Saturday Morning Diversion: Right Wing Clichés


HowToGoBeyondStockPhotoClichesIf you perused our Ricochet House Style guide, you may have noticed this item:

  • Terminate all clichés with extreme prejudice. The previous sentence, for example, should be terminated. “Social justice warrior” and other right-wing clichés should be replaced. TK: LIST OF RIGHT-WING CLICHÉS ALWAYS TO BE REPLACED

TK is a traditional editorial place-marker for “missing information to come,” by the way. It’s short for the intentional misspelling of “to come.” (Tokum, get it?) The origin of the symbol is shrouded in lore, but when pressed, editors will say that TK never comes up in everyday English, so it stands out; TC might be confused with Table of Contents; and besides, that’s just how we’ve always done it.

That section will probably forever be TK. I put it there because I’d been mentally compiling a list of soul-numbing right-wing clichés that make me itch to whip out the red pen. Yes, yes, I know: Left-wing clichés are worse. But we can only control our own clichés.

And we should, for as Comrade Stalin reminds us,

Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles, manifestoes, White Papers and the speeches of undersecretaries do, of course, vary from party to party, but they are all alike in that one almost never finds in them a fresh, vivid, homemade turn of speech. When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases — bestial atrocities, iron heel, bloodstained tyranny, free peoples of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder — one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy: a feeling which suddenly becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them. And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church. And this reduced state of consciousness, if not indispensable, is at any rate favorable to political conformity.

What clichés do you think we ought to put on that list, if ever we get around to it? I suggested “social justice warrior,” as you saw. Whenever someone uses that one, I want to throw him under a bus.

— Squealing brakes! Shriek! Whooooosh, SPLAT! …  10-4. Area of Social Justice Park, 8th Avenue, 17th Street; stand-by for the other units. Attempt to serve. 10-4,  I’ll come up 19th Street onto 8th. 11-41 Ambulance needed, I repeat, 11 41 —

As I do anyone who uses the phrase “throwing someone under a bus” to mean anything but throwing someone under a bus.

— 10-53 road blocked at Social  Junction, BOLO Ricochet Copy Editor … Whoa, gonna need a mop out here. Officer Justice, are those … are those … are those Human Social Warrior entrails? I mean, in the tailpipe? —

There are a million yet-unwritten ways to express conservative ideas, ways that might be inventive enough to grab someone’s attention. But every time we use a drab, overused phrase that’s lost its power to change minds, shock, compel a new thought, or even properly to give insult, a fairy dies; a terrorist wins; Orwell’s dust spins below a weathering headstone streaked with lichen, mingling companionably with the dust of Asquith under a rolled lawn of repose at the north end of the Village Green.

He is strewn, from time to time, with a few wilted red carnations.


Published in Culture, General
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There are 186 comments.

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  1. Fake John Galt Coolidge
    Fake John Galt

    My town still has an elected dog catcher.

    • #181
  2. The Reticulator Member
    The Reticulator

    Fake John Galt:My town still has an elected dog catcher.

    The next question is whether Jeb, his donors, and his consultants have the political skills to get him elected to that office.

    Here’s an item that may or may not be a cliche, but needs to be removed from Republican discourse:  smoking gun.

    It’s sort of like a snipe hunt.  George Stephanopolous and the rest of the MSM tell the Republicans that they need to find a smoking gun if they expect to bring Hillary or any of the other Democrats to justice.  And off the Republicans go on a futile chase for a smoking gun, by which they mean something that will make the MSM go after the current Democrat criminal like it went after Nixon.  But there is no such thing that will make that happen.  But Republicans keep looking for it, perhaps because it is so much easier than improving their work ethic and making the case as to why certain behaviors are not compatible with good government.

    • #182
  3. Cat III Member
    Cat III

    In the spirit of fairness, I’ll put it out there that “Trumpkin” and “Trumpalo” be phased out. They can still be used, but only on special occasion, like your mother’s fine China.

    • #183
  4. Mike LaRoche Inactive
    Mike LaRoche

    Obamabot, however, should remain.

    • #184
  5. Cat III Member
    Cat III

    Mike LaRoche:Obamabot, however, should remain.

    Even people on the left use that one to connote a person devoted to Obama the man, with no regard for his policies or actions.

    • #185
  6. Paul DeRocco Member
    Paul DeRocco

    Good thing this thread wasn’t about liberal cliches, or this would have been comment number 1881.

    • #186
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