There’s No Debate

Debate number two is in the history books now, and to help us parse all the performances we call on two experts: Michael Barone and Rick Wilson. Who won, who lost, who scored and who fumbled? All questions answered within. Also, whither Scott Walker? And, We’re Number 1!

Music from this week’s episode:

King For a Day by XTC

The opening sequence for the Ricochet Podcast was composed and produced by James Lileks.

Get me a rewrite, EJHill.

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There are 37 comments.

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  1. Leigh Inactive

    Lidens Cheng:

    Peter Fumo:Seemed like Rick Wilson has a withering contempt for Trump supporters and those who frequent casinos. I guess it is dumb to say things that turn off Hispanics voters who overwhelmingly support Democrats while degrading the type of voter who potentially would vote Republican if anyone wanted their vote. But I am not a campaign consultant.

    Campaign consultants are overrated. They’re the reason Rick Perry is gone, and Scott Walker’s campaign is dying.

    Actually by every report I’ve read part of Walker’s problem is that he doesn’t really listen to campaign consultants…

    I think both succeeded by knowing their state very, very well. They’re both extremely talented politicians. But the things they used so effectively in-state weren’t in play nationally.

    They both had what it took to get to the top — we know that, because they both did. Perry was brought down by verbal stumbles and sheer lack of preparation in 2012, and couldn’t gain a hearing again.  Walker’s whole campaign strategy — slow and steady — was turned upside down by events: first his own unexpected jump to the top of the polls, and then the rise of Trump — and he was unprepared to adjust to either event.

    • #31
  2. Brian Watt Inactive
    Brian Watt

    Ario IronStar:I’m just wondering:  why does Ricochet have Rick Wilson on?  Whatever the merits of his political insights (seems bog standard to me, though), hasn’t he demonstrated conclusively that he falls far, far below the minimal decorum required by the CoC?  Any defenders?  Perhaps I’ve missed something?

    I detect a bit of inconsistency here.

    On the one hand, Rick Wilson presumably should be purged from Ricochet for his over-the-top comments about Ann Coulter, Trump and Trump supporters. On the other hand, is Ms. Coulter to be a continued Ricochet guest because of her support for Trump no matter what outrageous thing she utters or tweets in the way that Mr. Trump is vehemently defended no matter what outrageous or offensive remark he utters or tweets?

    I have no problem if Ms. Coulter remains a guest on Ricochet, provided I am always free to criticize her scorched earth tactics and sometimes quite vulgar remarks.

    But if this free-for-all, no-holds-barred ugly pre-election mosh pit is going to continue to be allowed – then what is the logic for banning Rick Wilson from Ricochet but not Ms. Coulter?

    Or is Mr. Wilson being singled out because he once offended Ms. Coulter and continues to offend Mr. Trump or Mr. Trump’s supporters? If so, shouldn’t those, complaining that we live in a overly politically correct environment of the too easily offended, put up with the occasional Ricochet presence of Rick Wilson even as they find him…oh, what’s the word?…offensive?

    • #32
  3. Leigh Inactive

    Oh. So I finally finished, and I’m in it.


    To the point, I wasn’t “complaining about the media” so much as making a point about Walker and something his campaign needs to reckon with. He rose to prominence Wisconsin in large part by mastering talk radio — a significant media presence in WI, and especially Milwaukee County. Even as a backbench state legislator he was, by all accounts, all over the airwaves, and over 20 years he established relationships and credibility that matter to this day. There’s even a Lefty conspiracy theory that Sykes and Belling control Walker or vice versa, or something.

    Hardly, but being largely conservative they generally approve of their conservative governor, and they actually talk about policy. Thanks largely to talk radio and a few internet outshoots, Wisconsin conservatives in general seem far more informed about their state than anywhere else I’ve lived. I doubt I know a soul in Virginia who could tell me a fraction as much about this state’s last budget as the average listener to Charlie Sykes could tell you about the one Walker signed this year.

    This matters (and will continue to matter after Walker).

    • #33
  4. Leigh Inactive

    Jump from that to a national stage where NRO and HotAir and Breitbart run stories questioning his commitment on abortion (really!!) or accepting mainstream reporting on immigration, on which he’s not been as convoluted as reported. (No, he didn’t take three positions on birthright citizenship). It is inevitable, with rival campaigns feeding stories everywhere. Walker’s 2010 opponent wasn’t going to get away with lying about his record as county executive. Trump has lied quite blatantly, with talking points straight from Mary Burke’s campaign. Perhaps Hannity or Limbaugh fact-checked this. But if so I missed hearing about it.

    Walker’s experienced in dealing with that and worse from the mainstream media. But not on his right flank, not to that extent. It matters.

    That said, I will complain about the media. If you can’t discuss and research the truth on serious issues because you’re more concerned about ratings than principles, don’t be shocked when you elect politicians who are more concerned about polls than principles. I realize that’s 21st-century America. But conservatives pretend to be better than that, and we ought to call them out when their not.

    • #34
  5. Douglas Inactive

    Peter Fumo:Seemed like Rick Wilson has a withering contempt for Trump supporters and those who frequent casinos. I guess it is dumb to say things that turn off Hispanics voters who overwhelmingly support Democrats while degrading the type of voter who potentially would vote Republican if anyone wanted their vote. But I am not a campaign consultant.

    Wilson seems to be going for Michael Murphy’s old “Efff you proles” slot at Ricochet. And the shots at Ted Cruz… “Trump’s mini-me”… sounded bitter. And the public doesn’t seem to share his notion that Carly destroyed Trump this week. But like you, I’m not a campaign consultant, and Mongo not smart like those guys.

    • #35
  6. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus

    Mr. Dart:

    Ario IronStar:Also, regarding the mention of the Trump Obama/Muslim “controversy,” Republicans gotta get a grip on this. This apology syndrome is foolish. As so often, Steyn (last week’s guest) pretty much sums it up:

    I especially liked #5 of Steyn’s 7 responses but all 7 had merit.

    None of them seemed in line with James’s view that what Trump did (or, more accurately, didn’t do) was, “gaffetastic!”

    I liked #3 and #4, personally.

    • #36
  7. JimGoneWild Coolidge

    Rick Wilson is dead wrong about casinos going bankrupt. Casinos all over the US are in the range of: struggling to closing, and everything in between. I can name a bunch of them. Even before the explosion of Indian casinos, Atlantic City casinos were on the brink of bankruptcy with each small dip in the economy. Rick should know better. But his clear dislike of Trump has clouded his brain.

    • #37
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