Political Predictions 2016


The hangovers should be wearing off or at least minimized with some comfort food. The 2015 reviews are in and they aren’t good, but that’s okay. God gave us a great big windshield and tiny rearview mirror.

It is time for political predictions and wagering is encouraged.

Every quadrennial election is the most important and/or pivotal in our nation’s history. That trend continues in this new year.

Ricochet is at its best when everyone participates and adds new categories, but we need a starting point. Please offer your predictions of the following and feel free to include a brief (brief: men’s underwear or less than 10,000 words — I am looking at you Ryan M, James Madison, and James of England) narrative supporting your positions.

Republican Primary: Who is the nominee and how do they get there? Bonus points for predicting a running mate.

Democrat Primary: Who is the nominee and how do they get there? Bonus points for predicting a running mate.

General Election: Who wins. Any surprises in the swing states?

Senate: Do Republicans retain a majority? The map is stacked against them this year. If you predict a Republican President does he or she have coattails? Bonus points: if Republicans retain the Senate do they increase their margin or does it dip slightly?

House of Representatives: I’ve not seen any plausible scenarios that this goes back to the Democrats, but feel free to prove that conventional wisdom incorrect. Do Republicans increase their margin?

Published in Politics
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There are 146 comments.

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  1. BrentB67 Inactive

    The Crooked Timber:GOP: Trump continues to flood media to stay in lead, RNC finally steps in by convention to keep him out. Rubio wins, chooses Fiorina to disarm HRC gender angle.

    DEMS: HRC handily wins nod, taps Warren to keep Sanders voters and maintain War on Women narrative.

    GENERAL: Rubio wins after debates (particularly VP debates which make huge headlines) destroy HRC optics. Congress sees GOP secure majorities due to HRC’s bad performance.

    I think HRC will have to perform exceptionally bad to overcome the hell that your Republican convention scenario will create.

    Bold prediction.

    • #91
  2. BrentB67 Inactive


    The stock market had its first yearly decline since 2008, and in 2016 Obama’s anemic US recovery ends as a new recession begins which is aggravated by an weak world economy. I expect the economy to stagnate and enter a steep recession by March or April.

    I think others including me are overlooking issues like this. Well done Team.

    “Weakness, history has shown, is often provocative”- Dwight Eisenhower. I just saw a report that the military is running out of bombs to use against ISIS, after hearing earlier this year that Russia and China will have air superiority in 3-5 years.

    Please clarify the bold.

    Our gutted-by-Obama military’s weaknesses, and the consequences that will flow from that, combined with Obama’s failed, feckless foreign policy, and more ISIS attacks here and abroad, will become too hard to ignore, even to LIVs. Trump’s confidence, toughness and nationalism will be appealing in that context, and carry him to victory.

    This already seems to be playing out in opinion polls. Interesting to see if it translates to votes.

    Republicans win a landslide, and increase their senate and house majorities.

    The hard work then begins, as Americans will resist entitlement reform tooth and nail. By dint of eloquence (Rubio), or a commanding, confident character (Trump), or a blunt, humorous style with bravado (Christie or Trump), the Republican president will make reforms squeak through.

    Paul Ryan may be key here.

    Yes, I’m very optimistic.

    • #92
  3. The Crooked Timber Member
    The Crooked Timber

    For the media it would be a field day (although there would be liberal commentary about the “grownups in the room” taking responsibility), but it would assuage mainstream conservatives and have little impact on LIVs, who wouldn’t give two figs about the ramifications of a brokered convention.

    • #93
  4. BrentB67 Inactive

    The Crooked Timber:For the media it would be a field day (although there would be liberal commentary about the “grownups in the room” taking responsibility), but it would assuage mainstream conservatives and have little impact on LIVs, who wouldn’t give two figs about the ramifications of a brokered convention.

    How do you think it would play with limited government Tea Party types?

    • #94
  5. Freesmith Member

    Republicans watch on Election night as state after state falls into the Democratic column. Just as in 2012 every toss-up purple state goes red, plus several new ones.

