On Equity


Suddenly, the concept of “Equity” is ubiquitous. Where did this idea come from and why has it emerged now as a central metric of the Progressives? It emerges concurrently with Big Tech stepping into the forefront as arbiters of what ideas are allowed to be expressed in the public square and their apparent bias toward Progressive ideology. I submit that the two things are related.

The nexus, I believe, could be Google’s Chief Economist, Dr. Hal R Varian. While Varian’s research focuses on the economics of information technology and the unique aspects of ‘computer mediated transactions’, Equity, Fairness, and Distributive Justice are topics that Varian returns to again and again. Dr. Varian is also an emeritus professor in the School of Information, the Haas School of Business, and the Department of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. His work in information technology deserves a separate post.

There is a 1973 paper by Dr. Varian titled “Equity, Envy and Effeciency” available from MIT where Varian defines Equity. It makes interesting reading…

I wish to examine the problem of ‘fair’ division: given a fixed number of agents and a fixed amount of certain goods, what is a fair way to divide the goods among the agents?

I think that nearly everyone’s impulse here is to say “evenly.” Given the description of the above problem, that is perhaps the best we can do. However, if we allow ourselves further information about the tastes of the agents in question, we can achieve a more satisfactory solution. Thus if we bring preferencesinto consideration, we can see that even division is no longer satisfactory as an equity concept. For in general, if agents have different tastes an even distribution will not be pareto efficient and thus there will be incentive to trade. Now it is true that “every- one gains from trade”, but some people may gain more than others.

Since as far as we know the original situation in the division problem is symmetric — there are only the n agents and the bundle of k goods to be divided — we would want to require that the final allocation be symmetric, that is, symmetric in preferences . What does this mean? Well, I would submit that an allocation would be symmetric in preferences if no agent preferred what any other agent had to what he had; that is, if there were no agents that envied other agents. Since the natural assumption in the fair division problem is that all agents have an equal prior claim to the original bundle, we would want the final allocation to reflect this initial symmetry, and any perceived asymmetry on the part of the agents can not be tolerated.

We are thus led to make the following formal definitions

An allocation is equitable if and only if no agent prefers any other agent’s bundle to his own. An allocation is fair if and only if it is both equitable and Pareto efficient.

Thus a fair allocation is doubly stable: There is no way to make any one agent better off without making some other agent worse off, and there is no agent who would rather have what some other agent has as opposed to what he has.

Envy?! Seriously? The root of the concept of Equity is ENVY. This definition of Equity enshrines Envy as the central metric of fairness. As long as anyone is envious of what someone else has, Equity has not been achieved.

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There are 43 comments.

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  1. MarciN Member

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):

    MarciN (View Comment):

    I can’t wrap my head around the idea that Google has a “chief economist” to begin with. Economists are academics. They do not belong in the C suite.

    The only reason I can think of for Google to have this job title in its upper management team is that it has a serious delusion about its identity and purpose.

    Don’t be evil?

    Facebook is more delusional?


    The delusion is equal in the huge companies. That they have achieved brilliantly. 

    • #31
  2. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    For years the left said equality of outcome is a straw man so now they have to use another word 

    war is peace

    freedom is slavery 

    ignorance is strength 

    Equity is equality 


    • #32
  3. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    MarciN (View Comment):

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):

    MarciN (View Comment):

    I can’t wrap my head around the idea that Google has a “chief economist” to begin with. Economists are academics. They do not belong in the C suite.

    The only reason I can think of for Google to have this job title in its upper management team is that it has a serious delusion about its identity and purpose.

    Don’t be evil?

    Facebook is more delusional?


    The delusion is equal in the huge companies. That they have achieved brilliantly.

    The phony narcissistic virtue signaling is nauseating 

    • #33
  4. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Dr. Bastiat (View Comment):

    Ekosj: Thus a fair allocation is doubly stable: There is no way to make any one agent better off without making some other agent worse off, and there is no agent who would rather have what some other agent has as opposed to what he has.

    It’s incredible that an intelligent person like him can write this.

    He can cure envy with government policies, like we cured Polio with vaccines? How many times has this been tried in the past? How did those efforts work out?

    A stoned college sophomore in a dorm room bull session would struggle to take this guy seriously.

    And he’s Google’s chief economist. Wow.

    When modern leftism is based on such absurdities, it’s easy to see why they put so much effort into censorship of any opposing views.

    This is simply ridiculous. Extremely dangerous, but ridiculous.

    It sounds like Communism for Dummies…….

    • #34
  5. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    Ontheleftcoast (View Comment):

    Ekosj (View Comment):
    The thing that’s new in how it’s suddenly moved from the fringe to the centerpiece of US economic and civil rights policy.

    Why the passive voice? Folks moved it.

    I wonder how influential Google is in pushing that particular narrative?

    I’ll give you three guesses….

