NFL Honors Woman’s Abuser, Disdain Murdered Police


arm in arm cowboysThe NFL has joined the rest of corporate America in siding with the Marxist left. The NFL is choosing to make heroes out of villains, while making heroes into villains. You can see it by what is and is not written on their helmets. Consider 2016 in Dallas and 2020 in New Orleans.

In 2016, Barack Obama’s poisoning of Americans against each other culminated in the murder of five Dallas police officers and the wounding of nine other police officers by a hate-fueled man who wanted to kill white people, especially police, during a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas. President Obama knew he had to do damage control before the election, so he showed up for a memorial service. Yet, he just could not help himself, blaming the police and America and defending Black Lives Matter and the whole systemic racism narrative.

President Obama’s Dallas remarks were reprinted in full by the New York Daily News. Read the whole thing, if you can stomach it. Mark Davis, a Salem Radio host in the Dallas Fort Worth market, had this to say in the Dallas Morning News about Obama’s Dallas speech:

President Obama, for his part, beautifully praised our fallen heroes and struck inspiring themes of appreciation for police that were precisely what was needed at the event. But then he just could not restrain himself….

I wondered how long it would take for him to defend the Black Lives Matter corner of his core constituency that has come under proper fire for its viciously broad slander of police culture. Elapsed time was about fifteen minutes from praise for our fallen officers to a further coddling of those who took to our streets to malign their brothers and sisters in uniform. Aiming straight at those of us who have suggested a civil perusal of racial disparity is actually harmed by BLM’s excesses, his scolding was firm: “We cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid,” he instructed.

In this context, Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, wanted to honor the city’s fallen heroes, placing a decal on the team’s helmets for the season. They wore the “Arm in Arm” sticker through the summer training camp. The NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell, denied Dallas this expression of support for law enforcement under NFL uniform rules.

What a difference four years make. Now the New Orleans Saints have all appeared in practice with the name of Jacob Blake, an accused rapist, a serial abuser of a woman, taped across the front of their helmets, above their faces. You will be excused if this is especially confusing. After all, you have surely seen the NFL repeatedly stepping into and then struggling out of problems with players who used women for punching bags.

Yet, Drew “I honor my ancestors by standing for the flag, oops, I was oh so terribly insensitive and ignorant” Brees is right there in the photographs with the name of a serial abuser of a black woman printed across his helmet., the Times-Picayune, has the story with multiple photographs of New Orleans Saints with “Jacob Blake” printed across a large piece of tape on their helmets.

Ah, but this is just practice, like 2016 Dallas. Nope. Sorry. Roger Goodell has gone full critical race theory woke. He has fully endorsed the lie of systemic racism directed by police against black men. His teams’ uniforms will be festooned and the end zones will have woke slogans painted into the turf. The NFL announcement of “social justice” messaging specifically cites to the police shooting of the felon abuser of a black woman.

Citing a police officer shooting Jacob Blake in the back on Aug. 23 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Goodell said the incident has “brought forth more feelings of anger, frustration, anguish, fear for many of us in the NFL family.”

[. . .]

“The NFL stands with the Black community, the players, clubs and fans,” Goodell said Tuesday. “Confronting recent systemic racism with tangible and productive steps is absolutely essential. We will not relent in our work. We will redouble our efforts to be catalysts for the urgent and sustainable change that our society and communities so desperately need. I’m so proud of everyone across our league and others who have taken a stand using their voices and platforms to continue to shine the spotlight on things that must change. By listening and working and understanding with our players, we built the foundation for tangible change through our Inspire Change initiative.”

NFL end zones will be inscribed this season with two slogans: “It Takes All Of Us” on one end line, “End Racism” on the other. As part of its social justice awareness initiatives, the NFL also will allow similar visuals on helmets and caps.

So, expect to see Jacob Blake’s name on uniforms and to hear him invoked by players as an icon. It is guaranteed, already in writing, that the radical left’s propaganda will be on fields and uniforms, in stark contrast to 2016, when the same governing body leaned on a uniform rule to stop even one team honoring our fallen police heroes.

