Jonah invites Steve Hayes back onto the Remnant to unveil The Dispatch, their long-teased new venture, of which Jonah is the editor-in-chief and Steve is the CEO. They also discuss the unfolding Ukraine drama and the recent news about the Kurds.


Behold, The Dispatch!

More about The Dispatch in Axios 

The Simpsons on brunch

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Fart Proudly 

Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress

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The Hidden Democratic Party

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There are 127 comments.

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  1. Joe D. Inactive
    Joe D.

    Damn, $1500 – who’s your target audience? I thought I was paying a pretty good fee for steynonline, compared to you guys the membership fee there is for paupers.

    • #1
  2. kedavis Coolidge

    Joe D. (View Comment):

    Damn, $1500 – who’s your target audience? I thought I was paying a pretty good fee for steynonline, compared to you guys the membership fee there is for paupers.

    Hey, The Dispatch has the problems of the average Joe!

    But I don’t think Jonah considers $1500 to be very much money.  Hasn’t he mentioned spending that much for Broadway show tickets for himself and his daughter?  Or if not quite THAT much, seems like it was close.

    • #2
  3. RufusRJones Member

    I hope the editorial position is dominated by Jonah’s libertarianism. I doubt that would work business-wise.

    The other thing is, I really wish people would shut up about who is a grifter and what is grifting. Most of it is pretty pointless. There is nothing wrong with most of this stuff as long as they deliver what they say they are going to deliver.

    • #3
  4. Jeff Hawkins Inactive
    Jeff Hawkins

    The Weekly Standard goes belly up and now we get two Weekly Standards

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    The other thing is, I really wish people would shut up about who is a grifter and what is grifting. Most of it is pretty pointless. There is nothing wrong with most of this stuff as long as they deliver what they say they are going to deliver.

    True, but you have to admire the paradox that plenty of people (including Jonah) openly call the more “celebrity conservative” types grifters while looking for us to pay for startups that already are 4th or 5th in a rather shallow pool and selling us on the purity.

    • #4
  5. FredGoodhue Coolidge

    I super-hate the click bait ads.  It’s hard to take the articles seriously with those silly ads looking at me.

    • #5
  6. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    Joe D. (View Comment):
    Damn, $1500 – who’s your target audience?

    Trump-haters with more money than sense.

    • #6
  7. TerryS Inactive

    I wish Jonah & Steve luck. I wish I knew who was bankrolling them. I am afraid that the bankrollers are USCoC types who will demand a constant, one-artillery-shell-per-minute-per-square-meter barrage of anti-Trump propaganda. Jonah is not interesting when he slams Trump, and I am getting tired of the claim that so many Republicans in the house and senate express privately to him their fear and hatred of Trump. Republicans should be afraid of the loonies on the Left, not their own man.

    Look at the Dem candidates for president. Trump isn’t half as scary as the right-most of them. They are the enemy, not Trump and his supporters.

    • #7
  8. filmklassik Inactive

    As much as most of you are tired of all the Trump bashing, I’m equally tired of all the Trump bashing bashing.

    Maybe it’s because I think of Trump as an unfit-for-office blowhard.  I’m sure that plays a role in my sympathy for the bashers.  So at the end of the day, as long as Jonah & Steve don’t make like Jay & Mona on their late (and not lamented) podcast Need to Know — where it became de rigour for the hosts to castigate Republicans while giving a pass to the activity of Democrats — something Jonah G. never does, by the way (he calls balls and strikes on both sides) — then I can’t say I’m particularly worried.

    Jonah is a smart, literate, brilliantly funny Conservative — while Trump is none of those things.  Not even the last thing.

    • #8
  9. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    I am a Reagan Member of Ricochet, because I support Ricochet’s mission.  I also contribute a like amount to The Bulwark.  I was an initial subscriber to The Weekly Standard.  

    In the practice of tithing, we are directed to tithe where we are spiritually fed.  

    As to politics, I give where I see others of a like mind.  I have followed Jonah Goldberg for years.  I wholly respect Steve Hayes and his battle to save The Weekly Standard.  I love David French.

    I just became a Founding Member of The Dispatch.  Will it be worth it?  I don’t know, but given my experience of Jonah, Steve and David, they are worth a vote of confidence.

    Tom Landry was the Founding Coach of the Dallas Cowboys.  They had a 0-11-1 record their first year, and a 4-9-1 record their second year.  When fans wanted the owner to fire Tom Landry, he responded by offering Landry an unheard of 10 year contract.  What did Landry do?  He had twenty winning seasons in a row and went to the playoffs in 18 of those years.  

    I see my $1,500 Founding Membership as a similar vote of confidence in Jonah Goldberg, Steve Hayes and David French.  They have earned it.  I wish them well.

