A Fascinating Retrospective


I’ve been interested in comments made by various public health officials reflecting total amnesia about events during Covid. The canard, actively promoted by the officials and known to be fictitious, that the vaccines prevented transmission, was a dagger in the heart of an already fragile social cohesion.  And now these officials are pretending to be mystified by the suggestion that they had anything to do with lockdowns, mandates, contact tracing, school closures, etc.

The people at Grabien have compiled a helpful retrospective to keep actual events and media perspectives from being memory-holed. Worth watching.


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  1. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    My prediction is that YouTube will eventually take this down

    • #1
  2. Keith Lowery Coolidge
    Keith Lowery

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    My prediction is that YouTube will eventually take this down

    I made a copy. ;)

    • #2
  3. David C. Broussard Coolidge
    David C. Broussard

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    My prediction is that YouTube will eventually take this down

    They already have a warning on it. At least when I watched it. 

    What ticks me off (on both sides) is how opinions on the vaccine flipped after Biden was elected. In the VP debate Kamala said she wouldn’t take a vaccine that Trump said was safe. Later, she is promoting that same vaccine as safe once she is VP. 

    But honestly by the time the vaccines had arrived, trust was blown, and that’s the real problem. There is an old adage that trust is filled by the dropper and emptied by the bucket and our institutions have been dumping buckets for years and rarely doing anything to rebuild trust. I know people who still think that China has had 5,200 deaths from Covid-19! That China did a better job of dealing with Covid than we did.

    The worst part, for me, is that I am an overweight diabetic which makes me at a higher risk for complications that could kill me. How much more risk?  Who knows. How deadly was Covid-19? At first it looked like it was an 8-10% CFR which is really scary. Then again, we had people in NYC and elsewhere who were excoriating Trump for wanting to slow down travel from China (it was likely too late even then) saying it was racist and xenophobic), who a month later were blaming Trump for Covid-19. How can younger good information to make a good choice when health news has become politicized?  You can’t. If the health care people had been more open to saying that this is a novel virus and as we learn things our recommendations will change ge so we are telling you our best ideas now and when we learn more we will course correct it likely would have gone better. Then we wouldn’t have had the people constantly berating people for not doing “a” and then a month later berating them for doing “a”.

    I got my shots as soon as I could, and I’ve gotten my boosters as well, though I haven’t gotten one over six months because, why bother anymore. I’ve still had Covid-19, twice and while it wasn’t fun, it wasn’t bad either. Woukd it have been just as easy without the vaccine?  Who knows. I could have died, or it could have been the same or even less severe. No one knows for certain. When I talked to my doctor friends and my PCP, they were frank and honest. Our good doctor friend and her husband would go out to eat and the movies because she knew how to evaluate the risks while the rest of us were fed whatever drove clicks and views on the news sites. 

    • #3
  4. David Foster Member
    David Foster

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    My prediction is that YouTube will eventually take this down

    They might well.  Videos can be shared on Twitter, and I’m confident that Musk intends to make his system into a serious competitor with YouTube, along with a lot else.

    • #4
  5. tigerlily Member

    Thanks for posting this Keith. All of this p*ssed me off at the time, but the argument by the COVID Commies to force everyone to get the non-vaccine vaccine I found most telling is the one made by Jimmy Kimmel in the video. Per Kimmel, only the vaccinated should get medical care at a hospital even if they (an unvaccinated person) are experiencing a life-threatening emergency. He was far from the only one to make that case at the time and he and all the others that were making that argument were/are supporters of socialized medicine who regularly make the claim that “healthcare is a human right”. We saw during COVID how paper-thin their belief in that proposition is and that should be remembered whenever progressives and the Dems make their next push for socialized medicine, as if such a system were ever to put in place those who suffer from wrong-think will be left to fend for themselves when push comes to shove.

    • #5
  6. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    I had managed to forget how vehement and ugly those people were. It was frightening. What actions will they try to take the next time we have a national emergency?

    • #6
  7. 9thDistrictNeighbor Member

    Alex Berenson shared the video as well.  He called it “The Worst Four Minutes You’ll Have Today.”

    There’s an old union organizing song called Which Side are You On?  It was written by the wife of a United Mine Workers organizer in 1931 and has been recorded or used many times since then.  I think Covid definition of fascinating or frightening depends on which side you were on.

     Which side were you on?

