What Happens if Trump Refuses to Concede?


You presumably saw him say he might not. He hinted that unflattering articles in The New York Times amounted, in his mind, to “rigging” the election:

What I’ve seen — what I’ve seen is so bad. First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt, and the pile-on is so amazing. The New York Times actually wrote an article about it, but they don’t even care. It’s so dishonest. And they’ve poisoned the mind of the voters.

Anyone left who still thinks this man’s playing with a full deck? If so, a question for you. What will you do if Trump refuses to concede?

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  1. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Titus Techera:

    Man With the Axe:Trump was saying that the primaries were rigged, too, when he was doing poorly, as in Wisconsin. Remember that? There was zero evidence of it, but he focused on it, anyway. He blamed Ted Cruz for his poor showing when Cruz’s campaign mistakenly mentioned they had heard that Carson wasn’t going to be in Iowa, if memory serves.

    So, for Trump, it’s not necessary to find evidence of cheating for him to claim the election is rigged. He only needs a poor showing. The polls are rigged. The media is rigged. The voting is rigged.

    If there is some cheating going on, that is after the fact evidence of claims he was going to make anyway.

    ps: Does anyone think that the cheating only goes one way?

    Of course! Conservatives are sainted, liberals are devils!

    Well, I do know that when conservatives hold mass rallies (e.g. Tea Party), they leave the grounds cleaner than when they showed up.

    Whereas when liberals hold rallies (e.g. Occupy Wall Street), conditions are unsanitary, and they have to set up “Rape-free zone” tents to keep the women safe.

    • #61
  2. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad: Completely disagree. I thought it was a great moment when he told Chris Wallace that he would wait to see the scenario. Good for him.

    I disagree with your disagreement. I thought he was obnoxious and narcissistic, very much in character. I’m making my way through the posts, but it’s also possible that the most ardent supporters will create havoc. I wouldn’t put it past them.

    • #62
  3. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Titus Techera:

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Titus Techera:Ok, folks, whoever needs basic lessons in suspiciousness, I’ll help.

    Lesson 1: If you’re a partisan & are shouting for joy–you should suspect that most of the electorate is not joining you.

    I don’t think I need basic lessons in suspiciousness.

    I don’t know what the rest of the electorate thinks. I know what I think and I am here trying to put my voice out into the conversation. The sense of doom and gloom and wailing and gnashing of teeth over what a boob Trump is is tiresome.

    There is good reason to fear for the integrity of the election system. There is good reason to avoid making stupid sound bite pledges based on hypothetical scenarios in this year of Wonders and unforseens.

    Mama Toad, debates are conducted for the sake of the electorate, especially the electorate as yet uncommitted. They’re not for you, in short. You have got to try to find out how the famous uncommitted or what have you react to these things. That guy is not on stage for your sake.

    The question about free & fair elections. If he had wanted to make a big deal of that, he had a long campaign to do it. There may still be some time. There are some videos out there & a few Dem operatives have been fired. But that’s not what that or any other part of the debate was about at all!

    I find you naivete amusing.  The debate are held so that the GOP candidate can say something to be taken out of context to be used against them by the MSM.  Basically it is a way for the Democrats to play gotcha and sink the GOP candidate.


    • #63
  4. CB Toder aka Mama Toad Member
    CB Toder aka Mama Toad

    Susan Quinn:

    I’d point out, as far as I know, that Gore accepted the results and conceded, once the recount was done.

    Not at all. After Florida certified the results and declared for Bush, Gore refused to concede. A Florida state court refused to hear his appeal, the Florida Supreme Court overturned their refusal and started to count the ballots. The matter, as you doubtless recall, went before the Supreme Court which decided 7-2 that the Florida Supreme Court could not legally order a recount, and 5-4 that the previously certified results of the Florida recount would be accepted.

    The day after the Court decision, Gore reluctantly conceded. Not after the recount.

    • #64
  5. Vance Richards Inactive
    Vance Richards

    Susan Quinn:

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Claire Berlinski, Ed.:

    Anyone left who still thinks this man’s playing with a full deck? If so, a question for you. What will you do if Trump refuses to concede?

