Party of the KKK Rigging Election Against Black Republican


Larry ElderCalifornia is in the middle of voting on whether to remove a white privileged “progressive” politician, and, if the polling is accurate, replace him with a Black Republican who grew up in a blue-collar Los Angeles neighborhood. It should surprise no one that the party of the KKK, with a vile elitist bigot, Woodrow Wilson, as its ideological father, would try to keep the Black Republican from even getting on the ballot, smear him, and engage in real election fraud, stuffing the recall election ballot box between mid-August and September 14.

The radical leftist Democrat California Secretary of State falsely disqualified Larry Elder from placement on the ballot, on the pretext of incomplete tax return informational filing. A leftist Democrat judge had the integrity to stop this attempt at suppressing a Black Republican and his voters.

“I don’t find Mr. Elder was required to file a tax return at all,” Superior Court Judge Laurie M. Earl said. “I would find he substantially complied.”

“I don’t find that the recall election is a direct primary election ballot,” Judge Earl said. “I don’t find that Mr. Elder was required to file tax returns at all.”

The law misused against Larry Elder was created to attack President Trump in 2024.

In 2019, Gov. Newsom signed a bill into law requiring presidential and state candidates to release five years of tax returns. Aimed at preventing President Donald Trump from being on the California ballot, the California Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for only Presidential candidates. However Judge Earl together with the attorneys noted that the statute language does not apply to recall elections.

Having failed to rig the ballot, the Democrats have shifted to the usual smear campaign, along with setting the conditions to steal the election by stuffing the ballot box. A Fox News report, on a prominent California Democrat endorsing Larry Elder and a “Yes” vote, drew this early comment:

I live in LA county. A few days ago, I received 7 ballots in the mail. 3 of them are for people that have not lived in my house for more than 3 years. Two Of them now live in the Midwest. I’m just one household.

Three extra ballots per household add up to more than chump change, but that is small potatoes next to larger scale operations. How about 300 stolen ballots at a time?

TORRANCE (CBSLA) — The theft of hundreds of stolen California recall election ballots is being investigated by Torrance police’s Special Investigations Division, the U.S. Postal Service and the LA County District Attorney Public Integrity Unit.

More than 300 ballots were found in the car of a person arrested last Monday. Torrance police did not say why the person was arrested, or where the arrest took place.

[ . . . ]

You can track your ballot information here.

The perpetrator was released on his own recognizance, thanks to a radical leftist county prosecutor. The tone of the Democrats’ propaganda organ is that there is nothing to see here and that the Black man leading in the recall election polling is a really bad guy. Steven Hayward offers this composite of L.A. Times headlines in “Elder Abuse:”

Here is what Larry Elder had to say to the party of the KKK’s smear campaign:

Despite the Democrats’ worst efforts, the race is safe to steal. It is a matter of who gets the most ballots into boxes and counted. To support the steal play, Kamala Harris was supposed to appear in the Bay area in the name of increasing turn-out on the “No” side. The Democrat-made catastrophe in Kabul, however, derailed that plan. Gruesome Newsom has a bad enough image problem due to Democratic Party mismanagement of California, combined with flagrant exercises of progressive privilege, without closer association with the dumpster fire in the Swamp. Whether Newsom uninvited Harris in the hours after the mass murder of Americans in Kabul or whoever is running the White House waved off Harris, reinforcements are not coming for Newsom, as Harris canceled the Bay area trip.

Larry Elder responded to the slaughter of Americans with two messages:

Meanwhile, Larry Elder continued to take on hostile media and gained religious community support. Here he did a long interview with a professional television reporter whose station could not manage basic recording levels. Elder soldiered through:

Larry Elder asks “Do I look like a white supremacist?”

Pastor José Velazquez promotes Larry Elder as a governor who will restore positive partnership with the faith community, addressing the issues of the poor and mentally ill who make up the massive homeless population.

On a day with dreadful news, Larry Elder’s long-time tagline is especially appropriate: “America, we have a country to save!” Part of saving our constitutional republic is inflicting real defeats on the radical left and their RepubliCAN’T enablers. If enough ballots are counted to add up to 50% plus 1 for “Yes” to recalling Newsom, and if a plurality of ballots are counted for Larry Elder, that will be a significant defeat for the radical left and their RepubliCAN’T enablers a month from now. Californians, you have a state to save, because America, we have a country to save.

Published in Elections
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  1. Gazpacho Grande' Coolidge
    Gazpacho Grande'

    Gary McVey (View Comment):

    Up through when I was in my thirties, California was a competitive state that frequently voted Republican. Southern California was (still is slightly) more conservative than the Bay Area. Orange County, to the south of L.A., was a virtual ATM for the Republican Party. On the other hand, Texas was solidly Democratic. What happened? National trends, sure…the end of the Cold War meant hundreds of thousands of SoCal jobs were lost in the generally conservative defense-related industries. A century-old tradition of CA elites looking up to east coast social styles and attitudes. But a lot of it was the simple fact that the CA state Republican party messed up nearly every chance they got, and the TX party played their economic cards much more shrewdly.

    Much of the immigration problem was originally caused by GOP fat cats, who wanted those cheap workers, so the party acquired the justly two faced reputation of one that would fight the culture wars piously but not touch the borders, the lifeblood of CA’s powerful agriculture, restaurant and hotel/leisure businesses. Even in the Reagan years, the state party was too dominated by the kind of businessman who spends a lot of weekday time on the golf links. An unfair stereotype? Not by much. And it hasn’t been outdated for that long, either.

    Larry’s up against that, and winning support. If he gets elected next month, he’ll need a lot more Latinos to win re-election in 2022. If he gets them, then that would be a profound shift.

    Hey.  You make it sound like golfing on the weekend is a bad thing.

    See the source image

    • #31
  2. Stina Member

    Gazpacho Grande' (View Comment):

    Hey.  You make it sound like golfing on the weekend is a bad thing.


    It is when it’s used to protect yourself from the unwashed. I think this is part of Tucker’s gripe with the NTs. These are his people and they moved left as their party became a “big tent”. They don’t like sharing the tent with people demanding favorable results. And Trump gave the tent fillers what they wanted instead of the country club set. That’s not how the R party is supposed to operate.

    • #32
  3. Bishop Wash Member
    Bishop Wash

    Vance Richards (View Comment):

    It’s such a knee-jerk reaction for Democrats to call any conservative a racist and/or White supremacist that they don’t even think to change their attack when faced with a conservative who is not white

    They are quite malleable and adapt quickly. George Zimmerman, sounds like an old white guy so his racism must be why he killed Saint Travon. What? He’s an Obama voting Hispanic? I got it, he’s a white Hispanic. Press on with the racism angle.

    • #33
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