Keep up the good work, Progressives!


I’ve been watching the Women’s March television coverage this morning with equal parts amusement, irritation, and confusion.  I find myself thinking that the rioters of yesterday and this sea of pink “Pussyhats” today are doing more for the Conservative cause than any amount of campaigning ever could.

I personally know (and like) at least a dozen women at the march in Washington and at least twice that many at the march in Indianapolis, and I’ve had many conversations about why they’re attending these marches.  The main reason given is that they’re “scared” of Trump, his policies, and his presidency.  Many of them seem to believe that we’re only days away from the forced childbearing of “The Handmaid’s Tale”.  The actual cause for which these women are marching is amorphous…abortion (or, as Progressives nowadays like to term it, “reproductive rights”), LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, BLM, etc.  Basically, they seem to want to send the President and all of us cretins in the red states the message that we’re on the wrong side of history and that we’ll have to peel their abortion implements from their cold, dead hands

It would seem that the Progressive Left continues to misunderstand what happened on November 8th.  We The People didn’t elect President Trump because we’re enamored of him personally; we voted against the constant finger-pointing, haranguing, and truly oppressive political correctness that has been ascendant in our public life since the mid-90s.  We voted for the Constitution and a renewed observation of the Enumerated Powers.  We voted to return to American Exceptionalism.  Personally, I hope the Left continues their histrionics and shenanigans, reminding the rest of America why we voted the way we did.

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There are 118 comments.

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  1. Mate De Inactive
    Mate De

    I have a few friends who either marched or wanted to march and it’s a bit annoying as I’m not sure exactly why they are marching other than the possibility of planned parenthood being defunded federally. It’s hysteria. Women’s rights are human rights is a big slogan today but unborn rights are human rights too but that doesn’t seem to matter. This is just a bunch of privileged women ticked off they didn’t get their way. Fine, have your hissy fit, the rest of us will be going on with our lives

    • #31
  2. Theodoric of Freiberg Inactive
    Theodoric of Freiberg

    DrewInWisconsin (View Comment):
    It’s going to take some influential, sober-minded, clear-thinking leftists to take their minions under control. Do any exist?


    • #32
  3. Cow Girl Thatcher
    Cow Girl

    Karen (View Comment):
    I dropped my friend and her daughters off at the DC Metro this am to attend the march. Her girls clearly didn’t want to go, and I felt bad for them. They had no idea what this is event is about, but I don’t think anyone else does either. If the signs are any indication, it comes down to that these women are angry that voters didn’t elect Hillary like they told them to. They remind me of the bossy girl on the playground at recess who demanded that her friends play what she wanted to play, or else. They are so bent out of shape about a crude remark Trump made on a hot mic 10 years ago? I think they’re really mad that his mistake didn’t disqualify Trump. Only progressives can have potty mouths and cheat on their wives. Those are the rules, and people ignored them. Let’s throw a big fit about it.

    You have just stated what I think, too! “Only progressives can have potty mouths and cheat on their wives.”  “They are the bossy girl on the playground at recess…”

    I seriously do not understand the purpose of this Women’s March. Marching instead of holding their breath? Marching instead of laying on the floor and pounding their fists?  I agree with you that it seems to come down to: “voters didn’t elect Hillary like they told them to.”

    How did Trump suddenly turn into the Worst Man in the Universe? …Oh…that’s right–it’s that “R” by his name on the ballot.

    • #33
  4. Admiral janeway Inactive
    Admiral janeway
    @Admiral janeway

    “It would behoove the left and America if the marchers tried to figure out why Trump won”

    That is definitely true.

    The underlying motivation for this worldwide day of marches, I think, is the simple fact that Trump is so unpredictable it makes people nervous. A toddler has gotten hold of a hand grenade. He is also genuinely offensive and violates all kinds of social and presidential norms. Perhaps liberals will now understand why conservatives are usually the ones who uphold social norms.


    • #34
  5. WI Con Member
    WI Con

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Boomerang (View Comment):
    If you want to see some real courage and a clear purpose, watch for the March for Life next week. Over 59 million Americans who would be 46 years old and younger are not on this earth because they were legally aborted. That is something to march about.

    You’ll have to look hard because even if a million women show up it won’t exactly make front page news….

