Apple Inc Changes Its NYSE Company Symbol To “CCP”


Apple hasn’t actually changed its publicly trading symbol, but it should. Mrs. Rodin and I were cruising an area Mall in the free state of Tennessee today that includes an Apple Store amongst its offerings. I made the mistake of thinking it would be interesting to see what’s going on with Apple retail these days. I have had Apple products for four decades now and was around for the creation of their retail experience, which was really good, and seen it deteriorate over the past two decades. Now I understand that “deteriorate” can be a subjective standard; Apple would say that they have introduced a more “efficient” customer experience. That is “efficient” as in check-in, get in the queue, wait around without anything to browse over if you didn’t pre-arrange your “visit” online, and don’t let the door hit you on your tucus on the way out after we have collected your payment. Oh, and any complaint about how this isn’t a quality customer experience is met with defensiveness at best, and security at worst.

So, I should have known better. But it’s been a really really long time, and my memory is getting a bit iffier in my seventh decade of life, and so I thought it might be time to see the shiny polished Apple again to check things out. Well, it didn’t go well.

Turns out that Apple has decided “out of an abundance of caution” to insist that everyone, vaccinated or not, be masked in their store. Apparently, this is not at every frick’n store, but only where COVID and the Delta variant have been on the rise (as determined by the CDC metrics). Given that Apple retail stores aren’t just everywhere like McDonald’s on every freeway exit on the fruited plain, I am not sure which of their stores are exempt; certainly not the one I visited today.

I use the term “visited” a bit liberally. I “approached” the store and spied everyone wearing masks and four masked security officers at the doorway. Apple is serious: no one should attempt to cross their threshold unmasked. That was bad enough, but I was accompanied by Mrs. Rodin. Now I doubt if anyone reading this post has met Mrs. Rodin personally, but take it from me nothing gets her dander up more than anyone trying to control, condescend, or dictate to her. And if it involves stupidity or injustice, “dander up” is a bit of an understatement. The unending conversation in our household is “why” such and such and so and so would think or do such and such or so and so. Mrs. Rodin is extremely rational in her thinking and emotional in response to the irrational.

And so it was, that as soon as I saw the masked security enforcing masking customers I knew I had made a mistake. Mrs. Rodin just had to find out what was going on! And when she realized that it wasn’t about interdicting shoplifting or felonious activities but ensuring conformity, she went to DefCon 4. She thought it was really rich that Apple Inc which lives securely and profitably in America was requiring people to don masks for the privilege of possibly buying some Apple product likely made with Chinese slave labor somewhere in the supply chain. “Oh, but it’s a private business” is not an argument that cuts it with Mrs. Rodin. Apple is so cozy with the Chinese Communist Party that it is hard to credit them with any moral ground to dictate and condescend to the people who (initially) made them rich. Yes, Apple’s marketplace is now China, and so Beijing should be where they are headquartered and not Silicon Valley. That goes for Google, Nike, the NBA, and all the other “woke” corporations who want our money, but only if we behave.

Hmm, this sounds familiar: Do what we want you to do, when we want you to do it, don’t criticize your treatment, actually talk about how good it is that you are being told how to behave, and you will be granted more privileges to go places and do things. Conform and your social credit rises; resist and your social credit falls. Keep your head down and your mouth shut (unless we ask you to say the acceptable words) and everything will be fine.

That this is America in 2021 at the Apple store is intolerable. The security officers weakly pointed at signs at the other stores that encouraged mask-wearing, but those stores had no security guarding their doors. We had toured several stores without our masks and took no offense at the staff and some other customers wearing theirs. Their body, their choice (except for the store employees). Mrs. Rodin and I chose to be vaccinated to reduce our “friction” in the evolving society even though our attitude toward the pandemic was that countermeasures were futile and it was something we needed to go through, just like the Spanish Flu of 1918. If the vaccines make our inevitable infection less severe, great. If the vaccines make our future life miserable, at least it will be short for us.

But there is one non-negotiable condition: we must be free. We did what you said would make us free. So now we are free — full stop. And Apple will get an earful anytime they pretend otherwise.

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There are 13 comments.