    • #7
  8. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Some might see this as bad news, but I view the following  as good news:

    On account of  the lockdowns inside the very states where governors and local officials were most adamant about limiting our movements, masking us up and signing us up to be endlessly vaxxed, many people had a lot of time on their hands.

    They spent that time researching health issues. This included not just the new mRNA COVID vaxxes, but vaccine programs as a whole.

    So right now, 35% of the American population has become dubious about vaccines.

    Jonas Salk stated that it was important to reserve a vaccine program for a serious problematic or deadly affliction. (Polio and smallpox both come to mind.)

    But neither of these required 100% compliance to bring about their eradication or semi-eradication. In fact at the  time when smallpox was proclaimed to be a bygone disease, only 10% of the world’s population had been vaxxed against it.

    Knowing our infants receive as many as 19 vaccines before age one  is troublesome. Each new generation of children has more afflictions and problems relating to health – including mental health – than the preceding generations.

    Additionally, research has gone on  in looking into drug remedies also. Dr Lee Merritt was taken aback when Fauci so adamantly discouraged the use of HCQ plus zinc – despite the fact that before this discouragement, it had been used against COVID in at least a dozen hospitals in the USA with spectacular success.

    Merritt discovered by reading journal papers from around the world that in addition to resolving COVID cases, arthritis cases and lupus, HCQ  was used to remedy certain types of cancer.

    Cancer therapies like radiation and chemo are an 80 billion dollar a year program. So it remains very likely that “our established health experts” will continue to keep HCQ away from people who could use it.

    My household obtained some HCQ early  on, right after my first bout with COVID concluded. (Very mild experience.)  Since I didn’t get a second COVID infection, I decided to try the HCQ on a nasty sinus headache and infection.

    The product cleared my head, my sinuses and brightened my mood. My spouse used it for arthritis pain and that was diminished as well. (He too noticed a brightening of his mood.)

    We ordered a second batch but when it came, it was a different color. It had a much less bitter taste to it. And it did not perform nearly as well.

    I have to wonder if the product has been deliberately altered so that it will no longer act the way the original product did. The altered product can be used for clinical trials to prove that Fauci was right and Trump was wrong about HCQ.



    • #8
  9. David C. Broussard Coolidge
    David C. Broussard

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Knowing our infants receive as many as 19 vaccines before age one is troublesome. Each new generation of children has more afflictions and problems relating to health – including mental health – than the preceding generations.

    11 is the recommended number of vaccinations by type by 12.months. Most take multiple shots to achieve,  but also many are combined. Each has a use and a need. DTaP as an example is Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus. Each is serious and can be fatal if not treated. Yes, today we can treat with antibiotics or serum, but each time we do that we also are making them more resistant to antibiotics. We’ve grown up in a golden age of medicine where we believe that antibiotics will cure anything, but few remember what it was like prior to their wide use, a scant 100 years ago. Where stepping on a rusty nail could be a death sentence. Those are rarely seen now, because everyone gets that series of shots (2, 4, 6, and 15 months). MMR (given at 12 months and 4 years) is another shots that has wiped out what used to be a common set of diseases. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases we know of with an R number of 14. It also can lead to blindness and swelling of the brain, not to mention the high fever. Mumps, the second M can lead to deafness and sterility. Rubella is similar with the greatest danger to pregnant women, but encephalitis is one complication. 

    Varicella (Chickenpox) is relatively new, and I wish I’d had access to it then I wouldn’t have gotten my entire 3rd grade class sick right as summer vacation started, and wouldn’t worry about Shingles (though I took that vaccine now so I don’t worry anymore).

    Vaccines against pneumonia and HepA and HepB are now recommended as well as Rotavirus and Flu. 

    Is it “too many”, I don’t think so. But we live in a time when we expect our kids to grow up to adulthood (worldwide only 4.5% of children do not survive to puberty. Prior to the 20th Century, that was 50%. We pretty much cannot comprehend such things. It always fascinated me that the Roman’s often named their kids Primis, Secundus, Tertius, Quartus, Qintus, Sextus…that many cultures didn’t name their children until they were a year old because 1 in four didn’t make it as late as the 19th Century. 

    • #9
  10. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    I just noticed the statistics this article uncovered about San Francisco’s slide into the toilet had a lot to do with the COVID protocols undertaken by the governor & SF’s mayor and city council.