    How’d they get em all there on time?

    • #35
  6. Joe P Member
    Joe P

    DrewInWisconsin (View Comment):
    I don’t know how to get them to calm down. I don’t know if it’s possible. It’s going to take some influential, sober-minded, clear-thinking leftists to take their minions under control. Do any exist?

    Well, there were enough of them in Congress to attempt a challenge of Nancy Pelosi’s leadership, specifically because they wanted to replace the kind of identity politics that leads to this sort of insanity with an offering that wins back all of the Obama voters that Trump managed to flip in Flyover Country.

    The failed though, so we can be assured that the left will continue to implode for a few more years.

    • #36
  7. Joe P Member
    Joe P

    Admiral janeway (View Comment):
    “It would behoove the left and America if the marchers tried to figure out why Trump won”

    That is definitely true.

    The underlying motivation for this worldwide day of marches, I think, is the simple fact that Trump is so unpredictable it makes people nervous. A toddler has gotten hold of a hand grenade. He is also genuinely offensive and violates all kinds of social and presidential norms. Perhaps liberals will now understand why conservatives are usually the ones who uphold social norms.

    It might be a good time to explain the benefits of Federalism, too. Maybe point out the flaws in how Obama did things instead of what Obama wanted, and how letting that sort of executive action go on under someone they liked is basically giving the next guy a hand grenade instead of a pop gun.

    • #37
  8. Al Sparks Coolidge
    Al Sparks

    Matt Bartle (View Comment):
    I have to admit I’m a little stunned by the turnout they got for this march – it really is huge. Lots of pictures here:


    I don’t think we’ve seen crowds like this since the anti-war marches during W’s term. I guess we’ll be seeing them regularly again. And as usual, the media will not show how many people are there from far-left groups and committing acts of violence.

    I guess these are the 3 million more votes that Hillary got.

    From John Hinderaker in Power Line:

    Well, 500,000 people is a lot. But it’s funny how the number of people who turn out to demonstrate doesn’t necessarily determine whether it’s a major news story. Take, for example, the 650,000 who participated in the “March For Life” in D.C. in 2013. Was the AP breathless over that massive display of displeasure with liberal policies?

    I’m not too worried about this.

    • #38
  9. IanMullican Inactive

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):
    Well, this is off to a good start…

    I think this CNN article and the media have been absolutely ridiculous.  I’ve seen those side-by-side pictures shared by almost everyone on my facebook feed, and they’re obviously made in bad faith.  The Trump pictures are taken at a different time, etc.  There may be some accurate ones out there, but the ones being shared that I’ve seen are VERY misleading.

    The fact that CNN and other outlets share these things, and then write this article, is just another data point in a long list of reasons people are putting their faith in Trump.

    I’m not asking for biased republican reporting, I just want a voice that tells the facts and doesn’t treat me like an idiot (to say nothing of the rabble-rousing garbage that passes for news today).

    On the bright side, all of that garbage reporting is what lead me to search for a community I could get news from and socialize with… Ricochet! (As big a breath of fresh air as I’ve experienced lately).

    • #39
  10. Trinity Waters Member
    Trinity Waters

    Blue Yeti (View Comment):
    Well, this is off to a good start…

    Take no prisoners.  Forgive nothing.  Take what you can and give nothing back!

    Argue with somebody who will listen to you.  Please parse the DC Metro numbers with somebody else.

    There are new rules.  This isn’t W.  Who gives a rip about the media or pedants?  They’ve been neutered; good!  His address at the CIA was perfect.  He reassured them, provided an excellent PR shoot, and once again put the media on notice that he WILL fight them.  Huzzah!   HDAHA!

    • #40
  11. Eeyore Member

    My Eeyore senses are tingling a bit here. The marches were extraordinarily well attended across the nation.

    I read after the election that the renowned Clinton ground game was a bit of a Potemkin ground game. Lots of offices, but in many there was no information on who needed to be targeted and others having no campaign materials available.

    I suspect that at least some few thousands of those people who marched nationwide Saturday actually have some political savvy. And they are unlikely to repeat the blithe, overconfident sloppiness of the last GOTV. Although the Dems face a difficult 2018 Senate environment, conservatives and other Republicans have no laurels on which to rest, even for a moment. And with the media committed to Trump’s (at least political) demise, the headwinds are already blowing for 2018.

