Quote of the Day: What Should I Do With All This Outrage?


“Anger’s my meat; I sup upon myself,
And so shall starve with feeding.”
William Shakespeare, Coriolanus (c. 1607-08), Act IV, scene 2, line 50.

All political media is rich with sources of outrage. It’s a constant drumbeat of people showing horrible behavior. Democrats and <insert Republicans I disagree with here> plan to do all kinds of evil. America’s enemies act blatantly, we have insane socialists with plans to destroy our way of life, and representative ready to nuke us. I’m vigilant and well aware of what is going down — I live in Obamastan, after all, surrounded by people who would despise me if they knew what I was.

What the hell am I supposed to do about this? I’m flooded with outrage like high-pressure steam, ready to act on an object, but I can’t see anywhere to apply it. So it builds and builds, growing hotter and more violent without any outlet. So, when I read yet another damned story about Democrats making the law their slave and selling out the country, what am I supposed to do with this outrage?

Vote? Already did. Where I am at, the Democrats will win almost every single office thanks to zombie voters and demographics. Besides, the outrage is constant, not just in election season.

Write my congresscritters? None of them would care — they get elected repeatedly despite doing nothing — thank the Machine and racial block voting.

Talk with and persuade people? I try, but I have to be careful or I could lose my job. Worse, I might need some co-workers to have my back in a hazardous situation. If they think I am a Nazi or something, would they still back me up while going into a toxic area? So many people are bathing in the opposite side’s rage.

Donate? I did, for the first time this election. I’m not able to actually influence some politician — I am well-off, but not loaded.

This is a legitimate question — I’ve got no answer. I’m debating avoiding all news and political blogs whatsoever, but that feels like surrender. I despise surrender. If you have an answer, please tell me before I decide to become a democrativore…

Published in Politics
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There are 39 comments.

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  1. Dave of Barsham Member
    Dave of Barsham

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    I can’t advise you until you clarify “democrativore.”

    It was a joke about eating democrats Modest Proposal style.

    Just wanted to be sure.

    I hear that they’re like rancid porridge, and probably not very nourishing.

    I’m sure the hipsters would taste nice.


    • #31
  2. Mrs. Ink Inactive
    Mrs. Ink

    Seriously, the gun clubs I belong to have the nicest, most helpful people I have ever met. Most of them won’t talk politics unless they know you well (contrary to popular belief, we aren’t dumb), but there are lots of other things to discuss, and almost any thing that makes you get off the computer and outside your house is good for you.

    As for the other things, do you really want to be the guy shivering in a foil blanket waiting for rescue? Much better to take care of yourself and then maybe you can be the rescue.


    • #32
  3. Mrs. Ink Inactive
    Mrs. Ink

    Dave of Barsham (View Comment):

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    OmegaPaladin (View Comment):

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    I can’t advise you until you clarify “democrativore.”

    It was a joke about eating democrats Modest Proposal style.

    Just wanted to be sure.

    I hear that they’re like rancid porridge, and probably not very nourishing.

    I’m sure the hipsters would taste nice.


    People who hunt or raise their own meat don’t eat diseased animals. They must know something.

    Just sayin’.

    • #33
  4. Gatomal Inactive

    Mrs. Ink (View Comment):

    Every one here has so many nice suggestions, I admire your goodheartedness.

    Here are some other suggestions.

    Move to a more congenial part of the country, though I warn you, the rot is every where. If that isn’t possible, try some of these activities. I not only have outrage, I have rage, so I need action to burn it off.

    Work on your personal physical fitness. Take up a martial art.

    Try to get out of debt. Learn to be frugal. Learn to fix things.

    Plan for emergencies, and collect supplies to help you and your family survive a disaster-money, food, water, flashlights, warm clothes, backpacks, sleeping bags. Do you know how to get out of town without using major roads? On foot? On a bike? Do you have a place to go? Then practice-go camping, walk the route(s), whatever, so you know what you will need to do if things go pear-shaped in your neighborhood.

    Learn to ride a motorcycle.

    Learn to use a map and compass.

    Try to find some like-minded friends to do things with. Ricochet is great, but a hike or a fishing trip is better.

    Buy a firearm, if that is practical, and learn how to shoot. Then practice, practice, practice. If owning your own firearm is impossible, you can still learn how to shoot. Remember, God made some men big, and some men small, Colonel Colt came along, and he evened them all.

    If nothing bad ever happens, you will be healthier, and will have learned some useful and interesting skills. And you will have demonstrated to your family that you cherish them.

    I can vouch for moving to a more congenial place. We left San Francisco for Nevada, and I miss the ocean and the food, but life is so much less infuriating here. 

    • #34
  5. Kay of MT Inactive
    Kay of MT

    Gatomal (View Comment):
    I can vouch for moving to a more congenial place. We left San Francisco for Nevada, and I miss the ocean and the food, but life is so much less infuriating here. 

    I left CA for Montana. Indeed, life much better here.

    • #35
  6. GrannyDude Member

    Success! My goal for the family Christmas party today was to manage to avoid getting into a disagreeable conversation with any of my relatives…and I managed it! 

    I did spend nearly all the time in earnest conversation with my grandson, who is eight weeks old today and very good company.

    • #36
  7. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    GrannyDude (View Comment):

    Success! My goal for the family Christmas party today was to manage to avoid getting into a disagreeable conversation with any of my relatives…and I managed it!

    I did spend nearly all the time in earnest conversation with my grandson, who is eight weeks old today and very good company.

    What does he think of Trump’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and Syria?

    • #37
  8. David Carroll Thatcher
    David Carroll

    @omegapaladin  I share your frustration.  It is frustrating because we care.  the only way to do things in a big way, it seams is to run for office and win, but not join the corruption.  Good luck with that.

    Otherwise, the only think we can do is to focus on our sphere of influence (as said by others but which includes your fellow Ricothetti) and engage in cathertic rants (as you did). 

    • #38
  9. OmegaPaladin Moderator

    The Reticulator (View Comment):

    GrannyDude (View Comment):

    Success! My goal for the family Christmas party today was to manage to avoid getting into a disagreeable conversation with any of my relatives…and I managed it!

    I did spend nearly all the time in earnest conversation with my grandson, who is eight weeks old today and very good company.

    What does he think of Trump’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and Syria?

    The chaplain’s grandson issued a formal statement on this matter:


    Reporters also noted giggles and other babbling off the record.

    • #39
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