    “How did we lose THAT state?” conservatives ask themselves all across the country. They blame their candidates, the campaign, the millennials, the media and their own messaging.

    Stop All Immigration Now.

    • #95
  6. BrentB67 Inactive

    Freesmith:Republicans watch on Election night as state after state falls into the Democratic column. Just as in 2012 every toss-up purple state goes red, plus several new ones.

    “How did we lose that state?” conservatives ask themselves all across the country. They blame their candidates, the campaign, the millennials, the media and their own messaging.

    You forgot to include libertarians, the Tea Party, and others who may have common cause with Republican priorities, but treasure individual liberty over donor$.

    Stop All Immigration Now.

    • #96
  7. Hang On Member
    Hang On

    Republican primary: Cruz and Trump run neck-and-neck in Iowa on the night of the caucus when attendants begin to vote strategically and put Cruz well over the top.  Trump crushes the opposition in New Hampshire and South Carolina disproving the theory Trump’s voters won’t show up. Nevada caucus splits between Rubio and Cruz. Trump and Cruz compete in the SEC primaries with Trump winning deep south, Cruz winning Texas and Oklahoma, and Rubio Massachusetts. Trump has edge in delegate count. Trump and Cruz continue slugging it out until March 15. Trump wins Florida and Rubio drops out soon after as his money dries up. Panic sets in the RNC and Hillary openly gloats. Cruz has a very good night the next week with western states and Rubio out.  April proves a very good month for Trump and he begins to make overtures to Cruz. By the time of the convention, a deal has been worked out. Cruz has no desire to be on the ticket. In a surprising move, Trump goes to Hollywood for his VP: Angelina Jolie.

    Democratic primary: Hillary crowned and chooses Debbie Stabenow as VP.

    General Election: Trump and events constantly shift the battlefield rapidly and Hillary is perpetually flat-footed. The international situation continues to deteriorate as there are ISIS attacks all over the world, and the Saudi government falls sending oil from $30 to over $150/bbl. Obama’s floor in polling cracks and he is in free fall. Trump wins.

    • #97
  8. Steve C. Member
    Steve C.

    The most entertaining result would be a President Trump facing a Democratic controlled House and Senate.

    My official guesstimate:

    R Primary – Trump leverages his surpringly large number of votes and delegates into a prime time speaking slot where he graciously declines the second spot on a Cruz ticket. Mitch Daniels accepts the second spot.

    D Primary – Hillary drops out of the race after New Hampshire for health reasons, because spending more time with her family is not credible. Martin O’Malley leads the field of sacrificial lambs.

    Cruz wins a convincing victory but Hillary’s absence from the race leads to four long years of rent garments, gnashing of teeth and wearing of ashes by the media and elites. Democrats foresee a return from exile with Barrack Obama’s announcement of a government in exile.

    Senate/House – Rs retain control but the leadership continues to do a creditable impression of the dog who caught the car.

    • #98
  9. CuriousKevmo Inactive

    The Lost Dutchman:

    CuriousKevmo: I think the previous poster is right, at least two of the justices retire giving the Progs their much desired court majority and they hit the accelerator on the nations decline.

    Fear not, both the justices I mentioned are liberals, so even if Obama manages to get his nominees through, it’ll be a wash.

    Well, Scalia and Kennedy are 76, which means they’ll have to make it to perhaps 84 to outlast Felony.

    • #99
  10. BrentB67 Inactive

    Steve C.:The most entertaining result would be a President Trump facing a Democratic controlled House and Senate.

    My official guesstimate:

    R Primary – Trump leverages his surpringly large number of votes and delegates into a prime time speaking slot where he graciously declines the second spot on a Cruz ticket. Mitch Daniels accepts the second spot.

    I like the idea of prominent Trump speaking spot. I dislike any mention of Mitch Daniels.

    D Primary – Hillary drops out of the race after New Hampshire for health reasons, because spending more time with her family is not credible. Martin O’Malley leads the field of sacrificial lambs.

    Cruz wins a convincing victory but Hillary’s absence from the race leads to four long years of rent garments, gnashing of teeth and wearing of ashes by the media and elites. Democrats foresee a return from exile with Barrack Obama’s announcement of a government in exile.