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  1. DonG (2+2=5. Say it!) Coolidge
    DonG (2+2=5. Say it!)

    I thought the “NYSE” was going to use “CCP”.   But, they’ll need to fight the DNC that claims possessor’s rights.

    • #1
  2. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    I suspect that more and more corporations are going to resemble the CCP more than corporations of the past. For now, I’ll pick and choose with whom I’ll do business–for as long as I can.

    • #2
  3. Hoyacon Member

    So will you boycott Apple going forward, he said typing on his Mac?

    • #3
  4. Rodin Member

    Hoyacon (View Comment):

    So will you boycott Apple going forward, he said typing on his Mac?

    As much as possible, he said responding on his Mac.

    • #4
  5. Susan Quinn Contributor
    Susan Quinn

    I don’t own any Apple products.😊

    • #5
  6. Barfly Member

    I hate this. I’ve preferred Macs since OS X’s first version. I have more iPods than I can find, they’re handy mobile hard drives. This machine is a Mac Mini, one of three. OS X is the best desktop-level unix ever. It embarrasses me, that I ever preferred System V over BSD. (I collect unix-based operating systems. It’s a hobby. Shut up.)

    What am I going to do. Sooner or later I know I’ll have to move everything to some decent Linux. No, not Ubuntu. 

    • #6
  7. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Love your take on the Apple store situation.

    But rather confused about your ending statement: “But there is one non-negotiable condition: we must be free. We did what you said would make us free. So now we are free — full stop.”

    The people in charge of this COVID hoax have moved the goal posts every turn that the narrative’s plot changed over the last 17 months. That goal post moving is a feature, not a glitch and it is a feature they will continue with.

    If you think the Powers Who Have Arranged This Deception actually meant for us to be free, you have missed various indications we won’t be free.

    For instance, listen to Bill Gates early Spring 2020 to mid May 2020 CBS and BBC interviews, in which he lays out how the lockdowns must continue until early 2023.  After all,  according to Gates, before we can dispense with the New Normal, every human on the planet needs  to be removed from every other human until all 7 billion plus people have been vaccinated. (His words, not mine.)

    Of course, by Trump’s insistence of PROJECT WARP SPEED, which forced the rollout of COV vaccines to occur much earlier – by at least six months – Trump upset the apple cart on  Gates’ time table.

    Meanwhile various COV vax critics like major vaccinologist  VanderBossche of Holland insisted the antibody dependent enhancement early researchers of corona virus mRNA vaxxes had realized when all the ferrets died would be a phenomena the public could expect as more and more people got vaxxed and then came in contact with the ubiquitous corona viruses always present on the planet we live on. So in places like Israel and Iceland, authorities cannot follow the US health authorities and employ The Big Lie about who is falling apart from coming down with COVID or variants – there is simply too great a portion of their societies who are vaccinated to prop up any type of  false narrative. This summer’s uptick in COV cases and variants seems to be fulfilling Vander Bossche’s prophetic statements.

    Also there was that telling moment when Gates’ mouth emitted words before his brain could censor them: “Now during this first pandemic…”  So he gave it away – more pandemics are to follow.

    End Of Part One

    • #7
  8. CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill Coolidge
    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill

    Part Two:

    Also, and this is key: if the COVID narrative was truly in existence because health officials had concern for our health, and were indeed planning to give us back our freedoms once we had fully complied, then the remedies used in developing nations would be released. HCQ is already available in the USA for rheumatoid arthritis patients and lupus patients. Congress wrote legislation several years ago to allow a remedy to be re-assigned to utilization for a different infectious disease. Yet Fauci allowed for the fraudulent and duplicitous “clinical study” of HCQ as a remedy for COVID, demanding the study employ a dosing factor of 4 to six times what was an actual safe use. Then people in the study died – all so we in the public would be denied this remedy.

    Meanwhile all anyone has to do is look to nations where HCQ protocols were used to combat COVID and realize the discrepancy between those nations’ fatality rates and ours to understand the efficacy of HCQ. Japan, whose doctors prescribed HCQ protocols,  had 2/125ths the fatalities we had up until Nov 7th 2020. There the dead numbered at approximately 1,900 people in a nation of 126 million. Then the fatality rate doubled, but our fatality rate was sky rocketing at an  even greater exponential pace. So by Jan 2021, Japan had 4400 dead, but the 2/125ths ratio still held.

