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Adam White and Jace Lington talk with Josh Chafetz and Noah Rosenblum about some of the big administrative law cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. They discuss the state of the Court, where things might be headed next, and problems with conservative critiques of the Administrative State.
- Noah Rosenblum, What We Talk About When We Talk About the Rule of Law in the Administrative State, New York University Journal of Law & Liberty, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2023)
- Josh Chafetz, The New Judicial Power Grab, St. Louis University Law Journal, Vol. 67 (2023)
- CFPB v. CFAS, Brief of Professors of History and Constitutional Law as Amici Curiae (2023)
- Beau J. Baumann, Americana Administrative Law, Georgetown Law Journal, Vol. 111 (2023)
- Nikolas Bowie & Daphna Renan, The Separation-of-Powers Counterrevolution, Vol. 131, No. 7 (2022)
- Ashraf Ahmed, Lev Menand, Noah Rosenblum, The Tragedy of Presidential Administration, Gray Center Working Paper, 2021
- Josh Chafetz, Congress’s Constitution (2019)
- Leah Litman, Debunking Antinovelty, Duke Law Journal, Vol. 66, No. 7 (2017)
- Kent Barnett & Christopher J. Walker, Chevron in the Circuit Courts, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 116, No. 1 (2017)
- Daniel R. Ernst, Tocqueville’s Nightmare, Oxford University Press (2014)
- Richard E. Neustadt, Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents (1991)
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