    Did you also think Al Gore was insane when he challenged George Bush’s win?

    Good Lord, the scenario of a contested election is really not so incomprehensible or foreign to our democratic process. Spare me your case of the vapors.

    I’d point out, as far as I know, that Gore accepted the results and conceded, once the recount was done.

    That would be wrong. After every recount that still showed him losing he went back to court. Only after it went all the way to the Supreme Court did he give up.

    But to do that, you first have to be within the margin of fraud. If you lose by 5%, fraud won’t explain that away.

    • #65
  6. Frank Soto Member
    Frank Soto

    Titus Techera:Ok, folks, whoever needs basic lessons in suspiciousness, I’ll help.

    Lesson 1: If you’re a partisan & are shouting for joy–you should suspect that most of the electorate is not joining you.

    This needs to be permanently pinned to the top of the member feed.

    • #66
  7. CB Toder aka Mama Toad Member
    CB Toder aka Mama Toad

    Susan Quinn: the most ardent supporters will create havoc

    You are aware of the evidence that the “havoc” at Trump rallies has come from Democrat-paid plants and operatives, not from “the most ardent” Trump supporters?

    • #67
  8. Cato Rand Inactive
    Cato Rand

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Cato Rand:

    Fake John/Jane Galt:

    Cato Rand:What happens if I insist I’m Emperor Napoleon?

    depends, what is your preferred pronoun?


    Is that the object case, like him and her? If so, what is the subject case? Hi? Hee?

    Help!  How do I get out of this?  I have no idea is the answer to your question.  I couldn’t even answer that question with actual English grammer, much less this made up nonsense.

    • #68
  9. Mike LaRoche Inactive
    Mike LaRoche

    If at first you don’t secede, try try again.

    • #69
  10. Kozak Member

    What happened when Gore refused to concede?

    • #70
  11. Austin Murrey Inactive
    Austin Murrey

    Cato Rand:

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Cato Rand:

    Fake John/Jane Galt:

    Cato Rand:What happens if I insist I’m Emperor Napoleon?

    depends, what is your preferred pronoun?


    Is that the object case, like him and her? If so, what is the subject case? Hi? Hee?

    Help! How do I get out of this? I have no idea is the answer to your question. I couldn’t even answer that question with actual English grammer, much less this made up nonsense.

    Maybe up nonsense makes it easier.


    • #71
  12. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    Basil G: You saved me from writing this same exact sentiment. This is just Liberals wanting to see the Organ Grinder’s monkey dance. It deeply embarrasses me that I used to dance to there malistic melodies.

    He could also have said, if I win, I’ll celebrate; if I lose I’ll concede. End of story. And we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    • #72
  13. Austin Murrey Inactive
    Austin Murrey

    Susan Quinn:

    Basil G: You saved me from writing this same exact sentiment. This is just Liberals wanting to see the Organ Grinder’s monkey dance. It deeply embarrasses me that I used to dance to there malistic melodies.

    He could also have said, if I win, I’ll celebrate; if I lose I’ll concede. End of story. And we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    Yes we would. Trump’s ability to change the conversation in the media has been vastly overrated.

    I will say that he is very good at playing into their hands.

    • #73
  14. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Susan Quinn:

    I’d point out, as far as I know, that Gore accepted the results and conceded, once the recount was done.

    Not at all. After Florida certified the results and declared for Bush, Gore refused to concede. A Florida state court refused to hear his appeal, the Florida Supreme Court overturned their refusal and started to count the ballots. The matter, as you doubtless recall, went before the Supreme Court which decided 7-2 that the Florida Supreme Court could not legally order a recount, and 5-4 that the previously certified results of the Florida recount would be accepted.

    The day after the Court decision, Gore reluctantly conceded. Not after the recount.

    I meant after the Supreme Court ruling. My bad.

    • #74
  15. Claire Berlinski, Ed. Member
    Claire Berlinski, Ed.


    Cato Rand:What happens if I insist I’m Emperor Napoleon?

    My liege! I stand ready to help you conquer Austria-Hungry.

    Pleased to meet you. I am the First Duke of Wellington.