    Really serious numbers of employees let go during the pandemic. From companies that right before COVID had been at the top of the world:

    The first few paragraphs spell out the whole sorry tale.


    • #10
  11. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    David C. Broussard (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Knowing our infants receive as many as 19 vaccines before age one is troublesome. Each new generation of children has more afflictions and problems SNIP

    11 is the recommended number of vaccinations by type by 12.months. Most take multiple shots to achieve, but also many are combined. SNIP

    Vaccines against pneumonia and HepA and HepB are now recommended as well as SNIP

    Is it “too many”, I don’t think so. SNIP

    Hep B is slammed into an infant’s body on day one.

    The infant has not even been allowed  to live one day without the toxins from a vaccine polluting his or her blood.

    Initially the hep b vaccine  was going to be included in the vax schedule for 12 year olds.

    But as always, the people that oversee the agencies promoting vaccines realized that due to it being so dangerous, and due to how parents of a murdered or badly injured 12 yr old would have photo albums, school report cards & videos of the kid playing sports or taking the lead in a school play – well, that fact would definitely increase the likelihood of the vax coming under attack.

    But a day old infant is a perfect candidate for a risky shot. Why? Because the infant is an unknown. If after getting jabbed, the baby screams all the time from migraine headaches which  this vax can cause, well, the hospital can just say “Sorry mom and dad. Possible genetic mishap.”

    Same response by doctors to the parents  if the infant is paralyzed, ends up with MS, or Crohn’s, or chronic bowel inflammation, or asthma, or ADHD, and so on.

    After his own daughter died as an infant from the hep b vaccine, Wall Street statistician Michael Belkin ran the numbers on the hep b vaccine.

    The risk to benefit was all risk, scant benefit.

    First of all newborns are not known for being promiscuous sexually or sharing needles, which are the usual methods by which an individual gets hep. Plus there was already a way to treat a baby born to a mom with hep through vigilant screening. That didn’t bring in enough profit for pharma.

    In terms of fatalities, more infants die after experiencing the hep b vaccine than die from hep.

    We laugh at primitive people for sacrificing children to the goddess of the harvest. Yet we’re sacrificing our babies to a distorted idea that vaxxing up infants under the age of 2 does them a world of good.(It doesn’t.)

    Japanese researchers obtained CDC data on US babes & kids and studied the data carefully. They realized most babies have  immunity to illnesses from immune factors passed on by their moms. And that US babies and kids were all suffering from the practice of having shots so early.

    So they put in place a mandate that it was necessary to wait to age 2 before  any vaxxes are given.

    • #11
  12. David C. Broussard Coolidge
    David C. Broussard

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Japanese researchers obtained CDC data on US babes & kids and studied the data carefully. They realized most babies have  immunity to illnesses from immune factors passed on by their moms. And that US babies and kids were all suffering from the practice of having shots so early.

    So they put in place a mandate that it was necessary to wait to age 2 before  any vaxxes are given.


    Seems to contradict that claim. It shows Japanses vaccine schedule for children to be similar to the US’ schedule. 

    As to the more infants die of the vaccine than from HepB, according to this study after 80M+ vaccinations since 1991, the number of infants who diedwithin 28 days of receiving the vaccine was 18, and it’s debatable if an were because of the vaccine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10591306/

    That being said, your claim is passable only because HepB is a disease that debilitated and kills slowly via liver damage or liver cancer. Since HepB is on the rise in the US, especially in locations with high levels of opioid abuse, and since there isn’t a cure, it makes sense to give the vaccine. As with all of these, informed consent is the key, and you should be ae to opt out of one’s you disagree with (with exceptions for those attending school). But vaccine hesitancy is becoming a serious problem with the recurrence of Mumps and Measels in clusters of social groups that refuse vaccines. Normally I’d have no problem with refusing vaccines, but the cost is to not be allowed into schools or common places. One of the more recent cases of measles was from Six Flags over Texas when an international visitor with Measels infected a church group of kids whose Mothers had all chosen to forgo the vaccine because they home schooled. 

    As I said earlier, if we want to go back to a time when half of our kids didn’t survive to 12 then let’s abuse antibiotics and forego safe and easy ways to prevent diseases. I’d rather not. 

