplined, the liberal media would merely find a different angle of attack.  Conceivably a less effective one, we can at least hope.

    • #71
  12. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    Taras (View Comment):
    In other words, if Trump were more disciplined, the liberal media would merely find a different angle of attack. Conceivably a less effective one, we can at least hope.

    Again, it’s always someone else’s fault in TrumpWorld. Of course the media would find something wrong with Trump no matter what he did — no one is arguing that. But the voters wouldn’t. And that’s the issue here that so many on the right refuse to acknowledge: Trump shoots himself in the foot on a daily basis (see his Tweet this AM on delaying the election –a power he does have–). He hands the media this stuff on a silver platter and they run with it. You’d think that after 4 years of this dynamic, maybe he’d learn something. Apparently not.

    On a more important note, today we posted a completely politics free GLoP. Unlike President Unforced Error, we listen to the audience and make adjustments.

    • #72
  13. Taras Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):
    In other words, if Trump were more disciplined, the liberal media would merely find a different angle of attack. Conceivably a less effective one, we can at least hope.

    Again, it’s always someone else’s fault in TrumpWorld. Of course the media would find something wrong with Trump no matter what he did — no one is arguing that. But the voters wouldn’t. And that’s the issue here that so many on the right refuse to acknowledge: Trump shoots himself in the foot on a daily basis (see his Tweet this AM on delaying the election –a power he does have–). He hands the media this stuff on a silver platter and they run with it. You’d think that after 4 years of this dynamic, maybe he’d learn something. Apparently not.

    On a more important note, today we posted a completely politics free GLoP. Unlike President Unforced Error, we listen to the audience and make adjustments.

    Where do voters form their image of Trump but through the media?  It’s not like they know him personally.

    Through the media was how I got my negative image of Trump. It didn’t start to change until I began listening to his actual speeches, after his inauguration, as opposed to carefully curated snippets intended to make him look bad.

    I think you meant to say, “a power he does not have”.  All he tweeted was, “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”  Why shouldn’t he ask the question?  (What part of three question marks don’t you understand?)

    It’s your knee-jerk prejudice alone that makes a harmless Presidential rumination problematic.

    All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.

    • #73
  14. kedavis Coolidge

    Taras (View Comment):

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):
    In other words, if Trump were more disciplined, the liberal media would merely find a different angle of attack. Conceivably a less effective one, we can at least hope.

    Again, it’s always someone else’s fault in TrumpWorld. Of course the media would find something wrong with Trump no matter what he did — no one is arguing that. But the voters wouldn’t. And that’s the issue here that so many on the right refuse to acknowledge: Trump shoots himself in the foot on a daily basis (see his Tweet this AM on delaying the election –a power he does have–). He hands the media this stuff on a silver platter and they run with it. You’d think that after 4 years of this dynamic, maybe he’d learn something. Apparently not.

    On a more important note, today we posted a completely politics free GLoP. Unlike President Unforced Error, we listen to the audience and make adjustments.

    Where do voters form their image of Trump but through the media? It’s not like they know him personally.

    Through the media was how I got my negative image of Trump. It didn’t start to change until I began listening to his actual speeches, after his inauguration, as opposed to carefully curated snippets intended to make him look bad.

    I think you meant to say, “a power he does not have”. All he tweeted was, “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” Why shouldn’t he ask the question? (What part of three question marks don’t you understand?)

    It’s your knee-jerk prejudice alone that makes a harmless Presidential rumination problematic.

    All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.

    Now you’ve done it.  That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    • #74
  15. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    Taras (View Comment):

    Where do voters form their image of Trump but through the media? It’s not like they know him personally.

    You act as if there are still three networks and 2 daily papers in every city. There are a zillion more media choices now and people can choose where to get their news and commentary from news sources that they match up with ideologically. In addition, Trump has a myriad of ways to go around the media if he so chooses. The problem is that when he does that, he often can’t help but to step in it Oh. well. 

    Through the media was how I got my negative image of Trump. It didn’t start to change until I began listening to his actual speeches, after his inauguration, as opposed to carefully curated snippets intended to make him look bad.