    • #75
  16. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Susan Quinn: the most ardent supporters will create havoc

    You are aware of the evidence that the “havoc” at Trump rallies has come from Democrat-paid plants and operatives, not from “the most ardent” Trump supporters?

    Yes, I am aware that some of that comes from the Democrats, I have no doubt. But it’s also possible that some of it came from some nasty Republicans. We do have some of those. And for those who see Trump’s loss as a final betrayal, who knows what they might do?

    • #76
  17. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    James Gawron:

    Fake John/Jane Galt:Well if Trump was a Democrat they would have endless recounts until he finally won like they did for Al Franken. Since he is a Republican that even most of the Republicans do not like they will probably just declare Hillary the winner and move on. Heck they may even declare her the winner and move on before the election happens. That will make the most people happy and with Hillary being Hillary and all.


    These anti-democratic creeping socialist fools are very close to doing exactly that.

    Hey, let’s have the Nobel committee award the Presidency to whoever they think fit. Who needs this old irrelevant democracy thing. Why they just knew Obama was going to be great and just because absolutely every foreign policy move has been a disaster that shouldn’t affect our perception of the Nobel gang. Why they are secular Gds. Surely their genius must not be challenged.

    No more of these annoying elections. Let those who know best choose for the rest of us.



    Oh, they will keep the elections.  There is an entertainment value and the plebs need their circuses and delusions.  Plus there is money to be made from the rubes.  But they will increasingly become shams.  Like this one.  Not 100% certain but lets be honest, nobody that pays any attention to this stuff have had any doubts who was going to win.  The prediction markets have shown that.  So has the stock market.  So we will continue to have a show that is called an election for forms sake but in reality that stuff will all be decided in back rooms by people that believe they are better than the rest of us.  Sadly we will let them.

    • #77
  18. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    If Trump refuses to concede, it will be because the Democrats have stolen the election. In that case, Trump will be joined by his millions of supporters to echo that message. Where it goes from there? Who knows.

    • #78
  19. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Claire Berlinski, Ed.:

    Anyone left who still thinks this man’s playing with a full deck? If so, a question for you. What will you do if Trump refuses to concede?

    Did you also think Al Gore was insane when he challenged George Bush’s win?

    Good Lord, the scenario of a contested election is really not so incomprehensible or foreign to our democratic process. Spare me your case of the vapors.

    There is a huge difference between putting up a legal challenged to the results of an election based on the laws of the state in question and a broad based attack on the entire electoral process.

    • #79
  20. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    EDISONPARKS:This election cycle I get the sense the the MSM feels it is their patriotic duty to derail the Trump Presidential candidacy(not that Trump needs much help).

    Because it’s Trump, the MSM feels no compunction to feign objectivity and even disguise their disdain of Trump and their open cheer leading for Hillary Clinton.

    The MSM feels it is important to support the government which from their point is to support the candidate the Democrats tell them to support.

    • #80
  21. Quake Voter Inactive
    Quake Voter

    Valiuth: Maybe it will be like “Angels with Dirty Faces” where the best thing he can do is go out with as little grace and dignity as possible to break his mystique.

    Sadly, for Trump to go out like Rocky Sullivan and alienate his truest fans he would have to give a gracious speech congratulating President-elect Clinton and her supporters, accepting the decision of the voters and promising support in those areas where they agree (troublingly many).

    • #81
  22. Doug Watt Member
    Doug Watt

    The question was a hypothetical, therefore there is no right answer or wrong answer. Mr. Wallace had some very good questions last night unfortunately the weakest of his questions has garnered the most attention.

    Mr. Trump is not the first candidate to succumb to feeling obligated to answering a question that is based upon something that may or may not happen in the future. His response to Mr. Wallace should have been; Let’s discuss the last eight years of the Obama administration and the role Hillary Clinton played in that administration. Perhaps a giant meteor will crash into the earth on election eve Mr. Wallace, making this question as meaningless on that day, as it is tonight.

    • #82
  23. Viator Inactive

    A better question is what if Trump wins the election? That will cause a paradigm shift in a few folks.

