Meet an Americus Trumpus in a New Children’s Book


a-childs-first-book-of-trump-9781481488006_lgSome of us grew up with Where the Wild Things Are. But today’s kids get something more terrifying and nightmare-inducing when a children’s book, inspired by the Republican front runner Donald Trump, hits the shelves this summer.

No, really! It’s called A Child’s First Book of Trump by comedian Michael Ian Black and it comes out just in time for the Republican presidential convention. The parody book that’s intended for adults tries to figure out what to do when an “Americus Trumpus” enters the race for president.

As one article put it, an Americus Trumpus is:

“a curious creature, very often spotted in the wild, but confounding to our youngest citizens. A business mogul, reality TV host, and now … political candidate?”

Its sing-song rhyming would do justice to Dr. Seuss. Here is a snippet from the publisher’s website of what readers can expect:

The beasty is called an American Trump. Its skin is bright orange, its figure is plump. Its fur so complex you might get enveloped. Its hands though are, sadly, underdeveloped.

And considering the exchange from CNN’s GOP Town Hall with Anderson Cooper the other night, in which he accused Trump of acting like a five-year-old after he said he was fighting with Cruz because he “started it.” This book couldn’t be more appropriate for the 2016 election.

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  1. Kozak Member


    Grosseteste:Mother-in-law has gotten our children “Why Mommy is a Democrat” and “Mama voted for Obama,” both children’s books, but really intended to flatter the prejudices of the parents. They were indeed featured prominently in every bookstore in Chicago, where she’s from.

    Lord have mercy, I have to take it all back. Oh dear.



    A Favorite tactic of the Left.

    • #31
  2. Carey J. Inactive
    Carey J.



    Grosseteste:Mother-in-law has gotten our children “Why Mommy is a Democrat” and “Mama voted for Obama,” both children’s books, but really intended to flatter the prejudices of the parents. They were indeed featured prominently in every bookstore in Chicago, where she’s from.

    Lord have mercy, I have to take it all back. Oh dear.



    A Favorite tactic of the Left.

    Reminded me of this one.

    • #32
  3. Hypatia Member

    I’m a woman! And a lawyer! And a legal journalist!  And I support Trump!  I’ve read he hires women and pays  us as well,or better than our male counterparts.  I’ve read, and it’s gotta be true, or the hostile press woulda jumped on it by now–that he has good relations with both exes.  Proof:  all his kids by prior wives are supporting him.  Not even all of  the divine Reagan’s kids did that.

    Disparaging  comments about women over the course of his life?  Who among us DOESN’T trash the opposite sex?  I’ll bet Clinton had some choice words for men in general, and Bill in particular, during the Lewinsky affair.  (And yes I say “over the course of his life”:one of the quotes from that tv ad spot must be 20 years old, that’s how long Princess Diana’s been dead.)

    youd think women’s suffrage was a burning issue in 2016, the way his enemies try to propagandize women against Trump!

    CAN WE GET BACK to the real problems: immigration, border security, trade?  Okay sisters, I get it, some of you don’t like the guy’s personal style.  But try to get beyond it, wouldja?  The majority of Republicans think the party should unite behind the front runner.

    • #33
  4. Carey J. Inactive
    Carey J.

    Hypatia: CAN WE GET BACK to the real problems: immigration, border security, trade? Okay sisters, I get it, some of you don’t like the guy’s personal style. But try to get beyond it, wouldja? The majority of Republicans think the party should unite behind the front runner.

    It would appear not. Why? Because #NeverTrump.

    • #34
  5. Fred Houstan Member
    Fred Houstan

    Hypatia: CAN WE GET BACK to the real problems: immigration, border security, trade? Okay sisters, I get it, some of you don’t like the guy’s personal style. But try to get beyond it, wouldja? The majority of Republicans think the party should unite behind the front runner.

    Do you mean his inability to offer serious, thoughtful remedy to “immigration, border, security and trade,” and his taking down the house of cards that was the Republican party. His “personal style” seems to be the only glue that appeals to his partisans. He has nothing else to offer.

    • #35
  6. Fred Houstan Member
    Fred Houstan

    Speaking of agitprop, there’s a new media form, of sorts, enjoining women to have their periods on panties embroidered with Ted Cruz and others who are pro-life. Somewhere, somehow, some people find that as a poignant message.

    • #36
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