    • #9
  10. RufusRJones Member

    Upon reflection, I can’t stand David French, but he is 10 times better —and I mean that— than Kristol, Nichols, and everyone that’s on that Niskanen Center list. They don’t have a shred of libertarianism in them and they don’t get how dysfunctional all of this centralized government has gotten and what the Democrat party is doing with it as well. I don’t know anything about Eggers, but I assume I don’t like him. My guess is they have to have Eggers and French to appeal to The Bulwark types.

    Either it’s going to persuade everyone of the dysfunction of big government and a lot of the cultural stuff people are complaining about, or they are just going to just make everything worse. 

    On a related note, it’s pretty interesting to watch what Matt Lewis says these days. I’m sure the daily beast is a good gig. Nicole Wallace. Joe Scarborough. 


    • #10
  11. RufusRJones Member

    TerryS (View Comment):

    I wish Jonah & Steve luck. I wish I knew who was bankrolling them. I am afraid that the bankrollers are USCoC types who will demand a constant, one-artillery-shell-per-minute-per-square-meter barrage of anti-Trump propaganda. Jonah is not interesting when he slams Trump, and I am getting tired of the claim that so many Republicans in the house and senate express privately to him their fear and hatred of Trump. Republicans should be afraid of the loonies on the Left, not their own man.

    Look at the Dem candidates for president. Trump isn’t half as scary as the right-most of them. They are the enemy, not Trump and his supporters.

    You can’t argue with any of this.

    • #11
  12. RufusRJones Member

    You have to be realistic about how dysfunctional all of this  excessively centralized, and large government has gotten. I know Jonah gets that. Being idealistic about fixing it or steering the ship is very problematic.

    O’Sullivan’s Law is immutable.

    The media and the education is pro-statist and pro-cultural devolution. They truly are the enemy.

    The Deep State is a genuine problem.

    The Democrat party uses Alinsky tactics reflexively now. Taking the high road is a bad idea.

    David Horowitz and Angelo Codivilla are right about everything.

    The Death Of Stalin movie is instructional.

    That is my editorial position. lol

    • #12
  13. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    filmklassik (View Comment):
    Jonah is a smart, literate, brilliantly funny Conservative — while Trump is none of those things. Not even the last thing.

    What does conservative even mean anymore?

    • #13
  14. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    RufusRJones (View Comment):
    I don’t know anything about Eggers, but I assume I don’t like him.

    One of the Bulwank’s most unhinged Trump-haters. That hire alone tells me that The Dispatch is going to be mostly anti-Trump nonsense.

    • #14
  15. RufusRJones Member

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    filmklassik (View Comment):
    Jonah is a smart, literate, brilliantly funny Conservative — while Trump is none of those things. Not even the last thing.

    What does conservative even mean anymore?

    I post links about this all of the time. I never get challenged. Not once. 

    • #15
  16. RufusRJones Member

    This is worth reading. 



    • #16
  17. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    RufusRJones (View Comment):

    This is worth reading.



    It is worth reading.  I am proud to join Hugh Hewitt in becoming a founding member of The Dispatch.

    • #17
  18. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    “We want to bring back that tradition,” Goldberg said, adding, “We want to be journalistically and intellectually skeptical of the people, politics, and institutions that are claiming the conservative or Republican mantle.”

    Oh, Jonah. We’re already doing that without you. It is, in fact, the behavior of you and your fellow Dispatchers and Bulwankers that has made us skeptical.

    • #18
  19. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    “We want to bring back that tradition,” Goldberg said, adding, “We want to be journalistically and intellectually skeptical of the people, politics, and institutions that are claiming the conservative or Republican mantle.”

    Oh, Jonah. We’re already doing that without you. It is, in fact, the behavior of you and your fellow Dispatchers and Bulwankers that has made us skeptical.

    Ricochet, The Bulwark and The Dispatch.  Three brothers with similarities and differences as with all siblings.  All good news.

    • #19
  20. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    “We want to bring back that tradition,” Goldberg said, adding, “We want to be journalistically and intellectually skeptical of the people, politics, and institutions that are claiming the conservative or Republican mantle.”

    Oh, Jonah. We’re already doing that without you. It is, in fact, the behavior of you and your fellow Dispatchers and Bulwankers that has made us skeptical.

    Ricochet, The Bulwark and The Dispatch. Three brothers with similarities and differences as with all siblings. All good news.

    What does “conservative” mean anymore? What does “Republican” mean?


    • #20
  21. Jeff Hawkins Inactive
    Jeff Hawkins

    “We want to bring back that tradition,” Goldberg said, adding, “We want to be journalistically and intellectually skeptical of the people, politics, and institutions that are claiming the conservative or Republican mantle.”

