Bret Stephens: ‘I Was Wrong About Trump Voters’


Thursday, there was a remarkable sight on the New York Times Opinion Page. Eight different columnists remark on how they were wrong about different issues. Paul Krugman admits that he was wrong about inflation. Thomas Friedman admits that he was wrong about the extent of Chinese censorship. Gail Collins admits that she was wrong about Mitt Romney. And Brett Stephens admits that he was wrong about Trump voters. It is a great column and can be found here. While the New York Times columns are behind a paywall, I think that you can read ten columns a month for free. This should be one of them.

Bret Stephens was a great columnist for the Wall Street Journal. Reportedly he left the Journal after concluding that they were being too easy on Trump, and he joined the New York Times. I ended my subscription to the Wall Street Journal about the same time, for about the same reason. So, Stephens and I have a long history of antipathy towards Trump. However, he admits that he has been wrong about Trump voters, and I generally think that I have been too. Stephen’s column begins, “The worst line I ever wrote as a pundit — yes, I know, it’s a crowded field — was the first line I ever wrote about the man who would become the 45th president: ‘If by now you don’t find Donald Trump appalling, you’re appalling.’”

I agree. What a way to make and influence people. Stephens continues,

This opening salvo, from August 2015, was the first in what would become dozens of columns denouncing Trump as a unique threat to American life, democratic ideals and the world itself. I regret almost nothing of what I said about the man and his close minions. But the broad swipe at his voters caricatured them and blinkered me.

It also probably did more to help than hinder Trump’s candidacy. Telling voters they are moral ignoramuses is a bad way of getting them to change their minds.

I agree with Stephens. This is so well stated. Stephens then states,

… Though I had spent the years of Barack Obama’s presidency denouncing his policies, my objections were more abstract than personal. I belonged to a social class that my friend Peggy Noonan called ‘the protected.’ My family lived in a safe and pleasant neighborhood. Our kids went to an excellent public school. I was well paid, fully insured, insulated against life’s harsh edges.

Trump’s appeal, according to Noonan, was largely to people she called ‘the unprotected.’ Their neighborhoods weren’t so safe and pleasant. Their schools weren’t so excellent. Their livelihoods weren’t so secure. Their experience of America was often one of cultural and economic decline, sometimes felt in the most personal of ways.

Ouch. I am part of the ‘protected class.’ I live in my beautiful mountain and university town with a population of only 100,000 with all of the amenities of a city five times as large. I live in a nice neighborhood with nonexistent crime, surrounded by a golf course. I have Medicare for health insurance. I am my own boss and run my office as I see fit. My judges know and like me. Life is pretty good for me.

Stephens continues,

It was an experience compounded by the insult of being treated as losers and racists —clinging, in Obama’s notorious 2008 phrase, to ‘guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.’

I remember having lunch with a major Democrat figure who told me that he was convinced that opposition to Obama was primarily racist. Grrrr.

Then Stephens says,

Trump voters had a powerful case to make that they had been thrice betrayed by the nation’s elites. First, after 9/11, when they had borne much of the brunt of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, only to see Washington fumble and then abandon the efforts. Second, after the financial crisis of 2008, when so many were being laid off, even as the financial class was being bailed out. Third, in the post-crisis recovery, in which years of ultralow interest rates were a bonanza for those with investable assets and brutal for those without.

Oh, and then came the great American cultural revolution of the 2010s, in which traditional practices and beliefs — regarding same-sex marriage, sex-segregated bathrooms, personal pronouns, meritocratic ideals, race-blind rules, reverence for patriotic symbols, the rules of romance, the presumption of innocence and the distinction between equality of opportunity and outcome — became, more and more, not just passé, but taboo.

It’s one thing for social mores to evolve over time, aided by respect for differences of opinion. It’s another for them to be abruptly imposed by one side on another, with little democratic input but a great deal of moral bullying.