    Senate/House – Rs retain control but the leadership continues to do a creditable impression of the dog who caught the car.

    • #100
  11. True_wesT Member


    True_wesT:Republican Primary: Rubio wins a tough nomination, and picks Kasich as his running mate. Yeah, Kasich is a grouch, and he is perceived as being part of the “Establishment,” but he brings with him experience that Rubio lacks, and he would improve the odds in Ohio. If the Republican nominee picks up Florida and Ohio, it’s over.

    If Rubio is the nominee, I will not vote, but sit home is all I will do. If Kasich somehow slithers onto the ticket though, I will actively vote Hillary out of pure spite.

    Fair enough. Who is your preferred candidate?

    • #101
  12. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus


    The Crooked Timber:For the media it would be a field day (although there would be liberal commentary about the “grownups in the room” taking responsibility), but it would assuage mainstream conservatives and have little impact on LIVs, who wouldn’t give two figs about the ramifications of a brokered convention.

    How do you think it would play with limited government Tea Party types?

    If they’re serious about limited government, they won’t support Trump.

    Also I think you overestimate the level of Trump’s support vs. the number of people he will turn off. The association of Trump with Cruz is shallow and misleading based on nothing more than blind anti-establishmentism. The two have nothing in common ideologically. I would bet that a much higher percentage of Rubio supporters would be willing if not happy to vote for Cruz than Trump.

    • #102
  13. PsychLynne Inactive

    The whole Trump phenomenon has left me very distrusting of my instincts and predictions.  So, I’ll just make one comment for all those who suggest that putting Fiorina on the ticket negates the “woman” issue.


    Just no.

    It won’t make a bit of difference.  To feminists, HRC is the right woman and Fiorina isn’t.  To non-feminists, a woman doesn’t matter.  My opinion is based on the progressives and feminists I know in both a red state (GA) and in my home of lovely Northern Virginia.  They could care less about Fiorina.   Given that Rubio (and Cruz) suffer from the same thing Obama did (little to no executive leadership experience), I think he should pick a governor (preferably older)  as VP.  While Fiorina does have leadership experience, and I’d love to see her in leadership, he name on the ticket will not “negate” the HRC woman factor in any significant way

    • #103
  14. HeartofAmerica Inactive

    Jamal Rudert:Trump launches an independent campaign. He and Cruz/Fiorina lose to Hillary/Castro. This in spite of the fact that Hillary, for health reasons, can’t make it to one of the debates, and sends Bill instead. The Republicans complain about this, but the media go along. R’s lose two Senate Seats, and a few in the House. They retain their majorities, which don’do them a darn bit of good over the next eight years of HRC rule. My second most likely scenario is that HRC dies of a stroke and Bernie Sanders beats Cruz/Fiorina. You heard it here first.

    Part of me is frightened by this scenario and part of me is intrigued enough that I would pay to see a debate stunt like the one described above.

    • #104
  15. BrentB67 Inactive

    UF, I don’t think the limited government types have delusions about Trump. I am asking from an enthusiasm standpoint and supporting whoever the nominee is if there is perception of a corrupt convention.

    • #105
  16. TeamAmerica Member

    @BrentB67- I wrote “Russia and China will have air superiority in 3-5 years” because I’ve read articles like these:








    • #106
  17. Z in MT Member
    Z in MT

    Everybody is counting out Bernie Sanders, but he will win NH and a few other states like WA, OR, VA, CO, etc. Unfortunately most of these states are not early in the primary and unlike Obama he won’t draw the black vote so he will ultimately lose to Hillary – my prediction is that the dem primary will not be a cake walk for Hillary.

    The Republican primary is way too early to predict. Everybody is on the Rubio bandwagon for the establishment pick, but I think Chris Christie gets the nod when he places second in NH to Trump. Trump and Cruz go into the last week of primaries with 2/3 of the delegates between them and the rest spreadout over a weakened but still eligible field. The establishment make a last ditch effort to win the CA delegates for their preferred candidate to force a brokered convention.

