Coffee, Clowns, Social Media, and Apes

This week on GLoP, we ramble though a grand tour of disparate topics: Charlton Heston (his turns in both Earthquake and Planet of The Apes), clown school, the Democrat’s double shot caffeinated response to Starbuck’s Howard Shultz pondering a Presidential run, the perils of being too forthcoming on social media and some pondering about the effect of social media on society at large, and a whole lot of other ephemera and giggles. In other words, have a hot, steaming cup of GLoP on us.

Music from this week’s show: Black Coffee in Bed by Squeeze

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There are 30 comments.

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  1. Barry Jones Thatcher
    Barry Jones

    For Rob, actually illegals are responsible for hundreds (at least) of deaths in this country every year. About half are vehicular related and the other half are run of the mill homicides. Most of the murders are criminals on criminals (those MS13 alter  boys and their friends). Most of the vehicular related ones involve booze. Just watching the local papers I see one of those a month or more, just around here. And that doesn’t even touch the deaths via drugs. Most of the opiate overdoses are from drugs smuggled over the border. Also, it is my understanding that illegals cost the taxpayers billions annually. If a wall or appropriate border barriers can cut down on that, it will be money well spent. And it should be able to cut down on the numbers after all the infamous caravan from October/November fame hit the wall on the California border and stopped. Few if any of those folks made into the country, so walls can work- they don’t have to be perfect, just one of several ways we protect the border, like more judges to process border crossers, more enforcement agents (Border Patrol), more housing for those that do cross the border but are apprehended or are asylum seekers. All of which are part of what the administration requested funds for in addition to a couple of hundred miles of new barriers and repair of existing ones.

    • #1
  2. kedavis Coolidge

    I think the mutated humans in “Beneath The Planet Of The Apes” were mutated as a result of radiation from the previous nuclear war, not because of the presence of that bomb that they worshiped.

    And in the third movie, they went back in time before the Earth was destroyed.  But it was crap, because supposedly the apes recovered the crashed ship from the first movie, figured out how it worked (?!?!?!?!?!) and got it back into space somehow (?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!) and just happened to go back in time to just after the first movie began (with the launching from Earth)…  !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    • #2
  3. kedavis Coolidge

    Re media and video etc: several years ago, I think it was a local radio host who pointed out that TV news didn’t start having a big audience until COLOR TV became common, and they could show COLOR video of building fires, etc.

    • #3
  4. Eustace C. Scrubb Member
    Eustace C. Scrubb

    Dr. Zaius, John, is not a chimp; he is an orangutan.

    • #4
  5. kedavis Coolidge

    OR is he?

    • #5
  6. EJHill Staff

    kedavis: Re media and video etc: several years ago, I think it was a local radio host who pointed out that TV news didn’t start having a big audience until COLOR TV became common, and they could show COLOR video of building fires, etc.

    Probably not. The networks began broadcasting color in earnest starting in 1965 but consumers were in no hurry to buy. It wasn’t until 1972 that the market saturation for color sets passed the 50% mark and wouldn’t climb above 80% until the early 80s.

    The turning point was probably the creation of the “Eyewitness News” format. It started in Philadelphia in the mid-60s under News Director Al Primo at KYW. It emphasized faster pace, banter between segments and more live shots. (As much as the then-technology allowed.)  But it really came to blossom when Primo was lured away by ABC in 1968 to run the news at their NYC O&O, WABC.

    In Philadelphia Primo had used a snippet of music from from a James Bond movie as his news “theme,” but for New York it was this section of the score of Cool Hand Luke by Lalo Schifrin:

    They still use a variation of it 50 years later:

    What you really know as broadcast news began in 1975 when Sony introduced the first portable 3/4″ U-Matic VCR. When stations were able to ditch 16mm film for video it was a game-changer.

    • #6
  7. Blue Yeti Staff
    Blue Yeti

    Eustace C. Scrubb (View Comment):

    Dr. Zaius, John, is not a chimp; he is an orangutan.

    Damn, should have used that for the closing song. Totally forgot about it. 

    • #7
  8. dicentra Inactive

    It doesn’t sound like Rob knows that on Twitter you get real-time updates on the likes and retweets for a given tweet. Instant feedback, as good as getting actual laughs, is what makes Twitter addictive, not getting new followers.

    • #8
  9. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Barry Jones (View Comment):

    For Rob, actually illegals are responsible for hundreds (at least) of deaths in this country every year. About half are vehicular related and the other half are run of the mill homicides. Most of the murders are criminals on criminals (those MS13 alter boys and their friends). Most of the vehicular related ones involve booze. Just watching the local papers I see one of those a month or more, just around here. And that doesn’t even touch the deaths via drugs. Most of the opiate overdoses are from drugs smuggled over the border. Also, it is my understanding that illegals cost the taxpayers billions annually. If a wall or appropriate border barriers can cut down on that, it will be money well spent. And it should be able to cut down on the numbers after all the infamous caravan from October/November fame hit the wall on the California border and stopped. Few if any of those folks made into the country, so walls can work- they don’t have to be perfect, just one of several ways we protect the border, like more judges to process border crossers, more enforcement agents (Border Patrol), more housing for those that do cross the border but are apprehended or are asylum seekers. All of which are part of what the administration requested funds for in addition to a couple of hundred miles of new barriers and repair of existing ones.