I share this anger about the above things. But again, I am protected. For better or worse, lawyers are pretty protected. The best book about the evils of the transgenderism, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, was written by a lawyer with strong First Amendment protections. If a Psychologist or Counselor were to have written this book, they would be facing an ethics charge by their licensing board. But the State Bar would laugh at such an ethics charge.

Stephens then states,

For every in-your-face MAGA warrior there were plenty of ambivalent Trump supporters, doubtful of his ability and dismayed by his manner, who were willing to take their chances on him because he had the nerve to defy deeply flawed conventional pieties.

I have faced my share of MAGA warriors. But far more Trump voters are ambivalent, doubtful, and dismayed by Trump than I give them credit.

Then Stephens hits home with this paragraph:

Nor were they impressed by Trump critics who had their own penchant for hypocrisy and outright slander. To this day, precious few anti-Trumpers have been honest with themselves about the elaborate hoax — there’s just no other word for it — that was the Steele dossier and all the bogus allegations, credulously parroted in the mainstream media, that flowed from it.

Ouch. Oh, all the hours I wasted watching MSNBC’s evening shows! All of the energy that I wasted hoping that Trump would be caught! I was not until I read Bill Barr’s book One Damn Thing After Another that I realized that I had been wrong and wrote about it here.

The book is very well done. And it changed my mind. After the Mueller Report came out, I posted both the Introduction and Executive Summary on Collusion and Obstruction. (See here.) Barr does a deep dive into the Mueller Report and how Mueller both over-read and under-read his remit. My mind had been marinated in the MSNBC and my own TDS. But now reading Barr’s account led me to the conclusion that the Mueller investigation was a search for not all that much, and was a general waste of time and money. I was stunned. But I changed my mind.

To the credit of my fellow Ricochetti, there was almost no “I told you so.” Incredible.

Stephens ends his piece,

… I would also approach these [Trump] voters in a much different spirit than I did the last time. ‘A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall,’ noted Abraham Lincoln early in his political career. ‘If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.’ Words to live by, particularly for those of us in the business of persuasion.

Words to live by when posting and commenting at Ricochet.

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There are 257 comments.

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  1. Annefy Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Annefy (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    GlennAmurgis (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Before we get all warm and fuzzy, Stephens also claims in the same column that supporting Trump in ‘24 is siding with “an ex-president with a record of trying to break the Republic itself.”

    What Stephens says more completely is “It’s one thing to take a gamble on a candidate who promises a break with business as usual. It’s another to do that with an ex-president with a record of trying to break the Republic itself.”

    Stephens continues with strong issues with Trump, however, he is easing up on Trump voters.

    What I hear from Stephens is that he is much more understanding and accepting of people voting for Trump back in 2016 and 2020, but Stephens would not want them to vote for Trump in 2024.

    The answer for me is “let’s get Trump’s better policies without Trump himself.” But that is outside the scope of this column. (I am good with DeSantis and a number of other governors.)

    What I do not understand about the never Trump is where is the same level of anger at Biden?

    His is a big a demagogue as Trump. He is a habitual liar. He and his family is involved in a lot of influence peddling with shady countries and business around the world. His energy polices, economic policies and foreign policies are all horrible. He is pushing ESG agenda. He is making the military – one of the last good organizations in the US into a joke.

    Where is the outrage? I don’t see it

    Biden is horrible, failing at damn near everything except Ukraine, and, well the attempted violent overthrow of the government.

    By contrast, Trump was good on judges, taxes and regulations, but that is overshadowed by Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election, and his attempted violent overthrow of the government.

    Weird. Those two things happened after the election. Oh wait. I forgot you’re psychic

    Since Trump said that the only way he could lose was if the Democrats cheated, I had a strong premonition that as to his behavior after the 2020 election. Trump exceeded my worst expectations.

    So Trump getting his knickers in a knot (like so many before him) about an election was worse to you than my DILs elderly aunt, the thousands like her who lived in terror during the Summer of 2020, those who lost their lives, those who lost loved ones, and those who lost their businesses and livelihoods

    Made evident by the fact that you voted for the ticket who was posting bail for those responsible for the summer of 2020.