    October 20th, 2016
    Clinton and Trump were tied yesterday at 42% apiece in the Rasmussen Tracking Poll. Clinton held a seven-point lead at the beginning of last week just after the airing of an 11-year old video showing Trump making graphic sexual remarks, but she began losing ground after the second presidential debate. The lead has been shifting back and forth since late last week.

    October 20th 2016
    LA Times Tracking Poll -Trump 44.4, Clinton 43.8

    October 20th, 2016
    IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll – Trump 41, Clinton 40 (most accurate tracking poll of 2012 cycle)

    • #83
  24. CB Toder aka Mama Toad Member
    CB Toder aka Mama Toad

    Jamie Lockett: and a broad based attack on the entire electoral process.

    So true. Are you implying that someone called for a broad based attack on the entire electoral process? Well, then you’ve been watching the O’Keefe videos!

    Oh wait, you meant Trump’s supporters. Not a shred of evidence to support your insinuation, but don’t let that stop you. Trump supporters! QED!

    • #84
  25. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad:

    Jamie Lockett: and a broad based attack on the entire electoral process.

    So true. Are you implying that someone called for a broad based attack on the entire electoral process? Well, then you’ve been watching the O’Keefe videos!

    Oh wait, you meant Trump’s supporters. Not a shred of evidence to support your insinuation, but don’t let that stop you. Trump supporters! QED!

    I’m not talking about Trump supporters, I’m talking about Trump. Stop conflating the two for straw man purpoess.

    If we have good evidence of widespread electoral fraud that would change the outcome of an election then I would absolutely support a legal challenge through proper court procedures. That’s not what Trump is doing – he’s saying “The press is biased therefore the election is rigged.” The only possible purpose of such a comment is to stoke anger and delegitimize the electoral process so that he can reap post loss benefits.

    • #85
  26. Viator Inactive

    And this just dropped into my mailbox just after I posted above:

    “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online White House Watch survey finds Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 40%. Six percent (6%) still prefer Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and three percent (3%) favor Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Another three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.”

    • #86
  27. Fake John/Jane Galt Coolidge
    Fake John/Jane Galt

    Miffed White Male:

    Titus Techera:

    Man With the Axe:Trump was saying that the primaries were rigged, too, when he was doing poorly, as in Wisconsin. Remember that? There was zero evidence of it, but he focused on it, anyway. He blamed Ted Cruz for his poor showing when Cruz’s campaign mistakenly mentioned they had heard that Carson wasn’t going to be in Iowa, if memory serves.

    So, for Trump, it’s not necessary to find evidence of cheating for him to claim the election is rigged. He only needs a poor showing. The polls are rigged. The media is rigged. The voting is rigged.

    If there is some cheating going on, that is after the fact evidence of claims he was going to make anyway.

    ps: Does anyone think that the cheating only goes one way?

    Of course! Conservatives are sainted, liberals are devils!

    Well, I do know that when conservatives hold mass rallies (e.g. Tea Party), they leave the grounds cleaner than when they showed up.

    Whereas when liberals hold rallies (e.g. Occupy Wall Street), conditions are unsanitary, and they have to set up “Rape-free zone” tents to keep the women safe.

    After the conservatives hold a mass rally like the Tea Party they are targeted by various government agencies for special attention till they give up their cause.

    After the liberals hold a rally like BLM they are given jobs in campaigns and government while the organizations they represent are given concessions and support of various government programs.


    • #87
  28. Mate De Inactive
    Mate De

    Maybe election results should be challenged.  especially when they “find” votes for Democrats in the trunk of a car or keep polling places in Democrat run cites open past midnight on Election Day.

    • #88
  29. Rick Poach Member
    Rick Poach

    CB Toder aka Mama Toad: Trump supporters! QED!

    I’m sure there are quite a few university math classrooms where that would be accepted as an answer.

    • #89
  30. Valiuth Member

    Cato Rand:


    Cato Rand:What happens if I insist I’m Emperor Napoleon?

    My liege! I stand ready to help you conquer Austria-Hungry.

    Thank you Sancho!

    And the mixing of allusions continues…

    • #90
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