Trump Truce


We’ve reached a point in this cycle a lot like the end of the SSM debate. One side is currently ascendant and the other is acutely sensitive to anything that seems like gloating or punching down. We would encourage the former group to show a little sensitivity and the latter to grow a thicker skin.

For those who are now planning to vote for Trump, continuing to scold the Never Trump members is doing a disservice to the site and to the members themselves. It is one thing to work to try and persuade them to come over, it is another to morally castigate them. Trump is the nominee, that battle has been won. Psychoanalyzing, name calling, and gloating over Never Trump members will not bring them over, but it will poison the well for civil discussion after the election regardless of the outcome. It would be well to show some grace here.

For the Never Trump members, continuing to declare that Trump voters are somehow really progressives, pro big government, betrayers of the conservative movement, etc., is both reading intent into the actions of others and attempting to read such people out of the party / movement. You personally may feel it immoral to vote for Trump, you personally may believe that Trump is ruining the party or brand or future electoral chances, but to continue to insist that Trump supporters / voters on this site have betrayed conservative principles or that they are all advocates of an enlarged government is to engage with them in bad faith. It would be well to take them at their word when they say they believe a Trump victory would actually achieve conservative ends. No one is asking you to agree with them.

For both sides, a final word. Not every post disagreeable to you actually needs your disagreement. If you cannot engage with the post in a civil way then refrain from commenting. Not every disagreeable comment within a post needs your disagreement either. More than a fair number of flags of late are directed at one member or another claiming “bad faith” in some comment or line of argument, and most of this stems from from one side or another 1) reading intent where none was stated, 2) morally castigating the other’s position on Trump, or 3) some variation of “obviously you do not believe what you are saying.”

We are a little over a month out from the election and, as of this writing, the race is still competitive and we’re all more than a little bit tense. Arguing over whether we should or should not vote for Trump is, of course, still fair game, but continuing personal attacks on members for their stated positions is not. Further, it is in poor form to continue to assume ill intent or “bad faith” on each others’ comments and posts. Argue all you want over whether we should vote for Trump, but stop trying to morally condemn the other side.

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There are 123 comments.

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  1. Pencilvania Inactive

    skipsul: St Hillary’s holy genetalia

    That’s a relic, right?

    • #61
  2. Austin Murrey Inactive
    Austin Murrey


    skipsul: St Hillary’s holy genetalia

    That’s a relic, right?

    Well there’s certainly a lot of veneration from the priestly caste.

    • #62
  3. Majestyk Member

    Austin Murrey:


    skipsul: St Hillary’s holy genetalia

    That’s a relic, right?

    Well there’s certainly a lot of veneration from the priestly caste.

    It shares a great deal with other relics in that it hasn’t been touched in many years.

    • #63
  4. Columbo Inactive


    skipsul: St Hillary’s holy genetalia

    That’s a relic, right?

    That’s a relic, right?

    Indeed! And she keeps it in a lockbox. With Chrissie’s testacle.


    No Chrissie. You may not have it back.

    • #64
  5. Austin Murrey Inactive
    Austin Murrey


    Austin Murrey:


    skipsul: St Hillary’s holy genetalia

    That’s a relic, right?

    Well there’s certainly a lot of veneration from the priestly caste.

    It shares a great deal with other relics in that it hasn’t been touched in many years.

    Do you think we could store it behind glass too?


    • #65
  6. Majestyk Member

    Austin Murrey:


    Austin Murrey:


    skipsul: St Hillary’s holy genetalia

    That’s a relic, right?

    Well there’s certainly a lot of veneration from the priestly caste.

    It shares a great deal with other relics in that it hasn’t been touched in many years.

    Do you think we could store it behind glass too?


    In case of emergency do not break glass.

    • #66
  7. skipsul Inactive


    skipsul: Must… resist… urge… to… pun…


    The pun I had in mind would get me banned here.

    • #67
  8. Austin Murrey Inactive
    Austin Murrey



    skipsul: Must… resist… urge… to… pun…


    The pun I had in mind would get me banned here.

    Now you have to say it. Even in a PM to me. If you do PM me I promise not to repeat it.


    • #68
  9. Gary McVey Contributor
    Gary McVey



    skipsul: Must… resist… urge… to… pun…


    The pun I had in mind would get me banned here.