There will not be a single acknowledgment, on a single uniform or field, of officers murdered by this hateful racial propaganda. There will not be a single murdered black child’s name on the lips or helmet of any player. No network commentator will run a montage of slain innocents from our inner cities. They have more important political work to do, desperately trying to win this year’s election for their leftist comrades.

Feed them with viewership, react favorably to their sponsors, and you are buying the rope with which our constitutional republic will swing in November.

Published in Sports
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There are 78 comments.

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  1. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive


    Why do black professional athletes elevate Floyd and Blake to martyr status?

    Both are career felons who resisted arrest.


    Once ratings slip, NFL owners led by Jerry Jones will tell Roger Goodell and the players to shut this nonsense down.


    Football fans don’t care about social justice.  They watch football.

    Social justice warriors don’t know football is.


    Note to NFL: remember who your audience is, remember who your customer is


    • #31
  2. Kozak Member

    Jon1979 (View Comment):

    It was interesting Thursday night that the NFL tried to stay as far away as possible from an Anthem controversy, after their actions 2 1/2 months early in pandering to the woke SJW set them up for as train wreck in the Chiefs-Texans season opener. All but one of the Kansas City players stood for the Anthem, while Houston’s players remained in the locker room (Outkick’s Jason Whitlock speculated it was because they were tired of the meaningless symbolism, but the other possibility is they stayed in the locker room because a good number of the players refused to take the field unless they could kneel for the Anthem).

    They tried to limit the political messaging to the “Show of Unity” between the two teams at the center of the field. But the fans at Arrowhead — who could see the BLM messaging around the field tied to that move, booed because they knew it was a political stunt, and the fans at home apparently were irked enough by the 10-week lead-up to all of the messaging that NBC saw it’s rating drop over 16 percent from last year’s Thursday night season opener between the Packers and the Bears.

    The NFL lost 10-15 percent (depending on the network) of its ratings in 2016-17 by allowing its network partners to play up the Anthem controversy and Kaepernick’s kneeling, and was just getting some of those lost rating points back the past two seasons by downplaying mixing politics and football. If Thursday night’s rating’s drop holds through the 15 remaining CBS/Fox/NBC/ESPN Week 1 games on Sunday and Monday, the league’s not only back were it was at the end of 2017 — when advertisers got rebates and make good spots because the ratings missed their targets — they’re in even worse shape, because they avoided any direct snub to the Anthem as much as they could. but already had ticked off enough fans to the point that almost a sixth of the audience never tuned in.

    BLM messaging on the end zones.  BLM helmet stickers.  Separate “Black National Anthem”

    The singers of the anthem wearing BLM Shirts with George Floyd and Breanna Taylor on them.

    While only 1 player kneeled most “locked arms” another more subtle show of disrespect for the flag and anthem. ( The correct action is to stand, face the flag and place R hand over heart).

    Packed with SJW Wokeness messaging.

    Just no.

    • #32
  3. Kozak Member

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):


    Why do black professional athletes elevate Floyd and Blake to martyr status?

    Both are career felons who resisted arrest.


    Once ratings slip, NFL owners led by Jerry Jones will tell Roger Goodell and the players to shut this nonsense down.


    Football fans don’t care about social justice. They watch football.

    Social justice warriors don’t know football is.


    Note to NFL: remember who your audience is, remember who your customer is


    They figure they will find new fans if they Woke it up enough.  Who cares if old white guys stop watching?

    • #33
  4. Gazpacho Grande' Coolidge
    Gazpacho Grande'

    Once the revenues implode, this crap will stop.  I’m assuming because of the television contracts, which are usually multi-year, they have breathing room.

    When that gets re-negotiated, or renewed, or not, expect this crap to stop.  The owners want to make money.  They’re not in it to lose money.  

