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  1. Ryan M Inactive
    Ryan M

    Well, the trailer looks good.

    I’m guarded, though.  If they can stay in their own universe and avoid the temptation to delve into modern American politics, it certainly has potential.  I’ll wait to see what Jonah/John/Rob have to say about it on the first GLoP after it’s released.

    • #1
  2. Drusus Inactive

    Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad – I’m guaranteed to get the shivers sitting in the theater during the opening.

    “The shudder of awe is humanity’s highest faculty…” – Goethe

    • #2
  3. James Lileks Contributor
    James Lileks

    It’s three minutes of Jar-Jar Binks being drawn and quartered, right? RIGHT?

    I’ve avoided all the trailers. I don’t want to see anything before I see the movie. Find it hard to believe I’m falling for this again; I still remember seeing the first of the prequels and feeling all joy drain out of me. I had a bad feeling about it as soon as they said they had a bad feeling about it.

    • #3
  4. Barkha Herman Inactive
    Barkha Herman

    I’ll definitely watch it.

    • #4
  5. Jimmy Carter Member
    Jimmy Carter

    No C-3P0?


    • #5
  6. Benjamin Glaser Inactive
    Benjamin Glaser

    I need a smoke after seeing that trailer.

    Episode VI was the first movie I remember seeing in the theater.

    So epically burned into my psyche.

    • #6
  7. Eustace C. Scrubb Member
    Eustace C. Scrubb

    I hear Abrams says Khan won’t be in the film.

    • #7
  8. SteveSc Member

    Well, hopefully it won’t be as bad for the franchise as Max Max: Fury Road was…

    • #8
  9. The King Prawn Inactive
    The King Prawn

    Should this suck he will forever be known as Jar Jar Abrams.

    • #9
  10. She Member

    I really wanted the Star Wars theme music to blast out at some point.  And it didn’t . . .

    • #10
  11. Barfly Member

    I remember working with a couple of Star Wars nerds in their mid-20’s one time, graphic artists. They were talking about the backstory (it was published and distributed among the cognoscenti long before Episodes 1-3 came out) and especially the nature of the Force and the midichlorians. I told them about mitochondria and their eyes got as big as saucers.

    • #11
  12. Could be Anyone Inactive
    Could be Anyone

    From the information I have received after looking through the internet and considering the fact that they threw the extended universe away; I vehemently (with every midichlorian in my body) oppose the new film.

    The trailer only served to reinforce this. It will unfortunately lack any originality or character development from the 6th episode (same plot and same or nearly the same planets and combat; no real change in dynamics of the universe nor in technology for the most part it seems). Mark my words, Disney has decided to destroy the legacy of Star Wars and it will be reflected in this film.

    I say this, knowing that perhaps aside from the fantasy of the Lotr universe I love Star Wars next (I love only those two, no others contend in my opinion).

    My rage is only further torqued by the sheer fact that Disney has the gall to use the bulk of the extended universe in their works (both this film and in their silly kid cartoon show series). They literally take credit and apply concepts and characters (while only simply changing names in the Rebel series; they did less in the clone wars one) to create some perverted version of the extended universe around an elongated story line and say that they “created” it.

    If they at least recognized their poor creativity and gave credit where it was due then I might be more “forgiving”.

    • #12
  13. madpoet Inactive

    Nope, I’m there. Bought my tickets already, and after seeing this trailer, I’m feeling better about it.

    • #13
  14. Mike LaRoche Inactive
    Mike LaRoche

    Guarded about this, I am.

    • #14
  15. Percival Thatcher

    When the very first one came out, I was in high school and far too sophisticated in my science fiction tastes to be impressed with this thing, whatever it was.  That lasted all the way through the first eight bars of John Williams score, then suddenly I was six years old again and watching Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon serials on Saturday morning with my dad.

    When the fifth one came out, I decided I was going to have to rewatch Episode IV to refresh my memory as to the plot.  I couldn’t finish it – it was that bad.  I never made it to V or VI.

    I want to love this one.  I need to love this one.

    This time I think I’ll wait for a review or two.  No Gungans.

    • #15
  16. Jexreffy Inactive

    I’m probably outing myself as a knuckle-dragging neanderthal by admitting that I actually liked The Prequel Triolgy. There’s a part of me that really wants to get excited for TFA, but there’s a nagging hunch that it could run off the rails because they’re trying too hard to not be The Prequel Trilogy. Everything in the trailers has been a heavy-handed signaling that THIS ISN’T THE PREQUELS!!!! that I wonder if it backfires.