    • #211
  2. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    The New York Post Editorial Board said it better than I have at . . .

    I don’t care about this. I care about the fact that you still believe the bleach lie. I need to save you from the mind-controllers. C’mon, repeat after me: “The president never said to drink bleach . . . the president never said to drink bleach . . . the president never said to drink bleach . . . “

    I need you to put this into your brain as many times as the original lie went into your brain. You must overcome lies with truth, and the truth shall set you free.

    Live not by lies.

    Okay, I went back to Comment #75. Item #5 was

    “5. Trump suggested drinking/injecting bleach to fight COVID.”

    Trump did not suggest drinking or injecting bleach to fight COVID. Trump suggested many things, but he did not suggest drinking or injecting bleach to fight COVID.

    Good. That’s one down.

    We have 343 lies to go.

    Line them up. Let’s do this!

    I think that there must a complete overhaul of the FBI. The notion that someone in the FBI talked about wearing a wire to catch Trump in a lie is repulsive to me.

    However, in light of the Secret Service “losing” all texts from January 5th and 6th, would you agree that the Secret Service also needs to be completely overhauled?

    The entire freakin’ Executive branch needs to be cleaned out.

    Fire them all, rehire maybe a third.  Maybe.


    • #212
  3. Columbo Inactive

    BDB (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Even left-wing Politifact knocked this down.

    His comments came after William Bryan, the undersecretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, presented a study that found sun exposure and cleaning agents like bleach can kill the virus when it lingers on surfaces.

    Trump remarked on the effectiveness of those methods and wondered if they could help address infections in the human body.

    Here are his full comments:

    “A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?”

    “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”

    Later, Trump clarified his comments after a reporter asked Bryan whether disinfectants could actually be injected into COVID-19 patients.

    “It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

    As you can see, he’s talking very specifically about UV Light Therapy.

    Nothing anywhere close to “drinking bleach.” But Democrats lie, the media lies, and people who are highly susceptible to suggestion believe obvious lies no matter how many times they’re shown the truth.


    Under-rated comment, worthy of an entry in the Ricochet FAQ.

    It really requires a willing suspension of disbelief. Ask Hillary.

    • #213
  4. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):
    On January 6, 2021 members of Mike Pence’s Secret Service Detail called to say “good-bye” to their families.

    If that is true, we need to get some tougher Secret Service guys.  

    • #214
  5. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Stina (View Comment):

    So do I get to flag Gary everytime he lies about this? Is that against the COC? Fruitcake/misinformation ?

    Of course not. Because Blue Yeti believes this lie, too!

    Promoting debunked conspiracy theories is a COC, right? 

    Anything that makes the Ricochet Community look like a bunch of radical fruitcakes. This includes 99% of conspiracy theories.

    • #215
  6. Hoyacon Member

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Columbo (View Comment):

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    This has been a good conversation. There have been almost no cheap shots. I Comment #75, Drew appropriately challenged me on 12 alleged Democrat hoaxes. I answered in detail in Comment #144 (while my lunch grew cold!) No “special friends” just “honorable opponents” with tough questions. That is the best of Ricochet.

    Unfortunately, this isn’t:

    Trump failed to do that, and in fact,whipped up the murderous crowd by saying that Mike Pence let us down.

    ‘Murderous’. That would actually be funny if the stakes weren’t so high.

    The folks behind the cameras obviously did not perceive anything close to ‘murderous’.

    Let’s be clear. The former President of the United State is being accused of conspiracy to commit murder. Yet that’s apparently not a violation of the CoC.

    Just amazing that the site is skating by this without redaction.  You can’t call the poster a troll but you can implicate an ex-President in a conspiracy to murder.  @philo, come on down.

    • #216
  7. Hoyacon Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    The Wall Street Jounal has also weighed in. They write at

    “Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.

    “In the 18 months since, Mr. Trump has shown not an iota of regret. On Thursday he claimed to be vindicated by a bill to clarify the Electoral Count Act. ‘Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do,’ Mr. Trump wrote. ‘If so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do.’

