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  1. Rodin Member

    When an adherent’s preferred form of worship is violence, they should be accommodated. With energy. Kinetic energy.

    • #61
  2. Brian Clendinen Inactive
    Brian Clendinen

    Front Seat Cat:Ford Penney – the Church won’t take a stand with violence – even from the time Jesus was accused, He did not defend Himself – even on the cross when He was taunted by the devil that He could save himself, He would not. That’s the message. Isn’t it the job of the French officials to protect their churches and citizens – they are obviously not on a high enough alert or up to date in intelligence gathering – obviously the churches and synagogues need protection and a public plan announced to step up vigilance in all areas – that was a soft target. There is a bigger picture at work here –

    Never read Revelations then huh? Jesus with a sword and his robe dripping in blood. He choose not to due violence because that was Gods will. Trust me he is perfectly capable of it and when the times comes and God says enough the allotments has been made; Our enemies will truly know what an angry God looks like seeking judgement and revenge for the wrongs done against  his lover and Bride who is the church.

    • #62
  3. David Knights Member
    David Knights

    May St. Peter welcome the father into the heavenly host.  May St. Michael lead the host against the wickedness here on Earth.

    • #63
  4. Percival Thatcher

    Peace through superior firepower.

    • #64
  5. Matt White Member
    Matt White

    Front Seat Cat:

    Mike LaRoche:Islam must be destroyed. Period.

    Mike – they kill Muslims too – it’s like saying Hitler and the Nazis were Christians – ISIS, Bin Laden and all the radical groups like them all over the world killing and all the other hateful acts they perform want war with the west so they can be the saviors of their faith – but they have no faith – just like Hitler had none. It is born of evil –

    What a wicked statement.  Hitler was not Christian in any way. These killers are Muslim.

    • #65
  6. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Matt White:

    Front Seat Cat:

    Mike LaRoche:Islam must be destroyed. Period.

    Mike – they kill Muslims too – it’s like saying Hitler and the Nazis were Christians – ISIS, Bin Laden and all the radical groups like them all over the world killing and all the other hateful acts they perform want war with the west so they can be the saviors of their faith – but they have no faith – just like Hitler had none. It is born of evil –

    What a wicked statement. Hitler was not Christian in any way. These killers are Muslim.

    Hitler touted himself a Christian at first to gain support, and his followers believed his hype.  I said he was not in any way a Christian. My statement about the killers doesn’t reflect every Muslim. You can’t eradicate Islam and its billions of followers.  I know the killers are Muslim – I also know good Muslims who are married to Christians and who have good families.

    A statement from Henry A. Crumpton, who led the CIA effort in the war against terror said after 9/11 when asked who’s behind this said: “Al Qaeda. They believe attacking the near enemy (Muslims) and far enemy (us) so the Muslim masses will view us as invaders allied with corrupt Muslim regimes (our allies) and start a war with them to build Al Qaeda’s political strength”.  from The Art of Intelligence by Henry A. Crumpton

    • #66
  7. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Brian Clendinen:

    Never read Revelations then huh? Jesus with a sword and his robe dripping in blood. He choose not to due violence because that was Gods will. Trust me he is perfectly capable of it and when the times comes and God says enough the allotments has been made; Our enemies will truly know what an angry God looks like seeking judgement and revenge for the wrongs done against his lover and Bride who is the church.

    Yes I have read Revelation many times. Jesus decides the hour of judgement when every knee will bow.  He was capable of saving Himself at the cross and chose to die for our sin and rose again, and was seen by thousands, He who left an empty tomb sealed by a boulder and guarded by a Roman soldier,  the only one of any faith who overcame death, proof that He was who He said He was.  The nun said the elderly priest was forced to his knees and defend himself, he did not.  You said he did not choose violence because that was God’s will – the same with clergy. But Christians have always defended themselves – Christians died defending others throughout history.  The churches in France need protection, and this will spread to other countries – including Italy. Because they (ISIS) said it would.

    • #67
  8. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    La Tapada:



    [Emphasis added]
    The Catholic Church cannot take weapons other than those of prayer and brotherhood among men. I leave here hundreds of young people who are the future of humanity, the true ones. I ask them not to give in to the violence and become apostles of the civilization of love.

    Dominique Lebrun
    Archbishop of Rouen
    July 26, 2016

    If this isn’t part of the problem I don’t know what is.

    I just read this aloud to my husband and he said that, by this logic, the police should not have shot at the attackers.

    The police have the authority – clergy are different.  This may be the Church’s greatest hour, to be the remaining light to a world growing darker by the day – to draw souls to Christ.  They know what to do and are doing it – are people listening?

