Contest! Who Can Guess What Debate Question Nabela Noor Will Ask Republican Candidates?


While the media allows Donald Trump vs. Megyn Kelly to obscure the far more important issues they should be focused on like Cowboys Lives Matter, we have to be careful of them slipping other awful things past us too … Like Nabela Noor.

Fox News and Google, co-parents of Thursday’s unwanted step-child Republican debate, created the following advertisement. Look closely at the end for 3 announced questioners whose claim to fame is that they are “YouTube stars”:

If it’s political insight I want, I usually go find the nearest person whose résumé consists of knowing where the “publish now” button is on YouTube. Oh, and they have to be YouTube stars whose “fame” is not in any way connected to politics.

Good grief.

I want you all to take a look at young Nebela Noor’s “Dear America” letter, then have a glass of Brioschi, then promise not to kill the messenger who made you watch this:

Hey! Don’t swing that at me! I’m just the messenger!

To us, her anti-Christian bigotry is obvious by her attempts to equate bad things to Christianity sans factual basis to do so. You know how very long it’s been since someone’s response to Islamic terror is to claim Christians are just as bad? Why, you’d have to go all the way back to Barack Obama bringing up the Crusades.

So here is a woman who doesn’t know the KKK was not a religious movement but the para-military arm of the Democrat party. She can’t seem to understand the difference between a nun voluntarily wearing a habit and Muslim woman getting her back lashed for not wearing a Burqa. She cites mass killings by Christians without naming one and then Godwin’s Donald Trump.

But hey, she speaks like a Valley Girl so assimilation will be undeniable!

By the way — she’s too old to put interrogative, upward intonations at the end of declarative sentences. It drives me nuts and makes her sound even more dumb than the content of her remarks.

She avows the five pillars of Islam but is conspicuously silent on her view of Sharia’s hudud penalties, you know, like compassionately jailing a woman for being raped or gently dropping a gay man from a tall building.

But she does hit all the right buzzwords and phrases like Islamophobia, I’m afraid, and I’m an American too, so we have to spend precious question time letting her ask one.

Who the hell is running the show over at Fox News? Is Jerry Hall really that distracting?

So, which of you can guess what Nabela’s insightful, must-hear question will be?

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There are 35 comments.

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  1. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    I don’t know about her, but somebody is going to ask a question of the form, “Senator Cruz, BlahGOPePerson says you are whiny, childish, selfish, egotistical, and narcissistic. What are you going to do to keep us from thinking of you that way, and you have 30 seconds. Begin groveling now.”

    • #31
  2. wilber forge Inactive
    wilber forge

    Nuff Said –

    • #32
  3. Ansonia Member

    I don’t know how much of my annoyance is due to the sense that she perfectly well knows what she’s saying is false (So, she comes across as creepy and aggressive.) and how much is due to her repulsive appearance. You’d think her modest and pious mother and aunts could talk her out of making a video wearing an outfit that only a slender 14 to 17 year old looks decent wearing.

    She looks like she’s trying hard to look like a vulnerable teenager.

    • #33
  4. Liz Member

    Hang on, did she say “outcasted?”

    Alright, a few notes:

    In that Michigan bus stop stabbing that appears in the video (5:39), Terence Lavaron Thomas, a self-identified Muslim, asked two people at the stop if they were Muslim. When they replied that they were not, he stabbed them. See here:

    Further, one wonders if she considers, say, Saudi Arabia to be legitimately Muslim. Put aside the question of whether terrorists are legitimately Muslim. Do the Saudis practice real Islam? Because if she showed up in that t-shirt in Riyadh, the religious police would have something to say about it.

    The internet tells me that Nabela is married to Seth Martin. It is possible that he is a Muslim convert. If he is not, she is in breach of the sharia law prohibiting Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men. Again, if she attempted such a thing in a country which is governed by the tenets of her faith, including Bangladesh, where her parents are from, at best the marriage would not be recognized as valid.

    Full disclosure: I did not watch this entire video:

    All this to say, she wants other people to respect her faith but glosses over those parts for which she herself appears to have little respect. These aspects to which she appears to object are problematic for most of us, too. I would argue that the majority of Americans have no problem with individual Muslims, but with what Islam, in which the religious is inseparable from the political, seeks to achieve.

    ETA: video link fixed

    • #34
  5. Ansonia Member

    Re comment 34

    “Full disclosure: I did not watch this entire video.”

    It reminded me of my grandmother saying about someone: “Her taste is in her mouth.”

    “I cannot begin to understand why it seems oppressive for my mother to be wearing a hijab but noble for a nun to be covered from head to toe.”

    I know. When you think of all the times nuns are smacked around by priests for not wearing their habits, or the large number of women who are kidnapped and dragged off to convents to be rosary slaves, the hypocrisy of it is just deafening.

    • #35
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