    “Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his.”

    Does this excuse the fact that you accused the former President of conspiracy to commit murder?

    I think that you are overstating what I said.

    Here’s what you said to show that I’m not “overstating “ :

    Trump failed to do that, and in fact,whipped up the murderous crowd by saying that Mike Pence let us down.

    That’s exactly what I said that you said and you should be suspended.  But you won’t be.

    I have a good deal of respect for the WSJ’s editorial board. Yet it doesn’t seem too much to ask to substantiate this claim.

    The proof was shown in extreme detail on Thursday at the January 6 Committee Hearing. It’s not too late for you to watch the hearing in YouTube

    I don’t waste my time on show trials without opportunity to cross- examine.  Anyone should know that.   See the Zoe Lofgren quote that I’ve cited a couple of times.  

    • #217
  8. navyjag Coolidge

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    The Wall Street Jounal has also weighed in. They write at

    “Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.

    “In the 18 months since, Mr. Trump has shown not an iota of regret. On Thursday he claimed to be vindicated by a bill to clarify the Electoral Count Act. ‘Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do,’ Mr. Trump wrote. ‘If so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do.’

    “Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his.”

    Does this excuse the fact that you accused the former President of conspiracy to commit murder?

    I think that you are overstating what I said.

    Here’s what you said to show that I’m not “overstating “ :

    Trump failed to do that, and in fact,whipped up the murderous crowd by saying that Mike Pence let us down.

    That’s exactly what I said that you said and you should be suspended. But you won’t be.

    I have a good deal of respect for the WSJ’s editorial board. Yet it doesn’t seem too much to ask to substantiate this claim.

    The proof was shown in extreme detail on Thursday at the January 6 Committee Hearing. It’s not too late for you to watch the hearing in YouTube

    I don’t waste my time on show trials without opportunity to cross- examine. Anyone should know that. See the Zoe Lofgren quote that I’ve cited a couple of times.

    No reason to kick BG out. Has some good book reviews. At least the books I like. The Journal editorial was disappointing but used to them. So Trump was a narcistic jerk. Just like his predecessor. But we got economic growth, lower taxes, and 3 solid S.Ct. justices.  Any democrat done that in the last 50 years? But DeSantis looks like Trump without the twitter account. Looks pretty good to me.  Jan6 stuff can land with the rest of the trash. 

    • #218
  9. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):
    “Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol

    The Constitution and US law states that the Legislative Branch is in charge of Capitol security.  

    • #219
  10. Hoyacon Member

    navyjag (View Comment):

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    The Wall Street Jounal has also weighed in. They write at

    “Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.

    “In the 18 months since, Mr. Trump has shown not an iota of regret. On Thursday he claimed to be vindicated by a bill to clarify the Electoral Count Act. ‘Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do,’ Mr. Trump wrote. ‘If so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do.’

    “Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his.”

    Does this excuse the fact that you accused the former President of conspiracy to commit murder?

    I think that you are overstating what I said.

    Here’s what you said to show that I’m not “overstating “ :

    Trump failed to do that, and in fact,whipped up the murderous crowd by saying that Mike Pence let us down.

    That’s exactly what I said that you said and you should be suspended. But you won’t be.

    I have a good deal of respect for the WSJ’s editorial board. Yet it doesn’t seem too much to ask to substantiate this claim.

    The proof was shown in extreme detail on Thursday at the January 6 Committee Hearing. It’s not too late for you to watch the hearing in YouTube

    I don’t waste my time on show trials without opportunity to cross- examine. Anyone should know that. See the Zoe Lofgren quote that I’ve cited a couple of times.

    No reason to kick BG out. Has some good book reviews. At least the books I like.

    I did not advocate kicking Mr. Robbins out.  I still maintain that his accusation about Trump inciting a “ murderous” crowd violated the CoC, and I did subsequently mention “suspension” (not the same as kicking one out permanently IMO).  The latter was said out of frustration after a spate of his inaccuracies and was not my place to say, although I stand by the inappropriateness of the “murderous” comment.  The book reviews are well designed to ingratiate.

