“In God We Trust” in Florida Schools


Back in March, Rep. Kimberly Daniels, a Democrat in the Florida State house and a Christian, proposed legislation to display Florida’s motto in the schools. Gov. Scott signed a bill in March which requires all schools to display the state motto in a “conspicuous place,” beginning this week. The motto, “In God We Trust” became part of the Florida state seal in 1868 and on the Florida flag in 1900 and only became the state motto in 2006. Rep. Daniels from Jacksonville stated:

‘This motto is inscribed on the halls of this great capitol and inked on our currency, and it should be displayed so that our children will be exposed and educated on this great motto, which is a part of this country’s foundation,’ she said when a House committee took up her bill (HB 839). ‘Something so great should not be hidden.’

Some are protesting the law, saying that Florida needs much more than signs to protect the students. (The legislation was passed following the Parkland Florida shooting.) One writer in particular says that more gun control is needed instead. He also makes the point that students are exposed to the motto in other ways.

I just hope the teachers spend time explaining why this motto is so important to Florida and the United States of America.

What do you think?

Published in Education
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  1. Rodin Member

    Spin (View Comment):

    I think it would be far better for Christian families to actually live out their faith, making disciples who do in fact trust in God, than to paste the motto all over thinking that somehow it’s going to make a difference.

    I have been mulling over making a post on the importance of a belief (or simply the openness to a belief in G-d) to the preservation of individual liberty. There seems to be two contending forces — the sovereignty of G-d, and the sovereignty of man. The Left sponsors the latter and ultimately leads to tyranny. While one can certainly use religion to be tyrannical, the belief in G-d limits the sovereignty of the state over human affairs in ways that the sovereignty of man does not. So, <span class="atwho-inserted" contenteditable="false" data-atwho-at-query="@spin“>@spin, I agree with the point that Christian families should live out their faith (and Jewish families, and non-Islamist Muslim families, and Buddhist families, etc.), a state the acknowledges the sovereignty of G-d is a better safeguard of individual liberty than one that does not. It is not for nothing that our Declaration of Independence affirms that we are “endowed by their Creator” with unalienable rights. 

    • #31
  2. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    Rodin (View Comment):
    I have been mulling over making a post on the importance of a belief (or simply the openness to a belief in G-d) to the preservation of individual liberty.

    This sounds like a great topic! Please write it!

    • #32
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