Look Out, Hillary: The Biden Tolls for Thee

Joe Biden Hillary Clinton

Photo illustration by me. (Sorry for the nightmares.)

I wouldn’t want to be an easy-to-reach vase at the Clintons’ vacation retreat in the Hamptons, or the maid who’ll be spending her weekend cleaning up glass shards and scattered flower arrangements. By all appearances, Vice President Joe Biden could be tossing his hair plugs in the ring:

Major Democratic fundraisers have been invited to meet with Vice President Joe Biden at his residence at the U.S. Naval Observatory after Labor Day, part of a series of conversations he is having with senior party players as he contemplates jumping into the 2016 race.

Among the guests invited to the gathering are top bundlers who raised large sums for the Obama-Biden campaigns in 2008 and 2012, according to people familiar with the outreach. The sitdown is scheduled to take place during the week following Labor Day.

Biden’s office declined to comment…

“The network is starting to reach out,” said one major Obama fundraiser, who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations. “I’m getting calls from people saying, ‘We’re waiting for him to announce.’ People are nervous and weary of the Hillary side show, of the emails.”

Over the weekend, Biden met with progressive darling Sen. Elizabeth Warren for several hours as trial balloons were floated about a promise of serving only one term. The nearly Cherokee senator is often mentioned as potential running mate, especially if a male leads the ticket. The prospect of a Biden run has tantalized the Beltway and bloggers of all stripes, but must be causing panic among Team Clinton.

The White House added to Hillary’s fears in today’s press conference when Josh Earnest said the President might endorse someone in the Democratic primary. Earnest added, with a grin, “The President has indicated his view that the decision that he made, I guess seven years ago now, to add Joe Biden to the ticket as his running mate was the smartest decision that he had ever made in politics. I think that should give you some sense of the President’s view of Vice President Biden’s aptitude for the top job.”


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There are 43 comments.

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  1. Frozen Chosen Inactive
    Frozen Chosen

    Run, Plugs, run!

    I could use a good laugh.

    • #1
  2. Basil Fawlty Member
    Basil Fawlty

    This is beyond farce.  This is positively Republican.

    • #2
  3. Knotwise the Poet Member
    Knotwise the Poet

    The picture gave me a chuckle.  Well done, sir.

    • #3
  4. Songwriter Inactive

    It must really steam a person so entitled as Hillary that anyone, even the sitting VPOTUS, would dare to run against her. It’s bad enough that the opposition party believes they should run a candidate. But her own party?

    Don’t they realize the presidency is hers? It’s her right.

    • #4
  5. lesserson Member

    Knotwise the Poet:The picture gave me a chuckle. Well done, sir.

    Yeah, all I can think when I see that picture of Hillary is, “Where will you be when diarrhea hits?”

    • #5
  6. Pencilvania Inactive

    Well, she should have expected it – she was FLOTUS, Senator and Secretary of State.  Three times a bridesmaid, never a bride.

    • #6
  7. Stad Coolidge

    For whom the Bull tolls . . .

    • #7
  8. Stad Coolidge

    On the other hand . . .

    A Biden/Warrem ticket would inject some excitement into an otherwise dull Democrat primary season.  Sure, the Bernster has been drawing big crowds, but there’s no way the Demo-elites are going to let him get the nomination – Bernie really is against Wall Street, and Wall Street is for Democrats.

    • #8
  9. Jimmy Carter Member
    Jimmy Carter

    And in order to compete for Barry’s good grace’s Hillary is quoted as saying,”Barry is the first mainstream African-American Who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.”

    She also added,”You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless You have a slight Indian accent” for good measure.

    • #9
  10. Wylee Coyote Member
    Wylee Coyote

    While the Clinton meltdown will be fun to watch, I actually worry that Biden would be harder for the Republicans to beat.

    It is with equal parts wonderment and pain that I write that sentence.

    • #10
  11. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron


    One thing at a time. Let’s make sure HRC’s ‘Clinton Get Out of Jail Free’ card has been revoked. Next, prepare the video of Joe’s gaffes. There’s enough material it could turn into a documentary.

    Just be patient.



    • #11
  12. EJHill Staff

    As ol’ Satchel Paige used to say, “Don’t look behind you, something might be gaining on you!”


    • #12
  13. James Gawron Inactive
    James Gawron

    EJHill:As ol’ Satchel Paige used to say, “Don’t look behind you, something might be gaining on you!”



    .. sputter wheez…Man twice in one day. I thought I saw Biden making a move with Hillary. I’ve got to get more sleep. Maybe it’s stress. Hey…what’s that up there….




    • #13
  14. Louie Mungaray (Squishy Blue RINO) Inactive
    Louie Mungaray (Squishy Blue RINO)

    EJHill:As ol’ Satchel Paige used to say, “Don’t look behind you, something might be gaining on you!”


    Caption Contest:

    ♫ bow chicka wow wow ♫

    Worst. Viagra Ad. Ever.

    “Someone’s doing the raping”- The Donald.

    • #14
  15. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Oh, the fauxtoshop is priceless! But, I wouldn’t be so smug about whoever the Dems put up. Hillary is +6 in the general just for being female and because the Republican brand is so damaged.

    And, let’s be honest. Joe Biden just destroyed Paul Ryan in the Veep debate. I mean, I thought he was a bully and insulting, so his performance didn’t appeal to me, but I’m not a Democrat (or a moderate). And Tomahonkey is a populist rabble rouser. That ticket could win.

    • #15
  16. Paul A. Rahe Member
    Paul A. Rahe

    I love it. Obama made deal after deal with the Clintons to get elected in 2008 and 2012 — and Bill came through for him on both occasions. And now . . . well he demonstrates his qualities as they have demonstrated theirs. Can you imagine the conversation that he and Bubba had last week while they golfed?