    • #220
  11. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    I think that I am stirring up far too much trouble far too quickly.  I think that I should give this post a break for the night.  It can all wait for the morning.

    (This reminds me of a cartoon where a husband’s wife calls him to bed, and he says, “But honey, there is someone on the internet who is wrong and I need to point it out to him.”) 

    Saying my evening prayers is usually the best route to take.  Tomorrow will be the Lord’s Day and a new day.  While I don’t retract what I’ve said (other than “murderous” which was over-done) I regret causing such a strong reaction.  

    • #221
  12. OmegaPaladin Moderator

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    I think that I am stirring up far too much trouble far too quickly. I think that I should give this post a break for the night. It can all wait for the morning.

    (This reminds me of a cartoon where a husband’s wife calls him to bed, and he says, “But honey, there is someone on the internet who is wrong and I need to point it out to him.”)

    Saying my evening prayers is usually the best route to take. Tomorrow will be the Lord’s Day and a new day. While I don’t retract what I’ve said (other than “murderous” which was over-done) I regret causing such a strong reaction.


    Please keep in mind the nature of confirmation bias, and the media’s very poor track record on reporting about Trump and scandals that agree with their perception.  (the Steele Dossier was just as bogus as Jussie Smollet)  You have had a tendency to repeat these stories.   If you believe Trump is a monster, every story of him being bad sounds plausible – even if it is from a single anonymous source with no collaboration.   While I tend to avoid cracking down on conspiracy theories and such (it reminds me of Big Tech) I am asking nicely for you to be skeptical of these kind of claims.

    Will I need to start treating your threads like a conspiracy theorist who believes the Man is corrupting our precious bodily fluids?  I hope not – there’s enough drama around here as is.

    • #222
  13. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    The Wall Street Jounal has also weighed in. They write at

    “Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.

    “In the 18 months since, Mr. Trump has shown not an iota of regret. On Thursday he claimed to be vindicated by a bill to clarify the Electoral Count Act. ‘Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do,’ Mr. Trump wrote. ‘If so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do.’

    “Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his.”

    Trump requested National Guard be on stand-by in the days that led up to Jan. 6th. It is not his job, but Pelosi’s to give the authorization. The request was denied.  Trump asked that the protesters protest peacefully.  Many that were there, stated that there were people there to incite and were not Trump supporters, but brought in to cause mayhem?

    • #223
  14. RufusRJones Member

    Two-part interview of Svetlana Lokhova on Bret Stephens et. al. 

    Remember, they accused her of being part of the plot and being in an affair with Michael Flynn, while she had a baby to take care of. All kinds of legal crap ar PR to deal with. Total lies. The second one is about the media complicity and the timing of the Bret Stevens peace.




    • #224
  15. RufusRJones Member





    • #225
  16. Randy Weivoda Moderator
    Randy Weivoda

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    Stina (View Comment):

    So do I get to flag Gary everytime he lies about this? Is that against the COC? Fruitcake/misinformation ?

    Of course not. Because Blue Yeti believes this lie, too!

    Promoting debunked conspiracy theories is a COC, right?

    Anything that makes the Ricochet Community look like a bunch of radical fruitcakes. This includes 99% of conspiracy theories.

    Sometimes we do redact comments with radical fruitcake conspiracy theories.  Sometimes it is not practical because the moderators don’t know about it until dozens of comments have been made quoting and referencing the fruitcake comment.  It would make the whole thread incomprehensible to redact every mention of it.  And people would be angry that their rebuttals were removed.

    I know that many members believe that Gary has a special status and that other people routinely have their conspiratorial comments redacted.  But there are tons of comments we have not redacted accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering Jeffrey Epstein, to use one example.  There aren’t enough moderators to keep watch over every thread and enforce all the rules to the hilt.