    In any outcome of the primaries, the general is a slugfest with either a weak Republican victory, or a Dem electoral college blowout as in 2012. The electoral college map favors the Dem’s too heavily to see a R electoral college blowout.

    Senate split 50/50 but the R’s hold handily onto the house.

    • #107
  18. BrentB67 Inactive

    Z in MT:Everybody is counting out Bernie Sanders, but he will win NH and a few other states like WA, OR, VA, CO, etc. Unfortunately most of these states are not early in the primary and unlike Obama he won’t draw the black vote so he will ultimately lose to Hillary – my prediction is that the dem primary will not be a cake walk for Hillary.

    Thank you for mentioning him. He raised $33M last quarter. He should not be disregarded.

    The Republican primary is way too early to predict. Everybody is on the Rubio bandwagon for the establishment pick, but I think Chris Christie gets the nod when he places second in NH to Trump. Trump and Cruz go into the last week of primaries with 2/3 of the delegates between them and the rest spreadout over a weakened but still eligible field. The establishment make a last ditch effort to win the CA delegates for their preferred candidate to force a brokered convention.

    In any outcome of the primaries, the general is a slugfest with either a weak Republican victory, or a Dem electoral college blowout as in 2012. The electoral college map favors the Dem’s too heavily to see a R electoral college blowout.

    Senate split 50/50 but the R’s hold handily onto the house.

    • #108
  19. Ryan M Inactive
    Ryan M

    BrentB67:Republican Primary: Breath easy. Donald Trump places in the Top 3 in the first 4 states and doesn’t win any of them. Trump’s relentless attacks on the winners embitter his detractors and he noisily exits resurfacing and embarrassing the party in Cleveland. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie are the early state leaders. Cruz takes a commanding lead after March 1st. Christie and Bush drop out with Right-to-Rise throwing their support and $ behind Rubio. The rest of the primary is a Cruz/Rubio slugfest with Cruz earning the nomination at the last minute and receives Trump’s endorsement.

    Democrat Primary: Bernie Sanders gives HRC some early state scary results, perhaps he wins Iowa or NH. Ultimately HRC prevails.

    Election: Cruz/Scott beat Clinton/Castro. Margin is similar to Obama over McCain in 2008. Turnout is heavy and evangelicals flex some surprising muscle.

    Senate: The heavy turnout and Cruz/Scott victory have coattails, but the Republicans lose a couple of seats including Illinois. All eyes are on Texas and SC to see who replaces Cruz/Scott and how it tilts the ideological balance in the Senate. VP Scott will have to cast some tie breaking votes.

    House: Cruz’s right wing firebrands gain seats in the House. Paul Ryan is offered a graceful exit to surrender the gavel and return to the Appropriations Chair.

    I can’t offer much of a prediction of my own, except that I’d love to see much of this happen.

    Between Rubio and Cruz, my preference is for whichever has the better chance of winning a general election.  I am thinking that Rubio has a much better shot than Cruz, but I’d be happy with either one.

    The only prediction I will give is that if Trump is nominated (which I am also predicting he won’t be), he would lose in a bigger landslide than either McCain or Romney.

    • #109
  20. James Of England Inactive
    James Of England

    Robert McReynolds:

    Bryan G. Stephens:

    Robert McReynolds:

    Bryan G. Stephens:None of them, other than Cruz, seem to have the slightest understanding of the Founding of this nation. None of them talk about it like Reagan did.

    Nope, now Bryan you must understand that he only does that to play to the Base. He doesn’t really mean it because he looks like a used car salesman and speaks like a televangelist. But boy that Rubio kid–you know the same one who just had no clue who Chuck Schumer was prior to getting to DC–now he is the paragon of the Founding Spirit.

    Can you point me to his writings on the founding?

    I think this is as good as it gets, sorry:


    Could you cite the specific passage you’re thinking of? I couldn’t find anything involving Cruz discussing the founding in this.

    • #110
  21. James Of England Inactive
    James Of England

    I don’t have a strong prediction. I reckon the betting markets have it about right with Rubio as the most likely winner, but with a little better than a one in three chance. Along those lines, this seems like the most likely path, but not a very likely path.

