Democratic Progression


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Democrats…

2000: This election was stolen by George W. Bush! His cronies at Diebold rigged the voting machines!

2004: We saw the exit polls! John Kerry has won this election! Bush has rigged it again!

2016: Aurrrrgh! The Russians hacked the election! Donald Trump is illegitimate! #NotMyPresident #Resist

2018: Stacey Abrams is the legit Governor of Georgia! The Republicans rigged the election!

2020: Fraud? What fraud? There is no fraud and it’s never been a thing. Mail-in is fiiiiiine. Everything is fiiiiine… #WeHaveAlwaysBeenAtWarWithEastAsia

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There are 22 comments.

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  1. namlliT noD Member
    namlliT noD

    Help me remember this one… for two somewhat recent national elections, there was “we can’t question the integrity of our electoral system” and “we have to do recounts to assure the integrity of our electoral system”.  Which was which?

    • #1
  2. J Ro Member
    J Ro

    Odd that the most obviously fraudulent states have legislative bodies dominated by Republicans. 

    It is not clear to me yet whether this fact should provide hope or despair. 

    Granted, the problem cities are Democrat strongholds, e.g. Detroit since 1962. Perhaps the Left is so desperate now they don’t even bother to hide behind the curtains anymore. 

    • #2
  3. Gary Robbins Member
    Gary Robbins

    Good memory.  Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced.  Hopefully Trump will do so also..  

    • #3
  4. Chris O. Coolidge
    Chris O.

    J Ro (View Comment):

    the Left is so desperate now they don’t even bother to hide behind the curtains anymore.

    Yes, or simply brazen. There is no one to call them out. No one prosecutes, no one investigates, no one does stories. It is more important to the D’s to be in power than to keep the Republic.

    • #4
  5. 666 Inactive

    • #5
  6. 666 Inactive

    • #6
  7. kedavis Coolidge

    J Ro (View Comment):

    Odd that the most obviously fraudulent states have legislative bodies dominated by Republicans.

    It is not clear to me yet whether this fact should provide hope or despair.

    Granted, the problem cities are Democrat strongholds, e.g. Detroit since 1962. Perhaps the Left is so desperate now they don’t even bother to hide behind the curtains anymore.

    That sounds like the ideal recipe for trouble, to me.  The Democrats controlling the cities would have no problem with massive fraud, while the Republicans at the state level including positions to investigate such matters, would tend to believe that other people would be as unlikely to commit fraud, as they themselves.  So they might not even look for it.

    • #7
  8. EJHill Podcaster

    Gary Robbins: Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced. Hopefully Trump will do so also..

    There is no announcement until January in the Well of the House. 

    • #8
  9. MiMac Thatcher

    It is clear that the most egregious attempt to steal an election was by Al Gore in 2000, his demand for recounts in Florida ONLY in precincts he had won was an attempt to ‘harvest” votes. Luckily, someone at the US Supreme Court had a sufficient background in statistics to understand what the Gore campaign was trying to pull. Because in any recount where there has not been fraud or systematic errors, a recount will actually increase the NET vote margin for the winner. Since, Bush had won by 537 votes out of >5.8 million vote statewide, Gore did not want a STATEWIDE recount, because his loss would be by more than 537 if a recount were done. Gore cleverly wanted a recount only in 4 heavily Democrat counties. By attempting a limited recount Gore hoped to “harvest” 600 votes out of precincts he won-since a recount in those precincts would increase his net votes over Bush in those precincts. He hoped he could harvest enough votes to capture Florida. All the claims of equal protection, count all the votes were window dressing of an attempt to steal an election.

    Addendum- Gore wanted hand recounts in the 4 big democrat counties & machine recounts everywhere else (hoping the machines would reject the same ballots again-hence no gain for Bush). The SC rejected this 7-2 under equal protection since Gore wanted to treat different voters differently. This was actually the major part of the SC intervention-despite Dems claims it wasn’t a close call.

    Addendum2-I just remembered that those sleaze balls Al Gore & David Boies tried to disenfranchise the military voters by  attempting to have their ballots rejected if they weren’t postmarked- when the military postal system didn’t always use postmarks. They tried to reject 1400 military ballots in mostly Democrat controlled counties. To his discredit Bob Kerry was enlisted to help them.

    • #9
  10. The Scarecrow Thatcher
    The Scarecrow

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Good memory. Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced. Hopefully Trump will do so also..


    • #10
  11. The Scarecrow Thatcher
    The Scarecrow

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Good memory. Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced. Hopefully Trump will do so also..

    Sorry, I shouldn’t exaggerate.


    • #11
  12. kedavis Coolidge

    The Scarecrow (View Comment):

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Good memory. Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced. Hopefully Trump will do so also..

    Sorry, I shouldn’t exaggerate.


    I agree.  Laughable.  How likely is it that any of those DEMS actually LOST BECAUSE of fraud, rather than DESPITE fraud?

    • #12
  13. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Good memory. Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced. Hopefully Trump will do so also..

    Nixon did, too. He shouldn’t have.

    • #13
  14. MiMac Thatcher

    I forgot that GREATEST Democratic party election theft of all time- NJ Senate 2002. Incumbent Torricelli withdrew b/c of corruption from the campaign on September 30 2002-after the filling date. But the NJ Supreme Court (full of democrats) ruled that the Democratic party could replace Torricelli’s name on the ballot-even though there was no such provision in the state law- which they did by exhuming former senator Frank Lautenberg. 