    I stopped watching football a long time ago, but it looks like their TV contracts are set to renew next year.  Whoopsy.  If ad revenues dry up, expect that contract to be much less than it has historically been, and then you’ll see salaries drop.  Small market teams like Green Bay rely on that revenue sharing to cover salaries.  They’re not NY or Dallas.

    • #34
  5. Jon1979 Inactive

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Jon1979 (View Comment):

    It was interesting Thursday night that the NFL tried to stay as far away as possible from an Anthem controversy, after their actions 2 1/2 months early in pandering to the woke SJW set them up for as train wreck in the Chiefs-Texans season opener. All but one of the Kansas City players stood for the Anthem, while Houston’s players remained in the locker room (Outkick’s Jason Whitlock speculated it was because they were tired of the meaningless symbolism, but the other possibility is they stayed in the locker room because a good number of the players refused to take the field unless they could kneel for the Anthem).

    BLM messaging on the end zones. BLM helmet stickers. Separate “Black National Anthem”

    The singers of the anthem wearing BLM Shirts with George Floyd and Breanna Taylor on them.

    While only 1 player kneeled most “locked arms” another more subtle show of disrespect for the flag and anthem. ( The correct action is to stand, face the flag and place R hand over heart).

    Packed with SJW Wokeness messaging.

    Just no.

    That was why Roger Goodell & Co. were idiots for going along with the herd back in June, and coming up with all these BLM genuflection ideas under pressure from the liberal media partners and virtue-signaling consultants they were around. They knew from 2016-17 it was a potential train wreck, but did it anyway, thinking somehow this time, the fan reaction would be different.

    Once they saw the NBA hemorrhaging viewers because of their decision to go all-in with BLM, they obviously tried to tone down what originally was planned for this weekend, but couldn’t back out all the way and had already ticked off lots of fans by doing it in the first place (Clay Travis on his show Friday speculated that after the opening weekend virtue-signaling, the NFL is going to try and stuff their BLM connections even further in the closet, but the damage for the 2020 season and beyond may already be done).

    • #35
  6. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    Ray Rice was suspended for striking his fiance (now wife).

    Adrian Peterson was suspended for ‘beating’ his son.

    Both made a mistake but they are not career felons.

    Why are professional athletes virtue signaling over Jacob Blake, a career felon, arrested for sexual assault of a minor?

    Blake is paralyzed but still alive.

    I dare any team to hire him.

    I dare any player to set up play dates with his kids and Blake’s kids especially Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings and Chicago Bears.

    • #36
  7. kedavis Coolidge

    Kozak (View Comment):

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):


    Why do black professional athletes elevate Floyd and Blake to martyr status?

    Both are career felons who resisted arrest.


    Once ratings slip, NFL owners led by Jerry Jones will tell Roger Goodell and the players to shut this nonsense down.


    Football fans don’t care about social justice. They watch football.

    Social justice warriors don’t know football is.


    Note to NFL: remember who your audience is, remember who your customer is


    They figure they will find new fans if they Woke it up enough. Who cares if old white guys stop watching?

    I don’t think Woke college kids etc, are going to be watching much football.  Plus they already think EVERYTHING should be FREE, so then where do the NFL salaries come from?

    • #37
  8. RushBabe49 Thatcher

    I will not believe the fans will reject the “woking” of pro football until I see season-ticket holders turning them in and not renewing. They are the fans who pay the NFL salaries and the league will not take notice until the season ticket holders quit. 

    • #38
  9. kedavis Coolidge

    RushBabe49 (View Comment):

    I will not believe the fans will reject the “woking” of pro football until I see season-ticket holders turning them in and not renewing. They are the fans who pay the NFL salaries and the league will not take notice until the season ticket holders quit.

    I don’t know if the season-ticket holders put as much money in the pot as the TV networks do.  Plus the season-ticket holders are a much more distributed group.  Even if half the season-ticket holders don’t renew, it wouldn’t have as much impact as the networks cutting their price by half.

