Blood on Their Hands


Tonight our hearts break for parents, their teenagers and even young children who were brutally murdered and injured for simply attending a pop concert in Manchester, England. Those of us who feel angry are justified. There is blood on the hands of politicians who refuse to admit evil exists in our midst. Violence occurs when evil is allowed to metastasize, and it has been allowed. British officials have stepped back from no-go zones because “Islamophobia.” The Mayor of London has accepted this carnage as the price for “living in a major city”. Read that again. The Mayor of one of the world’s greatest cities said this:

Sadiq Khan: London mayor says terror attacks ‘part and parcel’ of living in a major city.

I grew up in England, have returned many times and watched as the town of my childhood profoundly changed. There is no doubt a vast majority of immigrants are hardworking, family-minded people of good faith. But we now have a reality that the media won’t report due to political correctness, that there are extremist Sharia no-go zones across the island country that politicians and police will not address.

Manchester is suffering tonight from the result of Islamism expanding across the country. On my last trip to Birmingham, I stopped for a pint at a local pub on the way to the airport and found myself in one such zone. I was practically escorted out as young Muslim men dressed like football hooligans eyed me with contempt. My guardian angel told me I had no business in that pub or neighborhood, that the “police won’t ‘elp you ‘ere, guv.”

As National Review’s Andrew C. McCarthy stated, “Birmingham, a city increasingly enveloped by sharia enclaves that, to varying degrees, have become “no-go zones” for non-Muslims and agents of the state, including police.”

Theresa May is up for re-election on June 8 and this act of barbarism will play a role in her campaign, as it should.

For those of us parents who have taken their teenagers to concerts just like this, we have a message for politicians across the globe; It’s time to take back the narrative from those who’s national security policy’s primary concern is Islamophobia or racism. Frankly, damn them. Their political correctness will only result in more carnage, more parents mourning, and more children dying.

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  1. EHerring Coolidge

    Kozak (View Comment):

    RushBabe49 (View Comment):
    Two things:

    1. Regarding the “elites”, Cantor Fitzgerald, a very large Wall Street investment bank and market-maker, lost nearly half its staff in the World Trade Center in September of 2001. That same Cantor Fitzgerald is paying Barack Hussein Obama $400,000 for one speech!! Liberals are always Liberal first and everything else later.
    2. You wonder where the “moderate” Moslems are, speaking out about radical jihadist terrorism? You wonder why you don’t hear their voices condemning the wanton murder of innocent people? Well, they don’t speak out because they know the moment they do, they become instant targets for assassination themselves. Remember how Islam treats blasphemy? Death! They have no compunction whatsoever about murdering their own people.

    Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent: We’ve Received ‘Nearly Zero Help’ from U.S. Muslim Community Since 9/11

    In the hierarchy of needs pyramid, one can search every portion and not find political correctness anywhere.  The longer this goes on, the harder time the Muslim community will have gaining/maintaining/regaining acceptance.  Survival tops everything so if people can’t sort out the good guys from the bad, they will naturally lump them all together in whatever manner assures their best chance of survival.  No amount of lecturing from moral preeners will change that.

    • #241
  2. Manny Coolidge

    profdlp (View Comment):

    Manny (View Comment):
    That’s right. Even under these conditions they argue for open borders. Consider current immigrants as sunk costs. Stop future immigration so that you don’t keep sinking more costs.

    It’s analogous to the arguments we’ve been hearing about building pipelines and refineries to increase oil production. Critics are always telling us that it won’t make a difference for another twenty years, so what’s the point? Of course, they’ve been telling us that for well over twenty years now, so it would certainly be helping things today had we acted back then. So let’s say for the sake of argument that current immigrants are not the problem. Fine, but if the next (native born) generation keeps proving troublesome, restrictions now make our children and grandchildren safer down the road.

    Really, though, the problem is that once you get a critical mass of any ideology you are going to be affected by it. You don’t find too much radicalization in countries where Muslims are .1% of the population. Once they get around 5% – like in the UK – look out.

    Excellent. ^

    • #242
  3. NHPat Inactive

    Perhaps it is time to use capitalism to full effect.  If mayors of big cities insist on being this stupid – let’s refuse to attend concerts in big cities.  Let’s demand that concert holders come to safe places – meaning towns whose mayors care more about the safety of their citizens than the feelings of people who claim to be more victimized than those whose limbs have been blown off or who have lost their lives.  So, boycott concerts in Manchester – or in any other city whose mayor thinks that murdering innocents is “simply something we must learn to accept”.  My personal response to any moslem who feels victimized is “Have you spoken out against the terrorist ideology within your religion?  If not – go away and shut up until you learn what real victims are.”

    • #243
  4. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    NHPat (View Comment):
    My personal response to any moslem who feels victimized is “Have you spoken out against the terrorist ideology within your religion? If not – go away and shut up until you learn what real victims are.”

    You’re asking them to do more than those people on Ricochet who hide their real names in order to avoid retribution from their peers and colleagues. (FWIW, I don’t use my name as my handle, but my real name is one click away.)

    • #244
  5. Ontheleftcoast Inactive

    EHerring (View Comment):
    The longer this goes on, the harder time the Muslim community will have gaining/maintaining/regaining acceptance

    Which “Muslim community” do you mean?

    1. The community made up of those who actually did want to get away from countries dominated by Islam, and who probably do want “acceptance?”
    2. The community made up of those who want dominance, want sharia, but are gradualists like the Muslim Brotherhood who will fight for “acceptance” – as a tactic in achieving their strategy (until it isn’t needed anymore?)
    3. The community made up of those who have the same goals as the Brotherhood but think the time has come for kinetic means… but who will use “acceptance” as a tactic until it isn’t needed anymore?

    Unfortunately, all but the most foresighted and principled members of group 1 tacitly or actively encourage groups 2&3 because it brings them immediate benefit even though in the long run it degrades the culture they sought to join and helps the rise of the one they fled.

    • #245
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