    You’re making the exact point I made above. 15-20 years ago, there was no way to pull up a President’s speech unless (maybe) it was transcribed in a newspaper. No they are all on YouTube and elsewhere for all times. Glads we agree. Thank you. 

    I think you meant to say, “a power he does not have”. All he tweeted was, “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” Why shouldn’t he ask the question? (What part of three question marks don’t you understand?)

    Because it’s wildly provocative speculation and conduct unbecoming of the POTUS. You should play my favorite MAGA game on this one and think about how you’d react. It’s called What If Obama Said That? 

    It’s your knee-jerk prejudice alone that makes a harmless Presidential rumination problematic.

    Yep, always someone else’s fault in TrumpWorld. Could have set my watch on that. I’m just a voter. Attract me or repel me — it’s Trump’s choice. 

    All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.

    You (and apparently, Rush) think this is fine behavior for a POTUS. I don’t. If he thinks there is a problem with vote by mail, then ask Congress to investigate it, not Tweet about it in all caps with multiple exclamation points. This isn’t hard.  


    • #75
  16. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Now you’ve done it. That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    I do not think that. 

    • #76
  17. kedavis Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Now you’ve done it. That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    I do not think that.

    I was replying to Taras.  And I don’t think YOU think Trump is “playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.”  But some/many people do think that someone like Taras thinks Trump is a hidden genius actually fourth-dimensional chess or something, when they “say” (write) things like “All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.”

    • #77
  18. Taras Coolidge

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Now you’ve done it. That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    I do not think that.

    I was replying to Taras. And I don’t think YOU think Trump is “playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.” But some/many people do think that someone like Taras thinks Trump is a hidden genius actually fourth-dimensional chess or something, when they “say” (write) things like “All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.”

    I was actually reporting what, I had noted in passing, was Rush’s take.

    The only thing I’m certain of is that certainty is impossible in a case like this. Trump may have been taken by surprise by the reaction to what he considered a harmless question; or he half-expected the reaction he got; or this was a cynical ploy to distract attention from bad economic numbers.  

    I am guessing that Scott Adams would say that Trump had packaged his payload — the attack on voting by mail — with something controversial to make sure that the liberal media would cover it at all.  

    Adams himself did something like that as an exercise. He tweeted out some exaggerated statistics so that liberals would not be able to resist “correcting“ him and, thereby, disseminating the real statistics, which were also harmful to their cause.

    • #78
  19. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Taras (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Now you’ve done it. That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    I do not think that.

    I was replying to Taras. And I don’t think YOU think Trump is “playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.” But some/many people do think that someone like Taras thinks Trump is a hidden genius actually fourth-dimensional chess or something, when they “say” (write) things like “All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.”

    I was actually reporting what, I had noted in passing, was Rush’s take.

    The only thing I’m certain of is that certainty is impossible in a case like this. Trump may have been taken by surprise by the reaction to what he considered a harmless question; or he half-expected the reaction he got; or this was a cynical ploy to distract attention from bad economic numbers.

    I am guessing that Scott Adams would say that Trump had packaged his payload — the attack on voting by mail — with something controversial to make sure that the liberal media would cover it at all.

    Adams himself did something like that as an exercise. He tweeted out some exaggerated statistics so that liberals would not be able to resist “correcting“ him and, thereby, disseminating the real statistics, which were also harmful to their cause.

    Adams has some interesting perspective on things.  I understand he is backing Biden this time.

    • #79
  20. Taras Coolidge

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Now you’ve done it. That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    I do not think that.

    I was replying to Taras. And I don’t think YOU think Trump is “playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.” But some/many people do think that someone like Taras thinks Trump is a hidden genius actually fourth-dimensional chess or something, when they “say” (write) things like “All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.”

    I was actually reporting what, I had noted in passing, was Rush’s take.

    The only thing I’m certain of is that certainty is impossible in a case like this. Trump may have been taken by surprise by the reaction to what he considered a harmless question; or he half-expected the reaction he got; or this was a cynical ploy to distract attention from bad economic numbers.

    I am guessing that Scott Adams would say that Trump had packaged his payload — the attack on voting by mail — with something controversial to make sure that the liberal media would cover it at all.

    Adams himself did something like that as an exercise. He tweeted out some exaggerated statistics so that liberals would not be able to resist “correcting“ him and, thereby, disseminating the real statistics, which were also harmful to their cause.