    Ivermectin is another godsend of a remedy and all anyone needs to do to realize its efficacy and safety is to look at how developing nations had health officials encouraging its use, with some nations that used HCQ and/or Ivermectin having few deaths where it was allowed. (In fact, in the Indian state of Tamal, officials are currently  suing the WHO woman representative who influenced Tamali officials to prohibit Ivermectin’s use. One of the key pieces of evidence against this murderous WHO official is the incredible difference in the fatality rate in Tamal, where deaths were numerous, as compared to Indian states here Ivermectin was used.)

    • #8
  9. Rodin Member

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Love your take on the Apple store situation.

    But rather confused about your ending statement: “But there is one non-negotiable condition: we must be free. We did what you said would make us free. So now we are free — full stop.”

    The people in charge of this COVID hoax have moved the goal posts every turn that the narrative’s plot changed over the last 17 months. That goal post moving is a feature, not a glitch and it is a feature they will continue with.

    If you think the Powers Who Have Arranged This Deception actually meant for us to be free, you have missed various indications we won’t be free.

    I declare myself free. I chose to cooperate but only to a point. And now I withdraw my consent to be governed and controlled in this manner. It will not be a perfect resistance, but resistance it will be. 

    • #9
  10. kedavis Coolidge

    Barfly (View Comment):

    I hate this. I’ve preferred Macs since OS X’s first version. I have more iPods than I can find, they’re handy mobile hard drives. This machine is a Mac Mini, one of three. OS X is the best desktop-level unix ever. It embarrasses me, that I ever preferred System V over BSD. (I collect unix-based operating systems. It’s a hobby. Shut up.)

    What am I going to do. Sooner or later I know I’ll have to move everything to some decent Linux. No, not Ubuntu.

    Not that there aren’t several versions of BSD, he said softly…

    • #10
  11. Charlotte Member

    Barfly (View Comment):
    (I collect unix-based operating systems. It’s a hobby. Shut up.)


    • #11
  12. GlennAmurgis Coolidge

    NIKE should do this as well

    • #12
  13. Front Seat Cat Member
    Front Seat Cat

    CarolJoy, Not So Easy To Kill (View Comment):

    Part Two:

    Also, and this is key: if the COVID narrative was truly in existence because health officials had concern for our health, and were indeed planning to give us back our freedoms once we had fully complied, then the remedies used in developing nations would be released. HCQ is already available in the USA for rheumatoid arthritis patients and lupus patients. Congress wrote legislation several years ago to allow a remedy to be re-assigned to utilization for a different infectious disease. Yet Fauci allowed for the fraudulent and duplicitous “clinical study” of HCQ as a remedy for COVID, demanding the study employ a dosing factor of 4 to six times what was an actual safe use. Then people in the study died – all so we in the public would be denied this remedy.

    Meanwhile all anyone has to do is look to nations where HCQ protocols were used to combat COVID and realize the discrepancy between those nations’ fatality rates and ours to understand the efficacy of HCQ. Japan, whose doctors prescribed HCQ protocols, had 2/125ths the fatalities we had up until Nov 7th 2020. There the dead numbered at approximately 1,900 people in a nation of 126 million. Then the fatality rate doubled, but our fatality rate was sky rocketing at an even greater exponential pace. So by Jan 2021, Japan had 4400 dead, but the 2/125ths ratio still held.

    Ivermectin is another godsend of a remedy and all anyone needs to do to realize its efficacy and safety is to look at how developing nations had health officials encouraging its use, with some nations that used HCQ and/or Ivermectin having few deaths where it was allowed. (In fact, in the Indian state of Tamal, officials are currently suing the WHO woman representative who influenced Tamali officials to prohibit Ivermectin’s use. One of the key pieces of evidence against this murderous WHO official is the incredible difference in the fatality rate in Tamal, where deaths were numerous, as compared to Indian states here Ivermectin was used.)

    But Carol……how do you really feel?

    • #13
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