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Open Letter to Congressional Democrats
Dear Rep. Bonamici and Congressional Democrats:
I was recently made aware that the ratio of calls to Congressional Democrats’ offices have been running 6 to 1 in favor of Hamas and Iran over Israel. I thought I’d take a moment to share why that is.
Quite simply, it’s because we’ve seen that Democrats have long since abandoned reliable moderate Jewish voters, in hopes of attracting new, radical Muslim and leftist voters. Just as you abandoned the girls running at the Sherwood, Oregon track meet this weekend, in favor of catering to the wealthy trans lobby, allowing a boy to beat them.
I could make a whole list of other abandoned voters: Property owners who’ve been victimized by squatters and tent encampments. Commuters whose rights always run second to those of protestors. Law enforcement officers who are expected to tolerate violence at the hands of spoiled adult children of such eminent Democrats as Tim Kaine and Katherine Clark. Merchants who’ve been told they simply have to accept widespread theft. American spouses of would-be legal immigrants spending a fortune on lawyers, while illegal immigrants are gifted thousands in prizes. And all manner of just regular Americans, abandoned in favor of the petty and violent criminals who prey on the weak.
So no: Congressional Democrats won’t be hearing from most of your old reliable Jewish supporters again. Just as you won’t be hearing from the middle and working class voters you once proudly claimed.
But please do convey my warmest regards to Sen. John Fetterman and Rep. Ritchie Torres.
It’s not enough.
Do you think a sizable number of liberal Jews will abandon the democrat party over their support for Hamas? I know plenty of liberal Jews who won’t even acknowledge that nearly all support for Hamas or animus toward Jews and Israel comes from the left.
I really don’t know. As with the parents of female athletes and the other abandoned voters I listed (and many others I failed to list!), we’ll have to see if Republicans can manage to get their act together enough to attract them. And even then the GOP will have to overcome the Democrats’ massive structural advantage in states where mass mail-in voting and ballot-harvesting are done.
How much more do you think Republicans have to do, in addition to what Democrats have done?
I’m not sure I can have any sympathy for people who think Republicans have to do more.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the 33,000-odd Palestinian women and children killed by the Israelis. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the attempt to starve a population of over 2 million.
No, of course not. What was I thinking? You must be right, that it’s entirely caused by the Democrats’ efforts to attract radical Muslim and leftist voters.
Hamas starves their own people by producing and buying rockets and weapons, rather than food.
Still listening to Hamas/Terrorist propaganda? I find it distressing that any grown adult naively believes everything that dictators and/or criminals/terrorists say. When I was a dumb teenager that didn’t know a thing about politics or government, I could at least tell that Communist leaders, criminals, and terrorists mostly lied to the Press. They often said outrageous things that anybody with the tiniest common sense could see right through. It is one of the most basic insights into human behavior. Everybody should be aware of this once they reach adulthood.
On the other hand, when you see the track record of leaders in a country like Israel, when it comes to being honest, they don’t have any major scandals involving lying to the public, the way that even Western countries do, like our own. It is a strong character trait of the Jewish Faith, maybe even more so than in Christianity. Even though most Jewish leaders have not been religious people, the cultural mores of Judaism still permeate their values the way Christian values permeate many atheists and agnostics in our own country.
Contrast this with Islam, where it is entirely permitted (even encouraged) to lie to others in the furtherance of their religion and their conquest. Even a lot of children are aware of this, so when I see an adult believing the Muslim side over the Western/Civilized side, I just scratch my head in astonishment.
The other possibility is that you don’t have child-like naivete, but you have a deep animus for Israel and the Jewish people that blinds you to the real facts going on. I would bet on the latter premise in light of the fact that you no longer engage with people on this site – you generally only post comments and run away without answering anybody else’s questions or reply to their comments. I pair that with your statement declaring all non-believers in Jesus to be your personal enemies. I think it has been well over two years since you replied to a comment or question from me. That is your prerogative, but I don’t find that conduct admirable, and it does nothing to improve the community atmosphere of the Ricochet website, in fact it causes ill-will as witnessed from other’s comments.