What now?


Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan felt that democracy was good for changing leadership quickly and easily, and was a good system of government to use.  Until you got the correct people in power.  Then democracy was no longer helpful.  He compared democracy to riding public transportation:  “Democracy is like a tram.  You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off.

But hey, it’s just Turkey, right?  That could never happen here in America, right?  Right.  Histrionic Republicans have long accused American Democrats as being no different from wanna-be tyrants around the world.  But more sober analysts remind us that America is protected by our tradition of democracy.  Tyrannical control of government is for lesser countries.  That couldn’t happen here.  Right?  Right.  Of course.

Would Democrats stifle dissent via public humiliation, expulsion from the public square, forced “re-education”, firing those who think independently, and various other types of cancel culture?  Well, yes, they would.  And they have.  Just ask a conservative college professor or corporate executive.

Would Democrats allow their supporters to break laws with impunity so long as they support Democrats?  Well, yes, they would.  And they have.  Just ask Antifa or Black Lives Matter.

Would Democrats use law enforcement, the military, and the courts to punish protestors who dissent from Democrat party orthodoxy?  Well, yes, they would.  And they have.  Just ask the January 6 protestors or anyone who stages a counter-protest at a Democrat demonstration.

Would Democrats use the Department of Justice to indict and potentially imprison the leading Republican candidate for president, while protecting the current Democrat president?  Well, yes, they would.  And they have.  On the very same day that an FBI whistleblower revealed that President Biden and his son Hunter were each paid $5 million by a Ukrainian oil company while he was Vice-President, President Trump was indicted on multiple counts of something that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have also done but have never been prosecuted for.  The very same day.  What a coincidence.

Would Democrats cheat in a Presidential election?  Well, yes, they would.  And they have.  And left-wing media have written fawning stories about their heroic efforts “to save the election”.  Democrats have cheated in elections before – just ask Richard Nixon.  But they were sneaky about it.  They no longer feel the need to conceal what they’re trying to do.  Their newfound openness is a sign of their complete control of, well, of everything.

They’ve arrived at their destination.  And they have stepped off the tram.

So here we are.  What now?

For decades, Democrats have managed to get their supporters to accept loss of wealth and liberty by using climate change and racism.  “We know this is difficult, but we’re just trying to do the right thing, here.

I don’t see why such diversions are needed any longer.

Democrats can now be much more direct, as with their new approach to controlling elections.

I wonder what that new approach will look like?

I’m sure it will be very different than what tyranny looks like in other, less democratic nations.  Obviously.  We’re above the violence, corruption, and cult of personality that have destroyed lesser societies.  Right?  Right.

This is America.  That couldn’t happen here.

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There are 12 comments.

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  1. EODmom Coolidge

    Ok – I’ll  go first. It always ends in violence. And here we were talking about our preacher (sincerely) praying for those in the administration to see their errors and change their way and my inability to get there and do that. 

    • #1
  2. Percival Thatcher

    Dr. Bastiat: Would Democrats cheat in a Presidential election?  Well, yes, they would.  And they have.  And left-wing media have written fawning stories about their heroic efforts “to save the election”.  Democrats have cheated in elections before – just ask Richard Nixon.  But they were sneaky about it.  They no longer feel the need to conceal what they’re trying to do.  Their newfound openness is a sign of their complete control of, well, of everything.

    The Democrats don’t need to be sneaky anymore. They can rely on the lickspittle media to suppress inconvenient facts with blather about “unexplained aerial phenomena.”

    • #2
  3. Chuck Coolidge

    EODmom (View Comment):

    Ok – I’ll go first. It always ends in violence. And here we were talking about our preacher (sincerely) praying for those in the administration to see their errors and change their way and my inability to get there and do that.

    Well, you know, sometimes the answer is “No”.

    There was a song written in 1675 which started out with these words: “Whate’er my God ordains is right, Holy His will abideth.” Doesn’t mean I have to understand it all: And it doesn’t necessarily mean I like it.

    • #3
  4. Fritz Coolidge

    IIRC, lefty author Sinclair Lewis wrote a novel called  It Can’t Happen Here that was a send up of fascism, and portrayed an America sliding into a Nazi-style regime. Good premise, but he got the wrong side that aims to impose its will.

    The American right is mostly about “leave me the hell alone” while the dominant left is all about “‘2 + 2 = 5.’ Say the words!!”

    • #4
  5. DJ EJ Member
    DJ EJ

    “The definition of morality is that which advances the revolution.” (~ attributed to Karl Marx, but Trotsky wrote a tract based on this premise, and any number of Marxists have demonstrated this principle by their actions, so take your pick)

    The above statement is the lens through which I view the Democratic Party. It’s how they can claim the mantle of feminism, #metoo, and believe all women in one breath and destroy women’s private spaces and demand that men be allowed to compete in women’s sports in the next. And as your post points out, rioting and looting are noble when BLM and AntiFa destroy communities for three months straight – because it helped their return to power in 2020.

    I’ve since added another phrase through which to view the Democratic Party: “Rule or ruin”. Thomas Sowell used it to describe Karl Marx’s own approach to any institution or organization he encountered. If the Democrats aren’t in charge of it, they do everything they can to destroy it until it’s ruined or they’ve taken it over. 