    • #14
  15. Judge Mental Member
    Judge Mental

    MiMac (View Comment):

    I forgot that GREATEST Democratic party election theft of all time- NJ Senate 2002. Incumbent Torricelli withdrew b/c of corruption from the campaign on September 30 2002-after the filling date. But the NJ Supreme Court (full of democrats) ruled that the Democratic party could replace Torricelli’s name on the ballot-even though there was no such provision in the state law- which they did by exhuming former senator Frank Lautenberg.

    The justification being that without a Dem there would be no choices for voters, when NJ has about eight parties on the ballot every election.

    • #15
  16. EJHill Podcaster

    The Reticulator: Nixon did, too. He shouldn’t have.

    The story I read intimated that the GOP was doing its own shenanigans downstate and knew that any investigation of Cook County would probably lead the FBI to their operations. Ballot fraud as Mutual Assured Destruction.

    • #16
  17. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    EJHill (View Comment):

    The Reticulator: Nixon did, too. He shouldn’t have.

    The story I read intimated that the GOP was doing its own shenanigans downstate and knew that any investigation of Cook County would probably lead the FBI to their operations. Ballot fraud as Mutual Assured Destruction.

    OK, here’s an idea. The Republicans should make it look like they’re cheating. The Democrats seem to go out of their way to make it look that way, so Republicans should, too. Then when Democrats demand an investigation, it backfires on them. 

    A problem with this plan is that Republicans don’t control the big urban areas, so don’t have much chance of competing. But perhaps they could make obvious clerical errors in favor of the GOP and accidental disclosures that can then be corrected.

    • #17
  18. Judge Mental Member
    Judge Mental

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    EJHill (View Comment):

    The Reticulator: Nixon did, too. He shouldn’t have.

    The story I read intimated that the GOP was doing its own shenanigans downstate and knew that any investigation of Cook County would probably lead the FBI to their operations. Ballot fraud as Mutual Assured Destruction.

    OK, here’s an idea. The Republicans should make it look like they’re cheating. The Democrats seem to go out of their way to make it look that way, so Republicans should, too. Then when Democrats demand an investigation, it backfires on them.

    A problem with this plan is that Republicans don’t control the big urban areas, so don’t have much chance of competing. But perhaps they could make obvious clerical errors in favor of the GOP and accidental disclosures that can then be corrected.

    No Republican district should ever report a single vote until every vote from all Democrat districts has been reported.

    • #18
  19. kedavis Coolidge

    Judge Mental (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    EJHill (View Comment):

    The Reticulator: Nixon did, too. He shouldn’t have.

    The story I read intimated that the GOP was doing its own shenanigans downstate and knew that any investigation of Cook County would probably lead the FBI to their operations. Ballot fraud as Mutual Assured Destruction.

    OK, here’s an idea. The Republicans should make it look like they’re cheating. The Democrats seem to go out of their way to make it look that way, so Republicans should, too. Then when Democrats demand an investigation, it backfires on them.

    A problem with this plan is that Republicans don’t control the big urban areas, so don’t have much chance of competing. But perhaps they could make obvious clerical errors in favor of the GOP and accidental disclosures that can then be corrected.

    No Republican district should ever report a single vote until every vote from all Democrat districts has been reported.

    Hm, not letting them know in advance how many votes they need to invent… could work… or they could just go all-out every time.

    • #19
  20. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    kedavis (View Comment):

    Judge Mental (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    EJHill (View Comment):

    The Reticulator: Nixon did, too. He shouldn’t have.

    The story I read intimated that the GOP was doing its own shenanigans downstate and knew that any investigation of Cook County would probably lead the FBI to their operations. Ballot fraud as Mutual Assured Destruction.

    OK, here’s an idea. The Republicans should make it look like they’re cheating. The Democrats seem to go out of their way to make it look that way, so Republicans should, too. Then when Democrats demand an investigation, it backfires on them.

    A problem with this plan is that Republicans don’t control the big urban areas, so don’t have much chance of competing. But perhaps they could make obvious clerical errors in favor of the GOP and accidental disclosures that can then be corrected.

    No Republican district should ever report a single vote until every vote from all Democrat districts has been reported.

    Hm, not letting them know in advance how many votes they need to invent… could work… or they could just go all-out every time.

    I suppose I should volunteer to be a poll worker then. I’m not nearly as good at it as I used to be, but I can still outdo most people at pulling all-nighters. I think they were looking for younger, covid-resistant people this time. 

    • #20
  21. Ralphie Inactive

    Gary Robbins (View Comment):

    Good memory. Of note Algore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all conceded after the final decision was announced. Hopefully Trump will do so also..

    Didn’t the SCOTUS hand Gore walking papers? Hillary cried, then conceded. It didn’t even dawn on her she would lose.

    Trump has always obeyed losses from the court. He will if that is the case, if it goes there. He has a few months left to do a few more things, and i hope he does, like pardons.

    I think anyone thinking Joe is more decent and normal than Trump is fooling themselves. He’s pretty much been wrong on everything pertaining to foreign policy – Bob Gates.



    • #21
  22. MiMac Thatcher

    Judge Mental (View Comment):

    MiMac (View Comment):

    I forgot that GREATEST Democratic party election theft of all time- NJ Senate 2002. Incumbent Torricelli withdrew b/c of corruption from the campaign on September 30 2002-after the filling date. But the NJ Supreme Court (full of democrats) ruled that the Democratic party could replace Torricelli’s name on the ballot-even though there was no such provision in the state law- which they did by exhuming former senator Frank Lautenberg.

    The justification being that without a Dem there would be no choices for voters, when NJ has about eight parties on the ballot every election.

    History repeats it self- 1st the Dems offer a crook (Hillary/Torricelli) then an over the hill ex-senator (Biden/Lautenberg)

    • #22
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