    • #12
  13. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    David C. Broussard (View Comment):
    As I said earlier, if we want to go back to a time when half of our kids didn’t survive to 12 then let’s abuse antibiotics and forego safe and easy ways to prevent diseases. I’d rather not.


    • #13
  14. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    David C. Broussard (View Comment):

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Japanese researchers obtained CDC data on US babes & kids and studied the data carefully. They realized most babies have immunity to illnesses from immune factors passed on by their moms. And that US babies and kids were all suffering from the practice of having shots so early.

    So they put in place a mandate that it was necessary to wait to age 2 before any vaxxes are given.


    Seems to contradict that claim. It shows Japanses vaccine schedule for children to be similar to the US’ schedule.


    As I said earlier, if we want to go back to a time when half of our kids didn’t survive to 12 then let’s abuse antibiotics and forego safe and easy ways to prevent diseases. I’d rather not.

    I believed exactly as you did until the late 1990’s.


    The brain washing is extensive. But for the many US agencies in cahoots with pharma to get their precious royalties, and for the agency officials to keep their jobs, pharma requires its “double agents” like Fauci to keep up with the brain washing.

    I believed as you did even though being injured by the 1976 swine flu vax. (Luckily being in my 20’s  with a mom who understood how to develop PT exercises for me to regain mobility in my arm, I recovered.)

    Without the ubiquitous brainwashing, that an childhood disease is a fearsome loathsome thing to experience, & that it is always better to vax up rather than rely on one’s natural immunity, far fewer people would have run out and gotten the COV vaccine. (Childhood infections actually bolster the immune system and research in the 1980’s showed getting the flu helps the body wipe out cancer cells.)

    The endless propaganda by industry was the foundation for this reaction of “Gotta have that COV vax.”

    Japan probably did reverse its policy, as industry almost always wins. That does not change the findings of the top notch Japanese researchers.

    Studies exist showing how children who are not vaxxed are healthier than the vaxed. (If living in a Western society & not deprived of clean water, healthy & adequate nourishment &  decent living quarters etc.)

    Study One:


    Study Two:


    If you happen to know a family of three to five kids, & the younger ones have not been vaxxed up, ask the parents why they chose that route given that they were willing to go along with the injection program for the older kids. (Hint: the answer will not be because they have become too lazy to make the “Healthy child” clinic appointments.)

    • #14
  15. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Dr Tess Lawrie of the UK posted this:

    Keep in mind, we now know the COV vaxxes did not prevent the injected people from being COVID-infected, or from transmitting the disease.

    The hospitals filled up with COV patients who had been vaxxed – even though that was the final, supposedly saving grace statement: “If you get vaxxed, you won’t get a serious form of COVID.”

    • #15
  16. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    I like you Carol, but, I am sorry, here you are way into tin-foil-hat-land. 

    It pains me that the covid vax was so mishandled that it has given folks like you ammunition on the greatest public health triumph since clean drinking water. No vaccinations leads up back to the iron lung. 

    If these vaccines are so useless, what exactly happened to all those childhood diseases that killed children and don’t any longer? What happened to smallpox, once the great scourge of civilization? Yes, sometimes there are side effects. But the alternatives are far, far worse, as history shows us. With all medical treatment there are trade offs. You seem to demand, like the liberal you used to be, that the have to be no trade offs in this one area. That is not how it goes. 

    You are simply wrong, and this is as nuts as going on and on about “Chemtrails”. 

    Yes, the covid vax was rushed and we were lied too about all sorts of things. That does not make vaccinations for childhood diseases retroactively bad. The idea there is a multigenerational coverup of data that has stayed hidden defies belief.


    • #16
  17. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    I like you Carol, but, I am sorry, here you are way into tin-foil-hat-land.

    It pains me that the covid vax was so mishandled that it has given folks like you ammunition on the greatest public health triumph since clean drinking water. No vaccinations leads up back to the iron lung.

    If these vaccines are so useless, what exactly happened to all those childhood diseases that killed children and don’t any longer? What happened to smallpox, once the great scourge of civilization? Yes, sometimes there are side effects. But the alternatives are far, far worse, as history shows us. With all medical treatment there are trade offs. You seem to demand, like the liberal you used to be, that the have to be no trade offs in this one area. That is not how it goes.

    You are simply wrong, and this is as nuts as going on and on about “Chemtrails”.