    • #39
  10. Rodin Member

    RushBabe49 (View Comment):

    I will not believe the fans will reject the “woking” of pro football until I see season-ticket holders turning them in and not renewing. They are the fans who pay the NFL salaries and the league will not take notice until the season ticket holders quit.

    The television viewers will tell the biggest tale. Fewer fans can attend games in the current situation and should be adding to viewership incrementally. If the viewing is down significantly it is a big tell. The long term impact of fans turning off will not be felt by the League and players for a little bit given the front-loaded payments. The networks and retailers will be hurting soon if the fans are truly on strike.

    • #40
  11. Stad Coolidge

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):

    Before 1972, when Congress banned television tobacco ads, during football season, big tobacco purchased all the air time on Sundays.

    I heard the Philip Morris commercials in the 60s were hilarious.


    Oh, the cigarette ads were outrageous!  My favorite was something like, “Four out of five doctors recommend Pall Mall cigarettes.”

    • #41
  12. kedavis Coolidge

    Stad (View Comment):

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):

    Before 1972, when Congress banned television tobacco ads, during football season, big tobacco purchased all the air time on Sundays.

    I heard the Philip Morris commercials in the 60s were hilarious.


    Oh, the cigarette ads were outrageous! My favorite was something like, “Four out of five doctors recommend Pall Mall cigarettes.”

    Fred Flintstone shilled for some brand.

    Apparently it was Winston.

    Also, Busch Beer.


    • #42
  13. Aaron Miller Inactive
    Aaron Miller

    Half of football fans are Democrats. They will lose a hefty chunk with leftist politics, but not their whole market. And like so many corporations run by leftists (unlike conservative CEOs), they will deliberately sacrifice profits for cultural values.

    • #43
  14. kedavis Coolidge

    Aaron Miller (View Comment):

    Half of football fans are Democrats. They will lose a hefty chunk with leftist politics, but not their whole market. And like so many corporations run by leftists (unlike conservative CEOs), they will deliberately sacrifice profits for cultural values.

    But can they afford to keep paying the players and coaches and etc, if they aren’t getting money in from the networks?  The “sacrifice of profits” may not be within their control.

    • #44
  15. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Aaron Miller (View Comment):

    Half of football fans are Democrats. They will lose a hefty chunk with leftist politics, but not their whole market. And like so many corporations run by leftists (unlike conservative CEOs), they will deliberately sacrifice profits for cultural values.

    But can they afford to keep paying the players and coaches and etc, if they aren’t getting money in from the networks? The “sacrifice of profits” may not be within their control.

    Here is where government bailouts come in.  Well, they would if they could get by with it. But maybe the governments can help out indirectly: taxpayer funded stadiums, special bailouts and contracts for unrelated businesses owned by the owners. Where there is a will, there’s a way.

    • #45
  16. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    I think Roger Goodell should resign his post as NFL Commissioner and nominate Colin Kaepernick to replace him.  The ship is already sinking, why not get it over with?

    • #46
  17. Sisyphus Member

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Aaron Miller (View Comment):

    Half of football fans are Democrats. They will lose a hefty chunk with leftist politics, but not their whole market. And like so many corporations run by leftists (unlike conservative CEOs), they will deliberately sacrifice profits for cultural values.

    But can they afford to keep paying the players and coaches and etc, if they aren’t getting money in from the networks? The “sacrifice of profits” may not be within their control.

    Here is where government bailouts come in. Well, they would if they could get by with it. But maybe the governments can help out indirectly: taxpayer funded stadiums, special bailouts and contracts for unrelated businesses owned by the owners. Where there is a will, there’s a way.

    Let’s sell the stadiums and arenas and put the money toward the Covid relief debt.

    • #47
  18. Clifford A. Brown Inactive
    Clifford A. Brown

    Sisyphus (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Aaron Miller (View Comment):

    Half of football fans are Democrats. They will lose a hefty chunk with leftist politics, but not their whole market. And like so many corporations run by leftists (unlike conservative CEOs), they will deliberately sacrifice profits for cultural values.