    Start with the Bulwark, all of them are squishy on some issue. 

    Let’s take a reader base for which we might have goodwill and then shame them by attacking people they’re allied with for being impure.  Then we’ll get the respect of left wing media too!

    Hell of a business plan. @garyrobbins let me know when they hit you up to pay for a gift subscription because someone needs to buy a better bottle of wine for their dinner in Barcelona or someone needs another semester in Europe to be more worldly.  Hard pass from me for now until I see they’ll hit the left as hard as they will their own side.



    • #21
  22. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    “We want to bring back that tradition,” Goldberg said, adding, “We want to be journalistically and intellectually skeptical of the people, politics, and institutions that are claiming the conservative or Republican mantle.”

    Oh, Jonah. We’re already doing that without you. It is, in fact, the behavior of you and your fellow Dispatchers and Bulwankers that has made us skeptical.

    Ricochet, The Bulwark and The Dispatch. Three brothers with similarities and differences as with all siblings. All good news.

    What does “conservative” mean anymore? What does “Republican” mean?

    I know what Conservative means.  Given the hostile takeover of the Republican Party by Trump, that institution has been devalued, until the Reagan Republicans can resume control.


    • #22
  23. filmklassik Inactive

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    filmklassik (View Comment):
    Jonah is a smart, literate, brilliantly funny Conservative — while Trump is none of those things. Not even the last thing.

    What does conservative even mean anymore?

    The definition of “Conservative” hasn’t changed a bit.  Not one iota.   The beliefs, and behaviors, of many who call themselves Conservative however …

    • #23
  24. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    filmklassik (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    filmklassik (View Comment):
    Jonah is a smart, literate, brilliantly funny Conservative — while Trump is none of those things. Not even the last thing.

    What does conservative even mean anymore?

    The definition of “Conservative” hasn’t changed a bit. Not one iota. The beliefs, and behaviors, of many who call themselves Conservative however …

    Though I think we’d differ on who is misusing the term. Which is another way the word has been rendered meaningless: through abuse. 

    • #24
  25. filmklassik Inactive

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    filmklassik (View Comment):

    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader (View Comment):

    filmklassik (View Comment):
    Jonah is a smart, literate, brilliantly funny Conservative — while Trump is none of those things. Not even the last thing.

    What does conservative even mean anymore?

    The definition of “Conservative” hasn’t changed a bit. Not one iota. The beliefs, and behaviors, of many who call themselves Conservative however …

    Though I think we’d differ on who is misusing the term. Which is another way the word has been rendered meaningless: through abuse.

    But take Jonah Goldberg as an example — what political beliefs does Jonah espouse that are not Conservative?  Maaayyybe you can point to certain social issues (gay marriage, let’s say) — maybe.   But on balance, where the appropriate size and role of government is concerned (as small as possible, and as unintrusive — and local — as possible) the man is a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist and Conservative.

    You can’t just create a new syllogism that says:

    1) The Republican Party is the vessel of Conservatism.

    2) Trump is the new face of the Republican Party.

    3) Trump believes X, Y and Z.

    4)  Therefore — although those ideas were, until 15 minutes ago, not Conservative — they are now Conservative.

    It doesn’t work like that.  The definition isn’t that malleable.  Core Republican ideas might change on a dime.   Core Conservative ideas do not.

    • #25
  26. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    filmklassik (View Comment):

    It doesn’t work like that. The definition isn’t that malleable. Core Republican ideas might change on a dime. Core Conservative ideas do not.

    Here’s the thing: when several people with vastly different ideas about how this country should be run all claim the mantle of “true conservative,” there’s quite obviously a communication breakdown somewhere.

    • #26
  27. RufusRJones Member

    filmklassik (View Comment):
    But take Jonah Goldberg as an example — what political beliefs does Jonah espouse that are not Conservative?

    Jonah has libertarian sensibilities. He’s serious about it. Most Republicans aren’t like that and certainly not The Bulwark types. The time to fix this was decades ago.

    • #27
  28. RufusRJones Member






    Be sure to vote. Because voting isn’t a waste of time.

    In the Reagan video, that part where he talks about the gold, we literally stole billions from the rest of the world so we could pay for the great Society and Vietnam.

    • #28
  29. DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader Member
    DrewInWisconsin, Thought Leader

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):
    I know what Conservative means. Given the hostile takeover of the Republican Party by Trump, that institution has been devalued, until the Reagan Republicans can resume control.

    If there was a hostile takeover, it was by the voters who chose President Trump. I get that Trump makes for an easy target, but your complaint is with the citizen class, not the President.

    Please direct your rage at us, not the President. It’s more honest.

    • #29
  30. RufusRJones Member




    • #30
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