    • #16
  17. Douglas Inactive

    Mike LaRoche:Guarded about this, I am.

    Meh. It has JJ Abrams written all over it. Lots of empty calories in a sparkley wrapper.

    • #17
  18. Jamie Lockett Member
    Jamie Lockett

    The Phantom Menace had a great trailer too .

    • #18
  19. Eustace C. Scrubb Member
    Eustace C. Scrubb


    I’m probably outing myself as a knuckle-dragging neaderthal by admitting that I actually liked The Prequel Triolgy.

    So, Editors, is this a code of conduct violation?

    • #19
  20. Knotwise the Poet Member
    Knotwise the Poet

    I’m excited.  I think J.J. Abrams can rely too much on the “mystery box” concept, but I’m grateful that they’re not giving too much away in these trailers.  Looks beautifully shot and I am intrigued by the glimpses of these new characters.  The aerial combat scenes in particular look amazing.

    There’s no guarantee it will be a great film, but I think at least we’ll get a good one that is much more competently written and acted than were the Prequels.  I’m hoping for something special.

    In any case I can’t help but get the warm fuzzies when I’m seeing light sabers and the Millenium Falcon flying set to John Williams’ gorgeous score.

    When I watched the trailer earlier this evening my 2-year old daughter was in the room.  She has not been exposed to Star Wars before, but at the end of the trailer she clapped and said, “More?”  Dang nearly made me cry.

    • #20
  21. wilber forge Inactive
    wilber forge

    More information, I require.

    Just how far can a franchise be abused ?

    • #21
  22. Boss Mongo Member
    Boss Mongo

    Jon Gabriel, Ed.:

    Love it? Hate it? Did it raise your midi-chlorian levels?

    It was midi-chlorians that disillusioned me in the first place.  I hated that concept (one’s potential with the force was totally dependent on genetics, not will, dedication, or perseverance).  It’s what made me walk away from the franchise.  Even more than Jar Jar.

    • #22
  23. Aaron Miller Inactive
    Aaron Miller

    I can’t imagine how they can make anything digestible of the prophecy that Luke would “bring balance to the Force”. The more they avoid the nonsensical philosophies and stick to eye candy, jokes (that aren’t all allusions to prior films), and plot, the more likely this will eventually get added to my movie collection.

    It doesn’t have to be great. The imaginative setting is mainly what I’m after. Just don’t break the reverie.

    If it does stink, the game (dated for November 17) will offer some solace.

    • #23
  24. Whiskey Sam Inactive
    Whiskey Sam

    The King Prawn:Should this suck he will forever be known as Jar Jar Abrams.

    Too late.  It’s from the man who wrote Gone Fishin’.

    • #24
  25. The Lopez Inactive
    The Lopez

    Knotwise the Poet: Looks beautifully shot…

    The problem for me is that it’s not shot in the camera style that Lucas set in the previous 6 films.

    I’m an absolute Star Wars fanatic and the camera shake in that first teaser has already set me up for some heart wrenching disappointment.

    I watched Abrams ruin my second favorite franchise, must he also do it to my first?

    • #25
  26. Eeyore Member

    Knotwise the Poet: I think at least we’ll get a good one that is much more competently written and acted than were the Prequels.

    Hopefully they’ve learned this one:

    Note to the bigs:


    Yes, you have to have teen eye candy. But in a franchise as big as this, even your teen eye candy has to be able to, you know…act.

    • #26
  27. Dean Murphy Member
    Dean Murphy

    I have been trying to remember exactly when I saw Star Wars. Based on the date of release (5/77), I must have been in transit from Crete Greece to Cheyenne Wyoming. I think I remember seeing the movie poster at the base theater in Crete. But we didn’t get the releases there until months after the premier, so we would probably have left before it got there.
    The trailer left me cold. I might see it in the theater, but I’m not champing at the bit.

    • #27
  28. Aaron Miller Inactive
    Aaron Miller

    How about a compromise? For each groan-inducing line of dialog, someone gets eaten by a rancor.

    • #28
  29. Robert McReynolds Member
    Robert McReynolds

    I want to love this. I want to be psyched for this. But then I think back to what Darth Lucas did to the entire franchise and I become filled with utter loathing. This looks like it is going to be what those three mistakes from the 90s were supposed to be.

    • #29
  30. Dan Hanson Thatcher
    Dan Hanson

    Star Wars has been dead to me since the prequela.  And JJ Abrams turned Star Trek into a glitzy mess devoid of the humanity and character interaction that made it great in the first place.

    But who am I kidding.  I’ll be there.   Never learn, I do.

    • #30
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