    GOP: Rubio comes third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire, and wins in South Carolina and Nevada. Super Tuesday sees Cruz win six states and a delegate majority, Trump win Tennessee, and Rubio win seven states. The following Saturday, Rubio wins Maine, Kansas, and Kentucky, while Cruz wins Louisiana. The map at this point develops a narrative of Cruz as a regional candidate, and (a separate claim), Rubio goes on to win almost every remaining state, with the notable exception of Mississippi.

    I’ve no idea who the VP will be; my preferences have shifted from Martinez to Haley, but there’s a long list of other highly plausible candidates.

    Dem: Clinton wins every primary. Julian Castro.

    Presidential General: Narrow GOP win after Cruz behaves decently at the Convention, giving a speech that encourages the party to defeat Clinton.  Ideally Trump gives a somewhat reasonable speech, too.

    Congressional General: We lose New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Illinois senate seats, gain Nevada, and keep Florida while breaking even in the House.

    Gubernatorial: We win West Virginia and Missouri, while retaining all previous gains, for a record breaking level of GOP control.

    • #111
  22. BrentB67 Inactive

    James, thanks for the additional detail

    • #112
  23. James Madison Member
    James Madison

    Fellings. All feelings. Aka, emotion. Show me how,the Electoral College elects Cruz. And a swelling evangelist vote generates an enormous reaction from women and pro-abortion. And why are independents going to break for “shut down Ted?” How does Rev. Cruz appeal to young voters who are voting more, tied into the Democratic social media network, and heavily oriented to tolerance about social issues opposed by Cruz. And let’s face it, neither Cruz or Trump will carry the Hispanic vote, which will be mobilized like never before.

    I can’t get to Cruz, Trump or even Christie when I look at a map. This is not feelings. This is about Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Wisconsin, Florida, Virginia. Sorry.

    When I look, Cruz or Trump cost 4 to 6 senate seats. Also, I love Scott. But he is not able to keep up. He would “Palin” (a new verb) in short order.

    And Cruz is shrewd, he will pick a moderate woman, Kelly Ayotte. She will say, not at this time. Then it’s down to Mike Lee or the Freedom caucus. Don’t be surprised if many GOP voters just stay home. Remember, when you make career attacking your friends and just about every Republican, they don’t tend to feel warm and fuzzy. Cruz unfortunately can’t carry much more the 70-80% of the GOP, will lose 60% of independents, and will carry 1-2% of the Democrats for a popular vote of something close to say, 2-6% less than Romney.

    My “feelings,” if it’s Trump or Cruz, Hillary wins 295 Electoral votes, Senate is 50 Dem + 2 Independents, House is 220 GOP/Freedom caucus, good-bye Second Amendment, hello Supreme Court Justices Gillibrand, Cuomo and Harris. Feelings! But all based on the electoral map.

    One other thing, a massive turnout will favor Dems, not Republicans. Check out the data.

    Wild cards: Hillary is indicted. Bill bimbos, again. Hillary picks Hannibal Lechter as VP. He eats her.

    • #113
  24. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    BrentB67:UF, I don’t think the limited government types have delusions about Trump. I am asking from an enthusiasm standpoint and supporting whoever the nominee is if there is perception of a corrupt convention.

    You’re right that a brokered convention is a terrible idea. If nothing else it’ll just feed into the EDS’ers conspiracy theorizing. I’m just saying that “enthusiasm” works both ways, and I know several people (myself included) who will vote for literally anybody from Kasich to Cruz, but not Trump.

    • #114
  25. BrentB67 Inactive

    Umbra Fractus:

    BrentB67:UF, I don’t think the limited government types have delusions about Trump. I am asking from an enthusiasm standpoint and supporting whoever the nominee is if there is perception of a corrupt convention.

    You’re right that a brokered convention is a terrible idea. If nothing else it’ll just feed into the EDS’ers conspiracy theorizing. I’m just saying that “enthusiasm” works both ways, and I know several people (myself included) who will vote for literally anybody from Kasich to Cruz, but not Trump.

    What is EDS? I meant to ask earlier.

