Breaking: Bobby Jindal Has Dropped Out


Just now, live on “Fox News Special Report” with Bret Baier, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has announced that he is dropping out of the GOP presidential race.

He has placed a full announcement on his Facebook page:

I cannot tell you what an honor it has been to run for President of the United States of America. My parents came to this country 45 years ago searching for freedom and a chance.

When I was born, we lived in student housing at LSU, and never in their wildest dreams did they think their son would have the opportunity to serve as Governor of Louisiana or to run for President.

They raised me to believe Americans can do anything, and they were right, we can. But this is not my time, so I am suspending my campaign for President.

Going forward, I believe we have to be the party of growth and we can never stop being the party that believes in opportunity. We cannot settle for The Left’s view of envy and division. We have to be the party that says everyone in this country — no matter the circumstances of their birth or who their parents are — can succeed in America.

One of the things I will do is go back to work at the think tank I started a few years ago — where I will be outlining a blueprint for making this the American century.

We must show the way forward on growing our economy and winning the war against terror, and especially defeating radical Islam.

I realize that our country is off on the wrong track right now. Everyone knows that, but don’t forget, this is still the greatest country in the history of the world — and every single one of us should start every day by thanking God that we are fortunate enough to be US citizens.

Now is the time for all those Americans who still believe in freedom and American exceptionalism to stand up and defend it. The idea of America — the idea that my parents came here for almost a half a century ago — that idea is slipping away from us. Freedom is under assault from both outside our borders and from within. We must act now, we do not have a moment to spare.

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  1. Quinn the Eskimo Member
    Quinn the Eskimo

    Z in MT:

    Quinn the Eskimo:

    BrentB67:Remind us again how this is the strongest field ever with Gov’s Perry, Waker, and Jindal home on the couch and John Kasich raving like a lunatic on the main stage.

    If Kasich is polling higher than Perry, Walker and Jindal, that says more about the people being polled than the candidates.

    Who do you want to go down next? That is who I’ll start picking in the Ricochet poll.

    I figure that if Kasich goes, those votes go to Jeb!  Think about your favorite, then pick the candidate with the following closest to his.  Try to get it the votes to congeal towards your person.

    • #31
  2. Son of Spengler Member
    Son of Spengler

    Tommy De Seno:Bobby hunted down an MIA Syrian refugee today.

    We should elect him President just for that.

    It’s all here in this story. The man has dependable conservative philosophy, strong policy chops, and knows how to get things done. He also knows how to shape his own media narrative. If only he could get traction with voters.

    • #32
  3. Lucy Pevensie Inactive
    Lucy Pevensie

    Son of Spengler:

    Tommy De Seno:Bobby hunted down an MIA Syrian refugee today.

    We should elect him President just for that.

    It’s all here in this story. The man has dependable conservative philosophy, strong policy chops, and knows how to get things done. He also knows how to shape his own media narrative. If only he could get traction with voters.

    Yes, and he’s brilliant.


    I was always afraid that my support for him was a pipe dream, but I am still deeply saddened.

    • #33
  4. Misthiocracy Member

    It’s a bummer, but it’s not like his campaign had a lot of juice to it.

    I don’t think I’ve seen a single press conference from the guy.

    • #34
  5. Misthiocracy Member

    Son of Spengler:Jindal was my favorite too. Too bad the debate criteria were not based on Ricochet polls.

    Jindal had the support of the one per cent!


    I’m so witty.

    • #35
  6. E. Kent Golding Moderator
    E. Kent Golding

    Rejecting  Walker,  Perry and Jindal in favor of Trump and Carson.   Why did I get offended when someone called the GOP the Stupid Party?

    • #36
  7. Kermit Hoffpauir Inactive
    Kermit Hoffpauir

    Quake Voter:Never gained any rapport with national GOP voters, and seems to have lost faith of LA GOP voters as well. Wasn’t the 2009 SOTU response, which wasn’t nearly as disastrous as Clinton’s 1988 keynote. Lacks that “certain something” that gives politicians compelling media appeal, which is not reducible to looks (present POTUS looks like an older Urkel), height or accent but involves such superficialities.

    Good news: could be outstanding HHS secretary. Dismantling federal role in health care is a pipe dream. But reconstructing it with market approaches, some real and some pseudo, is possible.

    That will take intelligence and policy guts, both of which Gov. Jindal has in superabundance.

    We may lose the governor’s mansion to a Dem because of Bobby.  it’s been the most tone deaf, Enron accounting budgeting and worse 3 years (the last 3) in my lifetime here.  He really cannot balance a budget.

    • #37
  8. Kermit Hoffpauir Inactive
    Kermit Hoffpauir

    Son of Spengler:

    Tommy De Seno:Bobby hunted down an MIA Syrian refugee today.

    We should elect him President just for that.

    It’s all here in this story. The man has dependable conservative philosophy, strong policy chops, and knows how to get things done. He also knows how to shape his own media narrative. If only he could get traction with voters.

    As a conservative GOP voter in Louisiana, I call [REDACTED] to your assessment of getting things done.  He cannot balance a budget without Enron accounting.

    • #38
  9. Percival Thatcher

    Nuts. The ones that are gone already wheeler the ones I liked.

    • #39
  10. The Question Inactive
    The Question

    I never wrote down a list of my favorites, but if you’d asked me in the summer who I liked best, I’d have said Cruz, Walker, Rubio, Perry, and Jindal, in no particular order, so this is disheartening.  At least Cruz seems to be doing better than expected.

    • #40
  11. Umbra Fractus Inactive
    Umbra Fractus




    Three smart, accomplished, conservative, electable governors.

    And The Base ™ threw them away because they were too enthralled by a carnival barker to pay attention.

    • #41
  12. ToryWarWriter Coolidge

    How quickly do we forget.

    Walker was not discarded by the base.  He made a series of bad decisions that ate away at his base till there was nothing left.

    The same arguments could be made for the other two.  The base did not cause these three to leave as they did.  They played there hands badly and were knocked out of the process.  They managed to do that quite on there own.

    • #42
  13. Ball Diamond Ball Member
    Ball Diamond Ball


    • #43
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