    The sheriff would have to lock himself up in the hoosegow.

    • #69
  10. She Member


    Austin Murrey:


    Austin Murrey:These points would have more weight if @skipsul weren’t a moderator.

    We all know he’s just trying to lessen his workload.

    That’s pure calumny, sir, and you are an etaoin shrdlu!

    I think @Arahant had some sort of stroke at the end there.

    Philistine! Etaoin shrdlu is an important part of history.

    Yes, indeed.  Somewhat similar to Qwert Yuiop

    • #70
  11. Mike Rapkoch Member
    Mike Rapkoch



    Austin Murrey:

    But if we can’t start a fight here where can we start one?

    Asking for a friend.

    IMG_1498Right over the edge of this cliff.

    cliff trump


    Half way down you can reassure yourself that “so far, so good.”

    • #71
  12. skipsul Inactive



    Austin Murrey:


    Austin Murrey:These points would have more weight if @skipsul weren’t a moderator.

    We all know he’s just trying to lessen his workload.

    That’s pure calumny, sir, and you are an etaoin shrdlu!

    I think @Arahant had some sort of stroke at the end there.

    Philistine! Etaoin shrdlu is an important part of history.

    Yes, indeed. Somewhat similar to Qwert Yuiop

    Should I get some tissues out?

    • #72
  13. PsychLynne Inactive


    I love the post and whole-heartedly agree with your suggestions.

    But one quick question…I just assumed editors and moderators received some sort of combat pay status the closer we get to the election….sort of like a shift differential…is it not enough?

    • #73
  14. skipsul Inactive

    Mike Rapkoch:



    Austin Murrey:

    But if we can’t start a fight here where can we start one?

    Asking for a friend.

    IMG_1498Right over the edge of this cliff.

    cliff trump


    Half way down you can reassure yourself that “so far, so good.”

    I’m surprised no one has pointed out yet the inherent bias in the rock.  Clearly whoever doodled this thinks Trump supporters are all lefties, while the Never Trump side is unhappy at having the short end of the boulder.  BIAS, I TELL YOU, BIAS!

    • #74
  15. Arahant Member

    PsychLynne:I love the post and whole-heartedly agree with your suggestions.

    But one quick question…I just assumed editors and moderators received some sort of combat pay status the closer we get to the election….sort of like a shift differential…is it not enough?

    Moderators paid? Hahahahahaha!

    • #75
  16. skipsul Inactive


    I love the post and whole-heartedly agree with your suggestions.

    But one quick question…I just assumed editors and moderators received some sort of combat pay status the closer we get to the election….sort of like a shift differential…is it not enough?

    Can’t speak for the eds (I think Claire might be getting an increase in the catfood allowance) but moderator pay has been doubled!

    • #76
  17. Patrickb63 Coolidge

    Randy Weivoda: But enough of the badgering

    Leave Wisconsin out of this.

    • #77
  18. Arahant Member

    skipsul: Can’t speak for the eds (I think Claire might be getting an increase in the catfood allowance) but moderator pay has been doubled!

    Note: $0 x 2 = $0

    • #78
  19. Eeyore Member


    skipsul: Can’t speak for the eds (I think Claire might be getting an increase in the catfood allowance) but moderator pay has been doubled!

    Note: $0 x 2 = $0

    Yea, I hear they were considering quadrupling the pay, but decided against it, as it might be thought elitist.

    • #79
  20. RyanM Inactive

    TKC1101:Hey Skip- good post. I do read a fair drop in the Trump-#Never posts although I expect they will not disappear.

    Can we argue about the future? I just spent 24 hours arguing about trade and manufacturing with @ryanm and @jamielockett with no mention of that New York feller. It was fun, just like the old days. @tomdmeyer even dropped a Ron Burgundy on me. Good times.

    Ricochet is best when we go at each other over the issues and not the personalities. Way too much of the argument has been on the personality of Trump and the GOPe, including by the contributors.

    The media has decided the most important things to discuss in this election are a Venezuelan getaway driver with a tendency to eat a bit, Obama’s birth certificate and St Hillary’s holy genetalia.

    Ricochet can do better than that.

    I agree with TKC here, and the trade discussion was very good.  It led me to actually buy a book about Globalization and listen to several EconTalk podcasts that I had missed…  That is one topic where the disagreement surrounding Trump has helped me to become better educated, and I see that as a very good thing.