    • #41
  12. Mark Stewart Inactive
    Mark Stewart

    I’m in DC during all this (came for the inauguration, stayed to see some sights).  The crowd for the Women’s March is enormous.  The DC Metro was overwhelmed yesterday.  The crowds were so large we had to wait for the second or third train before boarding.  And, we couldn’t get off at our stops because the train car was too full to navigate in time.

    The Mall was also packed.  From what we saw the protesters were peaceful, but vulgar and crude.  I have a minor with me, and it was not cool.

    From what we saw there were standard Democrat attendees.  Generations of women – grandmothers, daughters, and granddaughters were common.  Members of the LGBTQ community were here.  The people we spoke to were mostly normal people who vote D. I did not encounter paid protesters.  I’m estimating 15% of the attendees were Millenial men or gray ponytail crowd.  And, the hotels are filled with attendees (with their crude shirts and signs), so it’s not all local people.

    • #42
  13. Jules PA Inactive
    Jules PA

    Mark Stewart (View Comment):
    but vulgar and crude.

    I thought they wanted our culture to be less vulgar?

    I have to say I was disheartened to see a photo of black boy, about age 7, with a handwritten poster that said F-Trump.

    No way the kid wrote the poster, but who lets their child hold that sign?

    • #43
  14. Kozak Member

    Jules PA (View Comment):

    Mark Stewart (View Comment):
    but vulgar and crude.

    I thought they wanted our culture to be less vulgar?

    I have to say I was disheartened to see a photo of black boy, about age 7, with a handwritten poster that said F-Trump.

    No way the kid wrote the poster, but who lets their child hold that sign?


    They all took to their fainting couches when Trump said “P###y” in a private conversation 10 years ago. Then stick “P###y” hats on little kids.

    • #44
  15. Jules PA Inactive
    Jules PA

    Kozak (View Comment):

    Jules PA (View Comment):

    Mark Stewart (View Comment):
    but vulgar and crude.

    I thought they wanted our culture to be less vulgar?

    I have to say I was disheartened to see a photo of black boy, about age 7, with a handwritten poster that said F-Trump.

    No way the kid wrote the poster, but who lets their child hold that sign?


    They all took to their fainting couches when Trump said “P###y” in a private conversation 10 years ago. Then stick “P###y” hats on little kids.

    You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught.

    • #45
  16. I Walton Member
    I Walton

    President Trump appeared to be a progressive, like most of the very wealthy elite, but a populist progressive, a demagogue of the left, which was scary because that is where fascism came from.  That is why I feared him and thought he posed a threat to conservatism.  However, most of his appointments are conservative so clearly his populism doesn’t mean what we thought it meant.  The majority of these demonstrators merely absorbed by osmosis, the hate, confusion, ignorance of the entertainment elite and their products.     Progressives project what they’d do if they had power, so they’re easy to understand.   The faster we can replace all of them with alternative media, alternative studios, alternative schools, alternative professors the better because they’ll be back.  They never go away, they never change and they never learn, but young people and folks too engaged in real life, absorb the poison by osmosis.

    • #46
  17. Jules PA Inactive
    Jules PA

    Speaking of Trump’s “catty” comment, did he use the F-word in that conversation?

    I don’t recall that was part of it, but I saw something the other day that implied he did.

    edit: looked it up, appears to be true.

    I guess the grab em part was a more media friendly meme than than the other part.

    Alas, it’s all coarse and vulgar. Let’s move on.

    • #47
  18. Songwriter Inactive

    DrewInWisconsin (View Comment):

    What I’m seeing now is a completely unhinged daily meltdown over the tiniest of imagined infractions against their worldview. It seemed peculiar to me that every leftist I know used the word “dark” to describe Trump’s inauguration speech, until I noticed that every media outlet used the word as well. Every mention of America or patriotism was, to the left, a clear indication that American Naziism has arrived.

    I am far less worried about what Trump will do (and I do harbor a few worries) than I am about what some crazed leftist armed with explosives or caches of weapons, and encouraged by a hysterical media, will do.

