For Goodness Sake, Just Relax!

Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in his jail cell. So it’s okay that the cameras were broken, the guards were absent, and no one was monitoring this known suicide risk. What matters is that we forget about Epstein and all the people who used to hang out (sorry, Jeffrey) with him.
The Russians planted Hunter Biden’s laptop. So it okay’s that Twitter and Facebook and the Democrat press (aka mainstream media) censored the story and blocked people from hearing about it. It’s okay that they didn’t hear about the wealth of evidence and witnesses that tended to confirm that it really is Hunter’s laptop and it really is full of evidence that the Biden family made millions selling political influence. What matters is that we move on and forget about the millions the astoundingly unaccomplished Biden Jr. raked in from foreign governments while Biden Sr. was in the White House.
There’s no such thing as voter fraud. So it’s okay that thousands of votes were accidentally switched from Trump to Biden by widely used voting machines, that hundreds of thousands of unrequested ballots were mailed to the wrong addresses, that dead people voted, that big city ballot-counting operations were blatantly partisan and irregular, that the laws were rewritten on the fly by unauthorized officials, and that purported turnout in critical districts was historically and unbelievably high. What matters is that we accept the assessment of the mainstream media (yes, the one that censored the Hunter Biden story) and concede defeat without looking more closely or exhausting our legal options. (You know, like Gore would have done in 2000, if he hadn’t done the opposite and fought the result for 37 days.)
Relax. The party of the 0.1%, with the technical assistance of the biggest companies in the world and the almost complete support of the mainstream media, has probably maybe won without even needing whatever cheating occurred. They certainly spent enough of the 0.1%’s money doing it. So if you’re one of the 70 million or so who voted wrong, the party of the 0.1% has an answer: “Shut up. Of course, your vote counted. We know: we counted it.”
Published in Elections
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  1. Django Member

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    Saint Augustine (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    I will never take reassurance from a person on the Left. Never.

    You OK Susan? You started as a polite moderate who was wary of Trump if I recall. You seem to have moved pretty dramatically the last few years.

    Without making any assertions relative to Susan, I’ll just observed that a lot of polite moderates, having witnessed four years of borderline criminal misconduct from the left, have moved pretty dramatically.

    We’ll get another couple million red pills from the gaslighting about election fraud.

    Sure,    about.


    I feel that we have entered a season of winning. I felt it on election Tuesday. For weeks, smart pundits had been suggesting that conservatives who questioned the polls were whistling past the graveyard, deluding themselves, being statistics deniers, etc.

    Then most of the predictions were turned upside down and, for the second time in four years, the presumed experts were revealed to be less than prescient.

    I like that. We put too much faith in people who claim expertise in chaotic and complex fields.

    Again I’m in the minority. I believe those polls serve a purpose. Early in the race they are designed to influence, so we have these margins that indicate it’s hopeless for Trump. Might as well stay home Trumpsters. As the election approaches the margin shrinks or “the polls narrow”. This is an attempt to maintain credibility for the next effort to defeat the Republican candidate. Call me cynical if you want, but that’s how I’d do it if I were being paid by the Demo-rats.

    You could be right — and probably are, frankly.

    What I like is that it doesn’t matter, in terms of the public’s faith in experts. Whether it was incompetence or deception, the damage done to the myth of expertise — one of the great misconceptions of our time, in my opinion — is accomplished.

    And will be forgotten (or ignored because *this time we’ve fixed it!”) in time for the next election.

    Remember 2016? The polls were right because Hillary won the popular vote, but … between 70K and 80K votes scattered across three states, all with the margin of error, gave Trump the victory. That was their story and they are still sticking to it. 

    Something similar will come out of 2020 with the caveat that because of Trump’s effort to delegitimize polling respondents lied to the interviewers. Of course if Slow Joe and Heels-Up Harris have their way 2024 won’t matter much.  

    • #91
  2. Henry Racette Member
    Henry Racette

    Miffed White Male (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    Saint Augustine (View Comment):

    Henry Racette (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Susan Quinn (View Comment):

    I will never take reassurance from a person on the Left. Never.

    You OK Susan? You started as a polite moderate who was wary of Trump if I recall. You seem to have moved pretty dramatically the last few years.

    Without making any assertions relative to Susan, I’ll just observed that a lot of polite moderates, having witnessed four years of borderline criminal misconduct from the left, have moved pretty dramatically.

    We’ll get another couple million red pills from the gaslighting about election fraud.

    Sure, we may not have convincing evidence that fraud tipped 3 swing states and stole the election. But we have proof it happened, pretty good evidence it happened extensively, evidence Democrats are corrupt, evidence that the media and Big Tech are corrupt when they keep telling us there’s nothing to see here and nothing even to ask about.


    I feel that we have entered a season of winning. I felt it on election Tuesday. For weeks, smart pundits had been suggesting that conservatives who questioned the polls were whistling past the graveyard, deluding themselves, being statistics deniers, etc.

    Then most of the predictions were turned upside down and, for the second time in four years, the presumed experts were revealed to be less than prescient.

    I like that. We put too much faith in people who claim expertise in chaotic and complex fields.

    Again I’m in the minority. I believe those polls serve a purpose. Early in the race they are designed to influence, so we have these margins that indicate it’s hopeless for Trump. Might as well stay home Trumpsters. As the election approaches the margin shrinks or “the polls narrow”. This is an attempt to maintain credibility for the next effort to defeat the Republican candidate. Call me cynical if you want, but that’s how I’d do it if I were being paid by the Demo-rats.

    You could be right — and probably are, frankly.

    What I like is that it doesn’t matter, in terms of the public’s faith in experts. Whether it was incompetence or deception, the damage done to the myth of expertise — one of the great misconceptions of our time, in my opinion — is accomplished.

    And will be forgotten (or ignored because “this time we’ve fixed it!”) in time for the next election.

    That’s a possibility, of course. Maybe we never win, we never move ahead, we never learn, nothing ever gets better, and there’s no point in trying. Maybe we should just throw in the towel and accept eternal defeat.

    • #92
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