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This week on GLoP, a slight shorter show than normal, but don’t fret — we’ll be doing –count ’em– THREE shows this month, including another live on Zoom, presumably with some adult beverages being consumed. In the meantime, we’ve on this show, John and Jonah have seen Tenet, the Oscars® get woke, and the boys recommend some podcasts (other than the ones they are on) for your dining and dancing pleasure.
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We can hope. But if they keep “laundering” money through bad movies that they get from other profitable businesses – the various millionaires/billionaires that are continually “investing in” (bailing out) Hollyweird – that reckoning could be a long way off still.
Next question: Are the other major movie awards going to follow suit?
According to Wikipedia, A Wrinkle in Time lost $130 million and “received mixed reviews, with critics taking issue ‘with the film’s heavy use of CGI and numerous plot holes’, while others ‘celebrated its message of female empowerment and diversity’.” The former critics are probably older and on their way out; the latter, young and “woke”.
Yes. Because all that matters to modern critics anymore is a film’s political message. Art? Fuggedaboudit. Art is dead.
Poor art. I knew him, Horatio,
Thanks Rob for the tip on Dolly podcast, had been thinking about her and a night many years ago when I saw her and Porter sitting in the Snow White cafe in St Joe as we were cruising the parking lot about 11pm. I immediately went to episode three and voila ! the whole story. Additionally gracias for Gilbert Gottfried tambien.
Living Single! I watched that whole show as a kid like a hawk. I was smitten. So woke and so young. I never watched Friends because it was lame and super gaaaaaaaayeeeeee until it was on Netflix.
I never realized how woke I was until now. Thank you GLOP. Although I think I was possibly enamored with all the girls with big errr “brains”. Good times.
I think there were other reasons why Living Single wasn’t really the equivalent to Friends, and not just because of the casts. But it may be that the single biggest reason why Friends was a hit and Living Single wasn’t, is what I mentioned before: Friends got wide exposure on NBC, and Living Single got much less exposure on Fox. Indeed, one of the ongoing gags on “Married With Children” was when they would assume “Fox Network Viewing Positions!” which involved all of them spreading out with various pieces of wire and foil etc, in an attempt to receive the Fox Network.
I am the rare person who thought Tenet was brilliant. The teenage boys I took to the movie decided it was their new favorite movie. None of them had trouble following the plot. Nolan does a good job following his rules. But I know I am rare because most seem to not enjoy it. I highly recommend it if only for respect of Nolans craft and that he doesn’t use a lot (sometimes no) CGI so his movies age perfectly unlike most the Marvel movies which look worse each year.
And the sign they focus on the front of the Opera house clearly telling us where we are.
And supposedly “conservatives” are not only ok with it but cheering it on. Sadly, it comes off as very tribal and their tribe is pro-multicultural at any cost.
Everybody on the podcast is so busy and has to go and do other things?
Can’t a bunch of male directors just identify as chicks for the duration of awards season? Problem solved.
Logical consistency is part of the oppressive system of white privilege.
Progressive logic is “heads I win, tails you lose.“
If they identify as chicks, the left might just send them to the nearest Tyson plant.