    But can they afford to keep paying the players and coaches and etc, if they aren’t getting money in from the networks? The “sacrifice of profits” may not be within their control.

    Here is where government bailouts come in. Well, they would if they could get by with it. But maybe the governments can help out indirectly: taxpayer funded stadiums, special bailouts and contracts for unrelated businesses owned by the owners. Where there is a will, there’s a way.

    Let’s sell the stadiums and arenas and put the money toward the Covid relief debt.

    I like this constructive response.

    • #48
  19. Clifford A. Brown Inactive
    Clifford A. Brown

    Now this. More law enforcement officers fighting for lives after ambush. NFL, NBA, DNC, Obama, Biden-Harris own this.

    • #49
  20. Sisyphus Member

    Clifford A. Brown (View Comment):

    Now this. More law enforcement officers fighting for lives after ambush. NFL, NBA, DNC, Obama, Biden-Harris own this.

    The same thing happened three blocks from my home when I lived just outside of DC without all the national drama and rioting. It is always an atrocity and civic order demands justice. That it is celebrated now by major institutions suggests that those institutions no longer require the good will and protection of our law enforcement officers and resources. 

    In composing this comment, the CoC has been a distinct impediment to candid expression.

    • #50
  21. Kozak Member

    RushBabe49 (View Comment):

    I will not believe the fans will reject the “woking” of pro football until I see season-ticket holders turning them in and not renewing. They are the fans who pay the NFL salaries and the league will not take notice until the season ticket holders quit.

    Actually stadium ticket sales are small potatoes in the NFL.  The money is in TV and advertising endorsements.

    So pay attention to who is advertising, and make sure they know you won’t buy their products.

    • #51
  22. Kozak Member

    Clifford A. Brown (View Comment):

    Now this. More law enforcement officers fighting for lives after ambush. NFL, NBA, DNC, Obama, Biden-Harris own this.

    Oh it’s way worse then that.


    They blocked the entrance to the ER to keep the ambulance from getting the police in for treatment.

    • #52
  23. carcat74 Member

    The players should be forced to put their money where their knee is. Any action other than standing with hand over heart should cost each player $50,000.00. They want to play THAT game, they should pay!  Put the fines toward the small shop owners who have lost EVERYTHING; they can rebuild or relocate more easily with that kind of money coming in. Let’s see: 22 players on the field times 50,000.00; that’s a chunk of change! The fine also applies if the teams stay in the locker room, and that would be more money, because that would include EVERYONE—bench warmers, etc.  Would the players be so supportive of ‘blm/anti’ if it starts hitting their wallets?

    • #53
  24. Judge Mental Member
    Judge Mental

    Clifford A. Brown (View Comment):

    Sisyphus (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Aaron Miller (View Comment):

    Half of football fans are Democrats. They will lose a hefty chunk with leftist politics, but not their whole market. And like so many corporations run by leftists (unlike conservative CEOs), they will deliberately sacrifice profits for cultural values.

    But can they afford to keep paying the players and coaches and etc, if they aren’t getting money in from the networks? The “sacrifice of profits” may not be within their control.

    Here is where government bailouts come in. Well, they would if they could get by with it. But maybe the governments can help out indirectly: taxpayer funded stadiums, special bailouts and contracts for unrelated businesses owned by the owners. Where there is a will, there’s a way.

    Let’s sell the stadiums and arenas and put the money toward the Covid relief debt.

    I like this constructive response.

    I can’t see getting much for them right now.  With all the restrictions in place on using them for anything, what you’re really buying is the world’s largest and most poorly designed Fotomat.

    • #54
  25. Sisyphus Member

    Judge Mental (View Comment):

    Let’s sell the stadiums and arenas and put the money toward the Covid relief debt.

    I like this constructive response.

    I can’t see getting much for them right now. With all the restrictions in place on using them for anything, what you’re really buying is the world’s largest and most poorly designed Fotomat.

