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America’s most beloved podcasters return for another dose of politics, pop culture, and predictions. This week, in the effort to defend ObamaCare, if everyone is a RINO, who’s actually a Republican? Also, Breaking Bad’s almost over, should kids have smartphones, iOS7 mini reviews, and will there be a live GLoP in New York City next month? Tune in to find out.

The walrus was EJHill.

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There are 93 comments.

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  1. Profile Photo Coolidge

    Lookit.  I love the Glop podcast.  It’s my favorite.  But this last one was lame.   If you agree with Cruz, or you don’t agree with Cruz, all of this stuff has been said before, elsewhere.  No one’s trying to suppress an opinion — I’m just pointing out that it’s not very original or very interesting.  These guys do much better with Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones.  Leave the high policy stuff for the Flagship podcast.

    • #91
  2. Profile Photo Member
    Rachel Lu: People love to lecture Rob about his RINO-insecurity issues around here, and he takes it so well that I hate to pile on, but I’m just itching to make a point.

    I know some very conservative and some very liberal people. The liberal ones mostly really like the Democrats. The conservative ones are pretty cool on the GOP, and some hate it with a passion.

    Why is this? I think it’s because the two parties have pursued different strategies of late. Both on the left and right, there is a sizable group of people with its own established values and cultural energy. Democrats have decided to let their strongest horses do the pulling, which has resulted in a hard left party that is winning elections. Republicans keep their nexus of cultural energy in the rear, try to form a coalition of moderates, and lose.


    Baloney.  Barbara Boxer and Howard Dean would lose nationally by as much as Goldwater did and Cruz would.  Obama won because he lied effectively when he persuaded enough swing voters that he was a bipartisan moderate.  And, to quote Harry Reid.

    • #92
  3. Profile Photo Member
    mask: It is a bit ironic that on the one hand Cruz’ intentions, intelligence and principles are maligned but saying McConnel has betrayed conservatives is preposterous. · September 24, 2013 at 5:45pm

    Not maligning Cruz’s obvious intelligence, his mostly good intentions, or his principles.

    I do, however slam his strategy, his tactics, and his rhetoric in the process, followed by essentially disappearing when we are all living with the consequences of the nonsense his most strident House allies forced on Boehner.  I also fault him for toadying up to Jim DeMint, who has destroyed a once great think tank by turning it in to a virtual wingnut political organization by drowning out all the decent policy research with Heritage Action.

    • #93
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