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The Ricochet Podcast returns with two members of the podcast bullpen getting up to the plate: The Hemingway’s Mollie Hemingway and Need To Know’s Mona Charen discuss the politics of procreation, being a Cards fan in a Red Sox world, and rousing debate on why the shutdown strategy didn’t work. Batter up!

Music from this week’s episode:

Big Brother by David Bowie

The Ricochet Podcast opening theme was composed and produced by James Lileks.

Home run, EJHill.

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There are 46 comments.

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  1. Profile Photo Inactive
    Mollie Hemingway

    Rawls: Peter, the way to avoid more children from being born out of wedlock is to increase access to birth control. You asked Mona for a solution, but there are only trade offs here. Less single parentage or less birth control.

    And you can see this easily by tracking how increased “access” to birth control has led to steep declines in out-of-wedlock births. Just look around you at the world since the 1960s and you can see pretty easily that all it took to get rid of out-of-wedlock births back then was just explosively higher access to birth control. Right?

    Respectfully, I don’t think it’s that one dimensional.

    Birth control was a significant, if not the primary, cause of the sexual revolution. I honestly believe that now, with that genie out of the bottle (one that’s not going back in), we have to be more pragmatic and do what has been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancies. That’s some combination of 1) increasing access to contraception while 2) also teaching thorough sex ed curriculum AND 3) abstinence education.

    • #31
  2. Profile Photo Inactive

    Birth control was a significant, if not the primary, cause of the sexual revolution. I honestly believe that now, with that genie out of the bottle (one that’s not going back in), we have to be more pragmatic and do what has been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancies. That’s some combination of 1) increasing access to contraception while 2) also teaching thorough sex ed curriculum AND 3) abstinence education. 

    I can’t remember where the dang study is– I read it quite a while back– but easy, no-parents-involved access to birth control for high school kids was associated with higher teen pregnancy rates when you adjusted for demographics, family background, etc.  Tried finding it, but can only find folks making hay of the under twenty birth rate falling.

    Basically, girls didn’t have an easy out when pressured for sex, and birth control fails.

    I would guess that it carries across to adulthood, too.  It’s sadly amazing what some guys will claim they’re entitled to for the questionable pleasure of their company, and what some gals will give in to.

    • #32
  3. Profile Photo Staff

    The ultimate in “Spanish Peanuts”

    • #33
  4. Profile Photo Coolidge
    Peter Robinson

    Chris O.: I’d love to hear about the conversation between Buckley, Robinson and Bowie. Not that a starstruck Peter would necessarily remember! · 25 minutes ago

    Bowie at dinner was quiet, modest, soft-spoken, and more interested in what others had to say than in talking himself.  Just struck me as a nice, quiet guy.  Hard to believe, I know, but there you are. · 14 hours ago

    I actually can believe it. I’m not surprised to learn that someone who excels at connecting with people through his art is an adept observer and listener. Much, I think, like you, Peter. Thanks for sharing.

    • #34
  5. Profile Photo Inactive

    That title actually made me think “Mmmm, spanish peanuts, that sounds good right now”.  After listening I don’t know if I can ever eat them again.

    • #35
  6. Profile Photo Coolidge

    I’m a little late to the fair but the answer to James’ question about naming a single program or subsidy that has been ripped out root and branch was ‘welfare reform which has since been undone’ , EXACTLY the point , if it’s not torn out completely it will grow back. Mohair, Spanish American war telephone tax, Al Gore Connectivity tax, cowboy poetry , Acorn, even when they’re temporarily removed they are just slipped back into the next ‘omnibus’  spending bill.

    So those of you who’ve been ‘working in the trenches since Ted Cruz was in diapers’ , how’s that workin’ out for ya’ , trimming the edges of the Democrat’s kudzu?  

    • #36
  7. Profile Photo Inactive

    Mona positioned herself as a victim. Complaining about name calling. As I recall, she was pretty good at name calling herself.

    Later, she did describe what generously can be described as a strategy. “Give to average voter something that improves their life”. Sounds very “me too” to me. Why not just vote Democrat?