    • #5
  6. Old Bathos Member
    Old Bathos

    If TV shows and movies increase the use of neo-Nazi/white supremacist bad guys, if the FBI continues to “break up” right-wing terror cells whose membership is 70-80% FBI agents and informers and Americans are brainwashed into thinking there really is a substantive threat out there (other than the one actually running the country) we will have arrived at the takeover endpoint.  Freedom of speech, assembly etc must then give way to national security.  The more resistance, the more the discovery/manufacture of the threat will increase.

    • #6
  7. Ekosj Member

    DJ EJ (View Comment):

    “The definition of morality is that which advances the revolution.” (~ attributed to Karl Marx, but Trotsky wrote a tract based on this premise, and any number of Marxists have demonstrated this principle by their actions, so take your pick)

    The above statement is the lens through which I view the Democratic Party. It’s how they can claim the mantle of feminism, #metoo, and believe all women in one breath and destroy women’s private spaces and demand that men be allowed to compete in women’s sports in the next. And as your post points out, rioting and looting are noble when BLM and AntiFa destroy communities for three months straight – because it helped their return to power in 2020.

    I’ve since added another phrase through which to view the Democratic Party: “Rule or ruin”. Thomas Sowell used it to describe Karl Marx’s own approach to any institution or organization he encountered. If the Democrats aren’t in charge of it, they do everything they can to destroy it until it’s ruined or they’ve taken it over.

    It’s not just morality, it’s truth itself.    They’ve adopted the Jamesian pragmatic definition for that which is true …

    any idea that will carry us prosperously from any one part of our experience to any other part, linking things satisfactorily, working securely, simplifying, saving labor; is true

    So any set of beliefs that can land you in jail, cause you to lose your job or expel you from the public square are false.      

    • #7
  8. DJ EJ Member
    DJ EJ

    Ekosj (View Comment):

    DJ EJ (View Comment):

    “The definition of morality is that which advances the revolution.”

    It’s not just morality, it’s truth itself. They’ve adopted the Jamesian pragmatic definition for that which is true …

    any idea that will carry us prosperously from any one part of our experience to any other part, linking things satisfactorily, working securely, simplifying, saving labor; is true

    So any set of beliefs that can land you in jail, cause you to lose your job or expel you from the public square are false.

    I see your point, and ultimately when morality is contingent and situational, it ceases to be morality and becomes merely pragmatism based on what is advantageous in the moment. “The ends justify the means” is likely the most simple way to say it. I continue to use the Marx/Trotsky formulation because it was spoken/written by influential leftists and I can use it against leftists in conversations.

    • #8
  9. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Percival (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat: Would Democrats cheat in a Presidential election? Well, yes, they would. And they have. And left-wing media have written fawning stories about their heroic efforts “to save the election”. Democrats have cheated in elections before – just ask Richard Nixon. But they were sneaky about it. They no longer feel the need to conceal what they’re trying to do. Their newfound openness is a sign of their complete control of, well, of everything.

    The Democrats don’t need to be sneaky anymore. They can rely on the lickspittle media to suppress inconvenient facts with blather about “unexplained aerial phenomena.”

    Keep in mind their is Tucker and the alternative media. People care more about what Joe Rogan thinks than the entirety of what CNN ‘reports.’

    • #9
  10. Percival Thatcher

    Henry Castaigne (View Comment):

    Percival (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat: Would Democrats cheat in a Presidential election? Well, yes, they would. And they have. And left-wing media have written fawning stories about their heroic efforts “to save the election”. Democrats have cheated in elections before – just ask Richard Nixon. But they were sneaky about it. They no longer feel the need to conceal what they’re trying to do. Their newfound openness is a sign of their complete control of, well, of everything.

    The Democrats don’t need to be sneaky anymore. They can rely on the lickspittle media to suppress inconvenient facts with blather about “unexplained aerial phenomena.”

    Keep in mind their is Tucker and the alternative media. People care more about what Joe Rogan thinks than the entirety of what CNN ‘reports.’

    ‘Stop Shoving This Down Our Throats!’: Joe Rogan Slams Target Over ‘Trans’ Swimwear

    • #10
  11. David Carroll Thatcher
    David Carroll

    Well expressed.  And sadly so true.

    • #11
  12. Henry Castaigne Member
    Henry Castaigne

    Percival (View Comment):

    Dr. Bastiat: Would Democrats cheat in a Presidential election? Well, yes, they would. And they have. And left-wing media have written fawning stories about their heroic efforts “to save the election”. Democrats have cheated in elections before – just ask Richard Nixon. But they were sneaky about it. They no longer feel the need to conceal what they’re trying to do. Their newfound openness is a sign of their complete control of, well, of everything.

    The Democrats don’t need to be sneaky anymore. They can rely on the lickspittle media to suppress inconvenient facts with blather about “unexplained aerial phenomena.”

    Keep in mind their is Tucker and the alternative media. People care more about what Joe Rogan thinks than the entirety of what CNN ‘reports.’

    • #12
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