Trump Hated for Speaking the Truth


I was going to post this in Happy Warriors Ricochet group, but I think it deserves a wider audience. Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel nail it:

Throughout the impeachment drama, the press repeatedly told you that the president was a liar. They said his lies are why he had to be impeached. Donald Trump is a salesman; he is a talker, a booster, a compulsive self-promoter. If Trump hadn’t gotten rich in real estate, then he could’ve made a fortune selling cars. Most people know this.

So is lying really the reason the left despises Trump? Or could the problem be, as is so often the case, the exact opposite of what they claim? What drives them completely crazy are those moments when Trump dares to tell the truth. Think back over the last four years to when the CNN anchors have been angriest. Was it when Trump exaggerated his own accomplishments? No. They are used to that kind of lying from all politicians. What infuriates them is when Trump tells the truth. Truth is the real threat to their power.

Carlson and Patel don’t mention the Ukraine impeachment idiocy, but the same applies there. The Clinton campaign solicited foreign interference in the 2016 election by any means available. The Ukrainians probably know something about it (given its ties to Russia) and the Bidens are neck-deep in shenanigans there, given Obama’s appointment of Gropey Joe as the point-man on Ukraine to coincide with Hunter’s lucrative fake job with Burisma. Maybe the Bidens avoided outright illegality (doubtful), but there’s definitely corruption there. Does the media think we’re stupid? Don’t answer that.

No presidential candidate should be shielded from investigation by virtue of running for office — haven’t we learned that with the Russia (Hoax) Mueller investigation? How’s the FBI coming along with wiretaps and FISA warrants on the Biden campaign?


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  1. Samuel Block Support
    Samuel Block

    GrannyDude (View Comment):

    A quote from Henry Louis Gates, over at Powerline:

    “We must begin by recognizing what is new about the new anti-Semitism. Make no mistake: this is anti-Semitism from the top down, engineered and promoted by leaders who affect to be speaking for a larger resentment. . .

    The strategy of these apostles of [anti-Semitic] hate, I believe, is best understood as ethnic isolationism — they know that the more isolated black America becomes, the greater their power. And what’s the most efficient way to begin to sever black America from its allies? Bash the Jews, these demagogues apparently calculate, and you’re halfway there.”

    Gates wrote this in 1992.

    This is comforting evidence that prominent liberals were indeed more rational in 1992. Maybe it was not completely irrational to have been one myself?

    I wonder how I’d phrase this as something conservatives ought not to believe? Something like “Progressives/Liberals have always been maniacal, anti-reality, race-baiting, irresponsible socialists?”

    Maybe it could be something like, color blindness – or any kind of blindness – is not as good a thing as conservatives had believed. It makes it impossible to communicate with people who live in neighborhoods where ethnic differences are more of an obvious reality.

    I don’t know. Something like that.

    • #91
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