    • #226
  17. DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) Coolidge
    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax)

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    Stina (View Comment):

    So do I get to flag Gary everytime he lies about this? Is that against the COC? Fruitcake/misinformation ?

    Of course not. Because Blue Yeti believes this lie, too!

    Promoting debunked conspiracy theories is a COC, right?

    Anything that makes the Ricochet Community look like a bunch of radical fruitcakes. This includes 99% of conspiracy theories.

    Sometimes we do redact comments with radical fruitcake conspiracy theories. Sometimes it is not practical because the moderators don’t know about it until dozens of comments have been made quoting and referencing the fruitcake comment. It would make the whole thread incomprehensible to redact every mention of it. And people would be angry that their rebuttals were removed.

    I know that many members believe that Gary has a special status and that other people routinely have their conspiratorial comments redacted. But there are tons of comments we have not redacted accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering Jeffrey Epstein, to use one example. There aren’t enough moderators to keep watch over every thread and enforce all the rules to the hilt.

    Thanks, Randy.   I think the moderators do a great job and I don’t want y’all to get involved in redacting the debate over the veracity of various news items.   I don’t think people should start flagging things they don’t want to read.  The answer to free speech is more free speech.   If people are tired of debunking the same old disinformation, they can create a group (eg, NT-Debunkers) and then post links or copy paste the boilerplate.   Me, I have a browser pluggin that hides stuff I don’t want to waste time seeing. 

    • #227
  18. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    Sometimes we do redact comments with radical fruitcake conspiracy theories.

    But who can tell anymore? So many “conspiracy theories” have turned out to be “conspiracy facts.”

    • #228
  19. RufusRJones Member

    OK I  can’t think of any extreme conspiracies around here.

    Having said that, and I I’ve said this before, the ruling class starts doing what Alex Jones babbled about a few years prior way too many times. If they think he’s a problem, they are partly to blame.

    • #229
  20. kedavis Coolidge

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    Randy Weivoda (View Comment):
    Sometimes we do redact comments with radical fruitcake conspiracy theories.

    But who can tell anymore? So many “conspiracy theories” have turned out to be “conspiracy facts.”

    I thought the preferred terminology was “spoiler alerts.”

    • #230
  21. Miffed White Male Member
    Miffed White Male

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    OK I can’t think of any extreme conspiracies around here.


    Pffft.  You probably think birds are real too.  


    • #231
  22. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    OK I can’t think of any extreme conspiracies around here.

    I can. From the Russian Collusion fraud to the January 6th Committee, the last five years have been full of them, and most of those were prominently displayed here on Ricochet. So let’s not pretend that Ricochet doesn’t traffic in conspiracy theories. It’s a source of them, especially if they involved the Hated Orange Man.

    • #232
  23. RufusRJones Member

    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic … (View Comment):

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    OK I can’t think of any extreme conspiracies around here.

    I can. From the Russian Collusion fraud to the January 6th Committee, the last five years have been full of them, and most of those were prominently displayed here on Ricochet. So let’s not pretend that Ricochet doesn’t traffic in conspiracy theories. It’s a source of them, especially if they involved the Hated Orange Man.

    Well done. lol 

    I can’t understand why anybody fell for the Russia stuff.

    • #233
  24. DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Unapologetic Oaf

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    I can’t understand why anybody fell for the Russia stuff.

    It fit what they wanted to believe, and they basically hypnotized themselves into believing it.

    Of course, given Democrats’ penchant for projection, I’m pretty sure that the Russian Hookers/Golden Showers incident actually involved Hunter Biden. I mean, we already know — as a fact, not a conspiracy — that ol’ Joe bought Russian hookers for his boy.

    • #234
  25. RufusRJones Member

    He has the IRS giving him a continual colonoscopy for taking that $1 billion deduction. 

    Surrounded by lawyers.

    He’s an international criminal with contact with Putin and he’s going to run for POTUS. 


    • #235
  26. Goldwaterwoman Thatcher

    kedavis (View Comment):
    Hmm, okay, Biden voters may not be “appalling” (or not all of them, anyway) but how about “unforgivably stupid?”

