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Is Donald Trump toast? Are the walls closing in on Hunter Biden? Those are questions that can’t adequately be answered by two minutes of cable news. Luckily, Professors Richard Epstein and John Yoo are here with one of the all-time deep-dive Law Talk episodes: a thorough look at the cases facing Donald Trump in Georgia, Florida, D.C., and Manhattan as well as the increasingly inscrutable case of Hunter Biden. Which case is most likely to take Trump down? What kinds of questions are raised by the DOJ’s bobbling of the Biden charges? And who’s going to be left standing when the dust clears? All that and more — plus a chance to submit your questions for the professors — on this episode.
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Hunter will slide.
Like the FBI who pushed Russian Collusion, those who are favored by the permanent bureaucracy and corporate media, live by different set of laws.
Hopefully the family will suffer politically at least.