    I don’t know how to get them to calm down. I don’t know if it’s possible. It’s going to take some influential, sober-minded, clear-thinking leftists to take their minions under control. Do any exist?

    Then again – what can they do? It’s not like they can mount an armed rebellion. (They would have to own guns and know how to use them.) I suspect they will continue to throw their childish temper tantrums.  And after awhile, when the grown-ups continue to ignore them, maybe (just maybe, they will wake up to the realization that their whining is not doing them any good and is, in fact, hurting them.

    Who am I kidding?  Leftists never learn.

    • #48
  19. EDISONPARKS Member

    I get more than a few facebook posts extolling the recent Trump inauguration protests and the women’s march and I want to comment something to the effect: ….you knuckleheads are preaching to yourselves….most people looking at these protests sincerely feel as if you are behaving like dooshy effing losers….how in God’s name does this help your side…you are only helping Trump and the Republicans by allowing the squishy middle(that decides elections) to see you Lefties are a strange and nasty bunch  lacking any redeeming moral values.

    Here is a novel idea, start raising money for Democrat congressional candidates in contested districts and wait for Trump and the Republicans to enact laws you oppose, and have your Democrat candidates run in opposition to the laws you oppose.   That is how you effect change in a democratic republic, not putting on some sort of R rated freak show.

    But I seldom make political comments on facebook, and why would I want to stop  these Lefty dopes from committing ritual political suicide.

    • #49
  20. Steve C. Member
    Steve C.

    Eeyore (View Comment):
    My Eeyore senses are tingling a bit here. The marches were extraordinarily well attended across the nation.

    I read after the election that the renowned Clinton ground game was a bit of a Potemkin ground game. Lots of offices, but in many there was no information on who needed to be targeted and others having no campaign materials available.

    I suspect that at least some few thousands of those people who marched nationwide Saturday actually have some political savvy. And they are unlikely to repeat the blithe, overconfident sloppiness of the last GOTV. Although the Dems face a difficult 2018 Senate environment, conservatives and other Republicans have no laurels on which to rest, even for a moment. And with the media committed to Trump’s (at least political) demise, the headwinds are already blowing for 2018.

    I agree, mostly. It is easier to organize folks to be agin, harder to unite them fur. Is this some sort of national primal scream? I hate to adopt Trump’s hokey cliché, but if there is a lot of winning, this might be the apex instead of the beginning.

    • #50
  21. Jules PA Inactive
    Jules PA

    Steve C. (View Comment):
    I hate to adopt Trump’s hokey cliché, but if there is a lot of winning, this might be the apex instead of the beginning.

    Will Trump’s desire to repair America be stronger than his desire for a second term?

    If he is willing to go full bore repair  mode, and buck the established order, he might not get a second term.

    of course if he goes full bore repair and thing work out, he might get a second term to boot!

    Will he risk it?

    • #51
  22. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    TempTime (View Comment):
    Not the first time I’ve posted the following in the last week, but it is important enough to repeat:

    Do your friends realize that by their presence they will, in effect, be advocating and supporting the following groups who are Partners of the Women’s March:

    American Atheists
    American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU

    Communist Party USA
    Occupy Wall Street
    Muslim Community Network
    United Progressives of New Hampshire (UPNH)
    National Abortion Federation
    Southern Poverty Law Center
    Trayvon Martin Foundation
    Secular Coalition for America

    Are the missions of these organizations included in conversations about the march?

    … I wonder, Do they know? Do they care? Or is it part of their intent? Sad either way; because they may be friends with you but they are not friends to this country.

    Where did this list come from? I saw a nice fellow yesterday with a BLM sweatshirt on – it had the communist fist logo on it – I thought what would people think if I wore a sweat shirt that said White Lives Matter? I wish I had on that said All Lives Matter – if anyone is divisive and not unifying, it’s most of the groups mentioned above.

    • #52
  23. Kim K. Inactive
    Kim K.

    I have relatives who marched in Denver. They posted a picture of themselves with a sign that said, among other things, Planned Parenthood Saves Lives.

    You can’t reason with that.