    Doesn’t the funding for the wall cost $5 billion? 

    • #9
  10. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Probably crime rates aren’t insane among illegals but I think there is good evidence that is concerning. 

    This is a pretty reasonable article that makes the case. 

    • #10
  11. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Jonah really needs to watch this video. 

    • #11
  12. kedavis Coolidge

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Probably crime rates aren’t insane among illegals but I think there is good evidence that is concerning.

    This is a pretty reasonable article that makes the case.

    It may be that the crime rate among citizens is higher than that of illegals.  But that ignores the point that they aren’t supposed to be here. So if the crime rate is non-zero, that’s a valid issue.

    • #12
  13. FredGoodhue Coolidge

    You all remind me of the song from Fiddler on the Roof, I Wish I were a Rich Man.  If you’re rich, people assume you are wise.

    • #13
  14. J Ro Member
    J Ro

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Probably crime rates aren’t insane among illegals but I think there is good evidence that is concerning.

    This is a pretty reasonable article that makes the case.

    Ever notice how the people who argue that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes or have lower crime rates than citizens never give any data? That’s because they’re lying.

    1) Nobody knows how many illegal aliens are in the US. Millions come and go as they please. 10 million? 20 million? Nobody knows and our government doesn’t seem to care.

    2) The crimes being discussed are rarely defined. Illegal border crossing? False documents to obtain driving permit, welfare, employment, voter registration? Driving without insurance? There’s a lot of law breaking, often multiple counts of the same offense, but usually it’s unclear what is being counted as ‘a crime.’

    3) The Federal gov’t does not release data that isolates illegal aliens who commit crimes. They look only at citizens vs non-citizens. Outside of millions who have broken the law by overstaying their visas, there are many non-citizens who are not likely to break the law. Examples range from Russian women who pay big bucks to visit and give birth in US hospitals (I know, sounds crazy, but I heard it on BBC News.) to millions of green card holders who hope to earn citizenship by following the rules. Tens of thousands serve in the US military.

    4) Some data is available, but open borders advocates don’t like it mentioned. In the last two years, illegal aliens have committed 4000 murders. (Heard from an authoritative guest on an Andrew Klavan podcast, I believe it was.)

    So imagine that instead of pulling ridiculously low numbers out of his uh… silk hat (“four murders in the US out of 330 million people”), JPod had instead said, “5.4 murders per day. That’s almost four times as many as killed in mass shootings. We’re in a weird position when what is being described is so separate from reality.” Indeed.

    • #14
  15. Repmodad Inactive

    Nothing makes me happier than references to Dudley Moore’s Arthur, to the point that it has prompted me to post here for the first time. Kind of sad, really.

    I think Arthur is criminally under-rated, and one of the most quote-able movies ever. Pretty much everything John Gielgud said in that movie is hilarious, and “I’ll alert the media” even made it into the wider culture for a long time. And don’t get me started on the scene with the moose.

    (My affection for it may also be tied to the fact that my family happened to get a satellite dish and gain access to premium movie channels at the time Arthur came out. I watched it about 100 times, and we kept inviting over various aunts and uncles to watch it with us.)

    One of my recent joys as a parent was when my daughter saw me prepping some cheese and crackers for a party and quoted the line “He’s taking the knife out of the cheese. Do you think he wants some cheese?”

    Incidentally, I recently rewatched an episode of Columbo and realized for the first time that Susan’s father from Arthur was the murder victim killed by George Hamilton’s psychologist character.

    • #15
  16. Bishop Wash Member
    Bishop Wash

    J Ro (View Comment):
    Ever notice how the people who argue that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes or have lower crime rates than citizens never give any data? That’s because they’re lying.

    Probably also why the phrase “100% of illegals are criminals” was getting people suspended on Twitter a few weeks ago. Supporters don’t want reminders that laws were broken to get here.

    • #16
  17. Bishop Wash Member
    Bishop Wash

    John’s rant on Covington at the end was perplexing. He said that the media understands the power of still images and yet chose to get outraged. No, the media arm of the DNC understands the power of still images and used that power to generate the story they know to be true, Trump supporters are racists. Why give them the benefit of doubt?

    • #17
  18. Texmoor Inactive

    Eustace C. Scrubb (View Comment):

    Dr. Zaius, John, is not a chimp; he is an orangutan.