    • #80
  21. Matt Upton Inactive
    Matt Upton

    So what you are advocating is that we Make Ricochet Great Again?

    Psychoanalyzing why people support what is a recipe for bad discussion. Everybody gets lumped into holding positions they don’t believe, and we end up sending armies of straw men to fight over dead horses. (That’s right, I mix my metaphors in bulk).

    I will contradict myself and admit that one of my favorite discussions in the last year were the multiple threads from Avik Roy’s interview with Vox and his follow-up on the Ricochet Podcast and response post. It broke my first thesis above about psychoanalyzing people by how they vote, but the argument back and forth afterwards was quite good. It was definitely heated, but I didn’t notice either side implying the other was either racist, trying to destroy our country, or were closet progressives.

    • #81
  22. MarciN Member

    I think this is where we are all headed:

    • #82
  23. Cato Rand Inactive
    Cato Rand

    We should all just stick to talking about pie.

    • #83
  24. Arizona Patriot Member
    Arizona Patriot

    Cato Rand:We should all just stick to talking about pie.

    That would just make me hungry, and I’m fat already.

    I’m up for talking about pi.  Or about e, which I find more fascinating.  When did we last have a transcendental numbers post, anyway?

    • #84
  25. cdor Member


    Bill Nelson:

    skipsul: continuing to scold the Never Trump members is doing a disservice to the site and to the members themselves.

    Let them scold away, it cannot change my core belief that Donald Trump would be a disaster for the United States. Doesn’t matter what the effect on the party is, I am concerned about the nation.

    Right, We have a candidate who knows no decency, either in his personal life (drugs, women, sexual misconduct, stiffing his contractors, sticking his lenders with unpaid debt by declaring bankruptcy) and his political life… (attacking POW’s and gold star families, attacking the looks of his opponents, calling his opponents names, attacking the moderators bodily functions or integrity) and all that before we get to his policy prescriptions of tariffs, religious discrimination, withdrawing from our alliances with the rest of the world, increasing the debt/deficit….

    Just can’t hold back, can you? What’s that famous phrase, oh yea, “There you go again.”

    • #85
  26. Ontheleftcoast Inactive

    Bill Nelson: Doesn’t matter what the effect on the party is, I am concerned about the nation.

    Those who disagree with you often say the same thing and may think that you are implying that they are not concerned for the nation.

    As somebody or other recently said,

    You personally may feel it immoral to vote for Trump, you personally may believe that Trump is ruining the party or brand or future electoral chances, but to continue to insist that Trump supporters / voters on this site have betrayed conservative principles or that they are all advocates of an enlarged government is to engage with them in bad faith. It would be well to take them at their word when they say they believe a Trump victory would actually achieve conservative ends. No one is asking you to agree with them.

    • #86
  27. Pete Inactive

    This all makes me feel good.

    Group hug!

    • #87
  28. Ario IronStar Inactive
    Ario IronStar

    Matt Upton:So what you are advocating is that we Make Ricochet Great Again?

    Psychoanalyzing why people support what is a recipe for bad discussion. Everybody gets lumped into holding positions they don’t believe, and we end up sending armies of straw men to fight over dead horses. (That’s right, I mix my metaphors in bulk).

    I will contradict myself and admit that one of my favorite discussions in the last year were the multiple threads from Avik Roy’s interview with Vox and his follow-up on the Ricochet Podcast and response post. It broke my first thesis above about psychoanalyzing people by how they vote, but the argument back and forth afterwards was quite good. It was definitely heated, but I didn’t notice either side implying the other was either racist, trying to destroy our country, or were closet progressives.

    Wasn’t that Avik Roy interview the one where he said that Trump’s popularity indicated that the right was largely (or was it inherently or irredeemably — I can’t recall) racist?

    I think you’re saying Roy’s stance contravened your advice, but the discussions about that were good?  I’ll take your word for it, but I doubt it would have been easy to have a sensible discussion with Roy himself about it.

    • #88
  29. Ario IronStar Inactive
    Ario IronStar

    MarciN:I think this is where we are all headed:

    I know you’re just trying to kiss up to Rob, so cut it out.

    • #89
  30. Eeyore Member

    Pete:This all makes me feel good.

    Group hug!

    Belay, Sire!


    • #90
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