    Yes, the covid vax was rushed and we were lied too about all sorts of things. That does not make vaccinations for childhood diseases retroactively bad. The idea there is a multigenerational coverup of data that has stayed hidden defies belief.


    Please actually click the links to read about how unvaxxed kids are healthier when compared to the vaxxed up kids.

    The idea that any baby needs 11 to 19 vaccines before their first birthday is preposterous.

    After all, how many vaxxes did you get  before age one, Bryan?

    When you were a child, how often did your parents say, “Gee I hope Bryan doesn’t die of diphtheria this year like all those kids in our community did last summer.” (If you remember some big diphtheria epidemic in the 1950’s, pls clue me in.)

    I don’t remember my mom being nervous about my getting diphtheria in the 1950’s. (Even though I was certainly not vaxxed for it.)
    Why no worry about diphtheria? Just like a lot of other pernicious infections,  once the automobile came about, horses were no longer pooping all over city streets, attracting large numbers of flies and other insects.

    Additionally people in the 50’s in most places had indoor plumbing, plenty of hot water and purified drinking water and decent nutrition. Good hygiene played a part as well.

    The pharma industry is never going to admit that this was the reason for so much improvement in people’s health during te 50’s and on through the mid-80’s.

    Then when the 1986 Vax Indemnity Act was passed, the health of people, especially infants and kids went into the toilet. For us adults, cases of early onset Alzheimers have risen in direct proportion to the numbers of people getting annual flu shots each year.


    • #17
  18. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    I’m not going to click on your links. Carol anymore than I pay any attention to the latest UFO nonsense somebody tells me to read.

    Vaccination stands as one of the three pillars of modern public health. Before the advent of vaccinations, children died of childhood diseases. My mother had relatives who caught polio and were paralyzed.


    You are advocating a return to iron lungs. You are advocating children dying of measles. You are advocating a return to smallpox.

    It is foolish to be against childhood vaccinations. It is pseudoscience. It is garbage and I’m not going to go read your pseudoscientific nonsense. It isn’t going to change my mind. My children have been vaccinated against childhood diseases and are fine with their health. Most children vaccinated are fine with their health. The vast majority are fine with their health.

    You are talking nonsense loony been. You might as well be arguing that the Earth is flat and that the moon landings were faked. That is how insane what you’re preaching is.


    • #18
  19. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Bryan G. Stephens (View Comment):

    I’m not going to click on your links. Carol anymore than I pay any attention to the latest UFO nonsense somebody tells me to read.

    Vaccination stands as one of the three pillars of modern public health. Before the advent of vaccinations, children died of childhood diseases. My mother had relatives who caught polio and were paralyzed.


    You are advocating a return to iron lungs. You are advocating children dying of measles. You are advocating a return to smallpox.

    It is foolish to be against childhood vaccinations. It is pseudoscience. It is garbage and I’m not going to go read your pseudoscientific nonsense. It isn’t going to change my mind. My children have been vaccinated against childhood diseases and are fine with their health. Most children vaccinated are fine with their health. The vast majority are fine with their health.

    You are talking nonsense loony been. You might as well be arguing that the Earth is flat and that the moon landings were faked. That is how insane what you’re preaching is.


    I once felt that way too. After all, the same persistent hype that “this is thus and so, science says”   and “safe and effective”  – those same tropes that brought about the mass formation hypnosis which led to the  public willing to insist that non-vaxxers be fired from jobs and even be imprisoned  were exactly how the public was convinced of submitting to a few more vaxxes for children each year.

    Why would anyone use a product on their child for which the industry producing it has zero liability?

    So now we are at the staggering number of vaxxes – 71 – before kids are out of HS.

    Once a person does a full scale investigation into the sloppy slipshod science behind th vaccines, includding for instance that the last 200,000 plus cases of polio across Pacific Rim nations arose from the vaccines itself, then a wakeup call becomes unavoidable.

    (It is easy to determine if polio arose from a wild virus or from the vaccine material viral particles.)

    Gardasil was brought about to prevent cervical cancer. Now it is being given to boys? It was so badly designed and brought to market so quickly that one of the original scientists working on it has denounced it. Sure it rids a body of a genital wart in 2 years – but so does Mother Nature. (Usually)

    • #19
  20. Bryan G. Stephens Thatcher
    Bryan G. Stephens

    I don’t feel the call of gnosticism. Sorry.


    • #20
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