    Add to that horribly uninformed by a media unwilling to tell both sides of the story and the reasons for their support. For example, was it ever pointed out that Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House under Trump and Romney’s choice for VP, worked against his president instead of supporting him. How influential was Romney in the Never movement? 

    • #236
  27. Django Member

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    navyjag (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    “They don’t hate Trump, they hate his voters.” is more true today than ever.

    I don’t hate Trump’s voters. Trump himself, it is very hard to forgive, and impossible to forget.

    Get the impossible to forget part. None of us can forget this very unusual guy. What is to forgive? Less regulation? Justice Barret? Because he ran his mouth on Jan. 6 and Buffalo guy wondered around the capitol building? WTF?

    Perhaps you missed the January 6th hearings last night and beforehand. Trump set up the riot, and refused for 187 minutes to tell the rioters to go home. Once he did, the riot stopped.

    Why does anyone care about that committee when there are liars in charge. “Liar” is a strong word. Watch the following video and see if it applies to Crazy Lizzy.

    Dirty Liz Cheney Is Caught Openly Lying About Trump’s Request for 20,000 National Guard on January 6 (

    • #237
  28. She Member

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):
    Will I need to start treating your threads like a conspiracy theorist who believes the Man is corrupting our precious bodily fluids? 




    • #238
  29. She Member

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    navyjag (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    “They don’t hate Trump, they hate his voters.” is more true today than ever.

    I don’t hate Trump’s voters. Trump himself, it is very hard to forgive, and impossible to forget.

    Get the impossible to forget part. None of us can forget this very unusual guy. What is to forgive? Less regulation? Justice Barret? Because he ran his mouth on Jan. 6 and Buffalo guy wondered around the capitol building? WTF?

    Perhaps you missed the January 6th hearings last night and beforehand. Trump set up the riot, and refused for 187 minutes to tell the rioters to go home. Once he did, the riot stopped.

    Why does anyone care about that committee when there are liars in charge. “Liar” is a strong word. Watch the following video and see if it applies to Crazy Lizzy.

    Dirty Liz Cheney Is Caught Openly Lying About Trump’s Request for 20,000 National Guard on January 6 (

    That is quite striking.

    Liz Piggy Miss Cheney Liz Cheney might go a small way to rehabilitating herself were she to adopt the other image as her social media avatar for a bit.  But, like most entitled, powerful, finger-wagging nanny-types, she seems utterly bereft of a sense of humor, particularly one that has shown itself to be at her own expense.

    • #239
  30. BDB Inactive

    She (View Comment):

    Django (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    navyjag (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DonG (CAGW is a Hoax) (View Comment):

    “They don’t hate Trump, they hate his voters.” is more true today than ever.

    I don’t hate Trump’s voters. Trump himself, it is very hard to forgive, and impossible to forget.

    Get the impossible to forget part. None of us can forget this very unusual guy. What is to forgive? Less regulation? Justice Barret? Because he ran his mouth on Jan. 6 and Buffalo guy wondered around the capitol building? WTF?

    Perhaps you missed the January 6th hearings last night and beforehand. Trump set up the riot, and refused for 187 minutes to tell the rioters to go home. Once he did, the riot stopped.

    Why does anyone care about that committee when there are liars in charge. “Liar” is a strong word. Watch the following video and see if it applies to Crazy Lizzy.

    Dirty Liz Cheney Is Caught Openly Lying About Trump’s Request for 20,000 National Guard on January 6 (

    That is quite striking.

    Liz Piggy Miss Cheney Liz Cheney might go a small way to rehabilitating herself were she to adopt the other image as her social media avatar for a bit. But, like most entitled, powerful, finger-wagging nanny-types, she seems utterly bereft of a sense of humor, particularly one that has shown itself to be at her own expense.

    Green Man Bad.

    Striking.  If you stand at Trump/Pepe and dig straight down, you will eventually come out at Liz Cheney / Miss Piggy.

    • #240
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