    • #37
  8. Profile Photo Member

    Excellent podcast.  Troy was a very adept replacement for Rob – although replacing Rob’s personality, educational and intellectual depth, and undoubted charm is not really feasible.  No, I’m not kidding.

    Mona and Molly were good guests – while my own views are closer to Molly’s, both ladies speak well, and are reasoned and thoughtful – everything that the Left despises. 

    James Lileks quip was indeed memorable – and once again, thanks for the return of the Diner, James. 

    Peter – have you thought about having Andy Ferguson on the Podcast?  I seem to remember he may have been once, back in the dim recesses of my memory – perhaps when he was flogging his last book?  In any case, I should think discussing his long interview with Senator Cruz, and getting some of his thoughts and insights on the man, first hand, would be interesting. 

    Thanks, all, for producing such consistently high quality and engaging content.

    • #38
  9. Profile Photo Inactive

    “Give to average voter something that improves their life”. Sounds very “me too” to me. Why not just vote Democrat?

    Hm… About the only thing that Republicans can do that Dems wouldn’t is try to remove legal strangleholds.

    That’s one way to improve life.

    What laws/regulations can we urge getting rid of that would improve folks’ lives?  (Probably still wouldn’t work for “college” kids being supported by mom and dad.)

    • #39
  10. Profile Photo Inactive

    swatter:. . . .in none of the podcasts did she whine about it.. . .

    It depends on what sounds like whining to you. I heard a fair amount of whining from her, but I guess whining is in the ear of the behearer.

    I am ready to “move on and unite,” but if Mona keeps taking backwards swipes at Cruz and the TP, she’ll have to expect to get something in return. · October 25, 2013 at 8:46am

    Edited on October 25, 2013 at 8:49am

    I’m hearing you on Mona. She was stretching it when paired with Kristol.

    Lest we forget, John Hinderaker was against the Cruz strategy for about the same reasons. No one went after him, but there is no whine in Minnesota.

    Point to consider: 10 Dem Senators want to delay Ocare for political reasons. Why did McCain and the rest of Surrender Caucus run interference? Just thinking out loud.

    • #40
  11. Profile Photo Member
    Giantkiller: Excellent podcast.  Troy was a very adept replacement for Rob – although replacing Rob’s personality, educational and intellectual depth, and undoubted charm is not really feasible.  No, I’m not kidding.

    Very kind to me but, more importantly, 100 percent right about Rob. Sometimes you’re the schlub who guest hosts the Tonight Show.

    • #41
  12. Profile Photo Member

    Schlub?  No – more like the guy who worries Johnny so much he takes fewer vacations.

    • #42
  13. Profile Photo Member

    “two members of the podcast bullpen getting up to the plate”

    What national pastime did you grow up with?  Not the one I did.  The Metaphor Umpire says “Yer OUTTA here!”

    • #43
  14. Profile Photo Member

    Troy:  “The costs are also transparent”

    When did “transparent” come to mean “visible” rather than “transmitting light; not obscuring”?

    If the costs are figuratively transparent, no one would see them.

    • #44
  15. Profile Photo Staff
    Troy Senik, Ed. Sometimes you’re the schlub who guest hosts the Tonight Show.  

    Troynac the Magnificent.

    • #45
  16. Profile Photo Inactive

    Mona’s explanation that Republicans need to stop the purity tests and look at the average voter in how to promote polices that will make their life easier. The problem with that is anytime a Republican tries to articulate

    The conservative position and describe how the Democrats policies will make your life harder and how the conservative position can make life easier (like what Ted Cruz did during his filibuster) they get dumped on by the Conservative punditry in DC and the leaders of the Republican party. I remember Mona in a podcast dumped all over Steve King after he mentioned that there are teenaged drug mules crossing the border and that maybe we should take a second look at the immigration bill to make sure we don’t open avenues to make it easier for the cartels to transport drugs. Until the conservative position is articulated without the naysayers from the right we’ll never be able to get our message out.

    • #46
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