    Have mega paint ball competitions. Twitter vs Yahoo vs Amazon vs FaceBook for the Rainbow Cup.

    • #55
  26. kedavis Coolidge

    Sisyphus (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):

    Let’s sell the stadiums and arenas and put the money toward the Covid relief debt.

    I like this constructive response.

    I can’t see getting much for them right now. With all the restrictions in place on using them for anything, what you’re really buying is the world’s largest and most poorly designed Fotomat.

    Have mega paint ball competitions. Twitter vs Yahoo vs Amazon vs FaceBook for the Rainbow Cup.

    I guess paintball could still be done with “social distancing.”

    • #56
  27. Sisyphus Member

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Sisyphus (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):

    Let’s sell the stadiums and arenas and put the money toward the Covid relief debt.

    I like this constructive response.

    I can’t see getting much for them right now. With all the restrictions in place on using them for anything, what you’re really buying is the world’s largest and most poorly designed Fotomat.

    Have mega paint ball competitions. Twitter vs Yahoo vs Amazon vs FaceBook for the Rainbow Cup.

    I guess paintball could still be done with “social distancing.”

    And the misses would cover up all the BLM/Antifa hate graffiti.

    • #57
  28. Jon1979 Inactive

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Clifford A. Brown (View Comment):

    Now this. More law enforcement officers fighting for lives after ambush. NFL, NBA, DNC, Obama, Biden-Harris own this.

    Oh it’s way worse then that.

    They blocked the entrance to the ER to keep the ambulance from getting the police in for treatment.

    NBC’s opening Sunday Night Football game of the season is Cowboys at Rams, with Los Angeles opening its Walmart-funded gazillion dollar football palace down in Inglewood. My guess is after these shootings, the NFL at the very least is in a panic about how they’re going to handle the scheduled pro-BLM events prior to kickoff tonight, even if the people running NBC don’t see a problem with it (the NFL famously at the same time as the Kaepernick kneeling incident in 2016 refused to allow the Cowboys to put stickers on their helmets in honor of the five Dallas police officers who were ambushed and murdered that summer — not sure how Rams’ owner Stan Kroneke is going to react to this, but screw it up tonight, and he could not only lose more NFL fans, but also start costing Walmart and Sam’s Club some of their shoppers).

    • #58
  29. kedavis Coolidge

    Jon1979 (View Comment):

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Clifford A. Brown (View Comment):

    Now this. More law enforcement officers fighting for lives after ambush. NFL, NBA, DNC, Obama, Biden-Harris own this.

    Oh it’s way worse then that.


    They blocked the entrance to the ER to keep the ambulance from getting the police in for treatment.

    NBC’s opening Sunday Night Football game of the season is Cowboys at Rams, with Los Angeles opening is Walmart-funded gazillion dollar football palace down in Inglewood. My guess is after these shootings, the NFL at the very least is in a panic about how they’re going to handle the scheduled pro-BLM events prior to kickoff tonight, even if the people running NBC don’t see a problem with it (the NFL famously at the same time as the Kaepernick kneeling incident in 2016 refused to allow the Cowboys to put stickers on their helmets in honor of the five Dallas police officers who were ambushed and murdered that summer — not sure how Rams’ owner Stan Kroneke is going to react to this, but screw it up tonight, and he could not only lose more NFL fans, but also start costing Walmart and Sam’s Club some of their shoppers).

    That might be the only way to stop them, so, the sooner the better.

    • #59
  30. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    RushBabe49 (View Comment):

    I will not believe the fans will reject the “woking” of pro football until I see season-ticket holders turning them in and not renewing. They are the fans who pay the NFL salaries and the league will not take notice until the season ticket holders quit.

    TV is a team’s largest source of revenue.

    Season seats are also important as a revenue source but for different reasons such as marketing and corporate stadium partnerships.  Ticket sales are not part of revenue sharing.  

    TV is split evenly among all 32 teams… Competition from the AFL forced Pete Rozelle to adopt this plan in 1960.


    • #60
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