    Thank you

    • #115
  26. Batjac Inactive

    BrentB67:Republican Primary: Breath easy. Donald Trump places in the Top 3 in the first 4 states and doesn’t win any of them. Trump’s relentless attacks on the winners embitter his detractors and he noisily exits resurfacing and embarrassing the party in Cleveland. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie are the early state leaders. Cruz takes a commanding lead after March 1st. Christie and Bush drop out with Right-to-Rise throwing their support and $ behind Rubio. The rest of the primary is a Cruz/Rubio slugfest with Cruz earning the nomination at the last minute and receives Trump’s endorsement.

    Democrat Primary: Bernie Sanders gives HRC some early state scary results, perhaps he wins Iowa or NH. Ultimately HRC prevails.

    Election: Cruz/Scott beat Clinton/Castro. Margin is similar to Obama over McCain in 2008. Turnout is heavy and evangelicals flex some surprising muscle.

    Senate: The heavy turnout and Cruz/Scott victory have coattails, but the Republicans lose a couple of seats including Illinois. All eyes are on Texas and SC to see who replaces Cruz/Scott and how it tilts the ideological balance in the Senate. VP Scott will have to cast some tie breaking votes.

    House: Cruz’s right wing firebrands gain seats in the House. Paul Ryan is offered a graceful exit to surrender the gavel and return to the Appropriations Chair.

    From your lips to God’s ear

    • #116
  27. Alan Weick Inactive
    Alan Weick

    Republican Primary – I hate to be a fencesitter, but either Trump wins  or Cruz/Rubio wins and Trump breaks his promise and runs as a third party.  Either way the Republicans go down in disastrous defeat.  Running mate for Trump, Christie.  Running mate for Cruz/Rubio, Rubio/Cruz.

    Democratic Primary – HRC in a walk.  Her running mate will be someone almost totally obscure so as not to upstage her highness.

    General Election – HRC in the biggest landslide since LBJ.  Even the South goes HRC.

    Senate – If Trump is nominee,  conservatives stay home en masse and the Senate flips.  If  Cruz/Rubio just enough conservatives stay home in dismay that it splits 50-50. Dem VP casts the deciding majority vote.

    House – Republican majority slips to 10 seats effectively giving Congress to the Dems.

    Another all Democrat Congress (effectively) with HRC as president and we’re looking at a repeat of the Obama first 2 years except in this case it lasts for the entire 8 years of the Clinton presidency.  The Republican party becomes a rump party.

    I hate being such a pessimist but I’ll be 64 in 2016 and looking back, except for the Reagan interregnum, it’s been all downhill.  The deadly fruit of decay started ripening on 11/22/1963 but I believe the seeds were planted in March of 1933.

    • #117
  28. Eeyore Member

    BrentB67: I dislike any mention of Mitch Daniels.

    Is that due to the overwhelming somnolence factor?

    • #118
  29. James Of England Inactive
    James Of England

    Alan Weick: Republican Primary – I hate to be a fencesitter, but either Trump wins or Cruz/Rubio wins and Trump breaks his promise and runs as a third party. Either way the Republicans go down in disastrous defeat. Running mate for Trump, Christie. Running mate for Cruz/Rubio, Rubio/Cruz.

    I thought that Trump would run as a third party, too, but it’s probably too late for him to do so now. He’s already missed the ballot deadlines in Virginia, Ohio, and Florida, the most obvious states for a third party effort to swing the result.

    • #119
  30. BrentB67 Inactive

    James Of England:

    Alan Weick: Republican Primary – I hate to be a fencesitter, but either Trump wins or Cruz/Rubio wins and Trump breaks his promise and runs as a third party. Either way the Republicans go down in disastrous defeat. Running mate for Trump, Christie. Running mate for Cruz/Rubio, Rubio/Cruz.

    I thought that Trump would run as a third party, too, but it’s probably too late for him to do so now. He’s already missed the ballot deadlines in Virginia, Ohio, and Florida, the most obvious states for a third party effort to swing the result.

    He can’t file as a third party in Texas any longer either.

    • #120
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