Ask Amelia: Turtles in the Fast Lane


AskAmelia3It’s Friday, which means it’s time for Amelia Hamilton to answer all your questions about slow drivers, cheap shoppers, and box turtles!

Why do people take it upon themselves to drive courteously? — Frustrated Driver

Dear Driver,

While it is always appropriate to be considerate, hyper-courtesy on the road just slows people down, making life more difficult for everyone. These people must not have anywhere to be, and are quite the opposite of courteous. Left-lane vigilantes must be stopped.


I can pretty much tell what my pet box turtle Louise is thinking at any time. Should I open with that on a first date or save it for a depth-builder?

— Commander Argon9

Dear Commander (may I call you “Commander?”),

Assuming that you’re not dating Louise, I think that’s something you should keep to yourself, at least until you’ve got a ring on her finger. Maybe allude to it, tell her you love animals, that you’re a responsible and loving pet owner, but leave the mind reading to yourself.

Unless you met the object of your courtship on a box turtle-related dating site. In that case, it seems like something with which to lead.



Why do people wait in line for hours for free or cheap stuff? Don’t they value their time?

— Line Loather

Dear Loather,

Well, a deal is a deal. You can’t blame people for wanting one. Unless you’re in a socialist country. There, they’re in line to get the scraps the government deigns to give them. If you’re talking about America, though, lines are an irritating part of capitalism, but I’ll take it. Stop being anti-lineist.


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  1. BrentB67 Inactive

    Amelia Hamilton:Brentb67 Tweet using #askamham or email :-)

    Thank you.

    • #31
  2. Mike LaRoche Inactive
    Mike LaRoche

    Wish I could think of a question to ask…

    • #32
  3. Seawriter Contributor

    Mike LaRoche:Wish I could think of a question to ask…

    That’s a question: “What question should I ask Amelia?  And why?”


    • #33
  4. Archie Campbell Member
    Archie Campbell

    Amelia Hamilton:Brentb67 Tweet using #askamham or email :-)

    But prepare to wait. I’ve been waiting since April for her to answer my question.

    • #34
  5. Barkha Herman Inactive
    Barkha Herman


    Mike LaRoche:I hate it when people drive slowly in the fast lane.

    That is akin to high treason in the Lone Star State, but lately with all these Yankee transplants it is becoming more of an issue.

    People in Miami get shot for this kind of behavior.

    • #35
  6. Man With the Axe Inactive
    Man With the Axe

    Evidently in Miami there is a war between the maniacs and the idiots.

    • #36
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