If I Can Be “Semi-Spontaneous,” Does That Mean I Can Be “Partially Pregnant?”


Yesterday, as I was engaged in some family business, driving up and down Interstate 70, one of the ugliest, and one of my least favorite, pieces of road in Western Pennsylvania, I heard an odd report on the news. Figuring that perhaps I was hallucinating, I actually made a point of listening at the top of the next hour, just so I could hear it again. The following is a paraphrase, but fairly closely resembles the actual report:

“Pittsburgh police have announced that they are gearing up for possible riots should President Donald Trump fire special counsel Robert Mueller. The police have received a email report that there is a widespread belief that Trump may fire Mueller, and that if that occurs, extensive protests are being planned in the city. The protests are being described as semi-spontaneous and would likely happen on short notice (emphasis added).”

Three cheers (I guess) for the Pittsburgh Police for their sincere desire to keep their fellow citizens safe. (I’ve had a number of dealings with the Pittsburgh Police over the years, and they are fine people.) But I can’t help wondering if it’s typical for law enforcement to respond so directly, so publicly, and so forcefully to an anonymous “tip” detailing simply that there is a “widespread belief” that something may happen, and that if it does, all sorts of semi-spontaneous hell is going to break loose (if you want to know what I mean, just Google “Pittsburgh police Trump fire Mueller” to see the dozens and dozens of hysterical national news stories about this).

It appears that someone is planning these riots on a nationwide basis and that, whether or not Trump actually fires Mueller, the purposes of sowing dissension and confusion will have been served. I have no idea why Pittsburgh has been chosen as the public face of the “resistance,” but it looks as if, this time, that’s the case. And, of course, Mayor Bill Peduto is happy to play along, throwing gasoline on the fire.

But I’m still stuck on one phrase back in the original news report (and repeated again in many of the news stories). Apparently, no-one else finds it worthy of remark, but does the assertion that these protests will be “semi-spontaneous” strike anyone as odd?

I have no idea what that means, or how, in the event that Donald Trump actually should fire Robert Mueller, the subsequent protests could be described as anything other than the results of a well-planned, carefully orchestrated, extremely focused, and very determined political campaign carried out by the willing participants and useful idiots of the Left.

And if Trump doesn’t fire Mueller? Well, the infrastructure’s already in place for the next thing that comes along, isn’t it?

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There are 36 comments.

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  1. Rodin Member

    I Walton (View Comment):
    There is no such thing as spontaneous political movements, even in the age of social media.

    Just so. Just ask the Tea Party. How many of us were highly sympathetic with the agenda and yet never participated in an event? How many of us shout at the TV that so-and-so should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail and yet never leave the couch? It takes organization and planning to move people to action.

    • #31
  2. She Member

    Rodin (View Comment):

    I Walton (View Comment):
    There is no such thing as spontaneous political movements, even in the age of social media.

    Just so. Just ask the Tea Party. How many of us were highly sympathetic with the agenda and yet never participated in an event? How many of us shout at the TV that so-and-so should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail and yet never leave the couch? It takes organization and planning to move people to action.

    I think you’re correct.  And I see much O&P on the Left, and rather less on the Right.  Who are the organizers an planners on the Right?

    • #32
  3. TJSnapp, Multi Pass holder Inactive
    TJSnapp, Multi Pass holder

    She (View Comment):

    Rodin (View Comment):

    I Walton (View Comment):
    There is no such thing as spontaneous political movements, even in the age of social media.

    Just so. Just ask the Tea Party. How many of us were highly sympathetic with the agenda and yet never participated in an event? How many of us shout at the TV that so-and-so should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail and yet never leave the couch? It takes organization and planning to move people to action.

    I think you’re correct. And I see much O&P on the Left, and rather less on the Right. Who are the organizers an planners on the Right?

    At work.

    • #33
  4. Randy Webster Inactive
    Randy Webster

    TJSnapp, Multi Pass holder (View Comment):

    I think you’re correct. And I see much O&P on the Left, and rather less on the Right. Who are the organizers an planners on the Right?

    At work.

    We have jobs.

    • #34
  5. She Member

    Randy Webster (View Comment):

    TJSnapp, Multi Pass holder (View Comment):

    I think you’re correct. And I see much O&P on the Left, and rather less on the Right. Who are the organizers an planners on the Right?

    At work.

    We have jobs.

    Yes, isn’t that the truth.  I sure hope that’s a winning strategy.

    • #35
  6. Randy Webster Inactive
    Randy Webster

    She (View Comment):

    Randy Webster (View Comment):

    TJSnapp, Multi Pass holder (View Comment):

    I think you’re correct. And I see much O&P on the Left, and rather less on the Right. Who are the organizers an planners on the Right?

    At work.

    We have jobs.

    Yes, isn’t that the truth. I sure hope that’s a winning strategy.

    It isn’t original.  I stole it from Andy Ferguson.

    • #36
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