    • #68
  9. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    Fr. Rutler weighs in.

    Read it and learn.

    • #69
  10. Ford Penney Inactive
    Ford Penney

    Front Seat Cat- 

    ‘the Church won’t take a stand with violence’, wow nice twist of phrase, so now defense and protection are equal to violence.

    So whether we have the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ before us or not, doing NOTHING against these barbarians is a sin?

    You’ll have to convince others to die for the Muslim cause because I will protect my daughters and friends, including using violence, and any ‘church’ that expects the slaughter of lambs is not a compassionate institution.

    Or is it OK for the church to ask others to put their lives on the line for protection for themselves… now that’s supremely self serving.

    • #70
  11. Pseudodionysius Inactive

    Front Seat Cat:

    La Tapada:



    [Emphasis added]
    The Catholic Church cannot take weapons other than those of prayer and brotherhood among men. I leave here hundreds of young people who are the future of humanity, the true ones. I ask them not to give in to the violence and become apostles of the civilization of love.

    Dominique Lebrun
    Archbishop of Rouen
    July 26, 2016

    If this isn’t part of the problem I don’t know what is.

    I just read this aloud to my husband and he said that, by this logic, the police should not have shot at the attackers.

    The police have the authority – clergy are different. This may be the Church’s greatest hour, to be the remaining light to a world growing darker by the day – to draw souls to Christ. They know what to do and are doing it – are people listening?

    St Louis de Montfort was a formidable pugilist and once beat several men to a pulp for daring to interrupt one of his Masses.

    • #71
  12. drlorentz Member

    Scott Wilmot:Fr. Rutler weighs in.

    Read it and learn.

    Excellent article. Required reading for anyone who wishes to opine on these matters.

    • #72
  13. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    The name of Jaques Hamel is added to that of thousands of Christians who are burnt, crucified and decapitated everyday in hatred of their faith. However, the July 26th massacre marks a turning point since it is the first time it has happened in Europe, casting a shadow of fear and alarm over our continent.


    “How many deaths are needed, how many heads decapitated, for the European governments to understand the situation the West finds itself in?” asked Cardinal Robert Sarah.

    What is it going to take, we add, for Cardinal Sarah’s confreres in the College of Cardinals, starting with the Supreme Head, the Pope himself, to understand the terrifying situation in which not only the West finds itself in, but the entire Universal Church? <snip>

    Pope Francis was said to be “especially upset by this act of violence which took place in a church during the liturgy of the Mass and implored the peace of God for the world”, once again refusing to call the assassins by name. Pope Bergoglio’s silence is parallel to that of Muslims from all over the globe who don’t denounce forcefully and in an unanimous, collective manner, the crimes committed in Allah’s name by their co-religionists. <snip>

    Please read it all.

    Please Holy Father, call out Islam for the evil that it is.

    • #73
  14. Percival Thatcher

    The last time a Pope made an international plea for the Peace of God, it was to rein in the very kind of people we need the most now.

    Deus Vult!

    • #74
  15. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    Hillary White finally breaks out of her shyness.

    The outrage of a priest being murdered in his church while saying Mass is hardly new. In fact, as has been pointed out, it happens all the time in the places where Christians are being persecuted in Muslim majority countries. I suppose now we must simply admit that France has become one of those places.

    But the pope’s disgusting, limpwristed response – decrying “hatred in all forms” has really got a lot of people seeing red.

    Is there nothing, no outrage against the faithful that will prompt this man to defend his flock? Short of actually feeding the sheep to the wolves by hand, it’s hard to imagine a pastor so indifferent.


    I’ve been telling the mainstream media on Twitter today that their refusal to cover the Jihad in Europe, to name it, is why they are a laughingstock, why no one takes them seriously or reads them any more. People know they’re being lied to.

    It’s the same with this pope.

    We’ve had enough.

    Go read it all.

    • #75
  16. Scott Wilmot Member
    Scott Wilmot

    Zmirak and Jones pen a letter to the Pope:

    Surely the most urgent need which Muslims have is not relocation to secular Western nations where they are likely to remain unemployed, culturally isolated and subject to indoctrination by Islamists. Rather what they need, as we all need, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not presume to exceed our calling as laymen when we say that this historical moment would be blessed by the founding of one or more religious orders dedicated specifically to evangelizing our Muslim brothers with the saving, tolerant Faith that unites us all in peace.

    • #76
  17. Cornelius Julius Sebastian Inactive
    Cornelius Julius Sebastian

    Santo subito.

    • #77
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