    • #35
  6. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    JoelB (View Comment):

    Equity has long been a fine, honorable Bible word. It’s a shame to see it being misappropriated by the left.

    It’s interesting how this instructor, now part of Google, sees and teaches a model where equity is the most desired standard. You can see this mindset taking hold everywhere. It’s also interesting how the creation of wealth has become wrong. Creators of wealth create jobs and you can take your earnings and build a mansion or go into the mission field and build housing for the poor. But if everyone is the same, no more or no less, that changes this ability and those things become government run – an allocation system. There is no incentive to succeed or help others – a cog in the wheel.

    • #36
  7. RushBabe49 Thatcher

    This is equity.

    • #37
  8. KCVolunteer Lincoln

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    Instugator (View Comment):

    Ekosj: (given a fixed number of agents and a fixed amount of certain goods,)

    Since this position never obtains, the rest of the thought experiment is moot.

    I’ll give him this assumption. True – Over time neither is fixed. But at any particular point in time I’m OK considering them as fixed for purposes of the discussion.

    So there are a finite number of goods. And equity is reached when no agents envy what other agents have.

    What are the odds you’ll give me on this happening?

    • #38
  9. Ekosj Member

    KCVolunteer (View Comment):

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    Instugator (View Comment):

    Ekosj: (given a fixed number of agents and a fixed amount of certain goods,)

    Since this position never obtains, the rest of the thought experiment is moot.

    I’ll give him this assumption. True – Over time neither is fixed. But at any particular point in time I’m OK considering them as fixed for purposes of the discussion.

    So there are a finite number of goods. And equity is reached when no agents envy what other agents have.

    What are the odds you’ll give me on this happening?

    Zero.    Envy is insatiable. That’s why the terminology gets changed to “symmetric in preferences.”     That is so much more clinical and reasonable than nobody’s envious.

    • #39
  10. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    MISTER BITCOIN (View Comment):

    Tyrion Lannister (View Comment):

    Sounds like a rephrased version of “From each according to his abilities…”

    Equity is just equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity. Marxists have been trying to redistribute for generations. They’ve dressed it up in the word “equity” because it is similar to “equality “ so your mind thinks they mean the same thing. Equality means we are all treated equally by the law. Equity means we all end up at the same place.

    Equity- like communism- ignores fundamental human realities like the fact humans respond to incentives. Equity regards group outcomes more important than the individual.

    Proponents of equity use the Obama-era intersectionality race and gender alliance as the vehicle to push forced outcomes. If you aren’t on board with racialized transfers of wealth and forced equality of outcome then you are castigated as a bigot or racist. In reality equity based on race is itself racist, but the left has changed the meaning of racism to be not simply disliking or acting opposed to another race, but now it requires a “power imbalance”. In their world view since white people are the majority in America, they have the power by default, so it’s not racist for there to be racist programs against them. In their view it’s correcting the perceived unfair start that white people have. This of course ignores the individual in favor of the group and let’s the proponents of equity create bigoted wealth transfers. I’m white, and I guarantee my start was less than Obama’s kids, but that won’t matter because of my “inherent racism” and “implicit bias”.

    The left has been busy making up a lot of phrases and changing the language to fit their arguments haven’t they? It’s Orwellian.

    Unfortunately this term equity has bled heavily into corporate America. The liberal company I work for constantly puts out emails in support of BLM and equity. A conservative like myself has to keep their head down. I’ve considered looking for a new company to join.

    Someone once said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” The pendulum swung hard the other way. Equality is good. Equity is racist. One of the great things Trump did was to oppose implicit bias/systemic racism training in the government. Now it’s back with the Harris administration. You get what you vote for.


    Kommie Harris


    • #40
  11. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    KCVolunteer (View Comment):

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    Instugator (View Comment):

    Ekosj: (given a fixed number of agents and a fixed amount of certain goods,)

    Since this position never obtains, the rest of the thought experiment is moot.

    I’ll give him this assumption. True – Over time neither is fixed. But at any particular point in time I’m OK considering them as fixed for purposes of the discussion.

    So there are a finite number of goods. And equity is reached when no agents envy what other agents have.

    What are the odds you’ll give me on this happening?

    Thomas Sowell: The first rule of economics is scarcity.  The first rule of politics is to ignore the first rule of economics. 

    • #41
  12. KCVolunteer Lincoln

    Tyrion Lannister (View Comment):

    Sounds like a rephrased version of “From each according to his abilities…”

    Unfortunately this term equity has bled heavily into corporate America. The liberal company I work for constantly puts out emails in support of BLM and equity.

    Let them put their money where their mouth is and start paying all the employees equitably.


    • #42
  13. MISTER BITCOIN Inactive

    Everybody has asked the question. . .”What shall we do with the Negro?” I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature’s plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!

    —Frederick Douglass

    • #43
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