    The real question is whether the Clintons will seek revenge. If so, this should be fun. Or will they go gently into that good night?

    • #16
  17. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Paul A. Rahe: Or will they go gently into that good night?


    These people are vicious. There’s no “gently” in their vocabulary.

    • #17
  18. David Sussman Member
    David Sussman

    Great pics… belongs on top of Drudge.

    7 years ago I felt schadenfreude when a slick 1 term Illinois Senator shockingly beat back Pantsuit in the primaries. Capiche?

    • #18
  19. Louie Mungaray (Squishy Blue RINO) Inactive
    Louie Mungaray (Squishy Blue RINO)

    Paul A. Rahe:I love it. Obama made deal after deal with the Clintons to get elected in 2008 and 2012 — and Bill came through for him on both occasions. And now . . . well he demonstrates his qualities as they have demonstrated theirs. Can you imagine the conversation that he and Bubba had last week while they golfed?

    The real question is whether the Clintons will seek revenge. If so, this should be fun. Or will they go gently into that good night?

    I do not see how she seeks revenge on the only person standing between her and indictment. One phone call from the President to the AG, FBI, or whichever Barney Fife he installs as State Department IG and this kid gloves slow walk over her email server ends and she is S.O.L. Next stop, Orange is the New Black. And she is no Martha Stewart, she can’t do time like a boss.

    Her instincts are to tear his eyes out with a dull spoon, but those pesky Secret Service agents are on forced sobriety these days, and she might need a pardon before this thing is over.

    I think she will play the long game and lash out once they are on equal ground as moneyed Former Presidents.

    • #19
  20. Eeyore Member

    Jon Gabriel, Ed.: I wouldn’t want to be an easy-to-reach vase at the Clintons’ vacation retreat in the Hamptons, nor the maid who’ll be spending her weekend cleaning up glass shards

    With Bill pretty much leaving Hill to deal with the emails herself and the regular interjection of things like Teen Hooker Island, I doubt there are many breakable projectiles left in any of the Clinton abodes.

    • #20
  21. Eeyore Member


    Ah, takes me back the the good ‘ole days of Bush/Merkel…

    • #21
  22. Merina Smith Inactive
    Merina Smith

    I love it when you guys get into photo shop wars.  Keep it up.

    • #22
  23. Basil Fawlty Member
    Basil Fawlty

    Paul A. Rahe:I love it. Obama made deal after deal with the Clintons to get elected in 2008 and 2012 — and Bill came through for him on both occasions. And now . . . well he demonstrates his qualities as they have demonstrated theirs. Can you imagine the conversation that he and Bubba had last week while they golfed?

    The real question is whether the Clintons will seek revenge. If so, this should be fun. Or will they go gently into that good night?

    I suspect they will rage, rage against the smarting of the slight.  At least I hope so.

    • #23
  24. jetstream Inactive

    Western Chauvinist:Oh, the fauxtoshop is priceless! But, I wouldn’t be so smug about whoever the Dems put up. Hillary is +6 in the general just for being female and because the Republican brand is so damaged.

    And, let’s be honest. Joe Biden just destroyed Paul Ryan in the Veep debate. I mean, I thought he was a bully and insulting, so his performance didn’t appeal to me, but I’m not a Democrat (or a moderate). And Tomahonkey is a populist rabble rouser. That ticket could win.

    Nice, will that be available under an open source license?

    • #24
  25. Brian McMenomy Inactive
    Brian McMenomy

    Ok, those pictures are just creepy.  Hilarious, but creepy.

    I am hearing that the President is hinting at an endorsement in the primary.  Traditionally, sitting Presidents stay as far as possible from the primary process, for good reason.  This President seems to be reminding Hillary that his DOJ is the only thing standing between her and a federal indictment, timed to cause the most damage possible to her candidacy.

    • #25
  26. Chris Campion Coolidge
    Chris Campion

    So Josh Earnest wouldn’t say boo without pre-approval.  We know Barry’s OK with muddling the waters, at least, which means those conversations he had with Bill a week or two ago over golf probably involved the idea that he’s not going to endorse anyone, just yet – or maybe he even floated Biden, citing all the baggage Hillary’s carrying.  As in “I can’t let her drag the party down when we’ve got a shot at 8 more years, Bill.”

    I’m almost starting to feel sorry for the bitter shrew in a pantsuit.  In a loveless, cheating marriage her whole life, laughed at, mocked, and now looking like it’s curb time for the chick who got kicked out of the kool kids klub that was set up to prosecute Nixon.

    Fail.  Fail.  Fail.  Fail.  Fail.

    Is there anything she’s good at?  Anything?  I mean, besides failing.

    • #26
  27. Western Chauvinist Member
    Western Chauvinist

    Chris Campion: Barry’s OK with muddling the waters, at least, which means those conversations he had with Bill a week or two ago over golf probably involved the idea that he’s not going to endorse anyone, just yet – or maybe he even floated Biden, citing all the baggage Hillary’s carrying.

    I thought I detected gut-level hatred in Bill’s eyes in that picture of the two of them on the golf course. That must have been snapped shortly after Obama told Clinton he’d be backing Biden. And that Hillary could stuff it, or forgo her presidential pardon.

    Apparently Obama lied in 2008. Hillary isn’t quite likable enough.

    • #27
  28. Percival Thatcher

    EJHill:As ol’ Satchel Paige used to say, “Don’t look behind you, something might be gaining on you!”


    Memories, light the corners of my mind
    Misty water color memories of the way we were.
    Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind
    smiles we gave to one another
    for the way we were…


    • #28
  29. EJHill Staff


    • #29
  30. David Deeble Member
    David Deeble

    I don’t know if women will embrace Biden but I’m certain that he’ll embrace them.

    • #30
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