    • #53
  24. Larry3435 Inactive

    Judithann Campbell (View Comment):
    One of the few cogent moments on Bill Maher’s show last night came when he was speaking to Jane Fonda about the women’s march. He pointed out to her that Trump won white women. She admitted that she didn’t understand how that happened. She is taking part in the march today; it goes without saying that the irony was totally lost on both of them.

    You actually watch Bill Maher’s show?  Masochist!

    Last night I went out to see Jay Mohr live.  I was cringing a little bit, expecting a lot of anti-Trump material.  I was wrong.  Jay isn’t really a political comedian, but he had one thing to say about the political climate, which I paraphrase:  “You protesters saying ‘He’s not my President’ – yeah, he is.  Get over it.  He’s the President of the whole country, and if he’s not your President then get out of the country.”  Excellent.

    It’s not that I object to comedy that targets my side of the political spectrum.  I appreciate humor.  I even used to watch Jon Stewart.  He was always wrong, but often funny.  However, the anti-Trump “comedy” of today is not funny at all.  Colbert and his ilk have audiences who are so partisan and so dense that all he has to do is say “Trump” and sneer, and the audience explodes into laughter and applause.  That’s not comedy.

    • #54
  25. Richard Easton Coolidge
    Richard Easton

    Kim K. (View Comment):
    I have relatives who marched in Denver. They posted a picture of themselves with a sign that said, among other things, Planned Parenthood Saves Lives.

    You can’t reason with that.

    Hey, they save lives by doing no mammograms.

    A Leftist might argue that PP avoids women getting killed by having to furtively get abortions in an unsafe environment.  However, I don’t think PP is the safest place for the woman, much less for the fetus.  According to the Left, men can become women by thinking they are.  They’ve been doing similar gymnastics for decades to pretend the foetus isn’t human.

    • #55
  26. JustmeinAZ Member

    I didn’t venture out yesterday but apparently there was a demonstration in my little city which is a retirement community. There was a picture in the paper of one gray haired lady with a sign that said “Uh oh, now you’ve pissed off Granny!”. So what does she think this will do? Beats me. What part of “duly elected” do they not get?

    • #56
  27. Robert McReynolds Member
    Robert McReynolds

    DrewInWisconsin (View Comment):

    Jennykins: Many of them seem to believe that we’re only days away from the forced childbearing of “The Handmaid’s Tale”.

    Once I get my time machine perfected, I plan to go back and prevent Margaret Atwood from ever writing that horrible book. I consider it to be responsible for a ridiculously high amount of fearmongering on the left.

    Why stop there? Just go back and prevent Marx and Engles from writing their monstrosity as well.

    • #57
  28. Steve C. Member
    Steve C.

    Jules PA (View Comment):

    Steve C. (View Comment):
    I hate to adopt Trump’s hokey cliché, but if there is a lot of winning, this might be the apex instead of the beginning.

    Will Trump’s desire to repair America be stronger than his desire for a second term?

    If he is willing to go full bore repair mode, and buck the established order, he might not get a second term.

    of course if he goes full bore repair and thing work out, he might get a second term to boot!

    Will he risk it?

    I think he’s a one termer. I can see him pulling a Seinfeld and leaving his audience wanting more.

    “I’ve done what I set out to do. I’m passing the baton to the greatest VP in history, Mike Pence.”

    • #58
  29. Matt Bartle Member
    Matt Bartle

    Al Sparks (View Comment):
    I’m not too worried about this.

    Thanks for that link.

    • #59
  30. Adriana Harris Inactive
    Adriana Harris

    These women are acting like the hysterical stero-types of the 40s. They are freaking out about imagined threats and complete lies. It’s nauseating to see rich, sucessful, celebrity women in free democratic western countries railing against Trump. Women in these countries have never had it so good and yet they are furious with their lots in life. Send them to Sauadi Arabia, Sudan or Swenden for that matter. Sweden has the third highest level of rape on the planet courtesy of their govenment opening the flood gates to young muslim men. The women at these marches can choose to be traditonal wives and mothers, professional women, or some combination of the two. They can choose birth control so they can have meaningless sex without repercussions. Well, that’s not good enough. They want someone else to pay for that birth control and if it fails, they want someone else to pay for the abortion. Ladies, either you’re strong, independent women who can pay your own way or you’re children throwing tantrums in the street.

    • #60
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