    I can sing!!!

    See the source image

    • #18
  19. Texmoor Inactive

    I thought the most interesting part of the show was J Pod’s semi-serious Twitter intervention. I kept waiting for him to say “I can quit anytime.”

    • #19
  20. Taras Coolidge

    I kept waiting for someone to explain that the reason we have so many more billionaires today than in the past is:  inflation.  But nobody ever did.

    And then there is the bizarre passage in which Rob Long wonders why Republicans were looking for a fighter like Trump, when Republicans had already made such gains in Congress, and had “stopped Obama‘s agenda“.

    They stopped him from passing Obamacare?  They prevented Obama from disastrously pulling our troops out of Iraq?  They stopped him from inviting the Russians into Syria, subsidizing Iran, and giving a cold shoulder to Israel?

    Republicans were supposedly in charge of Congress, and nothing much happened.  Nothing was done to control the border, for example.  (Did they fail, or did they intend to fail?)

    This Republican “domination“ consisted of barring the door after the horse had bolted.  It followed the usual pattern of the country moving sharply to the left with the Democrats in power, then drifting slowly to the left with the Republicans in power.

    Every day, the universities, the schools, and the media are more firmly in the hands of the far left, because conservatives like Rob Long simply don’t fight back; though in pages of magazines like Commentary they occasionally deplore.

    • #20
  21. kedavis Coolidge

    Taras (View Comment):

    And then there is the bizarre passage in which Rob Long wonders why Republicans were looking for a fighter like Trump, when Republicans had already made such gains in Congress, and had “stopped Obama‘s agenda“.

    They stopped him from passing Obamacare? They prevented Obama from disastrously pulling our troops out of Iraq? They stopped him from inviting the Russians into Syria, subsidizing Iran, and giving a cold shoulder to Israel?

    Republicans were supposedly in charge of Congress, and nothing much happened. Nothing was done to control the border, for example. (Did they fail, or did they intend to fail?)

    This Republican “domination“ consisted of barring the door after the horse had bolted. It followed the usual pattern of the country moving sharply to the left with the Democrats in power, then drifting slowly to the left with the Republicans in power.

    Every day, the universities, the schools, and the media are more firmly in the hands of the far left, because conservatives like Rob Long simply don’t fight back; though in pages of magazines like Commentary they occasionally deplore.

    I’m reminded of a quote from Dennis Prager.  “After WW I, the Europeans didn’t learn to fight evil.  They learned that fighting IS evil.  (Even when fighting AGAINST evil.)”

    I guess some people, like Rob, just don’t want to be “rude.”

    • #21
  22. Taras Coolidge

    J Ro (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Probably crime rates aren’t insane among illegals but I think there is good evidence that is concerning.

    This is a pretty reasonable article that makes the case.

    Ever notice how the people who argue that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes or have lower crime rates than citizens never give any data? That’s because they’re lying.

    1) Nobody knows how many illegal aliens are in the US. Millions come and go as they please. 10 million? 20 million? Nobody knows and our government doesn’t seem to care.

    2) The crimes being discussed are rarely defined. Illegal border crossing? False documents to obtain driving permit, welfare, employment, voter registration? Driving without insurance? There’s a lot of law breaking, often multiple counts of the same offense, but usually it’s unclear what is being counted as ‘a crime.’

    3) The Federal gov’t does not release data that isolates illegal aliens who commit crimes. They look only at citizens vs non-citizens. Outside of millions who have broken the law by overstaying their visas, there are many non-citizens who are not likely to break the law. Examples range from Russian women who pay big bucks to visit and give birth in US hospitals (I know, sounds crazy, but I heard it on BBC News.) to millions of green card holders who hope to earn citizenship by following the rules. Tens of thousands serve in the US military.

    4) Some data is available, but open borders advocates don’t like it mentioned. In the last two years, illegal aliens have committed 4000 murders. (Heard from an authoritative guest on an Andrew Klavan podcast, I believe it was.)

    So imagine that instead of pulling ridiculously low numbers out of his uh… silk hat (“four murders in the US out of 330 million people”), JPod had instead said, “5.4 murders per day. That’s almost four times as many as killed in mass shootings. We’re in a weird position when what is being described is so separate from reality.” Indeed.

    From the City Journal article by Prof. Barry Latzer linked above:

    [From] 2012 to 2017, illegal aliens … accounted for nearly 10 percent of all apprehended killers, whereas … they make up 7.3 percent of the Texas population. …

     In 2014, Texas illegal-alien murder-arrest rates were 4.99 per 100,000—56 percent higher than the rates for all other apprehended murderers (3.2 per 100,000). In 2015, the rates were 35 percent higher for illegal aliens (4.2 per 100,000, versus 3.1 per 100,000).

