As I’m sure you’ve heard, Trump the Dictator is messing with the U.S. Post Office in an attempt to steal the election. He’s removing blue boxes from corners! He’s taking mail processing machines out of service! He’s tying the shoelaces of mail carriers! Can artificial snowstorms be far behind? Or genetically modified super dogs to chase mail carriers away?

This is one of those frenzied stories that has taken wing but deserves to be marked “returned to sender.” As it happens, one of the members of the Postal Service Board of Governors, John Barger, is an old friend of mine, and when I read in the Los Angeles Times that protesters were turning up at his residence, I decided it was time to ring him up and work through some of the myths about what is really going on. Bottom line: there’s nothing to this story. The problems with mail-in balloting won’t be because of any problems with the Post Office. This is a story with no forwarding address. But it may just be part of a larger narrative the left is unspooling to base a challenge to the election if it is close.


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