    Adams has some interesting perspective on things. I understand he is backing Biden this time.

    Really.  His podcast certainly doesn’t sound like that when I listen to it.  “Backing” in what sense:  endorsing, or merely projecting a Biden victory?

    • #80
  21. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Taras (View Comment):

    Fake John/Jane Galt (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Now you’ve done it. That makes you sound like you’re one of those… people… who believe Trump is a hidden genius actually playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.

    I do not think that.

    I was replying to Taras. And I don’t think YOU think Trump is “playing fourth-dimensional chess, or something.” But some/many people do think that someone like Taras thinks Trump is a hidden genius actually fourth-dimensional chess or something, when they “say” (write) things like “All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.”

    I was actually reporting what, I had noted in passing, was Rush’s take.

    The only thing I’m certain of is that certainty is impossible in a case like this. Trump may have been taken by surprise by the reaction to what he considered a harmless question; or he half-expected the reaction he got; or this was a cynical ploy to distract attention from bad economic numbers.

    I am guessing that Scott Adams would say that Trump had packaged his payload — the attack on voting by mail — with something controversial to make sure that the liberal media would cover it at all.

    Adams himself did something like that as an exercise. He tweeted out some exaggerated statistics so that liberals would not be able to resist “correcting“ him and, thereby, disseminating the real statistics, which were also harmful to their cause.

    Adams has some interesting perspective on things. I understand he is backing Biden this time.

    Really. His podcast certainly doesn’t sound like that when I listen to it. “Backing” in what sense: endorsing, or merely projecting a Biden victory?

    • #81
  22. Taras Coolidge

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Taras (View Comment):

    Where do voters form their image of Trump but through the media? …

    … There are a zillion more media choices now and people can choose where to get their news and commentary from news sources that they match up with ideologically.

    [@blueyeti — You seriously believe that conservative media have the same reach and power as the mainstream liberal media???   Not to mention that Google and Facebook and Twitter are doing all they can to keep them marginal.—Taras]

    15-20 years ago, there was no way to pull up a President’s speech unless (maybe) it was transcribed in a newspaper. No they are all on YouTube and elsewhere for all times.[—@blueyeti]

    [@blueyeti — I think transcripts would have been available online by that time.  However, you seriously believe the average voter looks up stuff like this???  My guess would be, 10% of Trump supporters and 0.1% of his opponents watch his speeches online.—Taras]

    … All he tweeted was, “Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” Why shouldn’t he ask the question? (What part of three question marks don’t you understand?)

    Because it’s wildly provocative speculation and conduct unbecoming of the POTUS. You should play my favorite MAGA game …. It’s called What If Obama Said That? 

    [@blueyeti — It’s fun to speculate, but it’s not proof of anything. I think my reaction would have been that Obama was being provocative. The media reaction would probably have been to give the idea serious consideration, with a lot of solemn head-nodding, as they did with all of Obama’s pronouncements.—Taras]

    It’s your knee-jerk prejudice alone that makes a harmless Presidential rumination problematic.

    Yep, always someone else’s fault in TrumpWorld. Could have set my watch on that.

    [@blueyeti — The Excluded Middle is a logical fallacy, not a guide to accurate reasoning.  100% fault and 0% fault are not the only possibilities.  In this particular case, of course, Trump’s detractors can’t even agree if what he tweeted was a misstep, or a diabolically clever ploy.—Taras]

    All this is assuming Trump didn’t tweet this precisely to pull the chain of every TDS sufferer (as Rush Limbaugh believes) and give the issue of mail-in ballots and election fraud greater visibility.

    You (and apparently, Rush) think this is fine behavior for a POTUS. I don’t.

    [@blueyeti — Because, I guess, Rush and I actually care what happens to the country, while for you a decorous defeat is entirely acceptable.—Taras]

    If he thinks there is a problem with vote by mail, then ask Congress to investigate it,

    [@blueyeti — Is this a joke?  Three months before the election?  The House would produce a whitewash if they did anything; the Senate, a report that the media would ignore.—Taras]

    not Tweet about it in all caps with multiple exclamation points. This isn’t hard.

    • #82
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