    Prof. Latzer gives the numbers for Texas because most states conceal how many illegal aliens have been arrested and for what.  Note also, the numbers lump together visa overstayers, who came in legally, with the much more criminal border crossers.

    The GLoPers don’t know any of this, no doubt, because they get all their information from the New York Times. 

    • #22
  23. kedavis Coolidge

    Re: Bewitched etc, award-winning actress Kathy Baker and magician “Teller” play the parents of one of the characters on The Big Bang Theory.

    • #23
  24. J Ro Member
    J Ro

    Taras (View Comment):

    J Ro (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Probably crime rates aren’t insane among illegals but I think there is good evidence that is concerning.

    This is a pretty reasonable article that makes the case.

    Ever notice how the people who argue that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes or have lower crime rates than citizens never give any data? That’s because they’re lying.

    From the City Journal article by Prof. Barry Latzer linked above:

    [From] 2012 to 2017, illegal aliens … accounted for nearly 10 percent of all apprehended killers, whereas … they make up 7.3 percent of the Texas population. …

    In 2014, Texas illegal-alien murder-arrest rates were 4.99 per 100,000—56 percent higher than the rates for all other apprehended murderers (3.2 per 100,000). In 2015, the rates were 35 percent higher for illegal aliens (4.2 per 100,000, versus 3.1 per 100,000).

    Prof. Latzer gives the numbers for Texas because most states conceal how many illegal aliens have been arrested and for what. Note also, the numbers lump together visa overstayers, who came in legally, with the much more criminal border crossers.

    The GLoPers don’t know any of this, no doubt, because they get all their information from the New York Times.

    Thank you. I did read that link before commenting. I only wish I had noted the name of the person who made the “4000 murders in 2 years” claim when I jotted it down.

    Obviously a great deal of data is collected and available, but those who are interested in perpetuating the narrative, including  most Congress Critters, do not want the information made available. (After all, these are lawmakers who resist putting their own bills on line so they can be read and word searched.) So all the millions of tourists who commit no crimes are lumped in with the millions of illegal aliens who commit crimes just so it can be claimed that in America, non-citizens are more law-abiding than citizens.

    I expect POTUS will provide lots of related data in his upcoming SOTU (or Pseudo SOTU, perhaps) and that Dems will sit there frowning with their arms crossed and later cry, “Racist!”

    • #24
  25. DJ EJ Member
    DJ EJ

    Yes, this season of True Detective is going at a slow pace – I only hope it’s leading/building to an intense closing two or three episodes. Despite the slow pace, what’s keeping me glued to my seat is that True Detective season 3 was filmed in northwest Arkansas (Fayetteville, Bentonville, Lincoln, etc., etc.) last year, where I lived for my PhD work at the University of Arkansas. I’ve recognized a few friends as extras in various scenes, and many of the locations used are places I know very well. My “breakout” scene was in episode 2, in which I’m the Washington County Sheriff standing silently (left) at the early ’80s press conference scene next to real actors Gareth Williams (middle) and Brett Cullen (right):

    (l-r) “DJ EJ”, Gareth Williams, Brett Cullen

    • #25
  26. LibertyDefender Member

    No clown will come to J-Pod‘s aid when he drowns in his own gurgly throat.

    • #26
  27. TallCon Inactive

    Ok, Pod needs to turn in his Nerd Card if he doesn’t like The Expanse.  I mean, it’s no Odd Couple, but seriously.

    • #27
  28. rdowhower Member

    Funny how what-about-ism works for Jonah when, well, it works for Jonah.  Also funny how he just can’t seem to get Trump out of his head, and how he can’t help joking about drinking and porn…but he’s only joking so it’s ok.

    • #28
  29. Ambrianne Inactive


    Blue Yeti (View Comment):

    Eustace C. Scrubb (View Comment):

    Dr. Zaius, John, is not a chimp; he is an orangutan.

    Damn, should have used that for the closing song. Totally forgot about it.

    Hubby says that coffee song was what you put on at his fraternity at 3 am when you were ready for the six Kappas who were left to go home. That appalling Meatloaf song would break up the party faster methinks, but I didn’t know him in college. 

    • #29
  30. SParker Member

    kedavis (View Comment):

    OR is he?

    An actor of Maurice Evans’ caliber could play it any way you wanted it played.

    I remember seeing him in MacBeth (is this unlucky to say on the internet?) on TV as a puppy. Looking it up I see he made 7 Shakespeare plays (MacBeth twice) for Hallmark Hall of Fame between 1953 and 1960.  You could also see them in 2nd-run and art houses into the 70s.  The man tried to bring a little culture to our sorry butts.

    Or maybe we were more receptive then (must have had decent ratings).  Charles Laughton (see Simon Callow’s biography Charles Laughton: A Difficult Actor)  made bank and revived his career with national reading tours in the late 40s and early 50s.

    • #30
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